![]() John the Baptist Catholic Church-Prague NE Centennial Book Nebraska Mortality Schedules 1885 Census Book 2 covering Jefferson-York counties
Our February program was presented by Alex Meyer of Scribner, Nebraska. Tracking Aunt Betty. She was the wife of a railroad depot agent. In locating her he traveled along the old Fremont, Missouri & Elkhorn Valley RR and also become known as the Cowboy Trail through northern Nebraska to the west, close to the WY-NE border. His slides showed many towns that no longer exist or have only a population of perhaps 10 persons or less. Very interesting, especially the bridges that crossed the rivers and some were very unique and still standing. Oddly enough, as you progressed west the rivers became smaller and smaller. A very good program, Alex.
Wonder how many Hooper newspapers have been steam pressed and again available for reading? 21 years have been completed. The newspapers were bound into book form starting with 1930. They started in 1892. This also means that 21 years of obits, marriages and births are now added to our old tickler files.
EVER HEAR OF REST HOURS ? In the Hooper Sentinel newspaper 22 Feb 1917
8:2 the following item appeared:
SHINN’S FERRY LOCATION Found in the Schuyler Sunn 13 Oct 1921 regarding this ferry location. Something several people have been inquiring about. “During a lull in district court last week, Judge Post of Columbus, and Attorney John C Sprecher of Schuyler, were discussing historical happenings and historical institutions. During the conversation, Judge Post referred to the probable location of Shinn’s ferry, stating that W A McAllister claimed that it was located somewhere south of Columbus. Mr Sprecher was positive that the old Shinn’s ferry was located southwest of Schuyler, the north landing being on the old Folda ranch. Each offered evidence to support the contention. When James Green, one of the older inhabitants of this section and one of the early freighters, was here Monday, Mr Sprecher was able to corroborate his opinions. Mr Green stated “Shinn’s ferry was about seven miles southwest of Schuyler, and landed on the Folda ranch, just about where the buildings were located.” Following the building of the Union Pacific, freighting became out of date. However, also following the building of the railroad, also grew up Shell Creek station – now Schuyler – and Mr Green located in north Butler county, and built and operated a ferry crossing the Platte river just west of where the present bridge now stands and he continued to operate a ferry, until the last spike was driven in the first bridge crossing the Platte between Schuyler and Butler county.” The old ferry was built by Elder Moses Shinn of Omaha. Freighters then followed the north side of the Platte from Florence to the ferry, then crossing to the south of the river to avoid the streams emptying into the Platte, all of which come from the northwest territory.
Years Ago – March 1902
Norman L Tharp to Gertie Houck on 03 March Scribner News 22 March 1890 5:2 We counted eighty-seven teams on or near Main street last Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. AND
Among the many explanations of the original of the modern observance of All Fools’ Day is that it dates from the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in France in 1582. Prior to that time the year began on March 25th, and the feasting and merrymaking lasted till April 1st, when gifts were exchanged among friends and kinsfolk. Waggish persons who wished to see whether their friends remembered the change in the calendar got into the habit of making mock gifts on the fist of April, and when the gifts were opened, says the Youths’ Companion, they would exclaim in glee, “Poisson d’ Avril!” that is, “April fish,” or a young, eaily gullible fish. The custom was transferred to England, where it was noted by the writers at the beginning of the eighteenth century. The practical jokes played then were much like those which appeal to the youth at the present time. It is not wise to carry the joking too far, however, as a French lady discovered when she took a friend’s watch as an April-fool trick. She force the police to search all over town for it, and when they found it in her possession, she laughed merrily and cried, “POISSON D’ AVRIL!” The judge, when he heard the case, also cried,”Poisson d’ Avil!” and sentenced the joker to prison till the next April 1st. Some authorities, however, find the original of the custom in Matthew XXIX,2. Hooper Sentinel 31 March 1910 1:3
A QUEER CALENDAR DID you ever stop to think that an ordinary deck of playing cards is a perfect calendar? There are fifty-two cards, representing the number of weeks in the year; 365 spots, corresponding to 365 days in the year; 12 face cards, representing the twelve months; four suits, clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds, representing the four seasons; thirteen cards in each suit, representing the thirteen moons in each year, and the joker makes up for the extra day in the year. Hooper Sentinel 1 Mar 1900
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