13 October 2003 7:00 p.m.
1722 E 19-Fremont NE
PROGRAM: Continuation of Show & Tell
BROWSE NITE: 20 Oct 2003 7 p.m.
Our crowd was not the largest in September and we know of some excellent
finds this past summer, and we also want to give these members a chance to tell of their
finds and we also enjoy learning about them. We are sorry to announce that Gloria Jacoby,
our society secretary has resigned her position, due to health problems within their
family. Both she and Dick have had a rough summer with health problems. We are now seeking
a temporary secretary to fill her position until election for 2004 is held in Jan-Feb
calendar year. It requires only that you keep a set of minutes and read them at the
meeting - not a difficult position.
A most interesting program was held on September 18th at the Fremont City
Auditorium. It was in regard to the Lewis & Clark Trek from St Louis to the west
coast, but the person represented was Sacagawea and given by Amy Mossett who is a member
of the Mandan & Hidatsa tribes in North Dakota. This was sponsored by Friends of the
Library(Fremont) and Fremont Parks & Recreation. It was free to the public and held
twice on the 18th, in the afternoon and again in the evening. Some very good history was
given and I’m sure everyone enjoyed the evening.
Two of our members, Margie Sobotka and Nellie Snell are going to the
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International 2003 Genealogical/Cultural Conference in
Houston TX 15-18 October 2003. Now you ladies understand, we expect a program in November.
We have many members with Czech background that will be most interested in your trip.
Noted in the Immigrant Gen Society Newsletter of August
Approximately 3,361 original churchbooks for parishes in Poland, which have been housed in
the church archive in Regensburg, Bavaria, have been microfilmed and the originals
returned to archives in Polnd. These records are for the Archdioceses of Allestein,
Stettin Gnesen and Danzig, and the Bishoprics of Elbing, Leslau, Lyck, Pelpin, Plock and
Thorn. Details as to types of records and their dates are given in Archiv fur
Familiengeschichtsforschung, June 2002.
The microfilm copies of the above records are at the Bischofliches Zentralarchiv
Regensburg, St Petersweg 11-13, D-93047 Regensburg, Germany.
(German Genealogical Digest, Spring 2003) ALSO
A simplified way of accessing the Social Security Death Index, posted on 4 different
websites, has been developed by Stephen Morse. An explanation of the four websites and a
comparison of their options can be found at
The National Genealogical Society(NGS) has placed their collection of books in the St
Louis County Library(SLCL) in St Louis, MO. The materials are now available for your use
through the Interlibrary Loan(ILL) system at your local public library. You may scan the
catalog of NGS holdings on line at Those marked SLCL-NGS Collection
can be borrowed.
If you prefer, the SLCL will Xerox up to 30 copies from an iten for you. You could ask
them to copy a certain part of an index to tell whether or no a book contains material you
are seeking. Contact them at either or 1640 S Lindbergh Blvd., St Louis MO 63131-3598.
These three items might prove fruitful in your research, so hang on to them..

OCTOBER 1903 Book 10
Edwin B Rodgers to Mrs Evalyne L Newton on 06 Oct
Marion O James to Emily Herre on 06 Oct
John D Karloff to Minnie Miller on 08 Oct
Henry A Haun to Nellie O’Connor on 14 Oct
Will F Howard to Helen A Baxter on 14 Oct
John F Schoenfeldt to Ida Arndt on 14 Oct
Albert M Woods to M Ella McVicker on 15 Oct
Arba Martin to Virgie Frantz on 15 Oct
Peter B Cumings to Mrs Emma A Cady on 15 Oct
George N Meier to Gertrude V Nolan on 19 Oct
Herbert Whitehall to Susie Patterson on 21 Oct
Diedrich Popken to Annie Suhr on 22 Oct
E W Felber to Agnes Tague on 22 Oct
Charlie Sheets to Annie Mundorf on 26 Oct
Edward Burch to Elsie Dunker on 28 Oct
Albert Johnson to Edith Bergstrom on 28 Oct
Nels J Holmberg to Bessie L Johnson on 31 Oct
Henry A Nielsen to Alma C Lundeen on 31 Oct
Marion James and Miss Emily Herre United
Will Make Home in Arizona
The wedding of Miss Emily Herre to Marion O James occurred at 8 o’clock last evening
at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr and Mrs C F Herre, 437 Logan street.
The affair was an exceedingly quiet one, the ceremony being performed by the Rev C W Weyer
in the presence of the relatives and a few intimate friends of the contracting parties.
The pair took their places unattended.
After the solemn words had been spoken a dainty course of refreshments were served, and
later a social period was enjoyed. The couple were made the recipients of a number of
handsome wedding presents.
Mr & Mrs James departed this morning for the west on a wedding trip which will take
them to their future home at Prescott Arizona. The groom has recently secured a position
in a shoe store at that place.
The only guests from out-of-town present at the wedding were the Misses Orra and Essie
James of Iowa, sisters of the groom.
Fremont Tri-Weekly Herald 8 Oct 1903 1:4
A Thank you to Gloria Kriete for the following article
Honorably discharged soldiers or those furloughed to the Reserve are entitled to
permanently retain the following articles of uniform and equipment:
1 hat and cord
1 pair breeches
1 pair shoes
1 pair leggings
1 waist belt
1 slicker
1 overcoat
1 barrack bag
1 pair gloves
1 O D shirt
1 coat and ornaments
2 suits underwear
4 pair stockings
3 scarlet chevrons
1 toilet articles
Additional if overseas:
1 gas mask and helmet
1 overseas cap in place of hat & cord.
If you did not receive all of the above, or if you returned yours, write me at the address
below and I will forward you the necessary affidavits and assist you in securing the same.
Very truly,
James G Strong, M.C.
House Office Bl’dg
Washington D.C.
noted in the Linn (KS) Digest 7 Aug 1919 |