Mares Meeting Room PROGRAM: Tombstones of
BROWSE NITE: 25 June 2001 7 P.M.
The Midland College Computers were buzzing at the May Meeting and some would like to have another of these meetings. Nona and Claire returned home on May 19th from a great vacation in England,
Scotland and Wales. They learned so much about that country.
Claire, while she was not doing research on her family, found several places
We enjoyed the fresh fish dinners served to us, and while we did see
beef out in the fields also lamb, it was not offered for food in any of
the restaurants. The cattle burns did appear along the way and it was sad
to see so many that were destroyed. One farmer lost 1,000 head, however,
the English government did compensate him in the amount of $1 million pounds,
as he was supporting his family and 7 others.
In the U.S. our highway sign reads: YIELD. In Britain it reads GIVE WAY. Another often found sign: TIREDNESS KILLS----TAKE A BREAK.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Renee Bunck and her
Two Danes, the same number of Czecho-Slovaks, and one each of Swedish, German, English and Irish Nationality comprised the class of nine applicants who were admitted to United States citizenship in the district court before Judge Frederic W Button here last Saturday afternoon. One Dodge county man was denied citizenship, due to the fact that he claimed exemption from military duty at the time of the late war, basing his claim on the fact that he was an alien. The nine who received their papers were: Rev Andrew Hermansen, 311 West Third street, Fremont, Danish; Rudolph Fischer and Frank Hudec, Dodge, Czecho-Slovaks; Miss Minnie Martinsen, Hooper, Danish; Paul R Vasholz, Fremont, Danish; Ivaar Skoogard, 809 University avenue, Laramie, Wyo, Danish; Nels Joseph Holmberg, 1950 East First street, Fremont, Swedish; James Patrick Bryan, Dodge, Irish and Raymond Burdette Carey, 520 North Bell street, Fremont, English. By virtue of the provision of a new law recently passed by congress, citizens who were naturalized prior to September 22, 1922, will have to go through a similar process of naturalization, also, and do not automatically become citizens with the naturalization of their husbands, as formerly. The one English application is a native born American, but subsequent homesteading of land in Canada made a British subject of him. Now, however, he wishes to change back to his native citizenship. Fremont Weekly Herald 20 April 1923 6:2
Two important dates in JUNE
About three carloads of immigrants who recently arrived in New York from Denmark on the steamship ICELAND, came up over the U.P. Thursday. One coach load stopped off at this point, most of whom will settle in Dodge County, though some will go up the Elkhorn valley. Among those stopping here was a brother of our townsman, C Christensen, with his family, who are not stopping with their relative. Fremont Weekly Herald 31 May 1883 6:2
W A Hasemann to Marie Von Seggern on 11 June,
MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES HELD 2 June 1999 WILBER REPUBLICAN. This is a portion of the presentation address by Speaker Sam Blanchard. In his memorial day address, Blanchard stated that “Memorial Day is more than a day to decorate the graves of our honored dead. It is positive assertion of faith: faith in a creator who intended all people to be free; faith that those who fight for freedom will succeed over those who fight for tyranny and faith that our principals and values as a nation – freedom, justice and democracy – will remain preserved because free people will fight for them.” He stressed that: Just as those we honor had a mission, we, too, have a mission: to teach the young people of today to respect America’s values. We do this by reminding them the price that was paid to preserve them. In doing so, we perpetuate a collective faith that freedom, justice and democracy will ALWAYS prevail.” In conclusion, Blanchard stated that “We must instill in young people the importance of Memorial Day. We should also ask God – in our daily prayers – to continue to bless America. If we continue to do these things, America’s faith in freedom, justice and democracy will remain intact. And so will the blanket of freedom that our honored dead has give to us.” (A photo of two cut peonies on a gravestone: “A touching tribute – peonies in Memory of a lost loved one.”)
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