1722 East
19th-Fremont NE.
PROGRAM: Online Genealogy resources
through a Laptop and our TV - Presented
by Renee Bunck.
Browse nite: 23 Jan 2006 7 p.m.
We hope everyone had
a very Merry Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year 2006.
Perhaps we will get some nice temps instead of cold and snowy days.
December in Fremont was cold and snowy.
Did everyone find
something new in their stocking regarding a family ancestor? Claire
found one in reading the Look Backs in the 80 years ago regarding her
Grandmother Talbott. She was a librarian at the Hebron Public Library,
now she knew this part, but no dates to put it together, now it is a new
clue for her. Claire also completed several researches before the
holidays which would be new finds for two families. Oh, what fun it is
to have only a name and go to our local tickler files 1880-1906 and find
lots of "goodies" for one not knowing only a name, but locating the
We extend our deepest
sympathy to member, Ruby Coleman of Valentine, NE in the death of her
mother, which occurred 08 Dec 2005. Her name is not known.

BURT CO NE-Tekamah
1854-1954 Centennial Book compiled by Tekamah Chamber of Commerce 1954.
WAR ONE 1917-1919 by the Burt County Herald - 1919. Hardback Book.
SCHUYLER Graduation Information for 1936 and 1937-donated by Cathy Bunt
(all in a special folder).
These were found at a
sale in Illinois and valuable to our society for look-ups.
Fremont Weekly
Tribune 9 Jan 1884 2:3
Yesterday morning at
an early hour a fellow who had given out that he had rented the old
Keeler farm made a raid on a few stables, loaded himself with booty and
Mr Cobb's hired man
caught the fellow in the act of stealing, but not being able to take
care of him alone, ran for help. Meanwhile the thief carried off a
single harness belonging to Mr Cobb. He also carried away from the
stable of Mr Thomas a single harness and a robe; from Mr Bothwell two
robes. He was particularly choice in his selections, taking only the
Up to this writing
the thief or thieves have not been found, though considerable effort has
been made to learn their whereabouts. Sheriff Gregg and Mr Cobb rode to
the Valley yesterday but no "trace" of them could be found as their
"line" of travel had been in another direction. Our opinion is that
they will be "collared" yet.
A Fire Breaks Out
Last Night and Destroys
Holz's Harness Shop
and Hoffman's Saloon.
"Special to the
Hooper, Neb., Jan 5,
1885. - A fire originated in John Holz's Harness shop in the Jacob's
building last night (Sunday), and although it must have been burning
sometime, was not discovered until about six o'clock, when the fire was
beyond control. For nearly an hour the flames were fought without
effect, and the fire fighters turned their attention to saving the
adjoining building on the north and south. For an hour the bucket
brigade fought the flames persistently and this time with some effect.
The building on the south occupied as a saloon by Geo Hoffman was only
three feet from the fire, they saved the building occupied by W R
Christman as Harness shop. Fortunately for the surrounding buildings
which are dwellings, this building was saved. Had it burned no power
could have saved them. The loss on the saloon and harness shop
buildings, both belonging to Uede Jacob is $500; insurance $175. Holz's
loss on stock of harness is $2500; insurance $2000. Hoffman's loss on
saloon stock $800; covered by insurance. Christman's loss on stock $63;
covered by insurance. The fire brigade did admirably in saving as much
as they did under the circumstances.
Fremont Weekly Tribune 7 Jan 1885 5:2 |
Victor E Koyen to Anna Benson on 1 January
William Streator to Grace Mary Hancock on 1 January
Byron E Seely to Marian Kirkpatrick on 3 January
Ferd Martens to Mrs Dora Rohde on 5 January
David E Edwards to Fay M Dodd on 6 January
Joseph Henry Duerst to Dora Wendorf on 9 January
Bert W May to Katharine Richards on 9 January
Gottlieb W Lippolt to Mary Jansen on 10 January
James H Conley to Mrs Harriet Stone on 10 January
Guy Lester Morehouse to Mary Dern on 10 January
Lewis L Greeno to Mrs Minnie V Pace on 13 January
John A Ferguson to Agnes S Brown on 17 January
Otto H Koehler to Jessie E Mitchell on 18 January
John P Kramer to Ane Petrie Rasmussen on 20 January
William E Brown to Mrs Nettie Armstrong on 20 January
Charles Prohaska to Mary Gladys Howard on 24 January
Elsworth S Galvin to Minnie Paschke on 24 January
John T Wigington to Mary Clayton on 25 January
Charles Hanson to Mrs Ruby Ronin on 25 January
And several
marriages-none were long.
Wm Streator, of Clyde
Kans, and Miss Grace M Hancock, of this city , were wed at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, at the Hancock h9ome, 312 West Twelfth street. The
affair was a quiet one with but a few relatives in attendance. Mr and
Mrs Streator will reside at Clyde, where the bridegroom is in business.
Fremont Daily
Herald 1 Jan 1906 4:1
MARRIED - Miss Anna
Benson and Victor Koyen were married today by Rev H B Foskett at the
bride's home in this city.
Fremont Tribune
1 Jan 1906 4:2
The marriage of Miss
Anna L Benson and Victor D Koyen took place on Thursday at the home of
Mr and Mrs Swan Benson, Ninth and Platte streets. The ceremony was
performed at high noon by Rev H B Foskett in the presence of a number of
relatives and friends of the couple. A wedding dinner and social
features were included in the nuptial celebration.
Fremont Tribune
6 Jan 1906 5:2
Last Friday evening
some of Scribner's most aristocratic people drove out in the country, to
Mr and Mrs Calvin Horton's. It was a very pleasant evening and the
visitors were highly entertained. Some very nice music was furnished by
Stroup Orchestra which the visitors appreciated very much. At two
o'clock (a.m.) an oyster supper was served after which all departed for
their homes. Those present were as follows:
M/Ms James M
Beaver M/Ms James Reinard
M/Ms I
Montgomery M/Ms C W Marquardt
M/Ms Fred
Putnam M/Ms Wallace Dennis
M/Ms George
Dennis M/Ms S E Beachler
M/Ms Howard Van
Deusen M/Ms Robert Graham
M/Ms John
Stroup M/Ms L M Whitman
M/Ms W E
Putnam Misses Ream and Graham
Messrs Peter Preiss,
James Christy, Arthur Reetz, Edward Spear, Willis Burns, Alba Graham,
Frank D Case, Austin Fregmore and Wilson Stroup.
Noted in
Scribner Rustler 20 Jan 1898 2:2
Last Saturday evening
the many friends, old and young, of John Stenvers gave him a very
pleasant surprise party at his home. They met first at Arnold Romberg's
plae and proceeded from there, headed by the Common Creek Cornet Band,
to Mr Stenvers home. About fifty couples were present and all enjoyed
themselves very much, until a late hour. The young people engaged in
dancing and the older ones in social games and conversation. Mr Stenvers
will soon move to Scribner and this event was a token of the esteem in
which he and his family is held by his neighbors.
Noted in
Scribner Rustler 29 Nov 1895 3:5