Nov 2008

Mares Meeting Room

1722 East 19-Fremont NE

10 Nov 2008  7 p.m.


PROGRAM:   Left-Over  "Trick or Treat"


BROWSE NITE:    24 Nov 2008  7 p.m.

The October meeting went well, but difficult to give.

It covered the Port of Hamburg and the many web sites you can visit.  Claire and Renee gave the program.  The web sites were checked out by Renee before the meeting and she found many  that were no longer in use, or led you to other items to check.  It was decided to make copies of the article, so everyone would have the sites to search, including a copy of the German emigration list made before they leave the Hamburg Port, and it is in German.  When they arrive in New York a shipmaster has a list in his handwriting and spellings may differ in the surname, in English. is a new site to many of you, it means Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness, where you may find persons who are willing to help you seek out items you have not been able to find, it goes by states when you enter the site.


Jim Spath donated two items for our shelves:

      History of Washington NE, located in Washington Co NE

      History on School District 52 in Pleasant Valley TWP

Connie Pillsbury donated a copy of Mary Jane Peters Diary
covering the time period of 1870 - 1871, noted Diary No 1.

 All of the items are interesting reading, especially when you have relatives mentioned in the texts.

Dr Underwood read a very interesting item from the Fremont Tribune under date of 1 Oct 2008.


 There are many people who dream of a large family, but few could imagine anything the size of the world record.  The honor for most children goes to Mrs Feodor Vassilyev.  Between 1725 and 1765, she had 27 pregnancies, all of which were multiple births.  What makes it even more amazing is that she gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 set of quadruplets.  Of her 69 children born, all but two survived infancy.

 Thank you for sharing the article, it was a must for our newsletter.



Services at the Congregational church were well attended and interesting.  The sermon by Rev Brown, pastor of the M.E. church was based upon the true principle of a thankful heart instead of the outward show.  At the St James Episcopal church the usual Thanksgiving service was held with an appropriate sermon from the Rector, Rev Hewitt.

 The folks attended, in the evening, the appearance of the fire department members who were in procession with torches, the glare of which showed off the bright uniforms of the band and the different companies to good advantage, and as they passed through the principal streets in step and time, with stirring notes of the band, or paused upon some prominent corner for a few revolutions or military manouvers, and they were greeted with cheers from the bystanders and members of the fair sex, who thronged the walks and eagerly enjoyed the beautiful pageant.  At the close of the parade the members with their ladies and friends repaired to the Opera House, and joined in the jovial dance.  The Fremont band and orchestra did credit to themselves, both in the street, for the grand opening march of the dance, and the quadrille and fancy dance music of the evening.

    from Fremont Daily Herald  27 Nov 1885  4:3

Noted in the Fremont Herald  24 Nov 1922


The following letter from Captain C H North, noted Nebraska Indian Scout, of Columbus, addressed to W H Fowler of this city, who has graciously given The Herald permission to reproduce it here, will be found complete with interest and needs no further explanation.

  Columbus, NE Nov 20, 1922.  Mrs W H Fowler, Fremont Nebr.

Dear MR Fowler:  I am returning by registered mail the book you so kindly loaned me. I found it very interesting and am much obliged to you.  "I returned about a week ago from a visit to the Pawnees.  I went down there with Mr George Bird Grinnell, the author of "Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales."  We went to see old White Eagle, who was keeper of the "Sacred Bundle, which contained the bow and arrow used in the sacrificing  of the girl to the morning star.  We found the Bundle had been stolen from White Eagle's daughter and is now in some museum in New York.

  We happened to get there just as one band was dancing the Pipe Dance to another band, so we saw the whole performance.  Of course, I had seen it all before, but that was fifty years ago, and it was very interesting.

   Of more than three hundred that served with my brother and myself as Scouts in the early days here in the west, there are only eleven left, and as I am the last of the officers of the Scouts, we will soon be gone.

  "Thanking you again for the book, I am,

                                                Yours truly,

                                                "C. H. NORTH."


100 Years Ago - November 1908

 Forrest G Dunn to Wilda E Dunn on 03 Nov
Herman E Clausen to Clara M Ladd on 04 Nov
Frank Burton Wambaugh to Georgia E Ickes on 06 Nov
Mogens A Jensen to Marie A Goettsch on 11 Nov
Fred S Parker to Bessie M McCormick on 11 Nov
George Growcock to Stella E Gladwin on 12 Nov
Ferdinand J Westphalen to Rosa L Bartlett on 12 Nov
Andrew Hansen to Henrietta G Mintken on 18 Nov
William S Balduff to Edna Elizabeth Morse on 18 Nov
Harry Aaron Heine to Anna F Parkert on 21 Nov
Frank Oscar Swanson to Etta Jane Loughrey on 24 Nov
A J Golder to Lottie Barker on 25 Nov
Elmer LeRoy Williams to Mary Belle Harris on 25 Nov
Harry P McLaughlin to Edith Forsburg on 25 Nov
Paul Frederick Weihe to Lena Kaelber on 28 Nov
Wesley H Bonawitz to Lizzie Baden on 28 Nov


 On Tuesday evening Nov. 3 at the home of Mrs L A Dunn, 9th and K Streets, was held one of the prettiest weddings of the season, when Mr Forrest G Dunn was married to Miss Wilda E Dunn of Rogers.

   The bride was gowned in white silk and carried white roses.  She was attended by Miss Eva Dunn, sister of the groom, while Mr Alfred E Hayward acted as best man.

   The decorations and color schemes were carried out in yellow and white chrysanthemums.

   After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding supper was served to the intimate friends of the family.

   The young couple expect to leave Sunday afternoon over the Burlington, for Saskaloon, Canada where they will make their future home.

         from The Fremont Tribune  7 Nov 1908  5:3


Contact: Renee Bunck

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