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Chapter XXXI
The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
As one rumbles over the wide salt
marshes on the Cape Cod branch of the Old Colony Railway, a mile this side
of the village of Sandwich, he sees on the north, eating into the marsh, a
huge machine, of which two twin smoke-stacks and a network of upright
timbers are the salient features. A channel behind it leads straight out
into Barnstable Bay, and one jumps to the right conclusion that the
mammoth is the dredge of the Cape Cod Ship Canal, and that the channel
behind is the famous ditch itself. Having taken great interest in the
canal enterprise, being too a little curious as to the status of the
present company, the writer stopped at Sandwich, where he had been told
the headquarters of the company were situated, with the hope of learning
something of the history, and condition and prospects of success of the
The history of the project, it is curious to note, goes
back to the days of the Pilgrim Fathers, for they early made use of
Sandwich Harbor Inlet and Monument River and the "carry" between
in their voyages along shore, thus saving the dangerous voyage around the
The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century Ago
cape; and when Isaac de Rasiers, of New Amsterdam,
Governor Minuit’s Secretary, went on his famous embassy to Governor
Bradford at Plymouth, he made use of this same "cut-off" across
Cape Cod. By 1676 the colonists bad begun to talk of cutting a canal
across Sandwich Neck, as is proven by an entry in the diary of Samuel
Sewall, under date of October 26, 1676.
Twenty-one years later, in 1697, the General Court of
Massachusetts appointed a committee to inquire into the practicability of
opening a canal across the neck, and at the outbreak of the Revolution the
project came near being put in execution as a military measure, as appears
by the following extract from a letter written by General Washington to
the Hon. James Bowdoin, of Boston, dated at New York, June 10, 1776:
"I am hopeful that you have applied to General
Wood, and have received all the assistance Mr. Machin could give, in
determining upon the practicability of cutting a canal between Barnstable
and Buzzard’s Bay ere this, as the great demand we have for engineers in
this department (Canada, etc.), has obliged me to order Mr. Machin hither
to assist in that branch of business."
In 1825 the General Government had the isthmus
surveyed, with the view of cutting a canal, but, although the report of
the engineers was favorable, no action
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The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century Ago
was taken. In 1860 Massachusetts again took the
matter in hand, but the breaking out of the war caused the project to be
relinquished. Since then so many surveys have been made, without
resulting in action, that the project has almost fallen into disrepute,
and in fact the only company before the present one that ever began
operations failed after a few months, not without suspicion of
fraudulent practices.
The present Cape Cod Ship Canal Company was
incorporated by special charter under act of the Legislature of
Massachusetts, passed June 26, 1883, and amended by acts passed in 1884
and 1887, allowing until June 26, 1891, for completing the work. The
company is governed by a Board of Directors, of which the Hon. William
A. Clark, of Lynn, is President, and Samuel Fessenden, of Sandwich, is
Treasurer. The remaining directors are Edwin Reed, of Boston, William A.
French, of Boston, Sidney Dillon, Charles C. Dodge, and Thomas Rutter,
of New York. By the terms of its charter the company may locate,
construct, maintain, and operate a ship canal, beginning at some
convenient point in Buzzard’s Bay and running through the town of
Sandwich to some convenient point in Barnstable Bay; and may also lay
out its canal, not exceeding 1,000 feet in width, "on condition
that it shall file the location thereof within four months from the
passage of this act with the County Commissioners of Barnstable County
defining the course, distances, and
The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
boundaries thereof," and on
condition also "that said canal shall be commenced within four
months, and be completed within four years from the passage of this act,
and if at least $25,000 be not expended in the actual construction
thereof within four months from the passage of this act, this
corporation shall thereupon cease to exist." Section 16 gives the
company power to establish for its sole benefit a toll upon all vessels
or water craft which may use its canal at such rates as the directors
may determine. Section 19 provides that the capital stock of the company
shall not be less than $2,0OO,O00, and may be increased to an amount not
exceeding $5,000,000, and that the company may not begin to construct
said canal or take any land or property therefore until it shall have
deposited $2OO,0O0 with the Treasurer of the commonwealth as security
for the performance of its obligations. By Section 20 it was authorized by
a vote of the majority of its stockholders to issue coupon or registered
bonds to provide means for funding its floating debt, or for the payment
of money borrowed for any lawful purpose, and to pledge in security for
the payment of such bonds a part or all of its real and personal
property and franchise; such bonds might be issued to an amount not
exceeding the total amount of the capital stock actually paid in at the
time; and before such bonds could be issued the Board of Railroad
Commissioners must issue a certificate, a copy of which
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The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
should be printed in each bond, that the total amount
of bonds previously issued did not exceed the amount of capital stock
actually subscribed and paid in. These are the chief provisions of the
The contract with Frederick A. Lockwood, of Boston,
made in 1883 and subsequently amended, calls for a ship canal 200 feet
in width from high-water mark at Agawam Point, on Buzzard’s Bay,
through the town of Sandwich to high-water mark on Barnstable Bay, near
the mouth of Scusset River. "Nature has provided a route for the
canal," said Mr. Thompson, the company’s engineer. "From
Sandwich Harbor it follows the valley of the Scusset River some four
miles to North Sandwich, where it encounters the ‘divide’ between
Barnstable and Buzzard’s Bays. In getting through this into the valley
of the Monument River, a tributary of Buzzard’s Bay, occurs the
heaviest cutting on the line — 59 1/10
feet to the bottom of the canal. When you remember that the hills which
form the backbone of the cape rise all the way from 60 to 180 feet, you
will see that we have a natural valley or depression quite across the
cape. There are several ponds, too, that will facilitate dredging. The
character of the soil presents no impediment. Borings have been made on
every section of the route, and demonstrate that the soil is composed
only of loam sand, gravel, and clay. No boulders even were met with,
except at Monument, and they were small. It
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The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
is estimated that the canal can be
constructed through this material for $7,500,000, and that with the
dredges we shall soon have in operation, it can be completed in eighteen
months. We use the Lockwood dredge, which, from its great power, and its
capacity to raise and automatically deliver at any desired distance
along the banks material from the bed of the canal, goes far towards
solving the problem of time and money needed to complete the great work.
The one now at work cost $125,0O0, and is capable of cutting and
depositing on the bank 11,000 cubic yards per day of twenty-four hours.
it is now actually cutting 7,000 yards daily. Besides this, two more are
in course of construction, each with a capacity three times greater than
the present one. About one mile of the trunk of the canal, you will
remember, has been nearly completed, leaving six miles and a half to be
dredged. The contractors are Frederic A. Lockwood, of Boston, and Smith
& Ripley, of New York, and the price paid is $1,000,000 per mile,
payment to be made in the securities which the company is legally
authorized to issue. The contractor has issued construction debentures
for $3,000,000 which have been endorsed by the officers of the company,
and are secured by the deposit with the Farmers’ Loan and Trust
Company, of New York, as trustee, of the charter, franchises, and
contracts, which cover all the securities, rights, and property of the
Canal Company. These debentures have but two years to
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The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
run, so that the contractor must complete at least
five miles of the canal by July 15, 1889, to meet these obligations. Of
these securities $1,900,000 have been sold, though no effort has been
made to place them on the market — one
million by a New York syndicate, the rest by Boston parties."
"Yours will be the largest canal ever
constructed, will it not?"
"In width and depth probably the largest. The
North Holland Canal is 125 feet wide at the top, 201/2
feet deep, and 31 feet wide at the bottom; the New Amsterdam 191 feet
wide at the top, 87 feet at the bottom, and 23 feet deep; the Suez 190
feet wide at the top, 26 feet deep, 72 feet wide at the bottom. The Cape
Cod will be 200 feet wide at the top, 75 feet wide at the bottom, and 23
feet deep."
"Will there be locks?"
"No! That was the great bugbear of the early
surveyors. The entire southeastern portion of Massachusetts, as you will
see by the map, juts out into the ocean, causing a break in the two
adjoining arms of the tidal wave at the south shore of Nantucket, and
what is called the west chop in Vineyard Sound. In consequence high
water comes three hours and twenty minutes earlier in Buzzard’s Bay
than in Barnstable, and low water four hours and eleven minutes sooner.
So that, periodically, the water in Barnstable Bay is 5.79 feet higher
than that in Buzzard’s Bay, and at
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The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
other times 4.66 feet lower. Early surveyors argued
that locks would be necessary to stop the flow of the current which this
difference of level would create; but the calculations of Mr. Clemens
Herschel and other eminent engineers demonstrate that the maximum flow
of the current will not exceed four miles per hour, only sufficient to
keep the canal free of ice in winter, and causing no hindrance to
navigation. General Foster in May, 1870, said: ‘There seems to be no
question of the practicability of an open passage for a canal at Cape
"It is urged in opposition to the canal, I
think, that it will be frozen up for a third of the year."
"We do not believe that it will be closed to
navigation by ice for a day. Prof. Henry Mitchell determines the
freezing-point of Barnstable Bay water to be 29 degrees, while that of
Buzzard’s Bay is 28.5, and the resultant of the current through the
canal being from Barnstable Bay, the tendency will be to carry a current
of warm and salt water into Buzzard’s Bay, thus preventing the
formation of ice in the bay as well as in the canal. The company’s
experience last winter in excavating for the canal confirmed its belief
that ice would interfere very little with the canal navigation."
"And now I should like to ask on what you base
your hope of a revenue in return for this great outlay."
"It is estimated that 40,000 vessels round Cape
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The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
Cod annually. The Government lookout at
Province-town Light counted in the day time over 21,000 vessels passing
his light in the year ending June 80, 1884. As many more probably go in
the night, but we will say two-thirds — that will make 35,000 in all.
The tonnage of between 3,000 and 4,000 of these taken at the Boston
Custom-house averaged 580 tons each. If 60 per cent. of the above number
go through the canal, we should have a yearly commerce of over
12,000,000 tons. But there is other traffic that this canal must
inevitably attract. The Fall River, Providence, Stonington, and Norwich
lines of Sound steamers must extend their lines to Boston, using this
short passage, or others will. You see by this map of the coast line
from New York to Boston, that the distance from Point Judith to Boston,
by way of Buzzard’s Bay and the canal, is very little more than by the
present railroad route from Fall River and Providence; while over the
intricate and dangerous route through Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds and
around Cape Cod, there is a positive saving in distance of 76 miles, and
as against the ocean route, of 140 miles. Another consideration: the
opening of this canal would create practically an inland water route, so
that fleets of barges laden with grain, coal, etc., could be made up at
New York and towed by tugs to Boston, thus extending practically the
Erie and other canals centering at New York to Boston. The actual cost
of going around the cape 238
The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
is estimated at from 25 to 40 cents per ton (of the
$1.05 average freight rate by water), between New York and Boston. If
one half this should be charged for using the canal, we should have a
toll of not less than 10 cents per ton, or, say, $1,Q00,000 per year.
Traffic from the coal trade alone, we estimate, would support the canal,
and yield a fair return on the investment."
Later I visited the dredge, which I found at work in
the salt marsh a mile out of town. I may describe it briefly as a huge
mass of timbers and machinery sixty feet high, set upon a float, which
is moved forward or sideways as the huge buckets eat away the bank. The
excavating machinery comprises a series of buckets, each of the capacity
of a cubic yard, fixed on an endless chain like the buckets in a grain
elevator, the upper end of the frame on which the chain runs being fixed
to the top of the structure, while the lower reaches the bottom of the
canal. The buckets cut as they descend, and are drawn up full to the
summit of the dredge, where they empty automatically into a large
pocket. A huge fifteen-inch pipe of iron and steel descends from this
pocket, fifty feet to the surface of the canal, and is carried on floats
to a point some distance beyond the bank. Three large pipes from
powerful force-pumps below empty into this pocket, and the huge jets of
water from them dissolve the mud and silt as it falls from the buckets,
and carry
The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
it down through the fifteen-inch pipe, and to the
marshes beyond.
Having heard what could be said in favor Of the canal
by those interested, we journeyed further out on the Cape, and
questioned on the subject a gentleman of the highest intelligence and
probity, and without pecuniary or other interest in the enterprise.
"Do you know," he said, "that if Jim
Fisk had lived, foreign steamers would now be sailing through the Cape
Cod canal? I haven’t the least doubt of it. Fisk became interested in
the enterprise some years before his death, and secured a charter from
Massachusetts, but died before its conditions could be complied with,
and it lapsed. Fisk said he was willing to put $1,000,000 in the scheme,
and he induced Gould and other capitalists among his friends to pledge
the remainder. His idea was a through line of steamers to Boston by way
of the canal, and he had actually contracted for two at the time of his
death, and they are now running as part of the fleet of one of the Sound
lines. Other parties took up the project from time to time, but could
never secure the necessary funds. The present company, judging from the
character of its officers and the work done, is a bona-fide and
not a speculative concern. Indeed, it is so hedged in by restrictions
that it would be difficult for it to be anything else but honest. I
think it will complete the canal. It is understood here that it is
backed by Eng-
The Cape Cod Canal A Quarter-Century
lish as well as by New York capitalists
and it has spent too much money under the charter and had too hard a
fight to get it last winter to yield it up, unless it finds that the
canal cannot be built and operated. As to locks, General Totten and
Professor Baird, who came here to investigate it, told me that the plan
was feasible, but that locks would be required. I think there will be
some trouble with ice in severe winters, and it is probable that larger
breakwaters than the company contemplates would have to be built at the
entrance of the canal. I have heard that a breakwater one mile long, to
cost $4,000,000, would be needed." 241