13 October 2008 7:00 P.M. Mares Meeting Room 1722 East 19-Fremont NE
PROGRAM: Emigration from Port of Hamburg coming into the Port of New York. Many new items plus web sites to check.
BROWSE NITE: 27 October 2008 7 p.m. We had many members telling of their summer adventures and what they have added to their family histories. Everything from DNA testing, searching out a WW II relative starting with just a photo, Old obits and letters on the family. Old photographs were found, Gloria compiled her family history, and Jeff found another box used for ship traveling with initials, Margie displayed her Czech Republic medal. You never know when a new type hint comes about and works. I would say we have some good sleuthers within our society. Jeff is in Tennessee working on his Hohenwald Museum displays and seeking more family information not only his family, but also some of families that lived within the town. The ENGS workshop held on 27th of September 2008 at the Keene Memorial library was well received. Dr Underwood had two other members helping him with the advanced sessions, while Claire handled the Beginners There was a general introduction, then a tour of the library and also the new digitizing camera and equipment for enlargements etc which is handled by Linda Francois. That is a great addition to the library and everyone got to work on the computers for genealogy in the afternoon. The Advanced group were introduced to many items, organizing your records and cataloging them, use of computer network sites and helping those who were having difficult times in locating their family, especially so in the census and also the immigration records (ship passenger lists). Military pension records of the various wars. Plans as of now, are to have another workshop in 2009. Nothing set for dates etc, but you will be informed next year. WRECK ON THE ELKHORN. Last Saturday afternoon. about 2 o'clock, the most disastrous wreck the FEMV road ever had near here occurred about 5 miles east of town. Special freight east bound engine 39, and light engine 30 west bound collided and James Zuver, engineer in charge of the west bound engine, was killed. The collision occurred near mile post No 12. The freight train was rounding a curve and the light engine was in a similar position farther south and neither crew could see the other, but just where they met the track was straight for probably sixty rods. When the engines came together the speed of both had been greatly diminished so that the shock was not very great and the couplings on the cars were not broken. The crew of the east bound special jumped as did the fireman on the number 30 but the engineer Zuver remained with his engine and was so badly hurt that he died in a few moments after being taken out, his back being broken with possibly other internal injuries. In Zuver's pocket was found the order for him to meet the special at Nickerson but he probably forgot it. The fireman on the No 30 said when Engineer Zuver saw the special coming he acted as though paralyzed, but he "threw her over" and yet made no preparation for jumping. His engine left the track and caught him between the engine and tank. The front ends of both engines and the pilots were madly mashed. But one car on the freight was damaged and that was car next to the engine and had the entire end broken out. The passenger train No 3-was delayed about 4 hours and when it came to Hooper brought Sheriff Kreader, who as acting coroner, subpoenaed a jury and held an inquest. They were: Jerry Denslow, F F Heine, Fred Brown, Louis Keller, S Wagner and John Sauers and their verdict was that "J M Zuver came to his death by a head-end collision of engines No 30 and 39 near Hooper, Nebraska, on the FEMV RR, by being caught between the engine and tender of engine No 30, and we exonerate the company from all blame." Mr Zuver lived in Mo Valley and left a wife and three children. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers took charge of the body and it was sent to Mo Valley Sunday afternoon. from Hooper (NE) Sentinel 6 Dec 1900 8:6 |
Bruno C Gocken to
Laura R Hamilton on 01 Oct WEDDING SURPRISE Valley Enterprise: Arthur Peterson and Miss Mary Sawyers gave their friends quite a surprise, Wednesday, when they drove to Fremont, secured a marriage license and had the knot tied by County Judge Stinson. They were accompanied by the bride's mother and Mr Jerry Adams. About a year ago the bridegroom bought a house and lot of A A Momany, which he has been renting but will now occupy it as his future home. These young people have been brought up among us and their many friends join us ion extending best wishes. Fremont Tribune 29 Oct 1908 5:4 WEIGAND - HOLL Wednesday, October 28, at the home of Mr and Mrs David Weigand took place the marriage of their eldest daughter, Miss Martha B to Carl H Holl of Snyder. The ceremony was held at 3 p.m. Only immediate relatives were present. The bridal party formed in the upper hallway and to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march played by Miss Zilla Johnson, descended to the parlor where the ceremony was performed. Rev M B Harrison of the Congregational church officiating. The bride was gowned in navy blue silk and carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Lora Weigand, sister of the bride was bridesmaid and was gowned in champagne colored voile trimmed in turquoise blue. Frank Holl of Albion was best man. The house was beautifully decorated with pink and white roses and plants. At five o'clock a two course wedding dinner was served. The evening was spent in music and dancing. Both young people are well known here, having been born and raised in the vicinity. Many congratulations and best wishes are extended to them by all their friends. from Fremont Tribune 7 Nov 1908 5:3
Get Well Note!
Heinsohn one of our Past President's had surgery on Sept 30th for a
tumor removal. We wish her fast recovery . Early members will remember
Marlene, I'm sure and a card would help her pass the day. Her address is 2425
Buckingham Rd 3B, Fremont NE 68025.