Mares Meeting Room-1722 E 19 Fremont Nebraska Program: A GENEALOGY MOMENT
BROWSE NITE: 22 January 2001
The month of December has been a cold one, and I find that some of our members have been recuperating from illness or surgery. We extend get well wishes to Lavilda Passick who underwent shoulder surgery early in December. While Annette Laber is not a member of our society, she was visiting her sister, Claire Mares, and suffered a mild heart attack and ended up at Immanuel Hospital and now has a “Balloon Heart” and spent some time with Claire before returning to Colorado. Many of our members are acquainted with her. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Winifred Warner, who passed away Dec 4, 2000 at Beaver City NE. Wini has been a member for a number of years.
BOOK 9 Myron H Pangborn to Mrs Anna B Phillips on Jan 01
BACK TO SLANTS NO MORE VERTICAL WRITING IN FREMONT SCHOOLS - CHANGE HAS BEEN A BIG TASK Conviction Now That System Was a Fad and Efforts Made to Eliminate it. Superintendent Waterhouse of the city schools is making a collection of specimen pages of hand-writing from every pupil in the public schools below the High School for the purpose of determining what progress is being made in eliminating from the schools the vertical system of writing which has prevailed in a more or less modified form for several years. At the beginning of the present school year a natural slant system was introduced. The results at the end of less than four months are gratifying. Since all of the pupils in the lower grades have never used the slant system in its entirety, the problem of changing is no small one. The new system aims at securing a natural business hand and moderate speed which was unattainable under the fad of vertical writing which was so general few years ago. All specimens will be placed on file. At the close of the year similar collections of specimen penmanship will be made. Superintendent Waterhouse contemplates some plan of recognition for those pupils who show the greatest improvement. Fremont Tribune 21 Dec 1908 5:3 |
SHELF NEWS Dating Old Photographs 1840 – 1929
A quote from the publication: “The presence of a tax stamp on the back of a photograph indicates
that it was taken during the Civil War by a photographer on the Union side,
and dates between 1 Aug 1864 and 1 Aug 1866. If it is a one-cent
stamp, it was taken after 1 Mar 1865.”
OLD PAPER CHRONICLES ANCIENT LOCAL HISTORY. (This was located in the 16 & 30 Dec 1921 Fremont Herald.) Doing a bit of house-cleaning at the Hauser Book store this week, Raymond
Hauser discovered a very interesting document in the shape of bits of “ancient
Old History.” The repetition of which will doubtless be appreciated by
such citizens of Fremont as have lived here during the past 2 or 3 decades.
A.D. 1893
A.D. 1894-7
A.D. 1898
A.D. 1899
A.D. 1900 Jun 3 – East school damaged by fire.
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