The month of July has been a “hot”
one and at times a rainy and stormy one. But we have survived.
Have been adding to our growing list of books etc from Margie Sobotka’s down-sizing
of books. She has donated the History of Howells NE. Colfax Co NE Pioneer Czechs(newspaper
articles Nov 1933 – thru 1934, all Indexed.) Douglas Co 1886 Voter Registration List.
Katheryn Wood Howe donated the Coleman Family History to our Family collections.
Up on our WEB SITE is the 1885 Dodge County Census. Renee is finished with the tickler
file A’s. Now to tackle the B’s. This is a slow going project, but will be great
when finished.
We have several members of our society who are now working on the Index for the Roots
& Leaves from 1993 thru 2002. Claire had too many irons in the fire and had to let
someone else do this indexing.
To those of you who remember Janice Davis, a charter member, she remains in the
hospital in Colorado after a very serious car accident, which broke her neck. Everyone
sends their best to you, Jan, and hope you will soon be re-cuperating at your son’s
home in Pueblo.
Those of you who wish to contact her call Claire for her address.
We note that Nona and Lloyd Weise of Scribner NE will be celebrating a 50th wedding
anniversary on August 2nd. Congratulations from all of us!
Any person who shall be found loitering about the town of Fremont for the space of ten
days, without having some known legal occupation or means of support; or any person who
shall be found on the street intoxicated with liquor; or any person found guilty of
indecently exposing his person; or any person who shall willfully or maliciously disturb
the public peace by making any loud or unusual noises; or by fighting or threatening to
fight, or by unnecessarily discharging any fire-arms within the corporate limits of the
said town of Fremont; such person shall upon conviction before the Judge of the Probate of
Dodge county, or other competent court, be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars for
each offence hereinbefore enumerated, together with an attorney’s fee of five
dollars, and the cost of prosecution; and in default of the payment thereof in money, he
shall, by order of the court, have an opportunity of paying the same in labor, under the
direction of the Marshal, and shall be allowed the same rates of compensation as are
usually paid for like service at such time.
Adopted August 4th, 1868
Chairman of Board
Clerk of Board.
noted in the Fremont Tribune 21 Aug 1868 2:5
The Hooper ball team played their first game at Craig last Thursday and won out by a
score of 13 to 7. The Craig score should have been 4 but the umpire did not seem to relish
seeing his home team outclassed in such a manner and gave them several scores which they
were not entitled to. The team came home in a somewhat crippled condition. Zellers, the
shortstop, had a thumb put out in practice and Eads, the catcher, had a thumb split, while
Denslow, the third baseman, received a hot one on the end of his nose which put him out of
business and gave the doctor a job of setting a few bones. After Denslow was put out of
the game Chas Lyman was substituted and finished out the game, showing some good sticking
from Hooper Sentinel 13 August 1903 5:3 |
Yesterday’s hotel arrivals are as follows:
NEW YORK: W D Motter, Kansas City Mo; E B Miller, Iowa City; D J Traill, Co Bluffs IA; C E
Gowdy, NY; Wm A Jack, Lincoln; H Ellis, Rockford; C L Hanson, Janesville Wis; H Muller, W
G Ross, C Y Meitzen, Omaha; A P Scott, W M Sturns, George Hangustz, Chicago.
BALTIMORE: F J McDonough, J W Mills, Lincoln; W K Blackburn, C J Otherton, Omaha ;C J
Wagner, eife and children, Co Bluffs IA; J E Patton, Siooux City; Thos McManus, O E Terril
and lady, Geo Muller, Chicago; F A Blakeslee, Harvard, Neb.
WINDSOR: J R Godden, Omaha; Gus E Miller, San Francisco; F M Thomson, Chicago
noted in Fremont Wkly Herald 23 Aug 1901 7:3

100 Years Ago – Book 10 1903
Koetter, Max to Grace Agee on 5 August
Fred F Brittain to Annie Irving on 8 August
Edward Dolan to Mable Nicholson on 9 August
Benjamin Ott to Lenora Wagner on 12 August
Amel L Zwiebel to Estella McDuffee on 18 August
Henry M Descher to Mande Stevens on 19 August
Harry E Redell to Lou Hartman on 22 August
John W Graham to Edith R MacDonald on 26 August
The home of Dr R C McDonald was the scene of a quiet wedding ceremony at 1 o’clock
this afternoon, uniting Miss Edith McDonald, his niece, and John W Graham. In every way
the nuptials were the embodiment of modest taste. The guests were few, including only a
dozen relatives and close friends of the couple. Rev John Doane pronounced the marriage
service, the pair facing him without attendants. A quiet wedding breakfast followed and
the newly married twain left during the afternoon on a wedding trip to the Black Hills
region. Returning in a week or two, they will take rooms which have been engaged at the
Charles DeLaMatyr residence on West Eleventh street, near F.
No announcement of the engagement had been made but the friends of the couple nevertheless
knew of it and have been expecting to hear of their marriage. The bride is a talented
young lady with many admiring friends. Her services as public librarian from which
position she retired on August 1, were valuable in getting the institution rightly
started. The groom is a young lawyer who is rapidly making his way toward the fore in his
profession and who has already received recognition in politics, being secretary of the
republican county central committee. Their friends wish them joy in full measure.
noted in Fremont Tribune 26 Aug 1903 4:4
A Swiss, who has been in this country only about a year working for Jacob Bodiwig, four
miles southwest of Hooper, was overcome by the heat on Thursday and fainted away. Mr
Bodiwig dashed a pail of water over him to bring him to and it threw him into spasms and
he has been having them at intervals ever since. Dr Schettler was called on Saturday and
was there again Monday and he says that it is very doubtful whether the man will recover
or not and that to-day or to-morrow will decide his fate.