FREMONT CITY DIRECTORY 1880-1881 Residential listing only - spelling and alphabetization preserved from original Copyright Renee Bunck, Dodge County Coordinator - 1999-2000 USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -A- Abbott L. J., M. D. from Ohio. Office and residence corner F and 5th streets. Abbott John W. C., residence corner F and 5th streets. Abbott Osie, residence corner F and 5th street. Abrahm Adolph, laborer, residence Broad street south U. P. track. Abrahms M., from Omaha, miscellaneous wares, Main street between 2d and 3d. Albertson Mrs. S., from N. Y., residence Broad st. between 4th & 5th. Alcorn John, from N. Y., groceries, boards at Occidental Hotel. Allen A. B., Insurance agent, boards at Occidental Hotel. Andreesen, E. M., from Toledo, Ohio, groceries, corner Main & 5th sts. Anderson Samuel, clerk residence J street, between 12th and 13th. Anderson E. P.,-Anderson's Hotel-corner Main and Railroad sts. Anderson Abram, residence south of U. P. track. Anderson J. P., from Denmark farmer, residence corner 9th and 12th streets. Anderson Chris.,from Denmark laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Anderson A. P., from Denmark farmer, residence south U. P. track. Anderson John, from Sweden, carpenrter, residence corner Ist and Maple streets. Anderson Chas., from Illinois, wagon maker, Main street, between 4th and a3d streets. Anderson August, from Sweden, laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Astrom Miss Ellen, from Chicago, III, laundry on Main street, between 3d and 4th. -B- Backe S., from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, clerk with B. Davidson, boards at European Hotel. Baier J., from Illinois, boots and shoes, on 6th street, between F and Broad. Balding James, from Wisconsin, meat market, residence on Military Avenue, between I and J streets. Balduff Fred, from Pennsylvania, residence on Main between 5th and 6th streets. Balduff Chas., from Pennsylvania, baker, on Main street, between 5th and 6th. Baldwin B., from Pennsylvania, bakery on Fth street, between Broad and F. Baldwin Miss Cora, residence corner 4th and B streets. Baier Wm., from Illinois, shoemaker with J. Baier; boards at.City Hotel. Ballard Miss Mary, from Iowa, waitress at New York House. Ballard Miss Maggie, waitress at New York House. Barnard C. H.. from Iowa, speculator; residence Military Av,enue, between B and C. Barnard E. H., capitalist, residence on Military Avenue, between Clarkson and B streets. Barnard Willie, residence Military Avenue, between B and C. Bath Henry, from Illinois, laborer, boards at St. Charles Hotel. Bassette Miss Libbie, residence Broad street, south of U. P. track. Bauman H., from Germany, grocery clerk, residence corner 4th and D streets. Bazler Geo., from Pennsylvania, baker, with Chas. Balduff on Main between 5th and 6th streets. Bazler Jacob, from IPennsyvania, residence on Main, between 5th and 6th streets. Beckman Joseph, from Boston, Mass.-Beckman Bros.-residence corner 8th and L streets. Beckman Adolph, from Mass., Beckman Bros., residence corner 8th and L streets. Beckman Julius, of Beckman Bros., residence corner of 8th and L streets. Beckman Miss Ella, residence corner of 8th and L streets. Beckman Miss Sadie, residence corner 8th and L. Beckman Miss Flora, residence corner 8th and L streets. Beckett Ben. F., from Pennsylvania, employed at Occidental Hotel. Behm Miss Lena, servant, works on 5th street, between B and C. Behm Henry, confectionery; boards on Broad street, between 5th and 6th. Bell N. H., from Iowa, attorney-at-law, residence H street, corner 8th. Benton Wm. M., from Connecticut, special police at depot, residence south of U. P. track. Benton Wm. I., from Connecticut, farmer, residence south of U. P. track. Benton J. A., from Connecticut, clerk at U. P. depot. Benton Ed. R., fanner, residence south of U. P. track. Benton Miss Jessie, residence south of U. P. track. Beveridge Simpson, from Illinois, stock dealer, residence 5th street, corner of I. Biggar, W. J., job printer, and Manager Western Union Telegraph Company, residence on 6th streets, between Main and F. Biles.J. V. N., from Pennsylvania, groceries, corner Main and 6th streets. Biles W. J., corner Main and 6th streets. Biles F. E., from Pennsylvania, residence corner Main and 6th streets. Birdsall C. C., from Illinois, clerk corner 10th and D streets. Black T. D., from Mendota, Ill., groceries, Main street between 3d and 4th. Black Al., Main street, between 3d and 4th. Black D., Main street between 3d and 4th. Blackman J. C., from Wisconsin, agent U. P. R. R., residence on 5th street, between H and Clarkson Avenue. Blackman Wm., clerk, residence 5th street, between H and Clarkson Avenue. Blackman Miss C. L., teacher, residence 5th street, between H and Clarkson Avenue. Blanchard Geo. F., from Chicago, Indian Agent, residence corner 5th and D streets. Blanchard Miss Lizzie, from N. H., teacher, residence corner 5th and D streets. Blanchard Miss Hattie, residence corner 5th and D streets. Bloomer Arthur, from Ireland, residence on 11th between B and C streets. Blunck Edward, from Germany, Agricultural Implements, residence corner 3d and J streets. Bohm Fred, from Germany, residence Broad street, south of U. P. track. Bohm Miss Amelia, residence Broad street, south of U. P. track. Boll A., from Germany, laborer; residence corner 4th and Jstreets. Paul Bovolthy, residence on 1st street, between Main and F. Bothwell A., from Illinois, brick mason, residence corner 1st and Clarkson Avenue. Borglum Dr. residence corner F., between 3d and 4th. Boulter J. J., from Canada, book-keeper with H. Fuhrman, residence corner of Military Avenue and J street. Bougher Mrs. E. A., residence corner H and 8th streets. Bow Edward, from Germany, laborer, residence on J street, between 4th and 5th. Bowen H. W., from Iowa, groceries, residence 3d street. Bowman Wm, G., from Virginia, laborer, residence corner of H and 12th. Boyle John, from N. Y., employed at Occidental Hotel. Brady W. C., from Ill., clerk with H. Fuhrman, residence corner of Irvington Avenue and 5th streets. Brandis Geo., from Germany, saloon at St. Charles Hotel. Bridge R.,from Wisconsin, groceries, residence corner 15th and F streets. Britendall 1. W., laborer, residence 5th street, corner of Main. Brezina John, residence corner Broad and 4th streets. Brezina Joseph, proprietor Brezina House, corner Broad and 4th streets. Brown F. F., from Iowa, horsedealer, residence corner Military avenue and H street. Brown W. S., sale stable, residence on Platte between 4th and 5th. Brown H. C., from Iowa, agricultural Implement dealer, residence Military avenue, between F and Broad streets. Brunner Dr. H., from Iowa, residence on Military Avenue, between F and Broad street. Brunner W. R., printer, Herald Office, rooms 6th street, between Main and F. Brunner Chas. H., chemist and clerk, boards at Occidental Hotel. Brunner John M., from Iowa, clerk for Andreesen & Meyer, boards at Turn Halle, corner Broad and 5th. Brugh S., from Indiana, sale stable, residence corner 6th street, near Irving Avenue. Brugh Miss Mollie, residence 6th street, near Irving Avenue. Brugh A. G., from Connecticut; residence corner 9th and I streets. Bruhn Pete, from Germany, clerk, residence south of U. P. track. Bryan Miss Maggie, from Iowa, residence corner 4th and I streets. Buckheist F. J., from Illinois, clerk with Andreesen & Meyer, boards at Farmers Hotel. Bullard Chas., from Pennsylvania, clerk with J. G. Smith, residence on Broad street, between 11th and 12th streets. Bullock Geo. H., from New York, painter, residence on F street, between 3d and 4h. Bullock F. W., traveling agent, residence corner 9th and 11th streets. Burgess John, laborer, residence on Main street, south of U. P. track. Burns Joseph, from Omaha, crockery and glassware, 6th street, between Main and F. Burns J. H., from Ohio, clerks with Z. Shed, boards at New York Hotel. Burns D., from Iowa, saloon, Main street, between 4th and 5th. Burner Mrs. L., from Iowa, residence near west end Military Avenue. Burner Miss Rosa, residence west end Military Avenue. Burner Geo., from Iowa, laborer, residence on 8th street. Burrill J. J., from Pennsylvania, agent, residence on Main street, south Of U. P. track. -C- Carrier R. D., residence on 11th between B and C. Carter Miss Weltha, from Wisconsin, cook at N. Y. House. Carter Richard (cot.) waiter at Occidental Hotel. Carlton Miss Maggie, servant, residence corner H and 8th streets. Cauldwell E., from Indiana, stock dealer; residence corner 4th and C streets. Carlton Mark, from Dublin, Ireland, clerk with Z. Shed, boards on Broad street, between Military Avenne and 8th street. Christensen C., from Omaha, residence corner D and 5th streets Christensen Neils, from Denmark, blacksmith, residence on corner 4th and K streets. Clark John, from Indiana, residence corner 4th and C streets. Clark Mrs. A., from Minn., residence corner 11th and I streets Clark Miss E., residence corner 11th and I streets. Cleland J. C., from Wisconsin, lumberman with Nye, Colson & Co., residence on Main street, between Military Avenue and 8th streets. Cochnhack, John, grain dealer, residence corner 3d and B streets Coggshall W. A., from N. Y., residence corner of Main and 6th sts. Cook M. G., brick mason, Maple street, between 4th and 5th. Cooper Samuel W., from Iowa, painter with H. Hotchkiss. Cooper J. M., from Iowa, harness shop, residence on Main street, between 5th and 6th. Cole T. S., from Michigan, hardware merchant, residence corner D and 2d streets. Collins J. M., from New York, civil engineer, U. P. R. R., boards at Occidental Hotel. Collins E. M., from New York, Implements, residence corner of 11th and Maine. Colson S. B., from N. Y., capitalist, residence Walnut Grove Road. Coman L. B., from New York, residence corner of C street and Clarkson Avenue. Coman C. H., from New York, corner C street and Clarkson Avenue. Comans Lizzie, servant, from Sweden; residence 2d street, between Irving and Clarkson Avenue. Coryell G. H., Insurance Agent, residence corner C and 4th street. Cotrell Thos., carpenter, residence corner 6th and L streets. Crabbs J. H., from Ohio, physician and surgeon, residence corner H and 10th streets. Crandall William A., from Minn., works at Herald office. Crane Mrs. Synthie, residence on 4th street, between I and J. Creimburg Lewie, from Germany, laborer, south of U. P. track. Cronan Ben., mason, residence 4th street near L. Cronan Chas., mason, residence 4th street, near L. Crowell D., lumber merchant, boards at Occidental Hotel. Curry Henry, from N. J., laborer, residence Main street, south of U. P. track. Culbertson Geo., from Indiana, laundry on Main street, between 4th and 5th. -D- Davidson B., from Lincoln, Neb., dry goods, hats and caps, etc., Main street, between 4th and 5th; boards at Occidental Hotel. Davies Will, from Wisconsin, clerk with L. B. Smith. Davies Miss Mary, residence corner of 4th and Maple streets. Davies Mrs. James, from Wisconsin, residence corner of 4th and Maple streets. Davies Emily, residence corner of 4th and Maple streets. Denny P. D., from Illinois, carpenter; residence corner of Broad and 12th streets. DeLong Wm., from Ind., farmer, residence between 3d and 2d street in Kittle's addition. DeLong Miss Sophie, residence in Kittle's Addition. Deml John, from Austria, laborer; residence corner 12th and I streets. Dericks Simon, (colored), cook at Occidental Hotel. Dierks John F., from Illinois, grain dealer, residence on F street, south of U. P tract;. Dierks G. A., clerk, residence on F street, south of U. P. track. Dierks Miss Mary, residence on F street south of U. P. track. Dierks Miss Emma, residence on F street, south of U. P. track. Dierks Henry, from Illinois, carpenter, residence on F street, south of U. P. track. Dodge W. O., residence at New York House. Donahue Tom., residence 4th street, near L. Dorsey G. W. E., from Virginia, real estate, etc.; residence H street between 9th and 10th. Dow Pete, laborer, residence 4th street, between J and K. Driscoll Cornelius, from N. Y., Chief Police, residence corner 5th and I streets. Draimel F. W., from Germany, clerk with James Balding, boards at Turn Halle. Drummond Prof. W. W., principal of Fremont schools, boards at Occidental Hotel. Dunkel B., from Michigan, laborer, residence corner 2d and Irving Dunkel Miss Mary, residence corner 2d and Irving Avenue. Dunkel Miss Anna, residence corner 2d and Irving avenue. Dunker C., of Iowa, proprietor of St. Charles Hotel on Broad street, between 5th and 6th. Dumdi Wm. M., from Iowa, barber on 6th between F and Main. -E- Ellick Frank from Penn., residence south of U. P. track. Earl Mrs. M., residence 6th street, between Clarkson and Irving Avenue. Eldredge A. J., from Wisconsin, farmer, residence corner M and H streets. Ellick F. I., from Pennsylvania, clerk in Treasurer's office; residence on 6 street, between broad and H. Ely W. H., county judge, residence east 4th street. Evans R. C., sewing machine agent on Main between 5th and 6th. Fairchild Minnie, residence Broad street, south of U. P. track. Fagerberg, shoemaker, on Main street between 4th and sth. Fogelsong Emel, from Germany, butcher shop,-residence south of U P. track. Falconer John, drug clerk residence corner 5th and I streets. Fredricks John, agent, residence on F street south of U. P. track. Falconer Mrs. Rebecca, from Iowa, residence comer 5th and I streets. Falconer Miss L. N., residence corner 5th and I streets. Father Lonergan Jr., Ireland, residence corner of Clarkson Avenue and 1st streets. Faulslich Julius, from Iowa, laborer, residence corner of 8th and L streets. Feidler Frank, with Jud Hughes, boards corner of 4th and Broad streets. Ferguson E., from Indiana, laborer, residence on D street, south of U. P. track.. Fields S. A., from Iowa, laborer, boards on corner of 4th and Broad streets. Flannigan Peter, day laborer, residence on 1st, between Irving Avenue and Maple street. Flint M. F., from Michigan, groceries, on Main street, between 5th and 6th. Follansbee E., from Massachusetts, clerk boards on corner of Main and fist streets. Forney Geo. H., from Illinois, Clerk of District Court, residence on 4th street, between K and L. Fowier Mrs. S. H., from Connecticut, residence corner of 5th street and Clarkson Avenue. Fowler W. H., bookkeeper, with Hopkins & Millard, residence corner of 5th street and Clarkson Avenue Fowler Frank H., student with W. H. Muncher Attty., residence corner of 5th street and Clarkson Avenue. Fouts Nathaniel, from Germany, laborer, works on corner of H and 10th streets. Fuchs August, from Germany, grain dealer, residence on Broad street south of U. P. track: Frahm Miss R., residence corner of 9th and J streets. Frahm Thomas, salesman, with Nye, Colsen & Co., lumber dealers, residence corner of J and 9th streets. Frances Andrew, from Denmark residence south of U. P. track. Frederickson O., from Denmark night watch U. P. depot, residence south of U. P. track. Frolly John, laborer, boards at Anderson's Hotel, Main street. Frederickson Miss T. F., residence corner of Clarkson Avenue, and 5th street. Freeman W. D., from Iowa, traveling agent, residence on corner of C and 3d streets. Freeman Miss L. H., residence on corner of C and 3d streets. Froeshley Wm. G., from Germany, carpenter, residence on Military Avenue, between L and M streets. Fritz Carl, from Germany, carpenter, residence corner of Main and 9th streets. Furstenan Wm., German, laborer, residence corner of Clarkson Avenue and 3d street. Gabler Chris, from Iowa, Prop. European Restaurant, on Main street between 3d and 5th. Gabler J. H., residence on Main street, between 3d and 5th. Gauger Fred, from Wisconsin, residence on corner of 6th and C streets. Gietzen J. B., from Michigan, stock dealer, residence on corner of 6th and K streets. Gietzen N., residence on corner of 6th and K streets. Gietzen Henry, from Wisconsin, tinsmith, with H. J Lee & Co., residence on 10th street, between Broad and H. Gibson R. H., from Iowa, capitalist, residence on corner of 3d and Maple streets. Gibson F. W., from Illinois, groceries, residence on 3d street, between Broad and 4th. Gibson Lillie, servant, works on 5th street, between H street and Clarkson Avenue. Gibson A., from Illinois, stationery and newsdealer, corner of 6th and F streets. Gilmore C. H., from Illinois, druggist, residence on 3d street, between I and J. Giffin Dr. L. W., from New York, office on 5th street, between D and Main. Ghost Wm. C., from Iowa, lawyer, residence on corner of I pith and Main streets. Godel Herman, clerk, residence on corner of 6th and J. Goff John W., from New York city clerk, residence on fifth street, between B and C. Goadan Wm. laborer, residence on corner of Clarkson Avenue and 4th street. Gormley James, from New York expressman, residence Main street, south of U. P. track. Graham N. H., from N. Y., clerk with May Bros., residence corner L and Ah streets. Grannett Hinma, from Sweden, servant, works corner Irving Avenue and 2d street. Gray E. F., from Idaho, attorney-at-law, Herald Block residence corner Clarkson Avenue and 3d street. Grayson Ben., (colored), waiter at Occidental Hotel. Gray James, milkman, residence south of U. P. track. Gregg Robt., Sheriff Dodge county, residence 3d street, between 4th and Main. Greenleaf Miss, from New Hampshire, residence corner 1st and D. Griep B., merchant tailor, Main street, between 3 and 4th. Grieser C. F., from Germany, laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Grieser Wm., laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Grieser Chris., laborer south of U. P. track. Grunkranz John, from Austria, county treasurer, residence corner 6th and L streets. Gustefson S., from Denmark, laborer, residence south of U. P. track. -H- Hass Rev. August, residence on 4th street, between I and J. Hakes L. B., from Iowa, speculator, office on Main street between 2d and 3d. Hall Eugene, boards at Wisconsin house. Hull A. C., photographer, boards at European Restaurant. Hall W. S., from New York, novelty repair shops, Main street, residence corner F and 6th street. . Hansen N. M., clerk with C. Christensen, boards corner D and 5th. Hansen L., from Sweden, carpenter, residence on Broad street between 11th and 12th. Hansen Miss. Antonet, servant, residence on Broad street south of U. P. track. Hansen J. P., from Illinois, laborer, boards at Jonas' Hotel. Hanlon Patrick from Ireland, saloon and boarding, residence between Main and F., south of U. P. track. Haman Mrs. Anna, residence J street, between 4th and 5th. Hammond Frank from Iowa, editor Fremont Tribune, residence corner 14th and F streets. Hammond Ross L., from Iowa, local editor on Tribune, residence corner of 14th and F streets. Haman John, from Iowa, house mover, residence corner H and 5th streets. Harris Dr. O. V., from Chicago, Ill., office Main street , between 4th and 5th. Harlan C., from St. Louis, butcher, Main street, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Halser John, from Germany, laborer, residence on 3d street, between J and K. Harrington J. P., from Wisconsin, farmer, residence corner of Broad and 11th. Hairhouse J. T., from New Jersey, jeweler, boards at Occidental Hotel. Harmon L. from Wisconsin, horsedealer; residence corner of Broad and 10th streets. Harms O. D., implements, residence on 4th between D and Main. Hastorf Mrs. L., from Germany, residence corner 6th and G streets. Hawthorne J. J., from Wisconsin, residence corner H street and Military Avenue. Hawley W. H., from England, carpenter, residence in Kittles' Addition. Hayes Mrs. L. M. from Plattsmouth, Neb., music teacher, boards at Occidental Hotel. Hayes F; W., from Concord, N. H., carpenter, residence on Military Avenue between C and D. Hein D., tannery, residence on 5th street, between F and Broad. Heiszenbuttel Geo., from N. Y., carpenter; residence on Maple street, between 2d and 3d. Hembeck Karl, from Germany, farmer, residence corner 4th and I. Henry John, from Ohio, captain, residence on Main street, south of U. P. track. Henry John C., dealer in stock, boards at Occidental Hotel. Herman John, from Penn.,shoemaker, Main street, between 3d and 4h. Herre C. F., from New Jersey; tailor, residence in east end of 5th street. Herre Fred, residence on east end of 5th street. Herre Chas., residence on east end of 5th street. Herre Miss Mary, residence on east end of 5th street. Harmon W. J., from Connecticut, proprietor of Platte bridge, residence corner 3d and 5th streets. Herfurth Alma, from Wisconsin, residence on Main between 5th and 6th streets. Herfurth Amelia, from Wisconsin, residence on Main street between 5th and 6th. Hewitt R., from Illinois., residence F between 13th and 14th. Hickey P., from Mass., tailor on Main street, between 3d and 4h. Higgins W. L., from Indiana, Salesman, residence on Maple street between 3d and 4h. Higgins Walter, traveling salesman, residence on Maple street between 3d and 4th. Higgins Miss Nettle, residence on Maple street, between 3d and 4th. Hiltabidle John, laborer, residence on Main street, south U. P. track. Hill J. W., Vermont, clerk, residence on corner of Maple and 5th Sts. Hill D., boards at the Wisconsin House, Main street. Hill Anderson, (Col.) waiter, at Occidental Hotel. Hinman M. H., from Pennsylvania, speculator, residence on corner of Clarkson Avenue and Military Avenue. Hodge O. W. from New York, nursery, residence on Broad street. Hogue Miss Bertha,, residence on corner of Clarkson Avenue and 5th street. Hoagland Frank, from Michigan, clerk, with W. H. Turner, residence on corner of 10th and C streets. Hooflan H. V., from Indiana, janitor at Shed's Opera House, residence on corner of F and 10th streets. Hooper Charles, laborer,.boards on Military Avenue between H and I streets. Hollenbeck C., from Pennsylvania, attorney, office on Main street, residence on corner of 6th street and Irving Avenue Hoffmeyer Christian, residence on corner of 6th and K streets Hopkins D. A., Harness maker, residence on 3d street, between I and J Hopkins A. P., from Canada, banker, residence on corner of Main street and Military Avenue. Holmes C. J., from Illinois, railroad man, residence on corner of 3d Hormel J. C., from Iowa, speculator, residence on corner of 4th street and Irving Avenue. Hormel J., from Iowa, blacksmith, on Broad street. Hotchkiss Harry, painter, boards at Occidental Hotel. Hotchkiss Geo. O., from Iowa, painter, boards at New York House House Miss Ollie, school teacher, residence on 4th street between H Houck Louise, from Illinois, residence on corner of 5th and L streets Houck Miss Maggie, residence on corner of 5th and L. Howard D. C. , stock dealer, residence on 3d street, between B and C Howard A. J., mason, residence on Military Avenue, between C and D streets. Hughes J., from N. Y., harness shop, residence on corner of 5th street and Platte Avenue. Humphrey A. K., from Iowa, city bus line, boards at Occidental Hotel. Hull A. C., from Indiana, photographer, residence on corner of 4th and C streets. Huftalen W. H., from New York, storage and commission on Broad street between 5th and 6th , boards at Occidental Hotel. Hunter, J. H., from Illinois, stock dealer, residence on 4th street between C and D. Hunter Wm., from Omaha, barber, residence on corner of H and 3d streets. Huette Gus., from Wisconsin, hardware, residence on corner of Main and 12th streets. Huette Theo., from Wisconsin, hardware, residence on corner of Main.and twelfth streets. Huette Otto, from Wisconsin, hardware, residence on corner of Main and 12th streets. -I- Inley S. G., from New York expressman, residence on D street, south of U. P. track. Inley Miss Alida, residence on D street, south of U. P. track. Inley Miss Hattie, residence on D street, south of U. P. track. Inches Dr. Charles, office and residence at Occidental Hotel. Irvine J. H., from New York, groceries, boards at New York House. Isaac Chris, from Denmark painter, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Isaac Miss Matilda, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. -J- Jacobson Rasmus, from Iowa, harness maker, with J. Hughes, boards on corner of 4th and Main streets. Janson Pete, from Denmark laborer boards on F street, south of U. P. track. Jefferson Miss Isabel, servant, works on corner of Clarkson Avenue and 4th street. Janson Thomas, shoemaker, residence south of U. P. track. Jensen Miss Christine, residence south of U. P. track. Jensen S. E., from Denmark cattle dealer, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Jensen Lars, clerk with C. Christensen, boards on corner of D and 5th streets. Johnson Richard, from Denmark, night watch, residence Main street, south of U. P. track. Johnson Chas., from Omaha, baker, residence on 6th street, between J and K. Johnson I. P., from Sweden, stock dealer, residence on 2d street, between Main and D. Johnson C. E., baker, with B. Baldwin, residence on 6th between J and K. Johnston Elmer M., laborer, residence on corner of 1st and Broad streets, Johnson A. L., from Indiana, laborer, residence on Clarkson Avenue. Johnson August, from Omaha, expressman, boards on corner of 1st and Main streets. Johnson Sopha, from Sweden, servant, works on corner of 4th and D streets. Johnson August, laborer, boards at Anderson's Hotel, Main street. Johnson John, laborer, boards at Anderson's Hotel, Main street. Johnston Mrs. Mary C., from Iowa, residence on corner of 1st and Broad streets. Johnson Mrs., residence on F street, south of U. P. track. Jones B. F., from Wisconsin, marble cutter, residence on corner of 13th and D streets. Jones W. T., from Wisconsin, Fremont Marble Works, residence on corner of 8th and I streets. Jonas John, from Omaha, saloon and boarding house, on corner of Main and 1st streets. Jurging Chris., from Germany, residence on Main street, between 5th and 6th. Justice Wm., from New Yorl`, engineer, boards on 1st street, between Main and F. -K- Keene L. M., from Main, speculator, residence on corner of 4th street and Clarkson Avenue. Keller Henry, boot maker, residence on 3d street between B and D. Keeler Miss Anna, residence on corner of 11th and I streets Keeler Miss Emma, residence on corner of 11th and I streets. Keller Mrs. Harriet, from Illinois, canvasser, residence on I street between B and D. Keeler Mrs. N., from England, residence on corner of 11th and I Sts. Keller Miss Maggie, servant, works on corner of l0th and I streets. Keel Chris, from Germany, laborer, residence on 5th street, between J and K. Kennedy Mrs. Mary A., from Wisconsin, residence on corner of 5th and D streets. Kerkow Gus., County Clerk of Dodge county, residence on corner of Main and l0th streets. Kerz Miss Anna, servant, works on comer of 6th and C. King G., from Pennsylvania, harness shop, on 6th street. King W. W., from Pennsylvania, harness maker, with G. King. 6th street. King Orin, from Illinois, clerk with B. Davidson, boards on Main street, between 4th and 5th. King Josh, from Illinois, with O. H. Mevis, boards on Main street, between 4th and 5th. Kline Mrs. E. R. residence on corner of 4th and B steets. Kerr Miss Emma, teacher, residence on corner of C and 2d streets. Klemm C., from Pennsylvania, saloon, Broad street between 6th and Military Avenue. Kloes Fred, from Wisconsin, clerk residence on Broad street, between 2d and 3d. Kischl John,from Deadwood, boards on 4th street, Between Main and D. -L- Larson John. general store, corner of 1st and Main streets. Larson L. P., merchant, corner of 1st and Main streets. Larson Jacob, from Denmark, laborer, boards on F street, south of U. P. track. Larson Gustave, from Sweden, laborer, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Larstens Christine, from Denmark, servant, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Larson Martin, from Denmark, laborer, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Larson Mrs., residence on Main street, south of U. P. track. Lawrence Edward, from Iowa, laborer, residence on 3d street, beween Clarkson Avenue and Irving Avenue, Lee Dr. Charles, from Minnesota, office on Main street between 3d and 4th. Lee J. C., from Pennsylvania, hardware, residence on 6th street between Clarkson Avenue and Irving Avenue. Lee Wm. E. from Pennsylvania, stock dealer, residence on Military Avenue, between B and C. Lee H. J., from Pennsylvania, hardware, residence on corner of 6th and C. Lee W. B., residence on corner of 6th street and Irving Avenue. Leeper Wm., (colored) waiter at Occidental Hotel. Lobdell E. E., from New York laborer, with Biles & Bridge, 6th Street. Lockland Mrs., residence on corner of Main street and Military Avenue. Loomis Geo. L., from New Yprk, lawyer, boards at New York Hotel. Looschen Geo. from Chicago, furniture store, boards on 3d street, between Main and D. Long Rev. L. W. B., from Montana, residence on corner of lst and B streets. Lowry James, from New York blacksmith, residence on 4th street between H and I. Lowry Wm. blacksmith, residence on 4th street, between H and I. Lumbard Geo., from New York, farmer, residence on corner of 11th and B streets. Lumbard D. A., bookkeeper, with First National Bank, residence on corner of 8th and G streets. Lumbard P. E. job printer, on Tribune, residence on corner of 12th and`D. streets. Lyman Mrs. Caroline, residence on Broad street south of U. P. track. -M- Magenau O. from Germany, druggist, residence on corner Main and and 9th streets. Marlow W. A., from Ohio, attorney-at-law, residence on corner of 4th street and Clarkson Avenue. Marlow Miss Jessie, residence on corner of 4th street and Clarkson Avenue. Marshall Col. from Illinois, county attorney, residence on 2d street between C and D. Marshall Geo. from Illinois, captain, residence on 2d between C and D. Marshall Miss Jane, from Illinois, residence on 2d street between C and D. Marshall W. B., from Missouri, jeweler, on 6th street, between F and Broad. Marshall Charles, from Missouri, jeweler, on 6th street, between F and Broad. Marshall Miss, from Missouri, residence on 6th street, between F and Broad. Marshall Allen, from Iowa, horse dealer, residence on corner of 8th and L streets. Marshall Pardon, from Iowa, residence on 8th street, between L and M. Marshall Arthur, from Iowa, residence on corner of 8th and L streets. Marshall Miss Emma, from Iowa, residence on corner of 8th and L streets. Marguardson Peter, from Omaha, carpenter, residence on Main street, between 4th and 5th. Martin G., from Illinois, brick mason, residence on C street between 3d and 4th. Martin William, attorney-at-law, residence on 3d street between Maple Avenue and Irving Avenue. Martin Ed., from Illinois, residence on Main street, south of U. P. track. Martin Miss Belle, from Illinois, residence on Main street, south of U. P. track. Martin Miss Maggie, from Wisconsin, waitress, at New York House. Martin Lena, servant, works on Main street, between 3d and 4th Marr C. D., from Iowa, bookkeeper, with if. Shed, boards on Broad street between 6th and Military Avenue. Mapes C. S., from Wisconsin, expressman, residence on corner of L and 4th streets. . Mason Ida, servant works on corner of K street and Military Avenue. May W. L., of May Brothers, wholesale groceries, on corner of 6th and F streets. May Joseph, of May Brothers, wholesale groceries, residence on corner of Irving Avenue and 3d street. May Charles, of May Brothers, wholesale groceries, residence on 4th street, between B and C. May J. K., of May Brothers, wholesale groceries, on corners of 6th and F streets. May Jessie, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Maxwell George, from Iowa, foundry, residence on corner of K street and Military Avenue. Maxwell Fanny, residence on corner of K street and Military Avenue. Maxwell Mary, residence on corner of K street and Military Avenue. Mago Addie, residence on corner of 6th and L streets. McCarn John, from New York mail and express, residence on corner of C and 3d streets. McCarn N. E., teacher, residence on corner of C and 3d streets. McCoy Bill, laborer, at New York House. McDonald Rolla, clerk, with A. Gibson, stationer, on corner of 6th and F streets. McElroy J., from New York proprietor of New York House, on corner of Main and 5th streets. McGee J. H., from Wisconsin, bartender, at Wisconsin House, Main street. McKone John, from Ireland, gardener residence on corner of J and l2th streets. McLain S. C., from Ohio, carriage painter, boards on Broad street, between 8th street and Military Avenue. McNamara Rev. J., from Brooklyn, rector St James church, residence on corner of D and 4th streets. McNamara Sadie, residence on corner of D and 4th streets. McNaught R. S., from New York farmer, residence on Irving Avenue, between 8th and 9th. McMillan Mike, horse dealer, residence south of U. P. track. Meally John, blacksmith, on corner of Main and 4th streets. Meally Patrick from Pennsylvania, blacksmith, on corner of Main and 4th streets. Mecklenburg Fred, mason, residence on corner of J and 10th streets. Melkelsen Niels, from Denmark, laborer, boards on F street, south of U. P. track. Meredith J. B., from Indiana, sewing machine agent, residence on corner of l2th and H streets. Meyer Fredrick, from Toledo, Ohio, groceries, residence on third street, between Main and D. Meyer Theo., from Germany, residence on corner of Clarkson Avenue and 5th street. Meyer J. H., from Michigan, proprietor City Hotel, Main street between 5th and 6th streets. Meyer Annie, at City Hotel, Main street. Mevis O. H., general merchandise, on corner of Main and 5th streets. Mickleson Christian, from Denmark printer, residence on corner of J and 13th streets. Middlekauf Henry, clerk with May Brothers, boards at New York House. Mikkelson A., from Denmark carpenter, residence on corner of I and 10th streets. Miller Samuel, from Iowa, proprietor Wisconsin House, Main street, between 2d and 3d. Miller John, carpenter, residence on Broad street, between l0th and l1th. Miller Mrs. C. T., from Wisconsin, residence on corner of 4th and C streets. Moackler James, from St Louis, shoemaker, residence on Main street, between 3d and 4th. Moller John, from Pennsylvania, barber, on 6th street, between F and Broad. Moller Fred, from Pennsylvania, barber, on 6th street, between F and Broad. . Moller Leopold, from Pennsylvania, speculator, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Moller John Sr., from Pennsylvania, apiary, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Moore Wm., from Ireland, clerk, residence on Main street south of U. P. track. Monroe Miss L., from Wisconsin, dressmaker, with Z. Shed, residence on corner of Main and 8th streets. Morse Ed. N., ice business, residence on Military Avenue, between H and I streets. Moreen A. O., from Iowa, clerk, with Z. Shed, residence on ad street, between C and D. Mosler Chris., from Michigan, clerk, with Z. Shed, residence on 8th street, west end. Mosley H., from New York, capitalist, residence on 8th street, between Broad and H. Moudy J., dentist, office and residence at Occidental Hotel, Broad street, between 5th and 6th. Munger W m. H., from New York attorney-at-law, residence on corner of 5th street and Clarl;son Avenue. Munger W. T., speculator, residence in Chase's addition. Murray C., from Wisconsin, clerk in County Clerk's office, residence on corner of 1st street and Irving Avenue. Murphy Henry, from Iowa, laborer, boards at St Charles Hotel, on Broad street, between 5th and 6th. -N- Nelson Miss Anna, residence on corner of Broad street and Military Avenue. Neilson Stena, residence on corner of 4th and K streets. Neilson Susan, residence on corner of Broad street and Military Avenue. Neilson Pauline seamstress, with Z. Shed, corner of 5th and Main streets. Neilson Anna, from Sweeden, residence on corner of Broad street and Military Avenue. Nehrbass Peter, from Germany, carpenter, residence on corner of 3d street and Clarkson Avenue. Newton W. B., from Illinois, mechanic, residence on I street between 1st and 2d. Nicodemus Henry, from Maryland, farmer, residence on corner of 8th and H streets. Nickles W. V., from Wisconsin, proprietor of Occidental Hotel, on Broad street, between 5th and 6th. Nichols Jacob, from Iowa, laborer, residence on corner of 1st and D streets. Norton Ella M., residence south of U. P. track. Norcross George, from Massachusetts, gunsmith, residence on corner of 4th and D streets. Nye Theron, from New York, president of First National Bank, residence on Walnut Grove Road, city limits north. Nye Ray, book-keeper, with Nye, Colson & Co., residence Walnut Grove Road, city limits north. Nelson J. F., laborer, residence on Broad street south of U. P. R. R. track.. -O- O'Brien Samuel, from Wisconsin, cigar maker, residence on corner of 6th and D streets. O'Brien Sallie, from Illinois, residence on corner of 6th and D streets. O'Connor, Rev. Father, Catholic Priest, boards at Occidental Hotel, Broad street, between 5th and 6th. O'Connor Peter, from New York laborer, at marble works, residence on corner of I and 6th streets. O Neil Charles, residence on corner of C and 8th streets. O'Neil James, from Wisconsin, carpenter, residence on corner of C and 8th streets. O'Neil Mike, residence on corner of C and 8th street. O'Neil Nellie, residence on corner of C and 8th streets. O'Neil Katie. from Wisconsin, clerk, with Z. Shed, residence on corner of 7th and D. streets. Orchard James, from New York, gardener, residence on 1st street, between D and Main. Osborn Rev. J. W., from Ohio, residence on corner of 8th and K streets. Osborn Miss Georgie, residence on corner of 8th and K. Osborn Lizzie, residence on corner of 8th and K. Osborn Retta, residence on corner of 8th and K. Ostergard Thos., miller, residence on corner of I and 9th. Osterman C., groceries residence on 11 th street, between Main and F. Otterman Rebecca, from Prussia, residence on Main, between 5th and 6th street. Paasch Henry, from Germany, clerk, residence on 6th street between C and D. Paine H. O. from Wisconsin, Postmaster, residence on corner of 5th street and Clarkson Avenue. Paine J. H., from Indiana, jeweler, residence on Platte Avenue, between 5th and 6th. Palmer Al., from Iowa, employee at Occidental Hotel, Broad street Parcell Joseph, agent, residence on 5th street near M. Peeby Mrs Mary, residence on 2d street, between Main and D. Peeby Miss Kate, residence on 2d street, between Main and D. Percy E. D., from Iowa, clerk, with F. W. Gibson, 6th street. Perkins J. A., from Iowa, harness maker, residence on J street, between 3d and 4th. Perrigo C. H., carriage maker, boards at Occidental Hotel, Broad St. Perry Mrs. E., from Illinois, residence on corner of 6th and M streets Perrey Miss Ida, from Illinois, residence on corner of 6th and M Sts. Peterson P., from Denmark wagon maker, on Broad steeet, between 4th and 5th. Peterson P. A.,'Sweeden, shoemaker, residence on corner of Irving Avenue and 3d street. Peterson Adolph, residence on corner of Irving Avenue and 3d street. Peterson Selna, residence on corner of Irving Avenue and 3d street. Peterson David, residence on corner of Irving Avenue and 3d street. Peterson Julius, brewer, residence on 6th street, between C and D. Peterson James, from Denmark laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Peterson Chris., from Denmark, clerk, residence on 6th street, between J and K. Peterson Miss Christine, servant, works on corner of 5th street and Clarkson Avenue. Peterson F., from Denmark, mason, boards on F street, south of U. P. track. Peterson Miss Emma, from Sweden, servant, works on corner 5th street and Clarkson Avenue. Phelps Edward, from Chicago, railroad, boards on 4th street, between H and I. Phelps Mrs. Sarah, boards on 4th street, between H and I. Pierce H. A., from New York, residence on corner of Military Avenue and L street. Pierce Miss Katie, residence on corner of Military Avenue and L St. Pilsbury, N. M., hardware merchant on 6th street, residence corner of D and 3d streets. Pilsbury Charles, from New York, tinner, with Cole & Pilsbury, on 6th street, boards at Occidental Hotel. Plumbeck C. H., from Germany, proprietor, Farmers Hotel, Plumbeck J. H., Farmers' Hotel. Plumbeck Miss Lizzie, residence at Farmers' Hotel. Porterfield Wm., from Iowa, carpenter, residence on corner of 5th street and Irving Avenue. Porterfield Jerome, from Iowa, residence on corner of 5th street and Irving Avenue. , Pawlson Paul, from Denmark laborer, boards on F street south of U. P. track. Pratt H. H., from New York jeweler, on Main street, between 5th and 6th. Predmore B. E., from Iowa, hair dresser, on Main street, between 3d and 4h. Priestly John, from New York gardener, residence on H street, south of U. P. track. Priestly Miss Jennie, residence on H street, south of U. P. track. -R- Renter Miss Minnie, from Germany, servant, works corner 5th and Clarkson Aveuue. Repass Mrs. C., from Omaha, 6th street between Main and F streets. Repass E., from Omaha, barber, 6th street, between Main and F. Reynolds Wilson, broker, boards at Occidental Hotel. Reynolds G. W. D., from N. Y., insurance agent, residence 6th street between C and D. Reynolds B. W., livery and sale stable, corner C and D streets. Reynolds ]. F., from N. Y., speculator, residence corner Military Avenue and Irving Avenue. Reynolds C. J., stock dealer, boards at Occidental Hotel. Reynolds John, from Scotland, residence on Clarkson Avenue between 8th and gth streets. Reveilac H. J., from France, bookkeeper, residence on corner of L and Military Avenue. Richards L. D., real estate and insurance agent and Mayor of Fremont; residence corner of Maple and 5th streets. Richards A. P., from Penn., teamster, residence corner 4th and Maple streets. Richtmeyer Abram, from New York, stable boy at City Hotel. Rippey Mrs. J. C., from Michigan, residence H. street, between Military Avenge and 8th street. Rippey Miss Libbie, residence H street between Military Avenue and 8th street. Robeson Thomas, from England, laborer, residence Kittle's addition. Rode C., from Denmark, saloon and boarding house, residence on F street, south of U. P. track. Roe E. M., from New York, brick mason, residence corner of Military Avenue and D streets. Rogers E. H., banker, residence Military Avenue, between D and Main. Rogers Manley, from Illinois, banker, residence corner 5th and C streets. Rogers James, clerk 1st National Bank, residence corner 5th and C streets. Rogers Eugene, residence corner 6th and C streets. Rogers Henry, from Pennsylvania, expressman, residence between 9 and 10th streets. Rometch John, from Wisconsin, laborer, residence corner C and 13th streets. Rometch Julius, from Wisconsin, printer on Herald, residence corner C and 13th streets. Rometch Fred, from Wisconsin, clerk with Otto Magenau, residence corner C and 13th streets. Roseman W. F., from Iowa, dentist, residence corner of both and I streets. Rosengreen John, from Denmark, plasterer, residence south of U. P. track. Ruggles Wm., from Michigan, expressman, residence south of U. P. track. Rush Miss Maggie, dressmaker, boards on 3d street between I and J. -S- Sauser Jacob, from Germany, residence on Military Avenue, between L and M. Sampson M. W., laborer, residence on 2d street, between I and J. Scharf John, laborer, residence on Military Avenue, west end. Schlegel Henry, from Germany, mechanic, residence on corner of 3d and J streets. Schrage Gus., from Wisconsin, stationer and news dealer, on 6th street, between Main and F. Schultz Fred, from Illinois, laborer, residence on C street, between 2d and 4th. Schultz Fred, from Germany, residence on Broad street, south of U. P. track. Schultz, Miss Paulina; servant, works on corner of 4th and D Sts. Schultz Wm., from Germany, peddler, residence on F street, south of U. P. track. Schwartz Henry, laborer, boards at European House, on Main St. Scofield Walace, carpenter, residence on 6th street, between L and M Seeley N. F., from Iowa, carpenter, residence on 9th street, between F and Broad. Seeley J., from Iowa, carpenter, residence on 9th street, between F and Broad streets. Siders Frank, expressman, residence on 4th street, between K and L. Siders A. J., from Iowa, expressman, residence on corner of 4th and K streets. Simonson S. K., from Denmark, tailor, residence south of U. P. track Shank Rev. J. W., from New York, residence on corner of both and I streets. Shaffer Mrs. W. T., from Penn., residence on ad street, between Maple and Irving Avenue. Shed Z., from Iowa, dry goods, etc., residence on corner of Clarkson Avenue and 5th streets. Shed Willie, clerk with Z. Shed, residence corner Clarkson Avenue and 5th streets. Shervin John, from Hagerston, Md., harness shop, residence corner l3th and Main streets. Shinn Moses, from Omaha, residence 5th street between H and I Short H. V., from Iowa, residence corner Military Avenue and D streets. Short D. B., from Iowa, sale stable, residence 3d street, between D and Main. Short Lou., residence 3d street, between D and M. Short Miss Edna, residence 3d street, between D and Main. Shortess Alex, from Ohio, farmer, residence Main street, south of U. P. track. Smalls Mrs. Margaret, from Michigan, residence 3d street, between B and C streets. Smails N. W., from Michigan, editor Fremont Herald, Smails Bros Main street, between 4th and 5th. Smails Robt., from Michigan, Smails Bros., Main street, between 4th and 5th. Smails William E., printer on Herald, Main street, between 4th and 5th. Smith L. B., from Penn., physician and druggist, residence Broad street, between 4th and 5th. Smith J. G., from Pennsylvania, dry goods, residence corner 10th and Riverdale Avenue. Smith A., from Iowa, carpenter, residence on 11th street between F and Main. Smith O., from New York, carpenter on Main street between 6th and Military Avenue. Smith Towner, from Penn., speculator, residence corner of Military Avenue and F streets. Smith Frank, clerk in P. O., residence on 11th street between F and Main. Smith T. G., from Wisconsin, corner of 5th and Broad streets. Smith F. M., from Penn., tinner, residence on Clarkson Avenue, between 8th and 9th streets. Smith Thomas; from Penn., laborer, residence Main street, south of U. P. track.. Smith Mrs. E. R., with Z. Shed, boards corner Main and 8th streets. Sorenson H., carpenter, residence on Broad street, between 11th and I2th streets. Stanley G. A., from Illinois, superintendent of public schools, residence on Military Avenue between Broad and H streets. Sterner Richard, from Penn., cigar maker, residence on 3rd street, between Clarkson and Irving Avenue. Sterett J. D., attorney at law, boards at Occidental Hotel. Stewart A. E., from Iowa, laborer, residence J street, between 5th and 6th streets. Straka Miss Mary, servant, works 3d street, between Maple and Irving Avenue. Stultz Mrs. A. C., from Ohio, residence Main street between 3d and 4th streets, Sweet Mr., employee of U. P. R. R., residence corner of 1st and C streets. -T- Tark John, from Germany, laborer, residence 4th street, between J and K streets Taylor Capt. Walter, constable, residence corner 5th and Clarkson Avenue. Tenney H. A., from Massachusetts, clerk with Z. Shed; residence on 3d street between C and D. Terry Stephen, carpenter, residence 3d street, between B and C. Terry Albert, laborer, residence 3d street, between B and C streets. Thayer Tryphosa, from Mass., residence on east end of 4th street. Thayer Lawrence, from Mass., expressman, residence east end of 4th street. Thayer Wilford, from Mass., residence east end of 4th street. Thiam Chas., from Germany, laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Thielen John, harness maker, with J. Hughes, residence on corner of D and 11th streets. Thomas N. B., from Illinois, furniture dealer, residence corner 9th and Broad. Thomas W. D., from Ohio, capitalist, residence corner Irving Avenue and 2d street. Thomas Miss Anna, from Illinois, servant, works corner 6th and C streets. Thomsen C. C., proprietor of Northwestern Hotel, corner of 4th and Broad streets. Thomsen J., bartender at Northwestern Hotel. Tompkins M. J., from New York, speculator, residence on 11th street between C and D. Thompson Cassius, sewing machine agent, boards corner I2th and H streets. Thompson Miss Jennie, employed at Occidental Hotel. Thompson Miss Mary, employed at Occidental Hotel. Thurlow Mrs. S. E., from Wisconsin, residence south of U. P. track. Titus Glover M., from Maine, merchants police, boards at New York House. Toncray C. H, from Michigan, real estate, residence on Main between 11th and 12th streets. Toncray N., residence Main between 11th and 12th streets. Toncray M. C., laborer, residence south of U. P. track. Townsend Asbury, from Michigan, carpenter, residence 3d street, between Maple and Irving Avenue. Trannum N. S., laborer, residence corner 3d and K street. Tremaine Geo., from Michigan, grocer, residence corner of Broad and 13th. Treen W. H., from Pa., blacksmith, residence 2d street between D and Main. Turner Edward, feed store, residence on corner of 1st and C streets. Turner Miss Nannie, residence corner 1st and C streets. Turner Mrs. Geo., from Maine, residence corner 1st and C streets. Turner Thomas, from Mass., residence corner 6th and C. Turner Mrs. B. G., residence on 5th street, between D and Main. Turner Eugene, printer, residence on 5th street between Main and D. Turner W. H., groceries, residence corner D and 5th. Turner Miss Edith, student, residence corner 6th and C streets. -U- Usher E. C., from N. Y., speculator, residence corner D and 6th streets. -V- VanEtta Geo., from Illinois, residence corner Clarkson Avenue and 4th streets. VanTress Mrs., from Iowa, milliner, residence corner 5th and B sts. Varnicheck Miss Fanny, from Germany, waitress at N. Y. House. Varnicheck Miss Mary, from Germany, waitress at N. Y. House. Vars J. W., from N. Y., superintendent of poor, residence corner 10th and Main streets. Veazie C. B., from Maine, bookkeeper, residence 3d street, between C and D. -W- Wagner Claus, from Germany, laborer, residence 3d street, corner J. Wolfert Miss Barbara, residence corner Clarkson Avenue and 3d St. Woltz Geo., from Penn., clerk with Chas. Balduff; Main street, between 5th and 6th. Waples Molly, residence south of U. P. track. Wardell O. L., carpenter, residence Main street between 4th and 5th. Warner M. M., from New Hampshire, gardener, residence Main, between 12th and 13th streets. Watson Henry, from Ireland, laborer; residence on B street, between 11th and 12th. Weaver John L., from New York, laborer, residence on 4th and Platte street. Weander Andrew, from Illinois, clerk with Z. Shed, boards on Broad street between Military Avenue and 8th streets. Webb Mrs. Agnes, from Iowa, residence corner 4th and I streets. Weller Z. S., from Missouri, druggist, on Main street between 4th and 5th streets. Wilms T. W., residence 5th street between D and Main. Welstead John, from New York, carpenter, residence on 1st street between Clarkson Avenue and Irving Avenue. Welstead James, laborer, residence corner 1st and Maple streets. Welstead Mr., from Iowa, laborer, residence on B street between 12th and 13th street. Wertz Mrs. Mary, from Germany, keeper of poor house, resides corner 8th and L streets. West Martha, from Illinois, corset factory, residence corner 2d and Main streets. Whelply Mrs. A., residence corner I and G streets. Whelply Loren, clerk, residence corner I and G streets. Whittier S., from Maine, residence corner of 4th and Broad streets. Whitman G. M. L., carpenter, residence south of U. P. track. Wightman Prof. A. R., from Plattsmouth, Neb., corner 13th and D streets. Wigan Miss Katie, employee at Occidental Hotel. Wile Miss Sopha, from Wisconsin, residence corner 6th and C streets. Williams M., from Michigan, saloon, Main street. Williams W. N., laborer, residence corner 5th and K streets. Williams Wm. N., teamster, residence corner 5th and J streets. Wilson J. M., from Tenn., carpenter, residence on 4th street, between H. and I. Wilson Thos., from Ohio, livery stable, residence on 8th street between C and D. Wilson W. R., grocer, residence corner Main and 8th streets. Wilson M. G., from Michigan, residence corner D and 2d streets. Winterstein Arthur, insurance agent, residence corner C and 4th sts. Winterstein P. H., insurance agent, resides corner C and 4th streets. Witte Francis, from Germany, farmer, residence corner H and 4th streets. Witte Frank, from Minn., laborer, residence corner 1st and Broad streets, south of U. P. track. Wohlers Chris., from Iowa, clerk for Andreesen & Meyer, boards on Broad street, between 5th and 6th. Wood Fred, from Toronto, Canada, clerk with H. W. Bowen, boards at Occidental Hotel. Woods Geo., (colored) employee at Occidental Hotel. Wordon Geo., from Iowa, dry goods and yankee notion peddler, residence south of U. P. track. -Y- Yost Rev. John, from Switzerland, residence 4th street, between I and H. Yost Jacob, from Illinois, farmer, residence corner 3d and I streets. Yost Jacob Jr., laborer, residence corner 3d and I streets. Yost Miss Tillie, residence corner 3d and I streets. Young Wm., laborer, residence on Main street, between 3d and H. -Z- Zingre Joseph, from Germany, speculator, residence corner 8th and I streets.