14 February 2005 7
Mares Meeting Room
1722 East 19-Fremont
Program: “Two Geese and a Coin”
Presented by Jeff Kappeler
Election of Officers for 2005
Browse nite 28 Feb
2005 7 p.m.
January Meeting was a
surprise icing of streets in Fremont, however, we had ten members who
ventured out to listen to Ila Laaker present a program on researching in
Denmark and Germany. She used her own family research as a guide. It
appears, that if you have some distant relative over there to help, you
can make good headway. Ila was a very lucky person to have and find
relatives over there. Thanks Ila for a very enjoyable evening.
Claire has been
searching through the old microfilm again, and noted that in many cases
there are some great obituaries and marriage items in the towns within
the county: North Bend, Dodge, Snyder, Scribner, Hooper. They also reach
out to surrounding areas for news. Fremont is our oldest newspaper and
we have to rely upon it for information from 1868 to when the towns
around began to print their own newspapers. But you would be surprised
of the Local Items in neighboring towns. We do have newspaper microfilm
of the first three rolls of film for each town mentioned above. North
Bend had the Argus, Republican up to 1897, then we have the Eagle; Dodge
papers start in 1895; Snyder is later and starts in 1908; Scribner had
the News, then the Rustler and those are in early 1880s forward; Hooper
started their newspaper in 1892. You will find, perhaps, a better
obituary in the local paper than the Fremont(many times shortened), also
goes for marriages. Seeking out when a church was first started?, there
are articles of interest in such papers, but you have to know an
approximate year. Try it on a browse night and see what you
Margie informed me
that the dues notices have been mailed to our members. Don’t forget to
send your payment for 2005 to Margie. She enclosed all of the
information in her envelope.

We extend our deepest
sympathy to the family of Vernon Fauss, ENGS member in South Dakota.
Vernon passed away on Dec 25, 2004.
It was noted in the
old newspapers of all the Masquerade Balls held in February, and oh what
fun they had.
Hooper Sentinel
2 Feb 1896 1:2
There was about
ten couple gathered at the home of Pete Bodewig Saturday evening.
Dancing was the order and the fantastic toe was tipped until the wee
little hours of morn when the crowd went home, (all except the
musicians) feeling as though they had spent the happiest night of their
lives. A bountiful supper was served at midnight. Boys do not
understand this party to be a visiting party as it was a dancing party
in every sense of the word. The musicians had that tired feeling.
Dodge Criterion
21 Feb 1896 5:3
A man drove into
town Monday with a load of brooms which he was endeavoring to sell. He
sold a few when he was stopped by Marshal Greaser, who requested that he
pay a peddler’s license. He refused and Pete captured his team, wagon
and brooms, and finally arrested the man himself. He was given a
hearing before hizzoner, Judge Hasson, and fined in a small sum which he
could not pay so his load of “brooms” was attached by Pete Greaser as
special constable and will be sold to satisfy the fine and costs. The
peddler claims that he will fight the case in district court, but just
such a case as this was decided in district court wherein Scribner and
Hooper were sued for imprisoning a peddler and the peddler lost the
The masquerade at the
Opera House on Tuesday evening was a success and does much credit to the
committee having the affair in charge. The representations were unique
and in some cases called forth considerable merriment. We were unable
to procure the names of all those en-masque and will mention only a
few: Miss Mary Curran, the Spanish girl with long, red, curly hair was
not known until the hour of unmasking; Dottie Armstead, as the little
flower girl, presented as neat an appearance as any in the hall; Miss
Malloy in a neat well fitted costume being patriotically inclined was
wrapped in a disguise of the stars and stripes; Miss Katie Owens was
robed in a pink dress with stars pinned here and there and a crown upon
her head with the words “North Bend” tastefully arranged, representing
the city in all her glory; John Hutchins represented Uncle Sam to
perfection, being about the length and breadth of that honorable
gentleman there was not a person in the hall that could have
impersonated this character with better success; Frank Dorsey as Annie
Rooney made a decided hit; Frank Jameson represented the policeman to
good advantage, the main difficulty being his uncorpulency; H Behm as
the “Irish Matron” was well taken. The mania among the gentlemen seemed
to be “clown” and a number of very grotesque costumes were on the
floor. Taken in all the evening was an enjoyable one and the dance was
continued pretty well on toward daylight.
Spotted in the
North Bend Argus 12 Feb 1891 5:4
100 Years ago Book 11 1905
Michael F Gaughen to Catherine Farrell on Feb 1
Dennis C Pigsley to Atlanta H Anderson on Feb 1
Robert C Huddle to Nellie B Craig on Feb 1
Frank X Koss to Marie A Meyer on Feb 6
George E McCord to Delores Inghram on Feb 6
Frank Klamt to Marie Wanaz on Feb 8
Irving W Longacre to Della M Forney on Feb 8
Hallis W Brown to Kelly Traphagan on Feb 11
Edward W Kuntzelman to Neva L Brill on Feb 13
Horace H Wintersteen to Elizabeth Moller on Feb 14
William H Akers to Annie Margritz on Feb 15
Mathew Heine to Hilda Getz on Feb 15
William Henneman to Mary Meyer on Feb 16
William H Hanting to Clara Anderson on Feb 20
Harvey Black to Emma Schreinert on Feb 20
Louis Peterson to Mary Andersen on Feb 21
Mat Faist to Emma Studt on Feb 22
Louis A Freeman to Janette Barrett on Feb 22
W Raymond Porter to Christina E Andresen on Feb 22
Louis Thernes to Frederic Romberg on Feb 22
John Broeker to Anna Schultz on Feb 22
Edward Black to Bessie Starmer on Feb 22
Michael Golliglee to Mary Hanlon on Feb 22
John Von Seggern to Clara Krueger on Feb 23
William Nystrom to Ellen Olson on Feb 28
Logan News
Married, Wednesday
February 22 at the Lutheran church, Louis Thernes and Miss Frederica
Romberg, Rev Traubel officiating. After the ceremony a large number of
relatives and friends repaired to the home of the bride’s parents where
all partook of a sumptuous dinner.
The young couple will
make their home on the groom’s farm south of Scribner.
Scribner Rustler March 2nd 1905 5:4
In the Scribner
Rustler 11 Feb 1896 page 3:6 noted:
On Saturday
evening, Feb 13, 1896 a Valentine social will be given at the home of Mr
and Mrs Rienard. All are Cordially invited to attend.
Croquettes of Two Soles.
Soured Hearts.
Orange Love Knots.
Broken Hearts.
Frozen Kisses.
Iced Hearts.
and on the 18 Feb
1896 page 3:3
The Masquerade
Ball that was given last Friday night, under the auspices of the
Scribner Cornet Band was a grand success and every member deserved
praises for the part he took in making everybody feel at home and not
feel as if they were among strangers. There were about seventy-five
masked and some went to a good deal of expense to capture the prize
which was finally awarded the Flower Procession consisting of twelve
ladies. The gentleman’s prize was awarded Emil Horstman as being the
gentleman wearing the most comic costume.