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  Box Butte County

Box Butte Marriages 1914-1934

" L "

Lacey, Lucile               Burton, Otto W              F-557 3083-1921
Lackard, George D           Coker, Dora N               H-364 3676-1927
Lackey, Hamilton            Horn, Sarah E.              G-128 3298-1923
Lacky, Wencil C             Gibson, Mabel F             F-426 2952-1920
Ladegardm Sophia            White, Clyde L.             F-23 2550-1918
LaDick, Frank               Garrett, Edna May           H-229 3541-1926
Laeger, Alva Z              Glass, Leona T              G-53 3223-1922
Laeger, Ruth C              Rasmussen, Fred             G-357 4169-1931
LaFleur, Hairy              Russell, Ethyl              E-271 2214-1916
Laing, Eugenia C            Hofferber, John D           H-214 3526-1926
Lalor, Frank                Hunt,Dorthea                F-343 2869-1920
Lamb, Carrie V              Nelson, Albert              F-208 2734-1919
Lamb, Grace E               Pisel, Edmund A             F-340 2866-1920
Lamb, Robert C              Dukat, Marie A              H-413 3725-1927
Lamphier, Esther            Quafterman, Walter R        F-143 2669-1919
Lancaster, Patricia         Gibson, Robert R            H-86 3400-1924
Lance, Ella C               Mundt, Albert C             H-109 3422-1924
Lander, Milam E             Taylor, Cynthia M           F-472 2998-1921
Landkamer, Louis L          Dean, Lucretia A            E-459-2402-1917
Landon, Elizabeth           Wills, Ray                  H-498 3810-1928
Lane,Horace C               Strube, Irene M             H-423-3735 1927
Lane,Hurcial V              Woods, Temma                F-131 2657-1919
Lane,Lizzie (Mrs)           Murdock, James B            E-371 2314-1917
Lane,Naomi                  Jones, Ralph R              F-148 2674-1919
Lane,Nell B                 Marquand, Earl              E-128 2071-1915
Lang,Albert E               Calmer, Laura E             F-570 3096-1921
Lang,Anton J                Faltyn, Tillie E            H-619 3931-1929
Lange, Martha               Ahl, Arnold H               G-523 4334-1932
Langford, Lloyd             Mogan, Martha M             E-440 2383-1917
Langson, Rufus K            Rains, Nannie               E-426 2369-1917
Langston, Fay               Price, Dorothy              G-396 4207-1931
Lanning, Irene E            Russell, Francis W          G-191 4003-1929
Lanning, Iris               Houdeyshell, Walter S       G-149 3961-1929
Lans,Kahnas A               Beeson, Elizabeth J         H-30 3344-1923
Lape,Forest A               Atz, Lena May               E-559 2501-1918
Lapham, Ralph               Sheeley, Rose M             F-589 3115-1922
LaRieviere, Irene           Prichard, John J            H-361 3673-1927
Larkins, Charles C          Shawver, Margaret           F-521 3047-1921
Larsen, James L             Posteri, Maria              F-172 2697-1919
Larsen, Myrtle C            Struble, Ralph R            H-390 3702-1927
Larson, Augusta M           Johnson, Ricke G            E-303 2246-1916
Larson, Ever E              Carpenter, Bessie M.        G-36-3206-1922
Larson, Velma               Stoop, Wm D                 E-349 2292-1916
Latherow, Ralph             Blair, Clara B              F-155 2681-1919
Latshau, Freda M            Anderson, Russell D         H-219 3531-1926
Lauer, Myra May (Mrs)       Duvester, Fred M            H-191 3503-1925
Lauerman, John              Svoboda,Anna                E-311 2254-1916
Laughlin, John A            Hayward, Esther C           F-453-2979-1921
Laughlin, Leslie J          Chrisman, Margaret E        F-185 2711-1919
Laughlin, Louis E           Emerick, Faye               H-605 3917-1929
Laughlon, Robert W          Moran, Ida Marie            F-306 2832-1920
Laurence, Grace A           Wessel, Virgil              F-393 2919-1920
LaVoie, Rose                Elliott, Kenneth M          G-170 3982-1929
Law, Lillian                Corl/Curl, Frank D          F-93 2619-1919
Lawler, Ralph B             Hopkins, Sophia M.M.        G-68-3238-1923
Lawrence, Anna L            Fleet, William C            F-220 2746-1919
Lawrence, Arthur D          Becker, Helen               H-380 3692-1927
Lawrence, Elizabeth Agnes   Milham, Albert Nathaniel    E-238 2181-1916
Lawrence, Elsie             Phillips, Steve             H-608 3920-1929
Lawrence, Frank             Montague, Leone             G-540 4351-1933
Lawrence, Glenna M          Houston, Henry M            F-568 3094-1921
Lawrence, Harvey L          Zahner, Karoline Bushi/BuchiF-47 2573-1918
Lawrence, Henry P           Caha, Caroline              G-59 3229-1922
Lawrence, John T            Huishizer, Alta J           H-230 3542-1926
Lawrence, Robert            Gaghagen, Sarah D           G-137 3307-1923
Lawrence, Valentine         Alspough, Jacob W           H-138 3450-1925
Lawson, Mary A              Alisman, Ray A              F-462 2988-1921
Lawver, Alberta R           Young, Oral R               F-44 2570-1918
Lawyer, Charles J           Hininger, Lena D            E-399 2342-1917
Layan, Anne I               Mason, Guy                  E-142 2085-1915
Layne, Sarah                Henderson, John A           E-201 2144-1915
Layton, Ruth H              Gay, Alford C               E-571 2513-1918
Le La Cheur, Gladyce        Hardy, Earl R               G-585 4398-1933
Lea, Ruth Spangler (Mrs)    Ward,Charles A              G-296 4108-1930
Leader, Eva                 Killian, Parker N           G-162 3974-1929
,Leary, Charlotte           Bailey, Cecil H             E-543 2485-1918
Leatherbury, Berths         Tschacher, John F           F-329 2855-1920
Leavitt, Elsie M            Bartos, Frank               E-314 2257-1916
LeBlanc, Anna A             Moffatt, James F            F-500 3026-1921
Leck/LeekMyrtle Moran (Mrs) Bare, Walter M              G-171 3983-1929
Ledgerwood, Helen L         Brady, Clyde E              F-165 2691-1919
Lee, Benjamin F             Groat, Martha H (Mrs)       G-401 4212-1931
Lee, Fenton J               Shannon, Madge H            H-262 3574-1926
Lee, Rowena M               Rice, Wayne W               G-329 4141-1931
Lee, Ruth                   Angelo, Albert              G-241 4053-1930
Lee, Walker                 Smith, Roxanna              E-505 2448-1917
Leek, Leck, Myrtle Moran (Mrs)  Bare, Walter M          G-171 3983-1929
Leeling, Lillian            Cheney, Lloyd               E-390 2333-1917
Leetch, Isabelle            Peck, John M                E-487 2430-1917
Leetch, James T             Townlev, Mildred H          G-225 4037-1930
Leetch, William H           Pipher, Hazel F             F-534 3060-1921
LeFave, George A            Burns, Elsie A              H-566 3878-1928
Leible, Ora L               Teahan,Joseph M             H-54 3368-1924
Leishman, Hazel             Dawson, Jack L              G-150 3962-1929
Leisner, Her-man H          McDaniels, Mabell           H-260 3572-1926
Leistriiz, Charles J        Heir, Gladys M              F-221 2747-1919
Leistriztz, Maiy M          Cooper, Edward H            E-312 2255-1916
Leisy, Arthur E             Loughman, Anna              E-408 2351-1917
Leisy, John G               Kicken, Martha G            E-447-2390-1917
Leith, Anna E (Mrs)         Duncan, George W            E-32 2558B-1918
LeLaCheur, Alta             Pecht, Clarence E           F-293 2819-1920
Lemaster, Walba             Ambrose, Eunice Younkin     G-527 4338-1932
Lembrich, Gus A             Van Boskirk, Winifred       E-489 2432-1917
Lemky, Thurlie              Viers, David S              E-445 2388-1917
Lemmert/Lennert, Dorothy    Evans, Emmerson             G-423 4234-1931
Lench, Hazel C              Smith, Bela W               F-32 2558B-1918
Lennert/Lemmert, Dorothy    Evans, Emmerson             G-423 4234-1931
Lenzen, Earl W              Kinner, Lucetta M           F-388 2914-1920
Leonard, Noah               Prall, Lola                 F-626 3151-1922
LeSage, Armand J            Kneist, Johanna             F-354 2880-1920
Lessen, Mabel L             Best, Hugh N                E-356 2299-1917
Lessolo, Joseph B           Howe, Neva E                F-210 2736-1919
Lester, Myrtle              Draper, Ira S               E-528 2470-1918
Leth, Olline                Christensen, Ole            E-580 2522-1918
Letherburry, Bertha         Church, W Brown             E-461 2404-1917
Levins, Hazel               Druery, Alden H             G-83 3253-1923
Lewis, Cleveland A          Barkley, Luella             F-342 2868-1920
Lewis, Elbertine (Mrs)      Davis, Vernon               G-433 4244-1932
Lewis, Eugene R             Schadwinkle, Edith E (Mrs)  H-488 3800-1928
Lewis, George E             Williams, Rosa (Mrs)        H-385 3697-1927
Lewis, Hattie M             Austin, Elmer L             H-105 3418-1924
Lewis, Howard L             Christee, Ida L             H-142 3454-1925
Lewis, Louise A             DeMoss, Charles W           H-154 3466-1925
Lewis, Lyndell W            Rockev, Alice H             F-282 2808-1920
Lewis, Mariam M             Skinner, Clarence L         E-481 2424-1917
Lewis, Minnie L             Huckett, George 0           H-352 3664-1927
Lewis, Pearl M              Matousek, John M            H-127 3440-1925
Lewis, Velma A              Perrin,A                    F-506 3032-1921
Lewis, Walter R             Horton, MarV                F-411 2937-1920
Lewis, William              Foster, Willie              F-378 2904-1920
Lichty, Royal S             King, Lena M                G-163 3975-1929
Liedabrand, Percy R         Beck, Oak                   E-541 2483-1918
Liedloff, William E         Hawley, Neva M              G-80 3250-1923
Liegh, Rose                 McGown, Jessie M            E-315 2258-1916
Liggett, John W             Eastman, Della              E-216 2159-1916
Lilly, William J            Kistler, Velma (Mrs)        H-266 3578-1926
Lincoln, Florence L         Austin, R Lowell            F-550 3076-1921
Lincoln, Wilma M            Darby, Earl R B             H-65 3379-1924
Linderman, George E         Worthington, Edith          F-219 2745-1919
Linderman, lsal             Marker, John                G-551 4364-1933
Lindquist, Edward W         Woodward, Ailien            F-614 3139-1922
Lindquuist, James L         Wilson, Velma (Mrs)         G-302 4114-1930
Linear, Jackson             Taylor, Jessie              H-636 3948-1929
Linaback, Edith             Crofutt, Charles E          E-273 2216-1916
Lineback, Hazel             Huber, William F            H-96 3409-1924
Lineback, Helen             Cook, Homer M               G-281 4093-1930
Lineback, Marie             Steggs, Joseph              E-405 2348-1917
Lineback, Ruth              Marcum, Floyd               H-203 3515-1925
Linendol, Loal/Lael         Snyder, Ofto                G-35 3205-1922
Lines, Mary M               Green, Francis L            F-349 2875-1920
Linevback, Homer            Thompson, Bernadine         G-573 4386-i933
Lipe, Cleo C                Barkes, Josephine M Keinig (Mrs) G-176 3988-1929
Lister, Nina A              DeBow, William              G-117 3287-1923
Lite, Mona                  Anderson, Earl              G-541 4352-1933
Little Soldier, Samuel      White Calf, Ella            H-425 3737-1927
Little, Henry C             Ziller, Bertha              F-582 3108-1921
LiVely, Clarence            Sappey, Viola               E-15 1958-1914
Lively, Roy                 Brecht, Letha               G-500 4311-1932
Livingston, Cyrena          Allman, William E           H-181 3493-1925
LIoyd, Lea                  Graham, Clyde W             H-251 3563-1926
Lock, Noma A                Miller, Josiah C            E-82 2025-1915
Lockard, John C             Septer, Florence            H-535 3647-1928
Locke, Glen D               House, Alice L              F-442 2968-1920
Locker, Russell M           Colerick, Hazel A           G-570 4383-1933
Loebe, Margaret/Madeline    Willet, Thomas M            G-289 4101-1930
Loebe, William G            Eaqelston, Mildred I        G-147 3959-1929
Loer, Rachel E              Kidwell, Orvill             F-517 3043-1921
Lofdahl, Enes E             Boggy, Ray N                H-42 3356-1924
Logan, Alvin                Newbrough, Grace            G-215 4027-1930
Logan, Doris E              Reynolds, Robert S          H-541 3953-1928
Logan, Einora M             Frohnapfel, Lewis N         G-224 4036-1930
Logan, Floyd J              Ball, Ethel R               H-420 3732-1927
Logan, Veril                Finke, Mabel                G-381 4192-1931
Logan, Wilma A Shimek       Tuchek, Charles             G-214 4026-1930
Lohse, Grace B              Beniamin, Harvey            F-486 3012-1912
Lolloia, Maria (Mrs)        Salos, Albert               F-76 2602-1919
Long, Aurist B              Garner, Claudine            F-436 2962-1920
Long, Booker E              Anspach, Dorothy A          F-192 2718-1919
Long, Ida                   Burnett, James A            E-340 2283-1916
Long, Minnie A              Osborn, Wm F                E-127 2070-1915
Long, Mollie                Buchanan, Vern              G-286 4098-1930
Long,PaulC                  Reigle, Eva                 H-534 3846-1928
Long, Pearl G               Craighead, Issac M          E-393 2236-1917
Long, Ruth E (Mrs)          Brunn, William J            H-33 3347-1923
Longacre, Daniel Webster    Mosier, Vernie Maude        E-120 2063-1915
Longacre, Lena (Mrs)        Griffith, John              H-70 3384-1924
Longer, Frank W             Marlin, Daisie R            F-186 2712-1919
Longston, Leona             Traster, Glen               H-543 3855-1928
Loomis, Frances             Ross, Samuel p              H-323 3635-1927
Loomis, Joe E               Newport, EIva               G-562 4375-1933
Loomis, Mona                Wilson,Herman W             H-194 3506-1925
Loomis, Samuel H            Rubottom,Maud               G-305 4117-1930
Lopez, Consepcion           Gonzalaz, Jesus L           F-358 2884-1920
Lopez, Manuella             Mathes, Escedro             H-89 3403-1924
Lore, Helen E               Essex, Elmer W              F-364 2890-1920
Lore, Mary L                Pierce, Frank E             F-230 2756-1919
Lorensen, Pearl M           Vaughn, Elmer L             E-492 2435-1917
Losher, Dewey P             Snyder, VaLora              H-246 3558-1926
Loss, Mary L                Hazard, Lee                 G-589 4402-1933
Lotspeich, Floyd W          Trabert, Pearl E            F-323 2849-1920
Lotspeich, Howard G         Westley, Thelma J           F-625 3150-1922
Lotspeich, Irma M           Gamon, Albert J             F-59 2585-1918
Lotspiech, Cecil W          Jamison, Lena M             F-55 2581-1918
Louck, MaEgaret Alice (Mrs) Stewart, John H             H-463 3775-1928
Louden,John W               Kicken, Andrea M            F-435 2961-1920
Loughman, Anna              Leisy, Arthur E             E-408 2351-1917
Louridas, James J           Peile, Mary Jensen (Mrs)    F-173 2699-1919 
LOury, Helen M              Scott, Walter E             H-359 3671-1927
Love, Georgia               Salyards Archie             H-544 3856-1928
Lovell, Anna                Strobel, loyd               G-450 4261-1932
Lovitt, Bernice             Predmore, Gerald V          F-74 2600-1919
Lowe, Fred E                Neitzel, Katherine L        G-424 4235-1932
Lowery, Vera                Hockhan, Claude             G-194 4006-1929
Lowley, Earl                Sullivan, Addie G           F-488 3014-1921
Lowrey, Ruth R              Chamberlain, Mark O         H-265 3577-i926
Lozier, Edna Alta           Ballinger, C. Neil          G-111 3281-1923
Lucas, Cora E               Bailey, James R             G-25 3195-1922
Lucas, Kenneth A            Milne, Helen J              G-443 4254-1932
Lucas, Lydia                Fam/Tam, John R             F-48 2574-1918
Lucks,Fred W                Vermillion, Pearl           E-398 2341-1917
Ludington, Clyde            Reed, Nellie E              E-458 2401-1917
Lukens, Josephine           Agar, Charles R             F-346 2872-1920
Lulow, Ernest C             Frei, Marie A               H-185 3497-1925
Lulaw, John F               Jaden, mary J               E-431 2374-1917
Lunbury, Ethel (Mrs)        Reed, Charled D             E-376 2319-1917
Lund, Thorwald              Jensen, Emma                H-72 3386-1924
Lundquist, Edwin            Dye, Alta D                 F464 2990-1921
Lunn, William A             Grebe, Marian E             F-209 2735-1919
Lunsford, Grace A           Osborn, Lawerence E         H-359-3670-1927
Luther, Linnie              Isaaks, Frank Jr            G-620 4433-1933
Lux, Christina H            Peterson, Clarence          G-466 4277-1932
Lux, Frieda M               Morris, Martin W            G-595 4408-1933
Lux, Martha E               Murphy, Charles E           F-384 2910-1920
Lux, Sophia                 Dewey, Charles E            H-595  3907-1929
Lydow, Edward F             Downing, Eunice             G-507 4318-1932
Lye, Alex                   Meyer, Pauline              F-253 2779-1920
Lyman, Opal                 Deal, Maurice               G-373 4185-1931
Lyman, Theron A             Roth, Lillian A             E-368 2311-1917
Lymath, Myrtle E            Griffith, Wiliam E          G-429 4240-1932
Lynch, Ella                 Switzer, Albert K           E-27 2213-1916
Lynch, Victoria             Moeller, Edward             F-554 3080-1921
Lysinger, Herbert E         Kimball, Marguerite         H-524 3936-1928

Book 2 Marriage Index

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