Mares Meeting Room-1722 E 19 Fremont NE Pitfalls in German Emigrant Listings
Browse Nite: 27 Nov 2000 Remember, no meeting in December.
The October meeting was really an interesting one. The highlight was
the family chart displayed by the Jacoby’s.
W H Hitchcock, a prosperous ranchman residing forty miles from Herrick, S.D., passed thru Fremont this morning returning home with a family of five boys whom he had adopted. They were sons of Henry Nelson of Richland(Colfax Co), Nebraska, and the oldest was about 12 years of age. Mrs Nelson passed away several weeks ago and Mr Nelson found it impossible
to take care of the children alone. Away off in South Dakota in a
home where there were no children lived Mr and Mrs Hitchcock.
Thru a mutual friend Mr and Mrs Hitchcock heard of Mr Nelson and his adversities.
They corresponded with him and in the end Mr Hitchcock went to Richland,
adopted all the boys and he is now taking them up to South Dakota to give
them a pleasant home on the ranch.
THE SMOCK WEDDING Copied from LLCGS Newsletter Lincoln NE Aug 2000 One of the more unusual customs came to America was the SMOCK WEDDING. Under English common law if a widow remarried and brought any of her late husband’s property to the marriage, the new husband became liable for any and all debts of the previous husband. Women owned nothing in their own right, and this included their clothing. So it became the custom for indebted widows to get married in their underwear or smocks. The SMOCK WEDDING was triple-fold. It was a bankruptcy proceeding; it was a marriage ceremony; it was an investiture because the bride then got a new wardrobe from her new husband. In theory the ceremony was held for all to see, on the public highway. But in practice many smock weddings were indoors. “When Major Moses Joy married Widow Hannah Ward of Newfame, Vermont, in 1789, she was stark naked. She was in a closet, her hand extended through a hole cut in the door. Then she put on a fine set of clothes and emerged from her closet in style, to the general admiration of the assembled.” Source Ancestors and Descendants of Lewis Ross Freeman with related
families by Barthell Meyers.
![]() NEBRASKA - No Place Like It! by Harold Hamil
Dodge Co School Dist #18-History by Bernice Stumpe Wiese/Kloth Family History by Nona Wiese SOUTH DAKOTA-The Capitol City Saga
NEBRASKA State Adj Genl’s Report 1897-98 on
HOOPER NE BIRTHS Fremont Herald-Hooper News 17 Nov 1909 5:2 Born: to Mr & Mrs Norman Shaffer Friday, November 12, a boy. To Mr and Mrs August Herman, Wednesday November 10, 1 girl. Fremont Herald-Hooper News 20 Nov 1909 7:3. Born: to Mr & Mrs Grant Gibson, a girl; to Mr & Mrs Wm Realph, a boy; to Mr & Mrs James Row, a girl; to Mr & Mrs Henry C Wulf, a girl. (Note, no dates given in this news item)
GENEALOGY GLEANINGS Geologist or Genealogist? The difference between a geologist and a genealogist is that one digs in the dirt and sometimes finds artifacts, and the other digs in facts and sometimes find dirt! Montgomery chapter O.G.S. Vol 19-6
HAMBURG EMIGRATION The Hamburg Emigration lists are a data bank which includes the personal data of five million people who emigrated via Hamburg, Germany, from 1850 to 1934. It is now available for your personal use starting with the years 1890-1893. This data bank will then grow, on a regular basis, year by year. The first phase will include the data on emigrants from 1890 to 1914. At a later date the years 1850 to 1934 will be included and all of it will be accessible on the Internet as well. As soon as you find the name you are looking for, you may obtain complete details(Where they came from, profession, age, etc). The Hamburg lists include all the German emigrants in addition to millions of people of other nationalities, mainly from eastern Europe. For more information contact: http://www.hamburg.de/LinkToYourRoots/english/welcome.htm Copied from Prairie Pioneer Gen Soc-Gr Island Jul 2000
Henry Obershaw to Emma Campbell on 03 Nov
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