Mares Meeting Room 1722 East 19-Fremont NE Program: We ask each of you to bring your earliest
Browse nite: 26 Jun 2000 7 p.m.
The family he represented was from the South and during the time of the Civil War. He had many lovely letters from those serving to their parents and after the war, what became of their children, and to their slaves.. This material that he had sorted through, from the family, was placed in a Mississippi Library Archives, where others would have access to the materials. Some very good ideas were gained from his presentation. Thanks Steve for a great program!
Marlene Heinsohn
has been in and out of the hospital several times during May and June.
We wish her a
FLAG DAY is celebrated on June 14 in memory of the day in 1777 when the Continental Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as the official flag of the United States. It is NOT an official national holiday, but is proclaimed by the President as a special observance each year. It was first officially observed in 1877 to celebrate the 100th anniversary
of the selection of the flag. It was suggested by a number of persons,
that it be observed each year. In 1897, the governor of New York
proclaimed a Flag Day celebration for the first time as an annual event
in that state. Woodrow Wilson established Flag Day as an annual national
celebration in his proclamation issued May 30, 1916.
WELCOME Phyllis Sherwood F-36
MEYERS Orts-und Verkehrs-Lexikon des Deutschen
Fremont Tribune 10 Jun 1897 1:4,5 A Class of Eighty-five Promoted to the High School The following young persons have said their good byes to the grade school
and will constitute the freshman class next year:
CLASS OF 1900 Fremont Tribune 07 June 1900
by Renee Bunck I understand there has been a request for lots of genealogy web addresses to be included in this column. Here are some sites that you should find helpful. For Dodge County, NE research, I would suggest that you start with the Dodge County NEGenWeb site at: www.rootsweb.com/~nedodge This newsletter with live links that you can click is online just scroll down the main page and click on ENGS Monthly Newsletter and Archives then choose June of 2000. While you are there, you might also want to take a look at the latest tombstone files that have been typed from the original lists in the ENGS library. www.rootsweb.com/~nedodge/tombstone.htm All of the small Dodge County cemeteries are now online and the large cemeteries have indexes online or in progress. A heartfelt Thank You to Claire for walking most of the cemeteries and providing the copies for the volunteers to type and to all the volunteers who have been involved in typing and proofreading. Our latest additions have been typed by Mary LeBlanc of Ridgecrest CA, Charlotte Croshaw of Fremont NE, Judy Ellis Czarnecki of Monrovia CA, and Marilyn Estrada of Phoenix, AZ Our ENGS web page on the local Connect Fremont site includes links to local, US, and World references, plus links to lists of genealogy sites, libraries, archives and genealogy search engines. Click on the links that interest you. |
Ruby Coleman of Valentine NE writes a weekly genealogical computing
article for AntiqueWeek's Genealogy Week section. She featured a number
of Vital Records Search Sites in her April 3, 2000 column:
AL - Marriage indexes bride or groom homepages.rootsweb.com/~cmddlton/albrd1.html
Ruby also has a web site that includes her own favorite genealogy links:
Here are some interesting web sites from AntiqueWeek Genealogy Gleanings: Cleaning Gravestones
Allen County Indiana Public Library website
Important Note: Some of these sites include subscription only areas
or require fees for searches. There is no fee for visiting the web
Return to the Dodge county NEGenWeb site