JUNE 2003
at Midland Lutheran College
Library 9th
& Clarkson (First
building EAST of the Planetarium Bldg) 9
June 2003 7 P.M.
PROGRAM: VHS on Digital Imaging
For Genealogy
– presented by Renee Bunck.
BROWSE NITE 23rd June 2003 This
also ends our meetings until September. Our
May meeting which was held at Midland's Eppley auditorium was well received. Pippa White presented The Orphan Train. She represented a number of children, through the
use of various hats and becoming that child. Her
stories covered children that were transported by the trains into Nebraska and adopted. All of the stories were true stories that she
obtained through her many interviews with the person or one of their relatives. Some were from Blair, Oakland, Powell, West Point,
Grand Island. Children also became an important part of our country, such as being a
Supreme Court Judge, lawyer, engineer and writers. It
was not unusual, that if the child was not adopted, they returned to New York City and
perhaps sent in another direction. Charles
Loring Brace reported there were 30,000 children in NYC without food and shelter in the
late 1890’s. Some of the stories were
rather heart breaking, yet they told a lovely story of the child. The Orphan trains and their children and escorts
ran from 1854 thru 1930. Several
teachers from the Fremont schools brought their children to listen to her and take notes. One young lad went out into the hall, got a pink
copy of the program and had Pippa White sign the program.
He then wrote his notes on the reverse side.
Smart lad! Pippa
White will be returning to Fremont, during the John C Fremont Days and will present her
story on Ellis Island. This will be another
good presentation. Watch for the announcement
during the John C Fremont Days in July. GRADUATING
Sentinel 4 Jun 1896 4:4 The
graduating exercises of the Hooper High School took place Thursday evening June 4th,
in the Baptist church. The evening was most
unfavorable on account of the heavy wind and rain, but the people of the town and country
came out through the storm until the house was full to over flowing. The
church was handsomely decorated with flowers, flags, and motto. The
class motto was, “Virtue serves as an anchor,”
which was placed on the wall, in the form of an arch, the letters colored
old gold that being the class color. In the
center of the arch hung an anchor made of pansy flowers, the pansy being the “class
flower.” The
graduating class was composed of five girls and four boys, all of whom delivered their
orations in the best of style. The subject
matter of their orations showed that the class had made a good research of history, and
that too, along such a line as would fill their minds with wholesome thoughts. Their whole line of arguments was to show up the
beautiful, to contract right with wrong, showing the results of honest efforts against
those of treachery, to show the results of well spent moments. Every member of the class showed himself or
herself well prepared and all delivered their orations in a way that showed very careful
drilling as to thought and delivery. All of
the people present were highly pleased and after attending such an entertainment they feel
more certain than ever that we must have faithful teachers in our schools. It is an old saying that, “as the teacher is,
so is the school.” Well may we judge the
teacher by the work of the pupils. Another
enjoyable feature of the evening was the music furnished by Miss Hecker at the piano, Miss
Dooley with her violin, Mr Quast and Mr Hecker with their zithers. These
parties appear to enjoy good music therefore always know just how to please the people. When they render a selection, they bring out all
the music there is in it. The people are
always please to hear them play. |
YEARS AGO – BOOK 10 – 1903 W
P Keegan to Catharine Connel on 1 June The
Wedding On
June 10 Fred Jahrmarket and Miss Martha Retke were joined in wedlock at 11 a.m. in the
Lutheran church, Rev C W Rodenbeck officiating. Located
under the Snyder news of the Fremont Tribune on 16 Jun 1903 3:5. Thanks
to Nona Weise for the following article from
the Scribner (NE) Rustler 10 Jan
1924. BIRDS
ATTACK BANCROFT MAN Bancroft, Jan 2 – Mr A Nuzum of this place relates a strange incident which he witnessed early Monday morning. Mr Nuzum says that shortly after daybreak Monday morning he was aroused by a loud commotion in his poultry yard. Becoming alarmed he peered out the door and saw what he thought was several chicken hawks attacking his flock of Barred Rock hens. Arming himself with a shotgun, Mr Nuzum proceeded to put a quick end to the invaders. After firing twice and killing two of the supposed hawks, he was forced to flee for cover as the entire flock swerved upon him. Nuzum, was able to reach the house unharmed, and not until several minutes later did the infuriated birds leave. Being very curious t know what had attacked him he went to the chicken yard and much to his surprise, discovered that instead of hawks he had killed two prairie chickens. Being very eager to know just why the birds had acted in this very peculiar manner, he brought them to town. Prof William Koepnick of Yale university doing research work in this part of the state, held a post mortem on the fowl and declared that the flock had been feeding on undeveloped corn, which when mixed with a gastric juice in the birds gizzard, formulates an alcoholic gas which, Prof Koepnick says, had intoxicated the entire flock. This is believed to be a very rare incident and behooves hunters to beware. – S V Fletcher in West Point Republican
14th – Flag Day June
15th – Father’s Day June
21st – Summer begins |
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