JULY 1998

Half of the Year Gone already?  No meetings during July and August.  

Marlene Heinsohn presented a very good program on various steps to try in finding the maiden name of your missing relative.  After this was completed she explained her use of the WEB TV that she uses for her Internet and the success she has been having.  She said,"Nothing like sitting back in the recliner with your wireless keyboard in your lap and looking at a 25 inch screen with your information coming up."  She loves to go out into Germany and Czechoslovakia in the late late hours of the night.  She must be related to King Midas for she always seems to find her family that has been missing for a few years of her research, the golden touch? 

Claire returned from her trip into the muggy southland. Visited were Shiloh Battlefield and cemetery, Stones River Battlefield and cemetery, a Confederate cemetery on private land at Franklin TN.  Trooped up to a Shaker Village in KY and went to Bardstown to see the gutted Olde Talbott Tavern.  The treat for her sister was the visit to the 256 acre Cave Hill Cemetery at Louisville KY.  Something to see, there is also an Arboretum within the cemetery, with the trees marked as to name.  Her favorite tree was the Purple smoke tree.  T'was hot and humid and rainy -but the rain came at night and sunny in the daytime. 

Our deepest sympathy is extended to Trudy Mengedoht in the loss of her father, Carl Mengedoht of Herman on 29 May 1998. 

Members On The Mend!! 

Dick Jacoby had his second knee replacement and gets around very well. He even attended the June meeting. 

Best Wishes to Mae Ritthaler, she is recovering from surgery at presstime.. 

from 6 Jul 1893 Fremont Tribune  

Charlie Linn went to Hoskins Sunday. 

Nils Martinson is making some improvements about his home and John Nelson is doing the work. 

Peter Bondesson is here on a visit and will return to South Omaha Wednesday, where he is working at the packing house. 

Willie Olson and Signi Mattson left for Carroll, Wayne county.  Whillie spends the Fourth there with his uncle, Andrew Mattson. 

Willie Peterson gave a social dance Saturday evening, which was participated in by a number of young people in the neighborhood. 

M Frost Jr, has purchased the 160-acre farm on which the Strand brothers are now living, from Nils Johnson, of Fremont, for thirty-five dollars per acre. 

The census of school children in district 17 shows thirty-eight between the ages of five and twenty-one, twenty-one boys and seventeen girls.  The district is in debt $275.80 but a tax of twenty mills was voted to raise money to pay off this debt. 

 TEN POINT  4 Jul 1893. 

There have been a number of non-members from out of state making use of our Library during the month of June.  Our "tickler file", full of goodies, seems to be a great attraction.  One gent from Tennessee arrived at the door and he found some great obits and stories on his family. 


   Warren Renner 
   1108 County Rd 6  
   North Bend NE  68649 

   Mary Lou Hasson 
   5506 20th St 
   Lubbock TX  79407 


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - The Board of Education of School district No. 1(Fremont) invite sealed proposals for the building of an outhouse on the School Lot on Broad Street including the digging of a vault and boarding up of the same.  Each bid to be accompanied with a plan and specifications.  Building to be not less than thirty-two feet long, eight feet wide and nine feet high.  Vault to be eight feet deep.  Bids will be opened on Wednesday the 20th inst at 7 o'clock p.m. 
   The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 
     L T Abbott, 
    Director, School Dist No 1 
    Fremont, February 12, 1877. 
    From Fremont Daily Herald  14 Feb 1877  2:3 

We have come a long way, haven't we??? 


In 1686, a law was passed in Sweden stating detailed records had to be kept of all people living in the country.  The job of keeping these records was given to the Lutheran State Church, to which all citizens of Sweden belonged at that time.  In these records you may find names, vital statistics, records of family members, movements and much more. 
 For more information, write to:  The Swenson Center, P O Box 175, Augustana College, Rock Island Il  61201-2296. 


The address for information concerning passport applications is: 
Research & Liaison Dept, State Dept of Archives,1111-19th St, NW, Washington DC  20524. 
  Found in AntiqueWeek 25 May 1998. 


The Polish Genealogical Society of America will host its 20th Anniversary conference Oct 16-17-18 at Ramada O'Hare Hotel, 6600 N Mannhein Rd, Rosemont IL 60018. The theme of "Poland & Polonia" will be reflected in a number of lectures.  For details write:  Bernadine Saelens, 277 Gladys Ave, Elmhurst Il  60126. 
  From Antique Week 25 May 1998. 

A special "Thank you" to everyone who have been continuing our effort in paying off our loan for the reader/printer, with your donations. Received this month from Florence Beutell, Ardele Launer, Bob Dostal and Marilyn Estrada. 


Early History of Fremont Nebraska. 

Cass County Nebraska Pioneer Stories. 

Ordered six reels of Dodge County Newspapers, for the following towns, Dodge, Snyder(2 reels), Scribner, Hooper and North Bend.  This will help to update our microfilm of newspapers of early times.  No Fremont in this group.


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by Renee Bunck -reneebunck@gmail.com

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