November  2005

What a lovely turnout for the October Meeting.  The second series on Trails, Road, Canals and Trains was most interesting.  It gave me a whole new aspect of how my families got to Wisconsin by 1836.  It was amazing how fast the train become a most beneficial way of travel from the 1850's forward.

 The month of November will be our traditional "Show & Tell'

and I know that many of you have been busy working on the family trees, shaking the branches and finding new interesting items.  Please come and share your finds with our members.  We all learn something new by listening to those who found new avenues to seek out families, by little clues, and just accidentally finding a topic that includes your family.

 This month holds two holidays - don't forget the Veteran's Day on November 11th. And don't forget Thanksgiving Day on Nov 24th.  Both are symbolic days to remember, especially our Veteran's.  And for the Pilgrims honoring Thanksgiving back in the 1600's.



 Raymond J Hladky      F-91
 622 South 12 St
 Tekamah NE  68031-1448

                                Renata Sutton             F-92
                                737 North H Apt 2
                                 Fremont NE  68025-

A Handsome Building Going Up on the

Corner of First and Main.

  The old building formerly occupied by the Fremont Bottling Works and at present used for a restaurant at the corner of Main and First streets, is being moved in to First street, where it will remain temporarily, to make room for the elegant building to be erected by J Archer.  The new structure when completed will be a pride to the city and in the absence of the Union depot, more especially so to lower Main street.  It will be two stories and basement having a frontage of 44 feet on Main street, by 60 feet in depth.  The first floor will consist of two rooms 22 feet front each, with 13 foot ceiling; plate front and by reason of the peculiar lay of the ground which is in close proximity to the tracks, which run diagonally with the lot, a corner entrance will probably be made.  The second floor will be cut up into ten rooms, with 11 foot ceiling, and will be used for office and living purposes.  The west front will be built of pressed brick with stone trimmings, and will present an imposing appearance.  The building will be completed about May 1st, and although the lower rooms have not been leased several applications for them have already been made.

   From Fremont Weekly Herald 26 Feb 1891  3:4


Our society has ordered three additional microfilms of the Fremont Weekly Tribune for our shelves, the dates are from 04 May 1883 thru 27 Feb 1892.   We felt that the first five rolls of the Weekly Tribunes will be beneficial to those wanting to browse for information.  There are times when the Keene Library also has persons seeking information from the films, so it is to our advantage to have a set in our library.

Remember to call Claire for an appointment to use the library, she is always out and about doing research for our clients out of state.  1-402-721-9553. Best time to reach her is in the evening!

Book 11 - 1905

Donald L Kennedy to Edna R Ball on 30 Oct (missed)
John Studt to Mrs Meta Von Seggern on 01 Nov
William J Galligher to Josephine M Johnson on 04 Nov
Frank S McDuffie to Hattie M Chapman on 08 Nov
Harry Dorothy to Emma Krause on 08 Nov
James E Quirk to Effie Mallette on 13 Nov
Andrew Jorgensen to Johanna M Rasmussen on 15 Nov
Lacke B Moe to Ella M Douglass on 15 Nov
Charles Scott to Mrs Allie Shellabarger on 15 Nov
Leo S Delaney to Mary Emily Smith on 22 Nov
Richard Ainsley to Pearl Garrison on 23 Nov
William R Mills to Bertha Wapelhorst on 25 Nov
Harry M Clark to Josephine Tuma on 26 Nov
Hayes Rock to Fannie Feagins on 29 Nov
Bert M Minnix to Clara S Sonnenschein on 29 Nov
Robert Mears to Bertha Smith on 29 Nov
D Ed Whedon to Cora Stump on 30 Nov
Roy M Johnson to Mary Ford on 30 Nov


  A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday evening at the home of Mr & Mrs W N Fischer, 420 Platte avenue, when Miss Ella Douglas and Locke B Moe were united in marriage.  It was a beautiful but simple affair at which only the close relatives of the couple were present.

  The rooms were decorated for the occasion with chrysanthemums and foliage.  Following several appropriate selections played softly on the piano by Miss Mattie Reynolds, promptly by 6 o'clock the bride and groom took their places in the bay window of the parlor before a background of ferns, smilax and palms.  The ceremony was performed by Rev C W Weyer who used the ring service of the First Presbyterian church.  The bride wore a filmy gown of white chiffon and lace and carried a large bouquet of bride's roses.

   A four-course dinner was served the wedding party by four of the bride's close friends, those present being seated at one large table in the dining room where the decorations were very beautiful.  Lighted candelabra shone through festoons of ribbons and carnations which were draped from a wedding bell above the four corners of the table.  The place cards bore the letter M. D. in gold.

  Later in the evening the bride and groom held an informal reception at their new home on North Main street recently built and furnished by the groom.

  The bride has resided several years in Fremont and is a favorite in her circle, possessing refinement and womanly graces.  The groom grew to manhood here, was graduated from the Fremont High School and attended Cornell college in Iowa two years.  He numbers his friends by his acquaintances.  He holds a position as bookkeeper in May Bros wholesale house.

      From Fremont Tribune  18 Nov 1905  6:4
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