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of Cedar County, Nebraska World War I List of WW1 Eligible Draftees from Cedar County Cedar County News, July 26, 1917 List of WW1 Eligible Draftees from Cedar County - Page 2 Cedar County News, July 26, 1917 VETERANS AAGAARD Peter A. ADAMS Robert, Randolph AILLO Laui, Laurel ALDERSON Leonard C., Belden AMUNDSON H.J., Hartington ANDRUS Truman, Coleridge ANDERSON Alfred, Laurel ANDERSON Alfred, Obert ANDERSON Alvin, Laurel ANDERSON Charles, Obert ANDERSON Chris H., Hartington ANDERSON E.W., Randolph ANDERSON Elmer F., Laurel ANDERSON Frank, Laurel ANDERSON J.W., Randolph ANDERSON Jess, Randolph [Same as J.W. above?] ANDERSON Leonard, Coleridge ANDERSON Lykke, Belden ANDERSON Robert, Laurel ANDERSON Robert, So. Sioux City ANDERSON Stanley A., Paragon ANDRUS Leonard ANKENY Earl, Hartington ANNESTEAD H., Coleridge ASBRE Marcellinus, Constance ASBRE Max, Fordyce ASBRE Otto H., Fordyce ASMUSSEN J.H., Coleridge BAHLKEN William, Laurel BAKER, Avery L., Laurel BANNICK Tions, Coleridge BARGER Leslie, Coleridge BARKS G.E., Belden BAYNE Marion J., Hartington BAYNE Martin, Coleridge/Lawn Ridge BECKER Arthur, St. Helena (Catholic) BECKER Marcus, St. Helena (Catholic) BECKER Pearl, Hartington BENJAMIN John, Wayne BENSEN F.S., Randolph (St. Frances) BENSON S.T., Randolph BERGLUND Axel, Randolph BERMEL Peter, Magnet BERY Pete, Belden BESTE Gustav L., Wynot BIEG Emil W., Hartington BIEHLE Herman, Belden BISENIUS Andrew, Randolph BLOOM Adolph, Concord BLOOMER Myron, Randolph BLOTS R.J., Fordyce BLYZARD Clark, Randolph BOOKS G.E., Belden BOOTH Clyde, Hartington BORROT G.C., Randolph BOTOYL A., Hartington BOTTOLFSON Bernhard M., Private BOUGHN Kenneth, Randolph BOVERTY Edward, St. Helena BOWDER George, Wynot BOWLER Marvin, Randolph BOWMAN J.M., Hartington BOYUTOU Leone, Hartington BRAND Bernard, St. Helena (Catholic) BRANDOW Joe, Hartington BRENNEMAN Perry, Concord BRESSLER Harry, Coleridge BRINDLEY Fred, Randolph BROWN Phillip, Hartington BROWN V. Milo, Randolph BRUENER S.W., Randolph BRUENING Geo., St. Helena BRUENING Leo, St. Helena (Catholic) BONERTZ Edward, St. Helena (Catholic) BULL Chas., Laurel BUOL George, Randolph BUOL Paul, Randolph BUMGARNER John, Laurel BURREO Charles, Laurel BURRUS Charles, Obert CALLIRG Peter, Randolph CALLIRG Peter, Randolph CARLSON Chas. A., Hartington CARLSON Eric C., Laurel CARROLL R.P., Laurel CARROLL Dr. Robert, Blair CESNEY Kinley J., Coleridge CHASE Floyd, Belden CHRISTENSEN J.C., Wynot CISNEY E.R., Coleridge CLABAUGH Guy Lee, Hartington CLARK Horace C., St. Helena CLYDE C.E., Wynot COBURN Darrell, Laurel COLEMAN John W., Coleridge COLLINS Oscar C., Laurel COOK Albert, Laurel COOK Dillon A., Wynot CRAIG Aura, Randolph CRESSEY B.W., Hartington CROSS Ray, Laurel CROSSLAND William A., Laurel CRUSH Anton, St. Helena CURLEY Keith, Concord DANKER Lou, Hartington (Laurel? Died: 1952)) DELOZIER Howard, Magnet DENDINGER Cyril, Hartington DEWEY Irwin DEWEY Otto DICKER E.O., Hartington DICKES Frank, Hartington DICKS F.J., Hartington DODSON William, Magnet DRESDEN Martin, Hartington DUDINGER C.J., Hartington DURRIE Howard, Laurel EBMEIER Alois, Coleridge ECHTENKAMP Harry, Belden EICKOFF Frank, Fordyce ERICSON Clarence, Laurel ESKINS Martin, Hartington FARNEY Ray, Laurel FARREN Thomas, Randolph FEELHAVER Oscar, Paragon FILBEN Delbert, Randolph FINN Michael, Randolph (St. Frances) FLAGHERTY Raymond, Dixon FLYNN P.J. FORSBERG Emil, Laurel FOSTER George, Hartington FRANS Charles Ernest, Belden FRERICHS Edward FRIGGE John, Bow Valley FROST James, Randolph GARDNER Ned, Randolph GARRISON Charles, Belden GARTNER Edward, Coleridge GIBSON L.S., Randolph GLEASON R.B.F., Randolph GOETZ Charles, Hartington GRAF Christian, Belden GRAFFIS Elmer, Laurel GRAVERHOLT Chris, Laurel GRAY Earl, Wynot GREINER Nickolas, Randolph (St. Frances) GRIESEL Daniel, Belden GRIFFIN W.M., Laurel GUBBELS Joseph, Randolph (St. Frances) GUBBELS Louis, Randolph (St. Frances) HALVERSON Clarence, Obert HAISCH William, Laurel HANSEN Jens, Laurel HASH John HASKELL C.D., Wakefield HASSMAN Benjamin, Randolph (St. Frances) HAUSMAN William, St. Helena (Catholic) HAVORKA V.C., Randolph (St. Frances) HEFTI Robert, Coleridge HEIDERMAN Henry, Randolph HENRY Lloyd A., Coleridge HERMAN Frank, Randolph HESSE Edward, Hartington HICKEY Rudolph, Randolph HOEPNER Robert, Randolph HORAN Charles HUGHES C.W., Randolph HUNTER Loran INGHAM Ralph IRLE Sylvester, Bow Valley JACOBS Paul, Wynot JACOBSON Elert, Belden JANSSEN Carl JENKINS Cecil JENSEN Chester, Coleridge JENSEN Chris, Laurel JENSEN Chris, Winside JENSEN Jens, Laurel JOHNSON George, Laurel JOHNSON Gilbert, Laurel JOHNSON Wendell, Laurel JONES Evan, Randolph JONES Richard, Magnet JORDAN Lester, Belden JOSSI Albert, Randolph (Belden?) KALIN Stephen, Coleridge (St. Michaels) KARDELL Oscar, Concord KASTRUP Viggo, Laurel KENNY Benis, Randolph (St. Frances) KLANDERUD Olof, Hartington KLEINBURG Phillip, Wynot KLUG Stephen, St. Helena (Catholic) KOESTER Frank KOHLES Frank, Menominee KOLLARS Frank, Aten KOOB John, Randolph KORBACHER Henry, Laurel KORBACHER John, Laurel KORFF Carl KORTH Henry, Randolph (St. Frances) KOSTER Frank, Coleridge KREIGER R.J., Randolph (St. Frances) KRUSE Louis, Randolph LAKE Merton, Laurel LAMMERS George, Hartington LANGE Louis, Bow Valley LANGE Louis, Coleridge (St. Michaels) LARSON Albert, Randolph LARSON Algott, Laurel LAUER John, Hartington LEAPLEY Orval, Coleridge LECLAIR A.E., Randolph (St. Frances) LEITING Frank, Randolph (St. Frances) LEITING Joseph, Randolph (St. Frances) LINDQUIST Vernon, Laurel LINN Gilbert, Wayne LORANG Albert, Laurel LUKES William, Laurel LUX Anthony LUX Hubert, Coleridge (St. Michaels) LYONS August, Laurel LYONS Irvin, Laurel MACKLEM Harold, Laurel MALONEY Clement, Laurel MASON Harry, Laurel MATTINGLY William, Randolph MAUN Vere, Castelton WY MAXON Floyd, Laurel MAYDEN Chester, Randolph MCCAW Elmer, Laurel MCDOREOUGH J.P., Randolph MCELHANEY Lloyd, Laurel MEIER Wellington, Coleridge MENG Rasmus, St. Helena (Public) MIDDLETON J.W., Randolph MIDDLETON Ralph, Laurel MILLER B.A., Randolph MILLER Joseph, Randolph (St. Frances) MILLER Robert, Randolph (St. Frances) MITCHELL Frank, Randolph NELSON Elmer, Laurel NELSON Wilfred, Randolph NETTEGUARD Ludwig, Obert NEWMAN Charles, Wynot NISSEN August, Lincoln NISSEN Ole, Clinton IA NITZ Charles, Randolph NORDHUES Joseph, Randolph (St. Frances) OBERMEYER Herman, Coleridge OLSEN Alva F., Paragon OLSON Lars, Randolph OPKIS Otto, Randolph PAULTLER Otto, Hartington PEDERSON Carl, Laurel PEEBLES Dr. L.T., Randolph (St. Frances) PETERS Dr. G.E., Randolph (St. Frances) PICKERING Clarence, Coleridge PINKELMAN William, Bow Valley PIPPETT Guy, Laurel PITTET Charles, Randolph PFLANZ Fred, Belden POTTS Louis, Menominee POTTS William, Menominee RABER LeRoy, Randolph REASER Leo, Wynot REED Earl, Laurel REED Lyle, Randolph REILAND Arthur, Randolph REISEN Ed, Randolph RIIBE Louis, Paragon RITTER Charles, Wynot ROACH Harry, Coleridge ROHMAR Phillip, Belden ROSEIN Theodore, Randolph (St. Frances) ROSS Clarence, Concord ROTH Christ, Belden ROTH Red, Coleridge SCHAFFER Theo, Menominee SCHMIDT John, St. Helena (Catholic) SCHRAD John, Randolph (St. Frances) SCHULER Chester "Chet" E., Belden/Laurel SCHULTE Frank, Bow Valley SCHULTE John, Concord SCHUMACHER Anton, Hartington SELLON Harry, Randolph SELLON Joe, Randolph SENDELL John, Randolph SHARP Richard, Laurel SHIVELY Bert, Laurel SMITH Kurtzy, Laurel SMITH Omar, Randolph SNOOK Louis, Randolph SPADER John M., Randolph (St. Frances) STALDER Edwin, Laurel STEWART Gene, Randolph STOBER Clifford, Randolph STOLBERG Ivan, Laurel STRATHMAN George, Randolph STROM Carl, Paragon STUKAS Oliver, Laurel STUKAS William, Laurel SUDBECK August, Bow Valley SUDBECK Ed, Bow Valley SUDBECK Edward, Hartington SUDBECK Jack, Bow Valley SUING Hugo, St. Helena (Catholic) SURBER Robert Dallas, Belden SUTTON Clayton, Belden SWAIN Peter, Laurel SWANSON Thomas, Randolph TEMPLIN Floyd, Belden THIES Fred, Randolph (St. Frances)/Belden THOMPSON Albert, Ft. Mcpherson THOMPSON Charles H., Paragon THOMPSON Melvin, Obert TRUBY Jesse Sr., Allen TRUE Ezra, Coleridge UTTER Carl, Laurel WAITE Evard, Laurel WALZ Frank, Randolph (St. Frances) WALZ George, Hartington (St. Michael) WARD Earl, Obert WEBER Albert, Randolph WEIGER Albert M., Paragon WEIGER Sam, Laurel WELSH William, Belden WHIPPLE Charles Henry, Belden WICKETT Verner, Laurel WIEHLER Eric, Belden WIESELER Joe A., St. James (Catholic) WILKERSON Chalmer, Coleridge WILSON Chester, Randolph WILSON Lee, Randolph WINQUIST Carl, Laurel WORTMAN Joe, Bow Valley WUEBBEN Eugene, St. Helena (Catholic) WUEBBEN William, St. Helena (Catholic) YAGER Ralph, Aten ZIMMERMAN Henry, St. Helena (Catholic) ZULAUF Walter, Belden If you have something you would like to contribute to this section, |