May   2005


09 May 2005 Meeting

Mares Meeting Room

1722 East 19-Fremont NE


                PROGRAM:  Joe Dickmeyer and

                his many collections from the

                past-  You will be amazed at his



            BROWSE NITE:  23 May 2005  7 p.m.

President Jeff Kappeler tells everyone they will enjoy the May speaker.  He has collected for many years and is always seeking out old farmsteads where trash was always thrown, pits or otherwise!


The April meeting was given by Claire Mares and covered some of the unusual foreign wills from the Dodge County records.  She also used some of her own very old records from the 1700’s to show that checking the old inventories and wills can give you a better understanding about the family and what was considered very important in those years.  One noted a suit of clothes was listed in a will to be given to a certain friend of the family.  Another gave his set of pistols, holsters and a breast plate. 


Getting There From Here – Loretta L Meistrell

Contains stories and photos of homes along Broad Street in Fremont.


A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a   second.

A snail can sleep for three years.

Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds.  Dogs only have about 10.

Women blink nearly twice as much as men.



 Mr Ransford, not liking the manner in which the TRIBUNE deals with “nuisances,” and feeling considerably exercised by some items in its columns, determined to change its tune and his manner of doing business, and instead of now deserving censure is entitled to praise for his energy and activity in rendering crossing of the Platte certain, safe and speedy.  Last week we noted the fact that he had purchased an engine and was setting the same up on his ferry-boat.  Wednesday last, a trial was made of the steam ferry and found to be a perfect success.  In a short time the teams that have been waiting for several days to get across the stream were ferried over, and during the day teams were crossed as fast as they arrived.  We can now confidently say that steam power on the Platte river is a success, and as soon as the fact becomes known that Fremont has a reliable ferry we may look for a large increase in trade.

                Fremont Tribune 28 Jul 1869  3:4

 (we also noted the following ads in the Tribune for the Fremont Ferry  16 Oct 1869 and the second one was in May 1869. )



MARRIAGES100 Years Ago Book 11 May 1905

Ben S Nelson to Hilda S Johnston on 03 May
Frank B Snyder to Cora E Dickerson on 03 May
William T Scilley to Gussie Hansen on 06 May
Joel F Preston to Louise F Uehling on 10 May
William L Low to Lizzie B Thernes o 17 May
Lyman J Ford to Jennie Kaasch on 20 May
Edmund Gardiner to Anna Louise Dennis on 20 May


  At 8 o’clock Wednesday evening Miss Cora Dickerson and Frank Snyder were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs John Dickerson, West Fifth street, Rev Dr F H Sanderson of the First Methodist church officiating.  The bride wore a dainty gown of white silk mull and carried white roses.  She was attended by a bridesmaid, Miss Bending.  The groomsman was Chris Peterson.  The house was prettily decorated with carnations, ferns and flowering almonds.  After the marriage service a bounteous wedding supper was served in the dining room.

   Those attending the affair were Mr and Mrs M G Snyder and family, Mr and Mrs John Dickerson and family, Mr and Mrs John Dodge, Dr and Mrs F E Calkins, Mr Peterson, Miss Bending, Mr and Mrs Fred Stanley (Nora, NE), Mrs Myotte Dickerson and children (Nora, NE), Mr and Mrs Charles Wallace, Mr and Mrs George Miller and Hugh McVicker of North Bend.

  The couple are well and favorably known and number many friends.  They have both resided in Fremont since childhood.  The groom is an efficient employee in the shipping department of the Hammond & Stephens company.  Mr and Mrs Snyder have taken rooms at Sixth and L streets where they will be at home to their friends after May 15.

 Noted in Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune 09 May 1905  5:3,4


For the better protection of the Town of Fremont against Fires:

  Sec 1st – The bounds hereinafter described are ordained to be the fire-limits of the Town of Fremont, to wit:  Beginning on 10th street at the intersection of J street, and running easterly along the line of 10th street to B street thence southerly along the line of B street to 1st street, thence westerly along the line of 1st street to J street, thence northerly along the line of J street to the place of beginning.

  Sec 2d – The owners and occupants of buildings within the aforesaid limits are required to erect good and sufficient brick chimneys or flues where the necessity of fires require it; and the use of sheet-iron or other metal flues are hereby prohibited except as they may be connected with or run through such brick chimnies or flues, and when stove pipes are carried through floors or partitions they shall be protected by a ventilator with not less than one inch space between the sides.

  Sec 3d – The owners of houses now erected are required to comply with the above within ten days.

  Sec 4th – Any person refusing or neglecting to comply with the above Ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars, to be collected in like manner and with like costs as are provided in section 7, Ordinance No 2.

S W  HAYES, Chairman


  Noted in Fremont Tribune  13 March 1869  3:4
Copyright 2002-2007 Claire Mares

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