June 2002

10 JUNE 2002
Mares Meeting Room
1722 East 19 – 7:00 P.M.

   presented by J L Doksansky “Doc”

  BROWSE NIGHT:  24 Jun 2002

Margie Sobotka gave our members a very good program on the 1930 federal census and some of the pitfalls.  She also had handouts for the group showing comparisons of the past and present census as to what has been eliminated and what is new.

In reading the May  issue of the Lincoln-Lancaster Co Gen Society newsletter, noted is “May I remind you that the 1930 Census IS NOT INDEXED for Nebraska and most other states.”  In the large cities it will be difficult to locate your persons unless you know the Ward, or address.  City directories, if available, should be helpful.

Our Census films have arrived for Colfax, Cuming, Dodge, Saunders and Washington counties.  Colfax and Cuming are on the same roll of film. 

Claire is happy to report that she has finished the steam pressing of the rolled Hooper Sentinel newspapers.  Some were easy and some were in very bad shape.  A total of 40 rolls of tape was used to mend the pages so they can be handled.  It was a very fragile project.


The oldest librarian in Nebraska (perhaps in the world) is Rev Joel Warner of Hooper, now in his eighty-fifth year.  He is still actively and keenly interested in the development of the public library there.  Mr Warner has been a resident of Nebraska for fifty-eight years, most of them spent as minister of Presbyterian churches.  He has been candidate on the Prohibition party ticket for governor and has lived to see a dry nation – once regarded as an impossible dream.  In the winter of 1865-6 Mr Warner taught school in Bellevue and organized there the first literary society in the state so far as his information goes.  His active memory recalls the great prairie fire which swept over Elk Hill at Bellevue, afterward the site of Bellevue college.  It was like a scene from Dante’s Inferno.  Mr Warner writes:  “In those years as soon as the grass was dry in the fall, the great fires would sweep over the prairie and destroy all vegetation, leaving the roots exposed to the sun’s rays, the winter’s frost, and fierce winds.  It was no wonder that emigrants who passed over the country late in the fall or early in the spring pronounced it a desert land, since far as the eye could reach nothing was seen but the blackened prairie.” – Nebraska Historical Society Bulletin.
   Noted in Hooper Sentinel 14 Jun 1923  1:5


Revolutionary/Military Services, Census of Pensioners of the 6th Census
   -Genealogical Society/LDS

MISSOURI Marriages Before 1840
   -Compiled by Susan Ormesher 1986.

KENTUCKY – Old Entries and Deeds 
   by Willard Rhouse Jillson, SC.D.  reprinted 1999

NEBRASKA-Douglas County, Bohemian Cemetery 
5301 Center St  Omaha NE 
   by Margie Sobotka  2002. 
A very good index and cemetery information on those interred in that cemetery.


We are glad to announce that Mrs J W Peebles has her Hoop Skirt Factory now in running order.  We have seen some of her make as of this article and pronounce them not only equal, but far better than those manufactured in the case.  Ladies can leaver their orders as perfect satisfaction is guaranteed.

    Noted in the Fremont Tribune 28 Jun 1872  3:3

100 YEARS AGO 1902 – BOOK 10

Jack Staats to Myrtle Keck on 2 June
Peter Sossong to Carrie Youngstrom on 3 June
Will Heiszenbuttel to Emma Beckelhymer on 4 June
Joe F Burt to Mrs Minnie Warddrip on 4 June
John E Andrews to Martha Armstrong on 5 June
Louis Gunthorp to Novella Funk-not completed
Theodore Toenjes to Christine Nelson on 10 June
C Clare Anderson to Olive E Patterson on 11 June
Claus G Tank to Iowa Miller on 11 June
Axel Carlson to Sarah Thompson on 14 June
Oliver Galbraith to Hilda Carlson on 18 June
William R Campbell to Edith I Goodspeed on 18 June
Fred Lee to Maude Danielson on 18 June
Orvis Clark to Mauda Reimers on 18 June
Edward A Ruwe to Emma Koehnhack on 18 June
William L Wolsleger to Emma Schneider on 24 June
Edward O Devine to Daisy M Ives on 25 June
Clyde F Hawkins to Bertha L Kuehl on 24 June
Adelbert S Smith to Carrie T Smith on 24 June
L B Ross to Anna M Lampert on 26 June
Chas E Haverfield to Gertrude G McCluhan on 25 June
Chas Berkman to Celia Kinne on 25 June
S J Bush to Frieda S Karloff on 25 June
Geo L Hill to Mary A Davis on 30 June


The following are the arrivals at the Windsor hotel for the week ending last evening, as taken from the hotel register:  B Riley, Omaha; R McVicker, North Bend; John, Jessie and George Mayor, Chicago; M C Robinson, Arlington; F Gappa, Humphrey; S H Neff, Blaire; V Swanson, Chicago; M Jerome, Fremont; M Gaughen, Ed Scott and Chas Black, Union; J W Daily, North Bend; A C Frost, Omaha; D M Strong; Bert Ball, Kansas City; T J Kastle; P H Peterson, Schuyler; B F Renten, NY; Harry Carlisle, Buffalo; S C Coman, Fremont; John W Daily; 

Hale Q Hutchins, Council Bluffs; David Fowler; Geo Sindlinger and family; J G Love; C K Watson; N C Hansen, St Joe; John Farrell, Union; F Dunn, Colax County; R Black, Purple Cane; Mr & Mrs H I Adams; Mrs D Mickey, Ainsworth IA; Mr and Mrs O M Scott; A B Ticknor, Omaha; John Cusack and family; J Strauss, Fremont; H Robertson, Webster; Wm Stevens, Dodge; E A Loehle, Omaha; Otto F Stolteen, Quincy; B C Thomsen, Gaylord Kansas; M M Ronymus; J C Miller, Beatrice; Thos H Hicks, Fremont; W M Radford, St Louis MO; Mrs Stafford, Beatrice; N M Michalis; Thos H Fowler and three tramps.

  Noted in North Bend (NE) Argus 5 Jun 1890  4:4 


Mr J B Robinson of Pebble, informs us that on Thursday last, during the storm in the western part of the country, a fine horse, belong to Mr Fred Baker, was struck by lightning, and killed instantly.  Mr Baker was holding the horse, at the time of the shock, and so much of the electric fluid passed through the halter strap and into his body, as to cause paralysis for two days.  Mr B is now recovering and able to stir about a little.  Mr Baker resides about six miles north east of the town of Pebble.

From Mr Robinson, we also learn that a strip of country, some six miles wide, stretching from Glencoe to Mr Dickerson’s near North Bend, has been stripped entirely of growing crops.
    Fremont Tribune 15 June 1871  3:3


Fire of unknown cause totally destroyed the ice house at Winslow last Friday morning.  The fire was discovered short after 7:30 o’clock and had gained such headway that it was impossible to save the building, the firemen and citizens devoting most of their time in protecting the nearby homes of John Urban & Henry Schutt. The Hooper chemical made the run to Winslow to aid in controlling the fire.  The ice house had not been used for several years.

       Hooper Sentinel 28 Jun 1928  1:4

REMEMBER  - Fly your flag on June 14th, for that is FLAG DAY......


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by Renee Bunck -reneebunck@gmail.com

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