May  2006

8 May 2006 

Mares Meeting Room  7 p.m.

1722 E 19-Fremont NE

Program:   Russell Lang  will explain his stamp
                 collection and Territorial stamps

                           PLUS his latest book  on Craig, Nebraska


  Browse Nite:  22 May 2006  7 p.m.

What a delightful trip through the May Museum and viewing all of the SQ150 material in the various rooms.  The displayed items featured the times of 1856 - 1866. A great display of old territorial maps showing the various years before Nebraska became a state and on forward.  The many rooms had clothing on display plus ox yokes, plows and many items that the pioneers brought with them from the east, or bought when they arrived at Omaha. Examples of old business shops  also appeared.  Jeff has been working on all of the framed maps for the museum, and displays, so he was the presenter.

We thank May Museum for opening their great home to our group for an evening meeting.  It was not a formal meeting, but some items were discussed, such as special programs featured by various societies during April and May.

It will soon be May basket time!  How many remember the baskets we used to fill with candy and violets or flowers that were in bloom....I do, and I also remember my mother stepping out on the porch to get a basket of late arrival, only to have it pulled off the porch.  I can still hear her screaming with fright and the boys snickering in the dark.  Of course it was supposed to be Claire who went for it, but it was dark and she wasn't to go out after dark.   Think about it, and we will ask you about it at the May meeting.




 Margie Sobotka donated her pages of WW I men of Saunders county who registered to serve.  The last number is 2468.  It is our intention to place this list on the web site under Saunders county.  This is Renee's department.


 Some time since Mr John R Lee secured a lease from the Fremont Ferry and Bridge Company to run a ferry immediately south of town across the Platte river, and by the terms of the lease, the ferry was to be in good working order within forty days.  Although the time when the ferry was to be in successful operation has passed, the company has not yet refused to allow Mr Lee to proceed under the privileges given him, and we are of opinion that, as he is now making exertions to make a good and permanent ferry, it will be not only to his own advantage, but also to the benefit of our town, to allow him a few more days in which to complete his arrangements, and if he does not use due diligence in getting the ferry in the best possible condition, then the company will be justified in taking steps to put it into the hands of some one who will, but as Mr Lee has already expended a large amount of time and money, it would be a hardship to deprive him of the results of his labor and enterprise because he happened to be detained a few days with the work. 

 We went to the river a few days ago and examined the work of Mr Lee, and are firm in the faith he has taken the proper manner to establish a permanent and reliable ferry - the location is where the current runs against the north bank, a deep channel is between the bank and island, the channels south of the island are to be crossed by raised roadways and bridges; the ascent on the south side is abrupt at present, but a very little grading will make a road of easy grades.  The channel is crossed by a good large boat, a wire cable is stretched across the stream, and the passage made in a very few minutes.  We hope the company will give Mr Lee a few days more to complete his arrangements, and we are satisfied he will give us the best ferry on Platte river.

                        Fremont Tribune May 28, 1869 

BOOK 11 May 1906 - 100 Years Ago

James F Dowd to Kathryn G Gaughen on 01 May
Charles Lynn Potter to Leean Noark on 02 May
Joseph D Etherton to Mabel M Clark on 02 May
Hinrich W Rieper to Anna L C Brammer on 09 May
Harry R McGonagle to Goldie Perkins on 10 May
Princes A Cooley to Tobithe I Schminkey on 12 May
Carl W W VonRichthofen to Alma Holtmann on 19 May
Henry C Disterhaupt-Fannie Verbicky-not completed
J Stanley McManigal to Hazel Klingler on 21 May
Henry A Heinssen to Anna Bentrup on 23 May
Everett A Burns to Lillian B Benton on 23 May
Abe LeRoy Creamer to Pearl Osborn on 25 May
Willard Davison to Josie McKenzie on 29 May
James D Davis to Anna C Jensen on 29 May


 Miss Pearl Osborne, of Fremont, and Mr Abe creamer, of Johnstown, were married by Rev J A Spyker, Friday evening last.

 After the ceremony the newly wedded pair, together with friends, were served a wedding supper by the proprietors of the Albany cafe, with which the bride and groom have been connected for some time past.

Those who sat down to the collation were:  Mr and Mrs Creamer, Misses Mabel Peterson and Ethel Ring, and Messrs Jap Fenley, George Creamer, Harry Webber, Robert Coones and Charles Galpin.

  This from Fremont Daily Herald 29 May 1906  1:5

The following article was found after printing their wedding announcement in April of 2006.

 A Rare Ceremony.

 When Fred Thielen and Miss Emma Dierks were married during the week a ceremony very rare in the west was used - indeed there is a question whether it was ever before used west of the New England states.  Rev H H Foskett officiated at the wedding of these young people and at their request used what is termed "the double-ring service."  Instead of but one ring two are used the bridegroom and bride each giving one to the other one.  The bridegroom in very solemn and impressive manner, repeats after the clergyman, the following words:

"With this ring I thee wed and with all my worldly goods, and my heart's faithful affection I thee endow."  When these words have been repeated he placed the ring upon the finger of his bride.  Then the latter responds as follows:

"With this ring I thee wed and plight thee my faith, and my heart's best affection on thee I bestow."  She then places the ring on the bridegroom's finger.

Analization of these two vows is interesting.  It will be noticed that in neither is there any promise to obey.  The bridegroom endows the bride with all his wordly goods but the bride is not called upon to make any pledge of that kind, and the question naturally arises what would be done if the woman had all the worldly goods and the man none, which is frequently the case.

During Mr Foskett's ministry of twenty-five years he has used this service only twice-once in New England and again at the Thielen-Dierks wedding.

             Fremont Herald 22 Apr 1906  5:3
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