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  JULY   2003

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 Our June meeting was a most interesting one and presented by Renee Bunck at the Midland Lutheran College Library.  We watched a very informative tape on Digital Imaging for Genealogy.

It covered all prices of cameras and what they can produce and then it expanded into scanners, zoom lens and the final outcome of the inexpensive cameras to the latest in technology.  Renee had some photos that she had taken with her Nikon and photographing a nest of robins in a neighboring tree.  Hard to believe that it was a good 50 feet away, but she experimented with the used of a scope and her digital camera and her results were great.

 Thanks Renee for making this a lovely evening, even though many had tongue in cheek and an eye on the weather.  Our weather here in eastern Nebraska hasn’t been the greatest for traveling in the evening.

This VHS tape can be loaned out to the members to view.   If you are thinking of a new camera, you might want to check the tape out before you make a final selection.

 We received word that Alan Thomsen underwent surgery in Omaha and we wish him the very best recovery.  We are all pulling for you, Alan.  Our best to wife, Lorene, and if she needs help, just give Claire a call.

 Margie Sobotka’s husband, Rudie, has been in and out of the hospital in Omaha and hopefully will be going back to his home at Elkhorn, in the near future.

 There is an enclosure with this letter, it lists the donations of microfilm that Margie has given to our Society.  Margie is downsizing her material and we will certainly benefit from her decisions.  Many thanks, Margie!.  She is now gleaning out books and some of this material is finding its way to our library.  We will be purchasing a new bookcase for additional books and help relieve our tight shelves.

Books on the shelf Books.jpg (6455 bytes)

History of Uehling, Nebraska has been received and is now on the shelf. 

 Vietnam Veterans Memorial-Directory of Names. There are over 58,000 veterans listed in this large book and will be on our shelf with our other military books.

Our society had a very interesting lady who was working on her ancestors that arrived in 1857.  Ardundel C Hull, a photographer, along with the J Towner Smith, E N Morse, Alanson Miller and Joel Green, all who are part of her family ancestors.  We were most happy that our tickler files produced much needed information for her.   Millicent Miller Sacio traveled here from Lima Peru and spent several days in our library and from here she was going to Texas and then on to California, with plans to be in the United States for 6 weeks.

The 1885 Dodge County Census is now up on our web site for viewing.  This was another interesting project for Claire to type up  from cards that were done many years ago.  As it was typed and proofed a printed copy of the census material was also placed in book form for our library shelf-easing up our 3 x 5 card drawers.

Most of you are already aware that our tickler files have all been scanned and Renee has completed the A’s and Z’s, and they are up on the web site. 

Next on the agenda is to complete an all-name index from the Roots & Leaves that will cover 1993 thru 2002.  Anna Lu Meltvedt completed all former indexes of our Roots & Leaves, for which we are most thankful to have.  She passed away in 2002. She was a staunch supporter of our society and did many things for our society.


      100 Years Ago – Book 10  1903

 W F Reed to Josephine Daley on 1 July
William W Stiles to Lena B Jennings on 4 July
Louis Stroh to Laura Meyer on 14 July
Geo P Meier to A L Johanna Buer on 22 July
James Sigmund to Mrs Emma Benak on 22 July
Chris Peterson to Carrie Peterson on 22 July
Joe Smith to Josephine A Dennis on 23 July
John F Horn to Minnie F Simon on 24 July
Will S Newland to Catharine A Crossley on 29 July


 Noted in the Hooper Sentinel 16 July 1903  5:5

 MEYER-STROH – On Wednesday, July 15, 1903, at 4 o’clock p.m., at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs John F Meyer, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Laura, to Louis Stroh.  Rev Walter officiating.The event was a quiet one, only the immediate relatives being present, and was somewhat in the nature of a surprise to their many friends.

 The bride has been a resident of Hooper and vicinity since childhood and during that time she has gained a large circle of friends, and the groom is to be congratulated upon gaining such an excellent companion.

 Mr Stroh has also been a resident of Hooper since boyhood, is a mason by trade, and is a young man of honesty and integrity, a trait which has made him many friends.

 THE SENTINEL extends congratulations.

 (Note a date difference in the marriage date., as to date from the license.)


 On Wednesday last, the Rawhide, at the Broad street crossing, resembled a river, the water was flowing over the road to the depth of five feet and the bridge stood in the center of the flood like a small island.  During the entire day teams had been crossing, and by putting one wagon box on top of another the loads were kept dry.  About 4 o’clock in the evening a German named Mattwick, formerly residing near town, attempted to cross from the south to the north bank with a team, one man was in the wagon beside himself-when about thirty feet from the south margin of the water the horses missed the narrow road and commenced floating down stream – For some reason the horses could not swim and in a moment went under and drowned.  The men struck out and swam to the north bank – the wagon box drifted over and lodged on the same bank.  The wife of Mr Mattwick fortunately got out on this side, and thus escaped a watery grave.

          From Fremont Tribune 23 Jul 1869  3:4



  Mr Ransford, not liking the manner in which the TRIBUNE deals with “nuisances,” and feeling considerably exercised by some items in its columns, determined to change its tune and his manner of doing business, and instead of now deserving censure is entitled to praise for his energy and activity in rendering crossing of the Platte certain, safe and speedy.   Last week we noted the fact that he had purchased an engine and was setting the same up on his ferry boat.  Wednesday last a trial was made of the steam ferry and found to be perfect success.  In a short time the teams that have been waiting for several days to get across the stream were ferried over, and during the day teams were crossed as fast as they arrived.  We can now confidently say that steam power on the Platte river is a success, and as soon as the fact become known that Fremont has a reliable ferry we may look for a large increase in trade.

            Fremont Tribune 23 July 1869  3:4
Copyright 2002,2003 Claire Mares

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