NO 01


JANUARY MEETING  12 Jan 1998 - 7 p.m.  Mares Meeting Room 

    Program was Arranged, but could not be confirmed due to the holidays, but there will be a program. We all like surprises!

Browse Nite - 26 Jan 1998 7 p.m   

Index of surnames in the HOSPODAR Periodical from 1906 - 1930  by Margie Sobotka 

The index is divided into three sections 1 -personal stories; 2-photos; and 3-names, location of residence and year. Margie's index provides the name, page number and the issue for reference. 

We hope everyone had a special Christmas. A Grand and Prosperous New Year, for 1998. Perhaps Santa brought some new clues in his bag for you. Claire received several new hints, jumped on to them, and found another new family tie, up in Wisconsin. It was in response to a letter she had written to a lady back in 1982. The lady had passed away and the granddaughter was cleaning out her shoebox of acquired articles on family history!  

Margie Sobotka tells me that renewal of memberships will be due starting in January. She will mail out renewal notices. Just a reminder that 1998 dues are $15.00, with the increase approved in the Spring of 1997. New membership in 1998, will be $19.00. 

Noted in Twigs & Branches Dec 1997 GOOD NEWS - BAD NEWS 

Burke's Peerage has NOT gone bankrupt and is on solid ground. However, the right to use the Burke's name for one book was purchased by Halbert's after the owner of Burke's was convinced that Halbert's is the largest genealogical publisher in America. 

SO BUYER BEWARE. If you see Burke's name on a book from Halbert or any of its other nom-de-plumes, be forewarned. 


From Family Fun Magazine, furnished by Jodi Schierbecker  

I fear you have done your readers a disservice by printing Andrea Mahoney's My Great Idea Letter, "Headstone Hunt" )Oct 1996, page 34). Ms Mahoney is a resident of New Hampshire, and in the state's laws (RSA 289.27) appears the following: 'No person shall make gravestone rubbings in any cemetery without first obtaining the permission of the selectmen or cemetery trustees." Gravestone rubbing is potentially damaging to old and fragile headstones. I would advise anyone first to see if they are in violation of any laws. From a Diane Mayr of Salem, New Hampshire. 

Thanks, Jodi. A good article and a law we need to be aware of in our travels for family history. 

Noted in Genealogical Gleanings of Antique Week   15 Dec 1997  RUSSIAN DIRECTORIES 

If you are looking for a surname in a particular town in Russia, you should know that the Library of Congress has Russian business directories for 1895, 1899, 1902, 1911-12 and 1923. There is a business, Fast Check Genealogy, 8510 Wild Olive Drive, Potomac, MD 20854, which can search the directories to verify a surname in a specified town. They have connections with 30 previous Soviet archives and may provide help to obtain copies of documents.(from Twigs & Branches, North Central IL Gen Soc, Dec 1997) 

 Our deepest sympathy goes out to the following: 
The death of Mrs Louis Miller of Florida passed away in Sep of 1997.  

The death of Alwine Stumpe, mother of Bernard(wife, Bernice) Stumpe of Scribner, on 14 Dec 1997. 

The death of Charles Hackett of Neligh, NE, father of Sandra (husband Allen) Barton on 13 Dec 1997. 


Willma Gimmestadt of Fremont, Nebraska from knee surgery. 

Rosey Larsen from thyroid surgery. 


LOOKING BACK 110 YEARS AGO    cemetery

The Great Blizzard of 1888, struck on January 12th. There is a beautiful book of record on our shelf, entitled "IN ALL ITS FURY" by Ora Clement. It tells of many stories and acts of great courage. One family in Dodge County suffered greatly, at the loss of their two daughters. St John's Ridgeley Church cemetery contains their tombstone and it reads: Sacred to the Memory of Eda C & Matilda M, daughters of Peter and Catherine Westphalen, who perished in the great storm of Jan 12, 1888. Matilda was 8yr 7mo 6d and Eda C was 13yr 4mo 10d. A beautiful poem after their death by Walt Mason entitled PERISHED IN THE SNOW and is also located in the cemetery records. 

Our tickler file has newspaper clippings of many citizenship notices. In 1906 a new law was enacted covering citizenship's in the U.S and many hurried to file their papers. It required being able to write English and speak English. 


FWH-Fremont Weekly Herald; FT-Fremont Tribune; FTWT-Fremont Tri Weekly

FWH 11 Feb 1892 3:1 

    Naturalization papers were issued to John Schlotfeld and Anton Wisnieski.

FT 22 Mar 1895 4:2 

    Judge Sullivan also granted citizenship papers to John B Anderson, Wm F Kassebaum & Wm Dessinger. 

FT 13 Jan 1896 4:2 

    Hans Hansen and Gottlob Herzog were granted naturalization papers in Judge Marshall's county today. 

FT 13 Feb 1900 4:2 

    William Suhr, Fred Koopman and Gerhard Stolle, all living near Scribner, took out their final papers today, making them citizens of the United States.

FT 1 Mar 1900 4:2 

    Those who have lately taken out their second naturalization papers with the clerk of the district court making them citizens of the United States are Owen Lewis of Ames, Carl A Fritz, Thomas Curran and Frederick Rudolph Motter of Fremont; Rev Frederick Wupper and Louis Anderson of Hooper, and Christian Bernhard Darfmeyer(Dorfmeyer).



FTWT 22 Sep 1900 8:2 

    W G Gollop of North Bend, and Louis M Christofferson and Hans P Rasmussen of Fremont, have taken out first papers with the clerk of the district court.

FTWT 13 Sep 1900 4:2 

    The first papers of citizenship have been issued to Johannes Barckel, of Hooper, and to Alexander S Watt who resides north of North Bend.

FTWT 16 Oct 1900 3:1 

    John A Schultz of Valley, and John Johnson of Ridgeley, have taken out first papers with the clerk of the district court. 

    First and second papers were given to Martin A Hostrup of Scribner today. August Oberg received his first papers.

FTWT 13 Sep 1902 7:2 

    Second naturalization papers have been granted , to Herbert Freeseman a former citizen of Germany, who now lives near Hooper. Mr Freeseman will soon make a trip back to his native land. First papers have been issued to Nels W Nelson and Amil Johnson, both of Hooper, who came to this country from Sweden.






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by Renee Bunck -renee@campus.mlc.edu

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