APRIL 2003
APRIL 2003 7:00 P.M. MARES
E 19-Fremont NE
Presented by Jeff Kappeler Jeff
has spent long hours getting this The
March program proved to be a very interesting one and only two did not have a bio of a
relative. We learned of ship wrecks on the
sea while coming over to the U.S How family
traveled from one state to another to find better land and living conditions. A great
grandmother who died and was buried at sea. But
what was so important was that we got everyone involved with their own stories passed down
by ancestors. We even had two members who
were working on the same family name of Robert Davis, but were not related – but what
can you expect with the name of a Robert Davis, or even a William Smith or Jones! We will try this again and hope that more members
will be involved. A
Monthly Chuckle It
was the end of the day when I parked my police van in front of the station. As I gathered my equipment my K-9 partner, Jake,
was barking, and I saw a little boy staring in at me.
“Is that a dog you got back there?” he asked. “It sure is,” I replied. Puzzled, the boy looked at me and then towards the
back of the van. Finally he said, “WHAT’D
HE DO?” F-71 Mrs Helen Spath Noted
in the Fremont Tribune 5 Apr 1872 SPECIAL
MEETING Platteville
Neb March 16, 1872. Company met pursuant to adjournment. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved. A motion being made to receive names of persons
desiring to become members, a number of persons were received as members of the company. An amendment to the constitution being offered, a
discussion arose taking up considerable time. Question being called, the motion was lost. A motion on the subject of a company brand being
tabled at a previous meeting, was taken up amended and passed each member being required
to brand his horses. On motion a new order of business, and other
amendments to the By-laws were offered. Motion carried, and the By-laws were amended so
that regular meetings of the company will take place as follows: The second Saturday in
January, and the second Saturday in every third month thereafter throughout the year. When a motion requiring all dues to be paid
in by next meeting prevailed. And on motion
all money in the company’s hands, was ordered to be held in readiness for immediate
use when called for by the company. Mr C D Stoner, of Wahoo, being present for the
purpose of receiving encouragement in organizing a similar company; assistance was
offered, but public action by the company was deferred until the next meeting. On motion, adjourned, to meet the second Saturday
evening in April, at 7 o’clock P.M. at the school house near the residence of Mr John
H Staats.
H Walkup, Secretary. |
YEARS AGO – BOOK 10 Arthur
MYERS to Jessie PRITCHARD 4 April Hooper
Sentinel 26 Apr 1900 A
Persists in Going Down twice After
he finds the Well filled with Foul Gases. A man by name of Erasmus Johnson, a well known
well digger, descended a well Tuesday, on the farm of Mr Robinson near Maple Creek, and
after going down once and finding the air so foul he could hardly speak he made signs to
be hoisted out, after being out a short time he was again lowered into the well and as he
got to the bottom he again asked to be hoisted out. This
time he stayed out an hour or two and then said he was going down again. The men remonstrated with him and persuaded him
not to try the experiment again, but he
Copyright 2002,2003 Claire Mares
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