August  2005


We made it through the heat of July, now perhaps the month of August will be a bit kinder to Nebraska.  Much time was spent in the basement library, working with persons researching for their families, and updating materials.

 A special "THANK YOU" to Sandra Dames of Scribner.  During the month of June, she updated the Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery records, NW of Scribner, Nebraska for us.  The new entries will be placed in our library book, and also on our web site.

 Jeff Kappeler, President of ENGS, has been working in our library during the month of July.  He is preparing to do a special media scanning of the photos housed at the May Museum and also for the 150th anniversary of Dodge County 2006. This to be displayed at  the May  Museum.


We have received a lovely Book from James H Hensel entitled Weimann-Dobkowitz, a Family History.  It contains over 1250 pictures and over 400 pages of text.  'Jim' spent over eight years putting this family history together, and it is worth your time to scan thru it, even if the family isn't yours.

Also arriving at our library is a book The IRISH in AMERICA, it is edited by Michael Coffey and Text by Terry Golway.  It was donated by Helen Drumright.  This is a very interesting book about special Irish  families here in America.


Almonds are a member of the peach family.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.


Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.


   Notice is hereby given: That WEDNESDAY JULY 21st, 1869, at the East door of the Court House, in Fremont, at 10 o'clock a.m., I will offer at Public Sale to the highest bidder, all the unsold School Lands in Dodge county Neb.  PROVIDED:  That no Lands shall be sold for less than its appraised value, nor for less than $7.00 per acre in addition to the appraised value of the improvements thereon.  By order of the County Commissioners.

 May 11th 1869.

                                A G BRUGH, Clerk, Dodge Co Neb.

BOOK 11 - August 1905

Ralph Martin to Bertha Ann Rhea on 02 Aug
Gustaf B Eggers to Mary A Janssen on 02 Aug
Joseph C Cook to Maude D Clark on 02 Aug
Allen C Scott to M Ethel Smith on 02 Aug
Grant Gibson to Pearl Holbrook on 14 Aug
Waldemar F Reetz to Elizabeth Henneman on 14 Aug
Frank L Reed to Marian C Mahler on 15 Aug
Emil C Raasch to Katie D Steck on 16 Aug
John H Weidner to Clara Peters on 16 Aug
William T Anthony to C Della Anthony on 16 Aug
Herbert W Robinson to Mary Edna Georan on 16 Aug
Frank Tragard to Mrs Mabel E Rodgers on 16 Aug
Walter M Lee to Laura Brouillette on 16 Aug
Charles H Madison to Mary Svatora on 17 Aug
Josiah Stevens to Mrs Theo Hendershot on 18 Aug
Henry Swanson to Leana Brunswick on 21 Aug
Loren Myrten to Mrs Ella Smith on 22 Aug
John G Barlow to Minnie M Helt on 23 Aug
M Stewart Thompson to Edith Kastran on 23 Aug
Clyde R Jeffords to Anne M Maxwell on 28 Aug
Charlie J Lennemann to Emma Emanuel on 30 Aug
Robert F Moore to Miriam F Myers on 30 Aug


  At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs John B Janssen, on last Wednesday evening, Miss Mary Jane Janssen was united in marriage to Gustav Eggers.  Rev E Walter was the officiating clergyman and the ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, among them being a number of out of town relatives.  At 5 o'clock a very elaborate wedding supper was served.

  Both young people have lived here most of their lives and their many friends extend their best wishes for their future happiness.  They have gone to housekeeping in the residence of A H Harms on Myrtle street.

  Noted in Fremont Tribune 07 Aug 1905  2:2


 Fifteen Graduates of Normal college took place last night, with a large audience present.  The Class colors, black and white, were in conspicuous evidence.  The appropriate motto of the class was:  "We Fill the Cup From Which We Drink."

 Fifteen graduates were given diplomas as follows: Thomas A Tucker, president; Anna G Sullivan, secretary; Elmer P Johnson, Archie Z Myers, Louis F Kreizinger, L Fred Lundy, Thos W Bruen, Q Howard Stevens, William H Fischer, Alexander St Romberg, Paul P Platz, Carrie Keef, Lawrence Hillyer, B A Adams, Raymond S Baker.

Dr W O Henry of Omaha delivered the address to the class.  His subject was "high Ideals," and the address was full of sound sense and good advice.  He urged upon the class the necessity of sobriety, diligence, industry and integrity.  He spoke of the use of liquor in the pharmacy business and gave some warnings with respect to it.

The musical portion of the program was greatly enjoyed.  Miss Fern Preston gave a piano solo and Mrs E O Garrett sang in a most charming manner, "Roses in June."

 Tonight a graduation recital will be given under the auspices of the department of music by Misses Mattie B Reynolds and Marian C Mohler, assisted by Prof Frank L Reed.

    Noted in Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 5 Aug 1905  3:2
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