12 April 2004 7 P.M.
Mares Meeting Room
1722 East 19-Fremont
Its in my blood
presented by Renee Bunck
BROWSE NITE: 26 April 2004 7 P.M.
Claire presented the program for March on what you will find in the County Judge’s
Office, not just estates, but other items that could help you in your search of the family
records. She also passed around copies of the old estate probates, with inventories,
foreign wills, Guardianships and Conservatorships. Adoptions are not open to the public,
however, in the old probate books, you will find that the records state who the adopting
parents are, and the fact that they were also advertised under legal records. Not sure
when this ceased, we note they were still advertised in the mid-1880’s. You will also
find Incompetency cases and Sanity cases.
It was noted that many changes have been made from the past records and those of
current records. At the beginning of the county records, everything was hand written into
large legal books - and Book B and one other legal book is on microfilm and the film is on
our shelf.
There is also a General Index for file cases that run from the beginning of the County
up to about 1963. After that time, you will need to check with a clerk in the County
Judge’s Office. Divorce cases are found in the Clerk of District Court office.
F-77 Diane Sandeen
549 W Jackson
Fremont NE 68025-5519
There is a red star on your label, if you have not paid your 2004 dues, this is your
LAST letter.
Grammar(Time, one hour)
1 - Give nine rules for the use of Capital Letters.
2 - Name the Parts of Speech and define those that have no modifications.
3 - Define Verse, Stanza and Paragraph.
4 - What are the Principal Parts of a verb? Give the Principals of do, lie, lay and run.
5 - Define Case, Illustrate each Case.
6 - What is Punctuation? Give rule for principal marks of Punctuation.
7 - 10 - Write a composition of about 150 words and show therein that you understand the
practical use of the rules of grammar.
This is only one part of a five-part test with Arithmetic 1.25 hrs; U S History .45
min; Orthography 1 hr; Geography 1 hr. The article was from the original document on file
at the Smokey Valley Gen Society in Salina KS and was reprinted by the Salina Journal.
This was the 8th Grade Final Exam. There are 7-10 questions for each part of the test.
For Arithmetic
-Name and define the Fundamental Rule of Arithmetic. For History
-Give the epochs into which U S History is divided. For Orthography
-What are the following, and give examples of each: Trigraph, subvocals, diphthong,
cognate letters, linguals?
For Geography
-Why is the Atlantic Coast colder than the Pacific in the same latitude?
Mrs Dora Harstick of Cuming county is said to be the oldest woman in this
part of the state, having rounded out a full century of years in this life on March 25th.
Her mental faculties are unimpaired and she is in full possession of her physical powers.
Three sons are living, all of whom are now aged men, and twenty-three grandchildren.
Hooper Sentinel 1 April 1909 6:2 During the high water a bottle drifted onto the Peter
Eggers farm and in it was found this notice: “Scribner, March 25th, 1908” and
was signed by E W Hubler. Mr Eggers found the bottle March 30th, 1912.
Hooper Sentinel 4 April 1912 1:5 |

100 YEARS AGO - April 1904
Frank Sasse to Annie Tobola on 5 April
Wm Duerst to Ida Blumm on 5 April
Joseph E Cherny to Julia M Hrabak on 11 April
James D Boll to Emma Low on 13 April
Otto H Bauman to Louisa Dames on 14 April
Paul Rhein to Emma Schulz on 16 April
George J Hudson to Maud M Lammel on 19 April
Herbert J Trotter to Margaret E Garfield on 20 April
William L Perrie to Jessie May Morgan on 21 April
Czerny J Stockfeld to Frankie Wilson on 23 April
William Helgenberger to Martha Bauman on 27 April
William Mohr to Wilhelmina Bauer on 27 April
Fritz F Lund to Mary Frandson on 27 April
Martin C Pollock to Emma Simonsen on 27 April
Jes Adams to Stella Gladwin-License refund for want of consent to marriage of minor(the
Miss Ida Blumm Joined to Wm Duerst - A Church Ceremony Snyder, April 7 - A wedding
ceremony was performed at the Lutheran church on Tuesday, April 5, by Rev. C W Rodenbeck,
uniting Miss Ida Blumm and William Duerst. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Christ
Blumm of Scribner. The bridegroom, a young man of excellent character, is a son of Mr and
Mrs Joachim Duerst, who live two miles north of Snyder. The couple were attended by Misses
Johanna Meier and Hilda Blumm and Messers Edward and Gustav Duerst. After the ceremony the
wedding party repaired to the home of the bridegroom’s parents, where a delicious
supper was served to the numerous guests. The young couple will make their home on a farm
four miles south of Leigh.
Noted in the Hooper Sentinel under date listed. all under 9 April 1903
German Lutheran CH - A class of sixteen received confirmation at the hands of
pastor Rev E Walter:
Harry Heine
Clinton Heine
Herman Waterman
Fritz Boldt
Louis Heller
Albert Bahr
Edward Meyer
Fredia Heine
Emma Gutch
Emma Schreinert
Mary Struve
Amelia Janssen
Hedwig Marx
Lenora Heller
Pauline Peters
Emma Ludwig
St John’s Church - A class of ten were admitted to the church:
Bertha Meyer
Adolph Daubert
Martha Von Seggern
Cassina Tonjes
Martha Haase
Johanna Rastede
Anna Von Essen
John Meyer
Gustave Heyne
Aug Schellenberg
St Paul’s Luth CH - a class of five were confirmed:
Alfred Bergt
Harry Krueger
George Busch
Henry Stalling
Walter Rink |