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  Box Butte County

1890 Farmers

M - O

                            Farmer                        Location

B. M. McBride  Box Bute
Barney McCabe Box Butte
James McCabe Box Butte
S. A. McCandless Nonpareil
M. McCann Hemingford
J. M. McClain Box Butte
J. C. McCarkle Hemingford
Francis McCoy Alliance
S. W. McCutc Box Butte
D. McDaniel Hemingford
George McGinn Alliance
A. B. McIntire Nonpareil
H. F. McIntire Nonpareil
James McIntire Nonpareil
J. K. McIntire Nonpareil
Sarah McIntire Nonpareil
William McIntire Nonpareil
David McIntos Nonpareil
D. C. McIntyre Alliance
W. S. McIntyre Nonpareil
C. A. McKinney Alliance
George C. McKinney Alliance
J. W. McKinnie Alliance
A. H. McLaughlin Marsland
Herb McLaughlin Alliance
Lee McLaughlin Alliance
R. McLeod Hemingford
James NcNeff Nonpareil
J. R. McNicholl Hemingford
H. M. McNicholl Hemingford
John McNulty Alliance
Ezchiel Mabin Hemingford
William Mabin Nonpareil
Sere Madison Alliance
John Mahony Alliance
Martin Mahony Alliance
Maurice Mahony Alliance
J. H. Malley Alliance
J. A. Mallery Alliance
Christ Matz Alliance
Daniel T. Mauk Hemingford
Charles marine Marsland
F. W. Markman Alliance
Albert Marond Box Butte
M. J. Marrion  Box Butte
Frank Martin Berea
John Martin Alliance
James Mason Alliance
Joseph Metejowsky Lawn
Edwin Mattson Box Butte
Olof Matson Box Butte
V. G. Mattson Box Butte
William Matzat Box Butte
L. L. Maxfield Hemingford
James May Nonpareil
August Mayer Box Butte
Charles Mayer Box Buttwe
Christ Mayland Nonpareil
Fried Mayland Nonpareil
John Meints Alliance
Achen Melins Alliance
Albert Meimer Lawn
Joseph Merzena  Lawn
Mrs. J. Mettlen Hemingford
R. F. Mewhirter Hemingford
Edward Meyer Nonpareil
Daniel Meyers Box Butte
Philip Michael Berea
W. OP. Michael Hemingford
H. Michaelsen Nonpareil
John Michaelsen Nonpareil
J. M. Mickey Alliance
F. W. Milek Hemingford
Mrs. margaret Milek Hemingford
A. M. Miller Hemingford
C. B. Miller Alliance
D. T. Miller Nonpareil
Ezra Miller Box Butte
H. B. Miller Nonpareil
Otho A. Miller Hemingford
A. D. Millett Nonpareil
George P. Miner Hemingford
Joseph Mindy Lawn
Ole J. Moe Box Butte
Leo Moelier Hemingford
James Mohing Nonpareil
Oliver C. Mohler Box Butte
Christ H. Mohr Lawn
Gustav Moller Hemingford 
W. T. Moody Hemingford
 R. C. Moore Alliance
John Moran Alliance
A. Morava Marsland
Jacob Morava Marsland
John Moravek Lawn
D. Morgan Hemingford
Lewis Morgan Hemingford
William Morrow Hemingford
 A. T. Mounts Berea
William C. Mounts Hemingford
John Moudry Hemingford
 Fred Muenger Alliance
D. J. Mullineau Alliance
R. M. Mullens Nonpareil
M. S. Mullins Nonpareil
William Mullins Nonpareil
Coot C. Mulloy Alliance
Asa C. Munroe Alliance
Edward Murphy  Burbank
Mary A. Myers Alliance


Fred Magelschneider Hemingford
Adam Nardl Hemingford
M. P. Nason Libby
Sam Naugle Lawn
J. K. Neal Hemingford
Fred Neikont Jr. Lawn
Fred Neikont Sr.  Lawn
John Neikont Lawn
Theilia Neikont Lawn
Nels Nelander Berea
Albert Nelson Hemingford
Christian Nelson Berea
John Nelson Alliance
John L. Nelson Libby
J. P. Nelson Nonpareil
Mary Nerud Alliance
A. Neumen Hemingford
Conrad Newrohr Lawn
Ed Newton Nonpareil
Jay Newton Nonpareil
Charles Nicholas Alliance
J. V. Nichols Hemingford
John Nicken Nonpareil
Fred G. Nies Nonpareil
M. F. Nolan Alliance
R. C. Noleman Alliance
W. W. Norton Alliance
John Novak Marsland
Joseph Novotny Nonpareil
A. H. Nutt Alliance
M. W. Nye Libby
William H. Nye Libby


Eliza O'Brien Nonpareil
M. O'Connor Hemingford
J. H. O'Donnell Nonpareil
P. J. O'Donnel Alliance
W. G. O'Hallaren Nonpareil
John O'Keefe Nonpareil
Clark Olds Hemingford
Andrew Oleson Lawn
Andrew Olson Box butte
Betsy Olson Alliance
Charles Olson Hemingford
George B. Olson Nonpareil
O. B. Olson Alliance
Peters S. Olson Alliance
John O'Mara Box Butte
Patrick O'Mara Box Butte
William O'Mara Box butte
L. A. O'Neil Alliance
Guliik Oss Box Butte
E. J. Overing Hemingford

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