Social News from Days Gone By Cedar County, Nebraska
If you grew up in Cedar County, you recall the days when someone from the local newspaper would
call your home asking for any social happenings that week...out-of-town-visitors, birthday gatherings, card clubs, etc. This page includes
social news such as engagements, marriage announcements, and other tidbits of life in the county.
If you have any Cedar County social news from the past that you would like to contribute, please e-mail me!
Jump ahead to year:
1900 | 1901 | 1903 | 1905 | 1907
| 1908 | 1909
1910 | 1911 | 1912
| 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917
| 1918 | 1919 1920 | 1921 |
1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926
| 1927
| 1928 | 1929
1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937
| 1938 | 1939
1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1946
| 1947 | 1948 | 1949
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1955 |
1956 | 1958
1960 | 1963 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
1972 | 1974
2000 | 2001 | 2004
Miscellaneous Items (January)
MWA Association Picnic at St. James (9/5)
T. Peck under the weather (February)
News and Tidbits from 1905 issues (Cedar County News)
Parochial School Commencement Program (6/22 Cedar County News)
News and Tidbits from 1907 issues (Cedar County News & Wynot Tribune)
News and Tidbits from 1908 issues (Wynot Tribune & Cedar County News)
Editorial (1/10 Wynot Tribune)
Morten Families Celebrate Event in Fitting Manner (1/11 Wynot Tribune)
Happily Wedded [Beckman - Sargent] (2/21)
J.H. McKinstry Meets Serious Accident in Wynot Yards (2/21 Wynot Tribune)
Petty Thieving (3/6)
Magic Bell Play Program, Wynot School (5/25)
St. James Mills Burn (10/2 Wynot Tribune)
The Bow Valley Cemetery (10/16 Wynot Tribune)
An Old Landmark [St. James mills] (10/28 Wynot Tribune)
Are Happily Married [Lee - Manley]
First National Bank of Wynot (12/4 Wynot Tribune)
Peppermint Drops from St. James (12/31 Wynot Tribune)
W.H. Rowell (01/08 Wynot Tribune)
Postponed Sale
Why Not Do Something to Beautify Our Cemetery (4/16 Wynot Tribune)
To Improve Cemetery
Cemetery Benefit
Land Mark Is Destroyed
Thomson - Schaller Wedding
School Entertainment
News and Tidbits from 1911 issues (Wynot Tribune
Notice of Final Settlement [Samuel Penticoff] (3/11)
Frank X. Pinkelman Returns from Sioux City (3/31 Cedar County News)
Decoration Day at Bow Valley Cemetery (5/8)
Memorial Observance [Wynot] (6/1 Wynot Tribune)
Farewell Reception [Dr. H.E. McKenzie] (8/10 Wynot Tribune)
Fire at St. James [Susie Turner] (8/31 Wynot Tribune)
W.J. Darr Has Gone to Parts Unknown Leaving Wife and Children (3/14 Wynot Tribune)
Stories of Big Muddy [Schmidt; Mines]
The Object of a Society-Constitution and By-Laws of the Ladies Auxiliary to Cemetery Association (6/20 Wynot Tribune)
Oswald and Humphrey Rites (12/5 Wynot Tribune)
Lutheran Church to Move to Obert (12/5 Wynot Tribune)
Wynot School Being Finished (12/5 Wynot Tribune)
Steam Boiler Blows Up - Peter J. Lund Saw Mill is Badly Damaged by Accident (1/16 Wynot Tribune)
Annual Cemetery Benefit (5/15 Wynot Tribune)
Uncle Billy Dickinson Celebrates 86th Birthday (5/1 Wynot Tribune)
Bow Creek Out of Its Banks (5/15 Wynot Tribune)
John McFadden Loses Life in Scuffle at Wynot
John Henry Felber
Brewery Burns
Advertising for a Husband (11/12 Wynot Tribune)
Wynot/Obert News [Ryon, DeCamp, McCabe, Warner, Obert Hardware, Obert Mercantile Co.] (12/03 Wynot Tribune/Obert Tribune)
Wynot Firms Charge Interest (12/17 Wynot Tribune)
Woodmen Elect (12/17 Wynot Tribune)
New Moving Picture Show (12/24 Cedar County News)
Fire at Bow Valley Mills (12/24 Cedar County News)
Severe Electrical Storm (Cedar County News)
Electric Light Prices (01/21/15 Wynot Tribune)
Bert Williams' son (02/08/15 Wynot Tribune)
Henry Johns; Jess & Myrtle Gregg (04/18/15 Wynot Tribune)
McFadden Sues County (4/30/15 Hartington Herald)
Wynot School Closes - Outbreak of Diptheria (11/25/15 Cedar County News)
Bartell Foxhoven Land Deal...J. Hendricks (3/3 Cedar County News)
Cement Mixer Wrecks Brunick Buggy (5/16 Cedar County News)
Mrs. Wm. Gowery Terribly Burned (5/16 Cedar County News)
To Save a Boy's Life [Son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Peters] (5/18 Wynot Tribune)
Hesse Bank Robbed (5/26 Cedar County News)
Wynot Locals (5/26 Cedar County News)
Murkle Child Loses Finger in Mower (7/6 Cedar County News)
Little Son of Emil Heimes Severely Hurt (7/6 Cedar County News)
Dixon County Murderer in Bad Luck ... William Flege (8/17 Cedar County News)
Two Rugged Pioneers (8/24 Cedar County News)
New Building for Rosehill District (8/24 Cedar County News)
Garret Kuehn Nearly Loses His Life (9/7 Cedar County News)
Herman Uhing and Anna Promes Marriage (10/11 Cedar County News)
St. Helena Landmark is Burned (10/26 Cedar County News)
Hartington Grade School Destroyed Twenty Years Ago (11/30 Cedar County News)
St. Helena Jottings(10/26)
Eva Sargent Married at Elk Point (12/14 Cedar County News)
John Koulesky Farm Is Being Searched (2/1 Cedar County News)
Rules and Regulations for Wolf Hunt April 15, 1917 (4/12 Cedar County News)
Martha Mengshol Celebrates Birthday (4/19 Cedar County News)
F. Hirschman - C. Wohlman Wed
Relics of Pioneers
Wynot Red Cross Honor Roll(7/12)
Wynot Red Cross Honor Roll(additional names 7/26)
Births and Deaths in State (2/14 Wynot Tribune)
Three Lives Taken; Red Cross to the Rescue [Frederickson; Rupiper; Spinner; Bahr; Schmeckpepper] (5/3 Cedar County News)
Will Open Fine Park-Louis Hoese Is Building One Near Wynot (5/23 Cedar County News)
Three Lives Taken - Storm Last Saturday Proves Most Disastrous (5/23 Cedar County News)
Boiler Explodes; Two Men Injured and Much Damage by Fire Which Followed Explosion (9/26 Cedar County News)
Travelers Use Farm House; Lose Possessions (10/18 Cedar County News)
Act Saved Boy's Life - Wilbur Campbell; Lawrence Jensen (Jan., Cedar County News)
Mrs. Elizabeth Mallatt Sells Place Moving to St. James (3/13 Cedar County News)
News and Tidbits from 1920s issues (Cedar County News)
Seven Year Old Son of Clinton Boucher Dangerously Wounded Sunday (3/11 Cedar County News)
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nelson Returned Home Saturday (3/11 Cedar County News)
H.P. Lauretzen Recalls Bad Blizzard(3/11 Cedar County News)
Wynot News [Asbra, Schulte, John, Morris] (09/08 Wynot Tribune)
Wynot May Have First Consolidated School in County Under Law (6/10 Cedar County News)
Injured in a Well - Thorwall Jessen Has Narrow Escape From Death at Bottom of Well (7/20 Cedar County News)
Peter Schmidt Director for 31 Years (6/23 Cedar County News))
Julius Kramer Attacked by a Wolf (2/24 Cedar County News))
Drank Evidence of Bootlegging; E.J. Jones is Charged with Shooting at Local Man (1/25 Cedar County News)
River Is Cutting Up with Queer Antics (7/5)
Bridge Grade to Be Finished This Week (11/20)
Saw First Paper Published in County-Fritz Schaller (12/21 Cedar County News)
Maskell State Bank Closes Last Monday
String Phone Line Over the Missouri
Subscribe Funds to Build an Auditorium
Last Section Put in Place [NE-SD bridge]
News and Tidbits from 1924 issues (6/26/74 Cedar County News)
Stolen Hogs Return in Strange Manner (4/24 Cedar County News)
The History of Cedar County Shows Many Historical Spots Unmarked (6/6 Cedar County News)
Leo Schager Badly Burned by Gasoline (7/31 Cedar County News)
When You and I Were Young (Cedar County News)
Bow Valley Hall a possibility (1/29 Cedar County News)
Families Are United in Double Wedding (2/18 Cedar County News)
Mrs. Agnes Schiefer Has Lived in the County Ever Since 1861 (7/16 Cedar County News)
First National Bank and Laurel National Bank Merge (7/30 Cedar County News)
Beaver Creek Home Destroyed by Fire (Zavadil, Kuehn) (7/30 Cedar County News)
Barn and Contents Destroyed Early this Morning on Wuebben Place
Image (8/6 Cedar County News)
Potatoe Thieves Run Down Owners; Frank Kuchta, of near Crofton Knows Who was Stealing his Tubers
Relics of Wiseman Presented to State
Wiseman Memorial Dedicated Soon
Wiseman Memorial Dedication Sunday
Wiseman Monument Unveiled Sunday
St. Helena Cemetery is One of the Most Historic Spots in Cedar County
Did Vincent Schieffer Take Wife Away (1/20 Cedar County News)
Surprise Parties Given At Lubeley's
Lubeley Reunion Held Last Sunday
Wynot's Twentieth Birthday Anniversary
Minor Riibe Had Surprise Marriage, Weds Miss Edith Lillian Dooley (09/29/1927 Cedar County News)
Graduates After Six Years (Sarah Newton) (09/29/1927 Cedar County News)
Crofton Couple Married Tuesday
Celebrated 83rd Birthday Friday-Mrs. Lauritzen Has Seen Her Country Go Thru Three Wars (11/24 Hartington Herald)
Anton Kollars Has Seen Immense Changes In Christmas Shopping
Text Version (Other surnames include: Haberman, Kohl, O'Gara, Goebel
Frank Osborn Revives Experiences of Seventy-Eight Years
Celebration at Frerichs Home
Mr. & Mrs. A.H. Thompson Married 33 Years (06/21 Cedar County News)
Coming Events (06/21 Cedar County News)
Blizzard of 1888 One in Fifty Years
Oldest Pioneer of Obert Has Birthday (Bergmann)
Children Now Go To School Where Parents Have Been Baptized, Educated and Married
Money Assured for County School Hall
Wynot to Bottom Road Graded Now
Harry Drier and Miss Florence Peters Open New Venture
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schmidt Honored (50th Anniversary)
Cradle that Rocked Several of Present Leaders Still in County
Will Cedar County Mark Spot Where Lewis & Clark Stopped
Griesel's Men End Big Year on Roads (11/21 Cedar County News)
Resident of Cedar County for 73 Years Recalls Many Experiences as a Pioneer [JONES Margaret Marr] (12/05 Cedar County News)
May Take Two Trains from Wynot Branch (12/21 Cedar County News)
First Settler in Bow Valley is 78 [Theresa Arens Burbach] (12/06 Cedar County News)
Nebraska Pioneer Woman Head of Four 4-Generation Groups [Mary Riebe]
F. Reifenrath Takes Cedar Co. Record (1/2 Cedar County News)
86th Birthday of Mrs. William Rowell (1/08 Cedar County News)
Pupils are to Help in Providing Marker for First School (1/23 Cedar County News)
Honored at Party on 76th Birthday [Haarhues]
Burneys All Meet at Family Reunion
Visitors Get Shock on Arrival Sunday [Marsh]
Tuesday Club Plans Tea for Hartington Teachers
N. Peck Golden Wedding Anniversary
Letter from White House Down Pay Tribute to Mrs. Anna Felber Fine Tribute Paid to Early Teacher
Boeckman Family at St. Helena Is Partial to Friday the 13th
"Grandma" Gude Has Birthday Saturday
Mr. & Mrs. John Schneiders - 30th Wedding Anniversary (06/11 Cedar County News)
Mr. & Mrs. John Kathol - 50th Wedding Anniversary (10/08 Cedar County News)
$5,716 Distributed to School Districts (1/28 Cedar County News)
Edward & Peter Feldhacker are the Oldest Twins in Cedar (01/28 Cedar County News)
Early Census Lists Work Oxen Among Assets on Nebraska Land...Few Pigs (3/10 Hartington Herald)
Edward W. Hesse, Non-Political Candidate for County Judge (3/17 Hartington Herald)
Written Tests are Successful (4/14 Hartington Herald)
Funeral Home Opens to Public (5/12 Hartington Herald)
Reifert Funeral Home Pleases Public (5/19 Hartington Herald)
Have the Most Money (6/10 Cedar County News)
Henning Hallin of Allen Closes Deal for Grant Garage Tuesday (7/28 Cedar County News)
Average of Corn is 25.5 Bushels (9/24 Hartington Herald)
Relief Planned by County Board (9/29 Hartington Herald)
Veronica Solko is Wed Tuesday (10/27 Hartington Herald)
Golden Circle Club of 1930s (Mrs. Herman Bruening; Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Klug) (12/29 Cedar County News)
Miss Zelma (Velma) Bartz Weds Emil Tramp
Mrs. Mary Crouch Saw First Train to Wynot; Now Sees Line Dismantled
Henry Backman Has 85th Birthday
Entries to Circle of Pioneers are Continued This Week (Schroeder; Schmidt) (8/24 Cedar County News)
Birthday Club of East Bow
Hartington City News
Maskell Locals
Mother of Mrs. Anton Willenbring of Constance Among the Oldest Settlers (10/1 Cedar County News)
Louis Kramer is Guest of Honor
Herman Sudbeck Is Honored on Tuesday
Notice of Hearing - Matilda Gyte Estate (11/30 Hartington Herald)
News and Tidbits from 1935 issues (02/12/1975 Cedar County News)
F.A. Leise - 36th Anniversary (01/1936 Cedar County News)
News and Tidbits from 1936 issues (02/29/1956 Cedar County News)
Wynot Village Blacksmith Had a Very Interesting Career [M.T. Bonertz] (04/1936 Cedar County News)
Roy Chamberlain, Well Digger and Hunter, is Circle Member (05/1936 Cedar County News)
Henry Backman Honored - 88th Birthday (06/1936 Cedar County News)
Leise Twins Honored with Birthday Dance (09/12/1936 Cedar County News)
Frank Leise Anniversary; Marie Leise Birthday (11/01/1936 Cedar County News)
M.T. Bonertz are Leaving Wynot (12/19/1936 Cedar County News)
Trip is Prolonged as Wynot Men Find Drifts Impassable [Leise; Pick] (01/1937 Cedar County News)
Ed Tucker, 71, Struck by Masked Men, No Money Was Found
Hold Watch Party [Home Culture Club]
Meets Wednesday [Methodist Ladies Aid]
Henry Keegan Marriage
Ice Harvest Begun
Farewell Party Held by Commercial Club [Col. A.F. Herfkens]
Rebekah Lodge Organized at Wynot (09/02/1937 Cedar County News)
30th Anniversary of Wynot Tribune
T. Brewers Observe Golden Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Leise Surprised on 38th Anniverssary (01/1938 Cedar County News)
L. Koch, Lifelong Cedar County Resident, Moves to Ainsworth
Miss Mary Stratman Feted on 84th Birthday
Lawrence Hochstein House Burns Friday
Miss Emma Strenzke Feted on 80th B-day; Jones Hardware Closes; Auxiliary Holds Meeting
Teachers Elected by School Boards
Firemen Merit Praise for Excellent Care of Wynot's Tellesen Park
Home Damaged; Schulte Family Hold Reunion Sunday; Wynot News
Obert Couple Completes 3,000 Mile Tour in Mid-West States [Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Cooper] (Cedar County News)
Wynot Man Enlists at 19, Retires at 49, Comes Home after 19 Years [Richard Parks] (Febr. Cedar County News)
Backman Couple Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Former Resident Honored [Frank Noe]
School Closes
Landmark Moved From St. James Recently
70 Year Old Scales
Family is United First Time in 47 Years
Big Bugs, Little, Odd and Indifferent Bugs Descend Upon Wynot
150 Gallon Still Found by Officers Near Menominee (7/27 Hartington Herald)
Sheriff's Office has turned Considerable Cash into County Treasurer (7/27 Hartington Herald)
Niece of Wynot Lady Named in Movie Roll for coming Picture [Beatrice Wachter] (August, Cedar County News)
Former Teacher Wed Wednesday [Frances Armstrong & Leslie Noe] (8/24 Hartington Herald)
10 Meet Violent Death in Cedar County During First Nine Months of Year (9/28 Cedar County News)
Nielsens Observe 25th Anniversary
Friends Receive Christmas Greetings from Mrs. Smith
Pioneer A.W. Jones, Wynot, Watches the Changing Scene
Resident of 73 Years Paints Word Pictures of Yesterday and Today
Autumn Wedding For Noecker- Promes Oct. 9 [Promes - Noecker] (October, Cedar County News)
L.J. Coyles are Married 50 Years
Surprise Party Held for Mrs. Ida Gowery
Hot Lunches for St. James Pupils
Born: Charles Promes (November, Cedar County News)
Magnet News
News and Tidbits from 1942 issues (Cedar County News)
Couple Feted on Anniverary - Mr. & Mrs. A.M. Hirschman
Farm Changes Are Numerous at Obert
Story About Pioneers Results in Requests for Information
Combined Age of Eight Women in Wynot Community Totals 668 Years
Ladies Aid of Our Saviors Lutheran Church of Obert (Cedar County News)
Wynot News
News and Tidbits from 1946 issues (Cedar County News)
High Hog Prices in 1917 (02/27/1947 Cedar County News)
G.A. Snowe Honored - 75th Birthday (03/13/1947 Cedar County News)
Mr. & Mrs. Lauritzen Honored - 45th Anniversary (03/20/1947 Cedar County News)
Snowstorm Isolates Wynot
Belden Locals News (1/12/1949 Cedar County News)
New County Commission (Joe Promes, Ralph Westadt, Walter Dresden) (1949 Cedar County News)
Dreesens Honored at Surprise Party (February 1950 Cedar County News
Wynot Cemetery Association Dinner on Memorial Day
Stage Driver
Memorial Day Brings Many Back To Wynot
Hartington Locals News (7/6/1950 Cedar County News
Magnet Locals (7/6/1950 Cedar County News)
Kuhl-Trautman Wedding (11/23/1950 Cedar County News
Old Wall Clock Has Interesting History
Wynot Schools to Receive Babe Ruth Foundation Awards (05/03 Cedar County News)
Mr. & Mrs. John Hochstein Honored on Golden Anniversary 28
Homecoming Day
Fire Destroys Station, Store at St. James
American Legion Post Organized at Wynot on Wednesday
St. James Landmark Moved [Pick, Etscheldt, Konegni]
Snowbound [Dowling, Hangman, Collier]
Theives Take $400 at Wynot; Nielsen's Locker Market Is Victim
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boland to Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Here Sunday
Fire Damages Wynot Cafe
John Hochstein Honored on Birthday
Club Disbands on 30th Anniversary
Open House [L.A. Lauritzen]
Several Farm Moves in Wynot Vicinity
Returns Home on Her 80th Birthday [Mrs. Frances Keegan] (3/13 Cedar County News)
Robbers Enter Cafe at Wynot Loot is $60.00
Tough Going
Emma Strenzke Observes Birthday
Frank Bollich Visits Wynot; Reunion Held
Business Firms Follow Rails in Establishing New Town of Wynot
Donation Received by Cemetery Group [Wynot]
Recreation Center [Obert]
Story of First Murder in Cedar County Revealed in Material for History Book
Herman Loecker Recalls Horse-Power Threshers and Paddle-Wheel Ferry Boats (11/27 Cedar County News)
Santa Claus Coming to Wynot Saturday
Items from Old Files of Interest to Wynot Readers
Mads Schmidt is Member of Circle
Hartington Locals News
From Old News Files
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Norh of Aten Celbrate Their Golden Wedding Anniversary Oct. 27 (11/05 Cedar County News)
Mr. & Mrs. William Hirschman are Honored (1/27/1955 Cedar County News)
80 Year Old Relic of St. James and Wynot Communities (Cedar County News)
Hartington Locals News (11/1/1956 Cedar County News)
Obert Locals News; Hartington Locals News (11/1/1956 Cedar County News)
Schieffer-Dreesen Wedding
Coleridge Locals News
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Pick Observe Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary at Bow Valley Monday
Obert Locals News (June 1960 Cedar County News)
[Whitney] Visiting Here (July 11, 1960 Cedar County News)
Pearl Creek Locals (July 11, 1960 Cedar County News)
Smoke Signals of Indians Now Smoke from Fires of Campers in Nebraska State Parks (July 11, 1960 Cedar County News)
Walter Dresdens Honored on 46th Wedding Anniversary (June 1960 Cedar County News)
82 Year Old Calendar Was Marriage License Cover
Local News
William Hirschman 50th Wedding Anniversary
John Bruns hosted card party Sunday; Chatter Bid Club met at Gerald Seims home
Belden Locals News; Maskell Locals News
Maskell Locals News
Paul Gothier 50th Wedding Anniversary
Five Youths Injured in Car Wreck (R. Cooper, D. Lammers, H. Lammers, R. Dresden, R. Huss)
Local News
Hartley Worker Escapes Death in Ditch Cave-in (Dale Barker) (06/1969 Sioux City Journal)
Joe Bergman 50th Wedding Anniversary
When You and I Were Young...1924
Accident wrecks car, cemetery
Mina Jordan celebrates 100th birthday in style (10/17/2001 Cedar County News)
[Hazel Rosenbach] Koeppen selected Resident of the Month (3/3/2004 Cedar County News)
Wynot Ladies Blue Devils (3/10/2004 Cedar County News)
To submit social news, e-mail Carol Tramp,
Coordinator for Cedar County
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This page was last updated 04/11/21