8 October 2007 7:00 P.M.
Mares Meeting Room OCTOBER PROGRAM Dr Earl Underwood will present "Cataloging Your Important Documents"
22 Oct 2007
Hanson G-01
Williams McKee G-02
The Show & Tell program went along without any problems. It is so nice that Renee stepped in, and found us a place to hold the September meeting. HALLOWE'EN AT NORTH BEND Mr & Mrs Armstead Give A Unique and Enjoyable Party In Celebration of it! North Bend, Nov 1 - The home of Mr & Mrs C O Armstead was the scene of a gay Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening, when Misses Gertrude and Hazel Armstead and Grace McVicker entertained about thirty-five of their young friends. At the gate a huge ghostly figure was stationed to welcome all guests as they arrived. Upon reaching the door the arrivals were admitted to the house by a little ghost and from the threshold they beheld a most Hallowe-eny spectacle. The room was but dimly lighted by jack-o'-lanterns tucked in among corn stalks in the corners and hung from the ceiling. In the center of the room stood three ghostly looking beings all dressed in white, beckoning for the visitors to come in and by their mute signs each guest was shown his place among the others. When all had arrived the ghosts suddenly disappeared. Many new game and amusements suitable for the occasion were enjoyed. On arranging for a "dear" hunt the boys were all shut up in a room while the girls hid themselves in the dark nooks and corners of the house. The boys were then liberated and the hunt began. The girls which each boy discovered first was his partner for refreshments. The supper was of the old New England husking bee type, consisting of fruit, nuts, ginger cake and pumpkin pie. Music and games followed the repast until the hour was late when the assemblage broke up. Noted in North Bend Eagle 4 Nov 1905 2:2 This was noted in the NEWSLETTER of Immigrant Genealogical Society September 2007 issue. LOOK AT ME If you have some time to browse, you may wish to go to the website "Look At Me". It is a collection of photos which were lost, forgotten, thrown away, found in flea markets, etc. Your help is invited in identifying any person in a posted photo. Type this url into your web browser: www.moderna.org/lookatme/ another interesting item OLD NEWSPAPERS ONLINE-FREE The National Endowment for the Humanities(NEH) has been working for years with state libraries and historical societies to microfilm old newspapers. The early copies were microfilmed, but more recently the work has been in digitized form. Newspapers already filmed are available on interlibrary loan. The goal is to have all significant newspapers from 1836 to 1922 digitized and on line free of charge. This database will be maintained by the Library of Congress. www.loc.gov/chroniclingamerica from same newsletter as above. |
Murray W Sink to
Justena C Reier on 01 October
Wedding bells rang out Saturday, Octo 19 at high noon, in honor of Miss Mary Alice Robinson, who was united in marriage to Mr Benjamin Scott, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs E Robinson on east 9th street. The ceremony was witnessed only by the immediate families of the contracting parties. Mrs Wiginton of Leigh, NE, sister of the groom, payed the wedding march, and as its beautiful strain floated upon the air, the bridal party descended the stairway and were met at the parlor door by Rev J E Chase who led them across the room and in a brief impressive marriage service united them for life. The young people are both well known in our community and held in high esteem. A delightful wedding dinner was served immediately following the ceremony. Mr & Mrs Scott departed on the evening train for York for a few days visit with friends. They will go to housekeeping on their return, on the farm near Purple Cane. Our best wishes follow them. The guests from out of town were: Mr & Mrs Wigington of Leigh and Mr Clark Robinson and family of Mead. Noted in North Bend Eagle 23 October 1907 Pge 4
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