MARES MEETING ROOM 7 P M 1722 East 19-Fremont NE PROGRAM: Our Fall SHOW & TELL
BROWSE NITE 23 Oct 2000 7 P M Our September Meeting was very well attended and many new things were learned. The Mormon Trail was on the north side of the Platte, while the Oregon Trail was on the south side. That road ranches were spaced about 20 miles apart and carried some supplies for the travelers and often times had a blacksmith available for shoeing of the oxen. Jeff spoke about the road ranches that were located in Dodge County, and also what some of the probates of the owners had in their inventories. Showing that supplies were still in existence when they passed away. Thanks, Jeff, for a most interesting program. I might add that Jeff will be presenting a program Little Houses On The Prairie: 19th Century Architecture Our society got a sneak preview of this presentation, and it was most interesting. Claire is slowly finishing up the Dodge County Naturalization index. It is ready for typing. It was a struggle! Ending up reading each individual Declaration of Intent, Final Papers, Petitions & Records to be sure no one was missed (106 were missing from the original card index file). As you approach the WW I era there are many more papers attached to the Petitions, due to the fact that some of the countries in Europe were at war. So you will have more detail attached. Some of the people had a difficult struggle with a language barrier and their witnesses were not always citizens, or they applied after the 5-year period, later it became 7 years, and they had to re-apply for all. Now to type up the new index. Proof it and make it available to
everyone. Hopefully, Miss Snuggles will be a good kitty and KEEP
her paws off the keyboard.
NEW MEMBERS F-40 Mr & Mrs Duane Kiekow
F-41 Bea Palmer
F-42 Marilyn Erwin
1900 October Dodge County Marriages – Book 9 Walter S Eddy to Nettie E Gibson on 03 Oct
Renee and several other members have compiled the 1917 Dodge County NE Draft Registrants. They were taken from the old Fremont Tribune & Herald in 1917. It gives the draft number of the registrant, and his number for calling him up for service. It is in a 3-ring notebook and is also on the web site. Thanks to Renee Bunck, Connie Snyder, & Gary Martens. A special “Thank you” to Bill Passick who attended an auction in Yutan
and secured a 1918 Saunders County Plat Book. Several pages were
not the best, by book worms, but only a small item to find another book
and run off the missing pieces and “patch” them in. These are so
great because it lists the owners of the property and where the house might
be located.
Found in the Fremont Semi-Weekly Herald 26 Oct 1897
Matzen Bros retired from the hotel business last Saturday and
will now devote their whole time and attention to their livery business.
POSTAL INFORMATION – DID YOU KNOW? Typed envelopes will reach addresses one day earlier than those handwritten. Postal machine scanners read envelopes from the bottom up, starting with the zip code. If anything is typed lower than the zip code, the letter will be held until it can be manually sorted. Mail will also reach its destination at least a day sooner if you use zip codes, and using the additional 4-digit number is even better. Self-addressed stamped envelopes(SASE) folded inside a letter is a VIOLATION OF POSTAL REGULATIONS because they jam postal sorting machines. It is recommended you use a NO 9 envelope, which will fit inside the regular No 10 business envelope without folding. Also, the post office sells “message reply” double postal card for forty cents If you’re requesting a brief reply this is the most economical way to go. From Illinois State Gen Soc Quarterly Vol 30 No 2 via
PETITION STARTED TO CHANGE 13TH Queer Allegations Concerning a Fremont Street
THEN on 31 Oct 1906 8:1
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