Time to print out the
July Newsletter-at least it is cool here in the house with the AC on.
Allergies have been a culprit this year, so I am doomed to spend my time
on the computer or typewriter.
I wish to thank
everyone for the lovely cards sent to me and to those who had an
opportunity to be at my Recognition party at the May Museum. Patty
Manhart, Director, had such a lovely table "full of goodies" and I noted
many went back for extra tastes. Jeff Kappeler, our ENGS Pres was
enjoying a brief roast on Claire, but then he had help from Nona Wiese
and my sister, Annette Laber. It was a great evening and I enjoyed
every minute of it. It didn't seem possible that 34 years had gone by.
I love every minute that I can help someone find their family, in
writing the Roots & Leaves and our monthly newsletter. It is a bit
harder now, because so many articles have gone into the past pages sent
out, and I do not like to duplicate if possible. THANKS AGAIN!!
Several of our
cemeteries within Dodge county have been updated and are now a part of
our records. They are Trinity Lutheran Church-Scribner (in the country)
and in our records; St Peter's in Snyder has been updated but have not
received the updating, I understand they also used church registers too.
This means the
unmarked graves will show up.
The tape of Arlington
National Cemetery was shown for the June Meeting and everyone seemed to
enjoy it. There is quite a history lesson regarding the Honor Guard
that protects the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Margie Sobotka received
a very interesting article of questions and answers regarding the Honor
Guard-it is enclosed for all. It takes about an hour to view the tape,
but well worth your time. It is not on our library shelves, however,
Claire will loan her tape to anyone who has not seen it and is
interested in viewing it. It has been on PBS during Memorial Day
showings and was made in 2004. She purchased it through the PBS station
on TV.
North Bend
Nebraska 150 years 1856 - 2006 is on our shelf and it is a lovely
book. Several times our ENGS library has contributed to needed
information for them.
While it has not
arrived-we have ordered a CD covering Early immigration from 1607 and
1776 from England. I will report more on this CD in our August
newsletter. Covers all books, journals etc from the ports in England.
If you had early English families arriving during that time period, they
should be listed.
The ENGS members at
our June meeting, approved the purchase of a personal sized copy machine
for Ridge Cemetery. Until this time, they had no way of making copies
of their records for patrons seeking information about their families
who are buried there. Renee Bunck and Claire Mares found just what they
needed. It does not attach to their computer. It was presented to Jim
Clarke on June 19th and he was very surprised when we arrived
at his door - in fact, Renee & Claire couldn't lift it out of the
trunk. It will be greatly appreciated by Claire in her research and
also those who are seeking information about their
We had to do it in a
hurry or wait until July. Renee Bunck and her husband, Steve were
leaving June 22nd for Morocco for a visit with their daughter
who is in the Peace Corps in the country of Niger.
Margie Sobotka
supplied the following article in an old
magazine entitled The American Penman August 1918.
The Civil War Was
Fought by Boys
Do you think
that the soldiers now in France and in our training camps are very young
- too young for the fierce work of war? Yet they are not as young as
those who made up the armies of the Union and the Confederacy in the
Civil War. The Civil War was surely a 'boys fight.' The records show
that there were twenty-five Union soldiers 10 years of age and under,
thirty-eight 11 years and under, 225 were 12 years and under, 300 were
13 years, 1523 were 14 years and under, and 104,987 were 15 years and
under. The records of the ages of the Confederate soldiers are not
available but it is well known that there were thousands of them under
the ages of 14 years.
Of the age of 16
there were 231,051 boys enlisted in the Union armies. At the age of 17
nearly a million boys joined the army.
The records show
that 1,151,438 Civil War Union soldiers were not older than 18 years.
Of the age of 21 there were about 1,150,000. The decrease is rapid for
ages over 21 years. At the age of 22 years 618,511 Union men enlisted.
Only 46,626 were 25 years old at enlistment, and but 16,071 were 44
years or older.
Below the article
was the following:
"True bravery is
shown by performing, without witnesses, what one might be capable of
doing before all the world." |
Slovak Records in The
Family History Library-Salt Lake City
by Geri Vojvoda
Harris, CGSI
For the past sixteen
years the records created in the parishes and government agencies of Old
Hungary(present-day Slovakia) have been diligently microfilmed in
agreement with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints(afterwards called LDS Church). Projects were negotiated in the
various archives. Local archivists were taught how to use the cameras
and equipment provided them. Many of us know the names of Stefan Pechy
and Mgr Kovacikova. After these microforms were processed in the secure
vault near Salt Lake City and catalogued at the Family History Library a
copy was given back to the archives. If you visit these archives you
will be given a copy of a microfilm to view on their reader. Only if the
film is difficult to decipher will you be permitted to see the original
register. The copyrights remain with these archives, libraries, or
government agencies. The films and fiche created by these projects are
to be used within the Family History system of The LDS Church. For that
reason they can not be purchased. Networks of Family History Centers,
now numbering over 4400 world wide, were opened so that these records
could be examined.
For more information
on this new project please read the Nase rodina (Our Family) June 2006
Volume 18 No 2. There is a large coverage regarding the records. There
are individual articles about all that appears in the new records, such
as: 1869 Hungarian Census; and other parish records.

Emil R Nolte to Sadie F Minnich on 02July
Mark Hoffmann to Eydth E Watson on 03 July
Roy Samson to Anna Felty on 03 July
Byron H Abbott to Mrs Edith Pryor on 03 July
Hans Johann Martens to Mrs Augusta Schulz on 04 July
Henry T Deml to Pearl Clark on 04 July
Jens Jensen to Laura Nelsen(Nielsen) on 04 July
Emil Martin Hahn to Lazena Blanche Newlon on 07 July
Arthur Langstrom to Elizabeth Reynolds Crane on 10 July
John Kasparek to Louise Gable on 11 July
George Keller Wood to Clara Bell Long on 16 July
Albert Anderson to Maude West on 18 July
Charles Alexander Maharry to Mamie Way on 23 July
William E Rodgers to Eva Anderson on 25 July
Wilbert Welty to Alta May Roberts on 25 July
William T Everett to Ida Maude Tedrick on 26 July
Rowland L Reynolds to Clara Hess on 28 July
Frank J Stiber to Edith Hodges on 29 July
Two weddings were
solemnized this afternoon in County Judge Stinson's office at the
The principals were
Mark Hoffman, 25, and Miss Edyth E Watson, 19, both of Dodge; Roy
Samson, 23, of Boone county, and Miss Anna Feldy, 18, of Missouri
Valley. The first named couple appeared at 1:30 and were accompanied by
Miss Bertha Hoffman and John Ladehoff who acted as bridesmaid and
groomsman. The second service was performed at 2:30, the couple being
attended by Miss Lizzie Decker of Valley and G A Thompson of North Bend.
From the
Fremont Tribune 03 Jul 1906 7:2