Marriages 1915-1934

Transcribed by: Cynthia E Shay (Payne) Monroe, May 5, 1995


  Surname                    Surname                     Book,Date, #
Gabriel, Clarence V      Campbell, Marie M        E-548 2490-1918
Gadient, Frances G       Abbott, William C        F-630 3155-1922
Gaghagen, Clarence A     Johnson, Dora L          G-113 3263-1923
Gaghagen, Sarah D        Lawrence, Robert C       G-137 3307-1923
Gahler, Maria (Mrs)      Schandorff, Halger       E-101 2044-1915
Gallagher, Robert        Dawson, Emma             F-4 2531-1918
Gallowa, Leah            Heizer, George           G-524 4335-1932
Galloway, Ethel          Clary, Frank C           F-547 3073-1921
Gaivan, Maria            Sanabria,Juan            G-347 4159-1931
Gamon, Albert J          Lotspeich, Irma M        F-59 2585-1918
Ganson, Josephine A      Burr  Jr, George L       F-522 3048-1921
Garcia, Cantina          Guzman, Domingo          H-395 3707-1927
Garcia, Josephina        Coria, Jesus             H-220 3532-1926
Garcia, Perperto         Salinas, Gregaria        H-347 3659-1927
Gardner, Albert 0        McFarland, Ada           H-559 3871-1928
Garett, Mabel M          Weaver, Charles A        H-273 3585-1926
Garett, Robert Ray       Biro,Lura Luella         H-341 3653-1927
Garner, Claudine         Long, Aurist B           F-436 2962-1920
Garner, Russell W        Adlund, Minnie (Mrs)     G-380 4191-1931
Garner, Wilson C         Necklace, Frances M      F-642 3168-1922
Garrett, Arthur          Daugherty, Neliie L      F-515 3041-1921
Garrett, Bertha B        Van Hoosen, Franklin E   F-418 2944-1920
Garrett, Beulah          Parmell, Lester          G-596 4409-1933
Garrett, Beulah F        Carpenter, Fred L        F-311 2837-1920
Garrett, Clara E         Daugherty, James H       F-516 3042-1921
Garrett, Edna May        LaDick, Frank            H-229 3541-1926
Garrett, Veda S          Trentt, Nocolaus A       E-524 2467-1918
Garris, Adelaide         Pace, James B            G-583 4396-1933
Garrison, Dallas A       Hamilton, Bessie E       E-382 2325-1917
Garsia, Julia            Mendoza, Apolonia        F-419 2945-1920
Gartman, Margaret A      Zemanek, Dale W          G-491 4302-1932
Garwood, Ernest          Kirchner, Rosie May      H-161 3473-1925
Gaseling, Christina      Elder, William H         F-5 2532-1918
Gasseling Jr, John B     Thompson, Martha         H-552 3864-1928
Gasseling, Frank A       Hallinrake, Calestia     E-438-2381-1917
Gasseling, Lydia- E-     Kuhn, Anthony M          F-497 3023-192i
Gasseling, Mamie         Hollinrake, Geo          E-329 2272-1916
Gasseling, Minnie        Roes, Wm                 E-242 2185-1916
Gasseling, Rose Mary     Combs, James W           F-294 2820-1920
Gasselling, Caroline F   Roes, Henry J            E-453 2396-1917
Gates, Alvin E           Brozek, Bessie           H-11 3325-1923
Gauld, Guy               Van Buren, Leota         G-629 4442-1933
Gauser, Marvin E         Adams, Reatha L          G-542 4353-1933
Gavin, Margaret Nell     Ewing, Charles D         G-271 4083-1930
Gavin, Robert A          Jones, Gertrude N        G-310 4122-1930
Gay, Alford C            Layton, Ruth H           E-571 2513-1918
Gayhaft, Howard          Taylor, Ethel            F-171 2697-1919
Gearhart, Estella        Johnson, Rosell          E-152 2095-1915
Gebhart, Faye _          Hofmann, Clifford        H-449 3761-1927
Gee, Thomas W            Broderick,Vera Irene     F-586 3112-1921
Gegger, Ruth             Pitcher, Allen H         G-375 4187-1931
Gehrt, Albert N          Davis, Catherine M       E-420 2363-1917
Geiger, Edna E           Miller, Russell C        E-249 2192-1916
Geiser, Gladys L         Pringle, JaL,            H-558 3870-1928
Gentry, Mary Ellen       Johnson,Boyd             G-501 4312-1932
Gentry, Olive            Packer, Floyd            G-515 4326-1932,
George, Jack             Davis, Dorothy           G-426 4237-1932
Gephart, Pearl E         Kelley, Thomas           F-112 2638-1919
Geraldine, Virginia M    Miller, Oscar A          F-524 3050-1921
Gerdes, George C         Spetman, Minnie          H-16 3332-1923
Gerdes, Mary R           Baker, Hazlitt D         E-66 2009-1915
Gerhard, Alexis E        Singer, Magdalena        E-392 2335-1917
Gerling, John            Mason, Cassel (Mrs)      H-526 3838-1928
Germain, Vaughn W        Stafford, Dorothy M      F-245 2771-1920
German, Birdie           Heiman, Fred H           H-252 3564-1925
Getz, Mary               Engle, Joe G             H-4 3318-1923
Gibbens, Harlan          Stuckey, Louise          G-545 4358-1933
Gibbs, Lawrence W        Keppina. Emily L         G-33 3203-1922
Gibson, Fern             Prall, Raymond           F-571 3097-1921
Gibson, Grover L         Ellsworth, Nellie J      F-443 2969-1920
Gibson, Mabel F          Lacky, Wencil C          F-426 2952-1920
Gibson, Rob@ R           Lancaster, Patricia      H-86 3400-1924
Gibson, Wendell W        -Chapman, Leah M         H-370 3682-1927
Giddings, Estella (Mrs)  Johnson, Rosell          E-152 2095-i 915
Gilbert, Anna M          Brown, George A          H-119 3432-1924
Gilbert, Mable           Emmett, Ralph J          F-535 3061-1921
Gilis, Marie             Johnston, George W       F-111 2637-1919
Gill, John G             Harrison, Belle 6 (Mrs)  G-104 3274-1923
Gill, Orin               Moffitt, Frances M       E-292 2235-1916
Gillam, Clyde S          Wagner, Sybil            E-71 2014-1915
Gillen, Rachel E         Kidwell, Or-vill         F-517 3043-1921
Gilleran, Frances        Rust, Clyde R            E-444 2387-1917
Gillespie, John          Duskin, Ethel            G-446 4257-1932
Gillespie, John A        Boyer, Esther E          H-267 3579-1926
Gillespie, Stella        Kelly, William           G-242 4054-1930
Gillette, Robert A       Waid, Madge L            G-591 4404-1933
Gi(lefte, Wendell L      Zaspel, Erma W           H-529 3841-1928
Gilliard, Charlotte      Bock, lrt C              F-146 2672-1919
Gillitte, May A          Franklin, Daniel L       G-389 4200-193i
Gilmon, John             Cooper, Merna            G-521 4332-1932
Ginther, Clyde C         Houser, Anna             E-56 1999-1914
Gionakos, Ulysses        Spiings, Fay             E-278 2221-1916
Gipple, Opal             Moll, Ernest D           H-340 3652-1927
Girard, Francis B        Newberry, Helen E        H-165 3477-1925
Giroud, Alene            -Vogel, Fred J           F-505 3031-1921
Gish, Hattie L           Edwards, Ray 0           H-58 3372-1924
Glasner, Charles H       Paup, Zeta E             F-608 3133-1922
Glass, Arthur R          Doak, Mary Alice         H-576 3886-1929
Glass, Betha             Mabin, Edward E          E-179 2122-1915
Glass, Faye              Houston, Wayne           H-528 3840-1928
Glass, Leona T           Laeger, Alva z           G-53 3223-1922
Glass, Wanda F           Bain, Leonard W          G-356 4168-1931
Glassmeyer, Frank        Duehon, E)izabeth        H-79 3393-1924
Glasspook, Grace F       Faris, Charles G         E-18 1961-1914
Glau, Frank H            Carey, Josie E           G-134 3304 1923
Glaze, Serena M          Ellis, Hershel C         G-287 4099-1930
Glendy, Thomas W         Smith, Cora B            H-536 3848-1928
Glenn, Hanna P           Ballard, Charles E       G-506 4317-1932
Glidden, Warren Chaucy   Smith, Mildred Grace     E-260 2203-1916
Goad, Edwin 8            Anderson, Florence       G-105 3275-1923
Godden, Lillian          Shimek, Matt J           H-53 3367-1924
Godfrey, Thurman A       Bard, Florence G         F-50 2576-1918
Godinez, Nellie          Sisneras, Luis           H-329 3641-1927
Goeres, Susan M          Wright, John F           G-198 4010-1930
Goertier, Dorothea A     Shinn, Benjamin          F-530 3056-1921
Goertier, Gertrude       Willis, Moree E          H-52 3366-1924
Gogert, Harris C         Frohnapfel, Anna         F-204 2730-1919
Goldstedt, Johann        Burgin, Elizabeth C      H-539 3951-1928
Goloidinopoulas, Sam     Gore, Flora (Mrs)        H-168 3480-1925
Gonzalaz, Jesus L        Lopez, Consepcion        F-358 2884-1920
Gonzalez, Antonio        Gonzalez, Guadalupe      E-450 2393-1917
Gonzalez, Guadalupe      Gonzalez, Antonio        E-450 2393-1917
Gonzalez, John           Rosales/Roselez, Eloisa  F-213 2739-1919
Gooch, Marshall E        Pettis, Luella C         G-12 3182-1922
Good Buffalo, Frank      Run Close to Lodge, Anna (Mrs)  H-295 3607-1926
Goodman, Ida             Haas, William            F-474 3000-1921
Goodman, Margaret E      Schuler, Fred G          F-440 2966-1920
Goodman, William D       Compton, Ella            F-596 3122-1922
Goodrich, Edna G         Kerrigan, Jack           H-638 3950-1929
Goodrich, Hile           Ring, Edith              H-610 3822-1928
Goodrich, Julienne       Stower Jr, Fred J        H-503 3815-1928
Goodwin, Fredrick B      Woodson, Almeda          F-184 2710-1919
Goodwin, Hildred         Elliott, Dwight          G-123 3293-1923
Gootsch, Irene (Mrs)     Danford, Frank D         E-20 1963-1914
Gordon, Glenn T          Cass, Leila I            G-319 4131-1931
Gordon, la A             Bauer, Blanche 8         E-468 2411-1917
Gore, Flora (Mrs)        Gololdinopoulas, Sam     H-168 3480-1925
Goshen, Margaret G       Greenwood, James A       F-258 2784-1920
Gott, J Harvey           Benedict, Edna J         G-598 4411-1933
Gould Jr, Joseph A       Eggert, Frances D        F-246 2772-1920
Gould, Irene E           Boyer, James M           F-330 2856-1920
Gowin, James L           Willard, Jennie R        H-416 3728-1927
Grabe, Milly             Bart Jr, Alex            G-416 4227-1931
Grabher, Floyd           Edwards, Hazel           G-372 4184-1931
Grabher, Otho C          Kaiser, Elizabeth        H-209 3521-1926
Grace, Lola M            Robbins, Walter A        F-610 3135-1922
Grafton, Everna          Barnes, Bryan A          H-348 3660-1927
Graham, Bert E           Ryan, Liliian M          E-497 2440-1917
Graham, Clarence A       Hopkins, Dorothy         G-267 4079-1930
Graham, Clyde W          Lloyd, Lea               H-251 3563-1926
Graham, Elbertine        Davis, Vernon            G-433 4244-1932
Graham, Eugene S         Stephens, Elsie M        G-628 4441-1933
Graham, Guy R            Baldwin, Letha M         H-76 3390-1924
Graham, James            Morrison, Ida A (Mrs)    E-243 2186-1916
Graham, John R           Graham, Ruby N (Mrs)     H-137 3449-1925
Graham, John R           Williams, Myrtle E-      H-290 3602-1926
Graham, Ma               Williams, Lee            G-422 4233-1931
Graham, Ruby N (Mrs)     Graham, John R           H-137 3449-1925
Gramig, Bessie M         Willey, LoVd F           H-627 3939-1929
Granakountgas, Odesseas  Mason, Erma              E-384 2327-1917
Granning, A)ice K        Schrader, Leo A          H-34 3348-1923
Grant, George H          Hoffman, Irene           G-182 3994-1929
Grant, Lottie (Mrs)      Morris, Joseph H         F-136 2662-1919
Grant, Ne)lie E          Sutherland, Earl H       E-185 2128-1915
Gray, Charles E          Chambers, Wilma F        H-312 3624-1926
Gray, Hazel              Osborn, Frank P          H-432 3744-1927
Greamba, Florence        Stackham, Elijah         G-284 4096-1930
Grebe, Marian E          Lunn, William A          F-209 2735-1919
Green, Bette (Mrs)       Smith, Otto J            G-385 4196-1931
Green, Claude R          Spracklen, Bertha J      F-237 2763-1919
Green, Elsie M           Metick, C Russell        E-498 2441-1917
Green, Emzy              Welch, Lena              E-469 2412-1917
Green, Francis L         Lines, Mary M            F-349 2875-1920
Green, Hazel             McLaughlin, Theodore     H-632 3944-1929
Green, Helen             Atkins, Bruce            G-414 4225-1931
Green, Lois P            Howe, Arthur P           F-502 3028-1921
Green, Marilia           Hadley, George           F-60 2586-1919
Green, Roy               Taylor, Ruth LaVern      H-182 3494-1925
Green, Thomas A          Best, Mildred            E-8 1951-1914
Greene, Myra May         Duvester, Fred M         H-191 3503-1925
Greenfield, Elsie V      Safford, Charles E       F-613 3138-1922
Greening, Sophia M j     Bruchman, William E      F-459 2985-1921
Greenwood, James A       Goshen, Margaret G       F-258 2784-1920
Gregg, Doris             Curry, Wade B            E-507 2450-1918
Gregg, Foley E           McConnell, Villia Mae    H-555 3867-1928
Gregg, John E            Huss, Lucile E           F-195 2721-1919
Gregory, Belva (Mrs)     Spurlock, Arthur         G-145 3957-1929
Gre(iorv.  Mildred May   Falls, Floyd A           G-574 4387-1933
Grentz, Pauyline         Bauer, Jacob             E-364 2307-1917
Greve, Thelma Jolene     Harris, Fred Abler       E-151 2094-1915
Grey, Carson             Thompson, Stella         E-125 2068-1915
Gribbs, George L Jr      Harris, Margaret E       G-44 3214-1922
Grier, Claudine          Long, Aurist B           F-436 2962-1920
Griffin, Frances (Mrs)   Kimes, Thomas M          E-357 2300-1917
Griffis, Charles A       Schatt, Frances K        H-279 359i-1926
Griffith, Burton         Murphy, Nora I           H-249 3561-1926
Griffith, Effa           McIntosh, George         E-29 1972-1914
Griffith, Effie          Squibb, Kermit           H-444 3756-1927
Grgith, Eva Fern         Squibb, John E           H-299 3611-1926
Griffith, Flora          May, Jake                G-159 397 i -1 929
Griffith, John           Longacre, Lena (Mrs)     H-70 3384-1924
Griffith, John W         Nation, Mae              F-150 2676-1919
Griffith, Lola K         Noe, Willis C            F-546 3072-1921
Griffith, Mae            Hinzpeter, Richard       G-246 4058-1930
Griffith, Martha E       Carpenter, Nathaniel F   E-135 2078-1915
Griffith, Opal M         lroth Frank J            G-278 4090-1930
Griffith, Robert L       Thompson, Leiota         G-31 3201-1922
Griffith, Viola May      McCarty, James E         E-262 2205-1916
Griffith, William E      Lymath, Myrtle E         G-429 4240-1932
Griggs, Caroline E       Thom Jr, Joseph D        F-53 2579-1918
Grimes, Arthur L         Ironmonger, Eleanor      E-323 2266-1916
Grimes, Dessa            Squibbs Jr, Thomas L     F-265 2791-1920
Grimes, Hattie P         Sauerwein, Fred          F-132 2658-1919
Grimes, Mary Leora       Toliver, Clifford E      H-469 3781-1928
Grimes, Roy A            Walker, Beryle B         F-116 2642-1919
Grimm, Carrie (Mrs)      Price, Moses B           H-39 3353-1923
Grip, Kenneth            Dokken, Bertha           G-599 4412-1933
Grisamer, Amanda J       McMann, Robert L         H-2 3316-1923
Grise, Elizabeth A       Farrar, Harry R          G-32 3202-1922
Griswold, Wallace N      Brewer, Mary             F-178 2704-1919
Groat,Martha H (Mrs)     Lee, Benjamin F          G-401 4212-1931
Gross,Josephine          Johnson, William Allison F-632 3157-1922
Gross,Louise             Haney, Harry H           F-222 2748-1919
Gross,Mildred            Janesofsky. Frank        H-409 3721-1927
Grove, James C           Divine, Mildred          E-134 2077-1915
Grove, Philip F          Reddish, Beulah R        F-328 2854-1920
Grove, Robert K          Noack, Nancy L           H-567 3879-1929
Gruenberg, Lillian       Fritchell, Henry E       E-351 2294-1917
Gruhn, Emil              Retke, Elsie             G-309 4121-1930
Guffey, Leona R (Mrs)    Guffey, William A        H-180 3492-1925
Guffey, William A        Guffey, Leona R (Mrs)    H-180 3492-1925
Gunderson, Raymond       Thayer, Maude            E-190 2133-1915
Gurnsey, Harold H        Hart, Mary E             G-47 3217-1922
Gumsey, Horace W         Dumphy, Virgie           F-82 2608-1919
Gusman, Emer             Roberts, Myrtle          H-35 3349-1923
Gustafson, Alfred A      Williams, Rose           F-325 2851-1920
Gustafson, Eimer T       Erickson, Mabel          H-540 3952-1928
Gustin, Luther           Connelly, Olive          E-286 2229-1916
Gutman, Emma C           Hamlin, Bert W           F-126 2652-1919
Guyer, Julia E           Hooper, Melvin P         E-48 1991-1914
Guzman, Domingo          Garcia, Cantina          H-395 3707-1927
Gwinn, Bert E            Reed, Olga M             F-149 2675-1919


This page was last updated April 15, 2016.

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