14 October 2002 7 p.m.
Mares Meeting Room
1722 East 19-Fremont NE
Program: “Jeffs New Family”
Jeff Kappeler
Browse nite-28 Oct 2002
usual time
The trip was delayed, due to illness in Rosey’s
immediate family. Everyone is fine now, and so we
plan to be on our way the first week of October.
The October meeting will still be on, Renee Bunck will
see that the meeting room is open — Just don’t let
Claire’s cats out when you enter or leave. They are
people friendly anymore and the outside looks so
inviting to them.
Jeff has a marvelous program on tap for everyone. He
has really been working hard all summer to get it ready.
Join him and learn some new tricks on family history,
his way!
Joan Moeller F-67
2209 S 179th St
Omaha NE 68 130-2684
Kimberly Sterling F-68
11230 W Monte Vista
Avondale AZ 85323
Welcome aboard-we hope that our society can be of
help to you in your quest for family history.
BOOK 10-
Arthur H Marquardt to Marcia E Calkins on 01 October
Frank Bacon to Ola Bates on 06 October
Wm 70 Wegner to Olga T G Voegeler on 07 October
Arthur E Kyte to Emma Wondercheck on 11 October
Hans C Holten to Sine Jensen on 11 October
George W Strayer to Alma Brittain on 12 October
Hugh J Gaughen to Henrietta F Farrell on 13 October
wm Ralston to Hilda Baum on 14 October
William Boschult to Winnie Bullock on 15 October
William Matthews to Addie B Paden on 16 October
Robert D Wall to Agnes E Saunders on 16 October
Barton Westerfield to Mrs Minnie Bennett on 16 October
Frank Scinimehorn to Amanda Leach on 20 October
George F Heyne to Meta Suhr on 21 October
A B Hinman to Ethel McGiverin on 22 October
Delbert L Murreli to Elizabeth Evens on 22 October
David B Davies to Elizabeth Hanlon on 23 October
T A Clark to Zella Brownlee on 29 October
Oliver W Bray to Julia L Arnold on 30 October
J F Peterson to Mary Jensen on 30 October
Miss Cora Sanders entertained a few of her friends, last
night at the home of her parents one mile south of
town, with a Hallowe’en party and a jovial merry time
was had by all. The time was spent in playing games
and Hailowe’en tricks. Refreshments were served
during the course of the evening’s entertainment.
Present were: MISSES Clara Heine, Minnie Rupert,
Ollie Martin, Minnie Sauers, Garda Lyman, Olevia Helne
and Minnie Kroeger; MESSRS Harry Sidner, Herb Ring,
Willie Leonard, Fred McCaw, John Sauers, Fred
Simmering and Ray Kreader.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Gloria Swanson in the loss of her husband, Richard
Swanson and to Gertrude Swanson, in the loss of her son.
We are most fortunate to receive as donations material
from Richard and Gloria Jacoby. They are planning a
move to a new home and are reducing their inventory
of research items. We now have:
1 - History of Coles County, ILL 1879 reprint by
Unigraphic Co
2 - Index of Missouri State-wide Obituaries by Mrs
Howard W Woodruff 1986.
3- Omaha NE City Directory 1943 - R L Polk Co
1 - Passenger Manifest Dec 9-31 of 1890, Port of NY
2 - 1830 Fed Census PA, Butler, Northumberland, Erie,
Mifflin Co’s.
3 - 1840 Fed census PA Mifflin, McLean,
Northumberland Co’s.
4- 1850 Fed Census PA Northumberland Co
5- 1860 Fed Census PA Northumberland Co
6 - Tombstone Inscriptions (partial list) Buck,
Montgomery, Lancaster, Berks, Luzerne, Monroe Co
PA by Bucks Co Hist SocIety, 1937.
Volumes 1,2,3 of Gale Directory of Publications
Broadcast Media, 1992. Volume 3 is of great interest
that newspapers, and maps are listed.
Claire has been busy making space for the new arrivals
Genealogy Humor
Genealogy: Chasing your own tale!
Documentation.. The hardest part of genealogy.
How can one ancestor cause so much TROUBLE?
After 30 days, unclaimed ancestors will be adopted.
One of the most enjoyable Hallowe'en parties was given
by Misses Ada Helne and Clara Buchholz at the home of
the former. The guests were invited to come arrayed in
sheets and pillow cases and by 9 o’clock the rooms
were filled with a ghostly party. Great merriment was
caused by trying to distinguish each other, while the
hostess required each one to perform all sorts of antics.
Various charms were tried and fortunes told. Later on a
pillow case filled with cabbage stalks was passed and
each boy was requested to draw one when he would find
the name of his partner for supper tied to the stalk.
The guests were then invited into the dining room
where a welcome sight met the eyes, a huge pumpkin
filled with fruit adorned the center of the long table,
while at either end cabbage heads filled with salad were
placed surrounded by autumn leaves which decorated
the whole table, other good things were there which the
guests fully appreciated. Varied were the fortunes told
by the “fortune” cakes. The prizes won during the
evening were obtained by Miss Sidner and Mr Kusel .
Attending were:
Fred Von Seggern
Wm Kusel
Henry Uehling
Ed Uehling
W Howard Heine
John Aldrich
Peter Peterson
John Heine
Wm Hecker |
Maggie Sauers
Ellen Brown
Anna Gibbs
Ray Jennings
Minnie Matzen
May Matzen
Maggie Von Essen
Emma Hahlbeck
Mattie Sidner |
Located In Hooper Sentinel 1 Nov 1900 5:4