It took long enough to warm-up here in Fremont, now we wish for cooler temps, well, really we just want the dewpoint and humidity to go down. We have been most fortunate until this past week for missing the heat, (Jul 14th.) The John C Fremont Days that run during July 11, 12, 13 had lovely weather.
Claire has been scrounging through the old newspapers for early items to print in our newsletter and also the Roots & Leaves....when you have been collecting and printing since 1974, it takes some mighty long seeking of new "news" and to also keep up with all of the visitors who are seeking out their roots in this area and the mail just keeps coming.
Renee handles the e-mail part of the letters and Claire the postal letters. They work together on many of the questions and usually are able to help out the person seeking help, or can advise where further to seek.
There have been
many members of our society stop in this summer and are amazed at all of the
book shelves loaded with books, not just Dodge County, but also for Cuming,
Colfax, Saunders, Washington and sometimes into other close areas. This
sometimes leads to new families wanting to become members of our society.
Remember a new member pays $19 the first year and renewals thereafter are $15.
We have been able to live within our budget in spite of paper increases, and
postal rates. We did have to reduce the number of pages in our quarterlies due
to the high increase in postal rates, we could not justify $1.27 each for the
quarterly as we have over 250 who receive the quarterly , and this includes
exchanges with other societies.
The Result of a Business of Eighteen Months $100,000 Worth Sold in Six Months. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Saturday we had the privilege of learning the following facts from the firm of Shed & Henry, wholesale and retail clothing and dry goods dealers in this city. The growth of the business of this firm is simply enormous as will be seen by the following: In February, 1876, this firm commenced business in a building containing 880 square feet of floor room, and now they have an increased capacity of 5100 feet. The building are all fire proof and an insurance to the full value of the stock on hand is constantly carried. Eight men are employed in the house, and since January '77 over six hundred cases of goods have been received. They are wholesaling to 59 houses in this State several in Iowa and a large number of the peddlers in this part of the State depend upon them for their stock in trade. The sales alone of this firm during the year 1877 will exceed the enormous sum of $100,000. A buyer is kept in the New York and Chicago auction stores, constantly, supplied with cash, which enables them to purchase goods so low that a fair profit can be made when the merchandise is sold for less than 50 cents on the dollars of their actual value, and this Shed & Henry are constantly doing. They sell, every day, first class goods of every description for less than 50 cents on the dollar of their real value. Their business is strictly cash and they carry on the trade under the suggestive motto, "Buy for cash, sell for money, and compel trade to patronize us for self protection against high prices." Noted in the Fremont Herald 6 August 1877 WORKSHOP PLANS FOR ENGS Eastern NE Gen Society & Keene Memorial Library MARK YOUR CALENDAR - SEPTEMBER 27, 2008 We have arrived at a date and place and enclosed you will find a workshop brochure. Planning to attend? We need a pre-registration filled out and sent to our address by Sep 15th,2008. This is needed to tell how many will be attending, and be sure to mark beginners box or the advanced box. There is a $2.00 fee for the packet. It will have various items for the beginners and for the advanced there will be items for you folks too. There will be presentations and demonstrations for beginners and advanced genealogists. A brief tour of the library with various items for genies to use, and a tour of the new digitizing lab will be included . NEW ON THE SHELF
Immigration CD's
13-disc CD's
Immigration: New York Passenger Lists, Family Archives Book of Emigrants 1607-1776 and viewer.
Family Tree
Maker's Passenger & Immigration Lists |
Andrew W Fulton to
Nora Oliva Walling on 04 August This is the smallest number of marriages in 1908, and five were performed by the County Judge. MARRIES MAN FROM KEARNEY ~~~~~~~ Well Known Fremont Girl Becomes Wife of Former Resident Miss Frances Conrad and Floyd L Steenrod were married at 11 o'clock today at the home of Mr and Mrs D B Potter. A small number of relatives and intimate friends witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev W H Buss of the Congregational church. Miss Conrad is a popular young lady and has a large circle of friends in the city. Mr Steenrod is a resident of Kearney, but formerly lived in Fremont. After a short honeymoon trip, Mr and Mrs Steenrod will be at home in Kearney. Fremont Tribune 20 Aug 1908 5:4 Noted in the North Bend Eagle under date of 20 August 1908 5:2 Miss Marie Bignell of this city and Arthur Proctor of Buffalo, Oklahoma, will be married this afternoon at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs Henry Needham, north of town. Rev Stambaugh will officiate. The bride is the daughter of Mr & Mrs Henry Bignell of this city. Mr Proctor arrived from Buffalo this morning. Noted in the Fremont Tribune 21 August 1868 Page 3 Our energetic and enterprising townsman, Mr R (Robert) Kittle has just laid the foundation of a large two story brick home, in the eastern part of town. The foundation and walls are built of the best Sarpy county limestone, and the superstructure will be of Fremont brick burned by Mr Kittle. We have not yet had a sight of the plans of this residence but from the well known taste and ability of the gentleman do not doubt but it will be one of the finest and best houses in our town. Just north of the building site is a very large grove of thrifty forest trees which add much to the beauty of the location. Fremont Herald 21 Sep 1877 On the eastern bound U P express Thursday a delegation of Sioux and Arapahoe chiefs passed through Fremont on their way to Washington to confer with the Good Father relative to matters of vital interest to them. The following are the names of the Sioux chiefs: Spotted Tail, Hollow Horn, Bear, Little Hawk, Ring Thunder, Spotted Tail Jr, White Tail, Swift Bear, Good Horses, Red Bear, Touch-the-Cloud, Red Cloud, Young-Man-Afraid-of-His Horses, Little Hound, Yellow Bear, American Horse, Big Roads, Jumping Shield, He Dog, Little Big Man, and Three Bears. The Arapahoes are presented by Black Cole, Sharp Nose, and Friday. |
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