September  2002


Claire and Rosey Larsen are heading for Lancaster Co PA to finish up Rosey’s ADAM(S)  family history, here in the U.S.  She is very lucky to have distant relatives back there who have done most of the legal records search and now shares them with her.  We are going to take photos of the old homes, churches and, naturally, the cemeteries. On our return, Claire will take her to Gettysburg and also to Steubenville OH, the “City of Murals.”  Other places also appear on her list.

The scanning of the tickler file index cards is going very well.  Claire is now in the H’s.  It is a good thing that it was too hot to be outside, she spent her time behind the computer.  That is, IF Snuggles would let her use the screen......a regular computer pest.  She has proof!  Finally got a photo of her just before the mouse became her pillow.

Renee Bunck and Claire Mares attended a two-day conference on NEGEN/WEB.  There were persons from Ohio, Michigan, California, Missouri, Utah and probably some Claire did not identify.  They are all persons who have roots in Nebraska and are helping to add to the NE  county web sites.  Nebraska was also well represented. 


The population of Dodge county wasn’t materially increased but fifteen brand new, loyal, patriotic citizens were added to the rolls when district court concluded its hearings upon applications for citizenship last Saturday.

Judge Button was assisted in the investigation of forty-four applications by Examiner Wolff, of the government bureau at St Louis.  Grants were made on fifteen applications, eleven were held up because the applicants waited too long to complete their papers, and fifteen applications – made by Germans – were held up until the close of the war.

Niels C Nelsen’s application was deferred consideration because he had been out of the state for a year; J M Hansen’s request for citizenship was temporarily denied, because of doubt of loyalty to the United States, while Otto J Behnsky’s application was deferred until he became more familiar with the rules and regulations pertaining to citizenship.

Applications for citizenship were granted in full to the following:  Wm Krupkinsky, Otto G Thorgerson, Alvin Ruckl, Harold Erling, Sam Rosen, Louis Zuber, Wm A Pederson, Holgar G Larsen, Amanrus J Pederson, Carl C Jensen, Marinus Pederson and Christian B Nelsen, all of Fremont; Vaclav Tobola and Herman Verbeck, both of Scribner, and Gottfried Grunner of Uehling.

The following had permitted their applications to lapse, and will be required to renew them to secure citizenship:  Adolph J Topp, Christian Jensen, Henry Harmesen, Andrew O Hofstedt, Jens Jensen, Fred Furstenau and Peter E Lindblac, of Fremont; Gustav Shomshor and Aug Meiselbach of Scribner; Anton Schulz of Hooper, and Matthew Walter of Dodge.

 Noted in FREMONT TRIBUNE 28 Sep 1917  1:2,3

100 YEARS AGO BOOK 10     1902

Clair M Harrington to Prudence M Brown on 3 Sep
Ranko Busskohl to Emma Peters on 13 Sep
John Ambrose Erickson to Christina Olson on 17 Sep
Fred Hollenback to Eva Losbaugh on 18 Sep
John H Buer to Dora Rometch on 18 Sep
John M Brecheisen to Mary Hansen on 18 Sep
Thorwald V O Weinhold to Pauline F E Stuefer on 21 Sep
Alva A Harrison to Viva Woods on 23 Sep
Hugh McDonald to Sarah F Dorrah on 23 Sep
Eric Hallberg to Signe Lagergren on 23 Sep
Jasper L Rewey to Jennie Thetro on 30 Sep

It is with sadness that I report that Anna Lu Otteman Meltvedt of Renton WA passed away on June 30th.  Anna Lu completed the indexes to our Roots & Leaves up to and thru 1991.  Her health did not hold out for her to make the next completion.  We are now in need of an indexer from 1992 thru 2002.  Anna Lu and Claire became very good friends, through research together in Lincoln, on her family lines.  She was a very gracious lady and she will be missed by all.  She is survived by her husband Donald Meltvedt.



The following list of letters remain uncalled for in the Fremont postoffice Sept 6, 1883:
GENTS-Blasé, John; Bartlett, J E; Cluma Frank; Danell, John; Dashlett, Mr; Freeman, Samuel; Gosht, John jr; Legrand, Ben; Williams, J; M’Donald, Patrick; Mehin, Peter M; Muller, P; Patterson, W J; Dillenbeck, C H; Prusa, John; Tames, Peter-2; Thaden, W T; Wood, W.
LADIES-Cherry, Sadie; Frazer, Jennie; Hasson, Della; Hussey, L B; Jones, Amanda; Johnson, Elin M; Smith, Sylvia C; Sutlief, C E; Waisman, B; Way, Lottie.
 Fremont Tribune 6 Sep 1883  3:3

This was noted in the Fremont Tribune 26 Sep 1873   3:3, and I share it with all.

Judge Bell played a very handsome trick on a couple that came to his office to be married, on last Monday.  The groom inquired of Clerk Keene if he knew where he could find Judge Bell, he told him he did not.  The couple went into Bell’s (office) to await his arrival.

About noon Judge went to his office, turned the key in the door and went to dinner.  When he returned he sat around Keene’s office a short time waiting for the matrimonial pair to return but thinking they had secured the services of a justice, he went to his offices, opened the door, went in, took a chew of tobacco, blew his nose and seated himself at his table for business when he heard a giggle, and on looking around, discovered the couple behind the door.  He married them as quickly as possible and they hastened away for their dinner.


This day, September 10th, is the 32d anniversary of the erection of the first building put up in Fremont.  It was built of cottonwood poles and covered with hay standing on the present site of the Congregational church and occupied by E H Barnard, John A Koontz, Leander Gerard and William E Lee.

(This would be Northeast corner of Military & Broad St)

Noted in the Fremont Weekly Tribune 13 Sep 1888  5:2

The first hack on Fowler’s line to Lincoln left town on Tuesday morning with a couple of passengers.  This is the first attempt at regular communication with the capital; and we hope trade will be sufficient on the new line to pay the enterprising proprietor.  Mr Fowler assures us he can make as good time from to Lincoln as by any other route and so soon as certain repairs are made on the road will run a hack through as often as travel demands.  

 From Fremont Tribune 4 Sep 1868  3:1

An old citizen was heard to remark a few days since that there was no stir in building just now, and for the purpose of showing how badly he was mistaken we will just mention a few that are now in process of completion.  Two good business houses on E street, a large barn at the lodging house, and several small additions being made to houses already up, while in the eastern part of town the large residence of Mr Kittle is being put up rapidly.

On Broad street there are two business houses almost completed besides the large hotel of Mr Huftalen, and several residences in the vicinity.  The work is going on in the residence part of town so fast that we cannot keep track of only a few – it is no unusual matter for a house to be put up and occupied before we know anything of it.  If anybody thinks Fremont is not growing rapidly just let them take a walk all over the place and their opinion will soon change. 

From Fremont Tribune 11 Sep 1868  3:2,3


This page was submitted to the Dodge county NEGenWeb site
by Renee Bunck

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