11 Sep 2000 MEETING MARES MEETING ROOM 7 P.M. 1722 East 19 Fremont NE PROGRAM: Away and Across the Plains
BROWSE NITE: 25 Sep 2000 7:00 p.m. Did your summer go well for you, did you find new research for your families. Queen Midas found some new items, a surprise? Claire has been busy in the old newspapers of the Hooper Sentinel and found some good items pertaining to the Early Pioneer families, and hopes to complete a book on it. Reading the old microfilmed newspapers proved to be more than her eyes could handle in the 1900 papers, the film was poor, being so blurred you couldn’t read it. Hopefully this fall she can get into the old original papers at Hooper(they are folded at present). This will necessitate steam pressing and placing the papers flat in order to read them. Too many of the old records regarding our pioneers are disappearing. These families in the papers came in the late 1850’s, under “squatter’s rights.” Part of the information was found in the 1892 newspaper and the remainder in the 1900(12 numbered papers) and twelve newspapers.
![]() June L Stare F-39
A quote from Mrs Lottie Heaton Rogers scrapbook-no date! The secretary said she thought the quotation from the poet born eight
centuries ago, told the whole story: “Yesterday is dead; Tomorrow
is unborn; get all you can squeeze out of today.”
Noted in the Hooper Sentinel 19 Sep 1901 8:1 A team belonging to Robert Hadan, living east of town, ran away Monday afternoon, while Mr Hadan was loading coal at the Nye & Schneider Co’s sheds. Mr Hadan tried to stop them but was knocked down and the horses ran through Spring street to the corner of Elk street when, in attempting to make the turn, they ran against one of the big trees in front of H H Looschen’s residence. One of the horses was thrown on the brick pavement and the run stopped right there. The only damage done was to the harness, neck yoke and double trees the latter being a total wreck. Mary had a billy goat,
Just to show what Nebraska can do in the way of growing peaches, A F Mitchell brought to THE SENTINEL office, yesterday, a sample grown on his farm, this year, from seeds planted by him in the spring of 1894. They were freestones and as fine as any ever grown in the so called peach districts. Mr Mitchell says he has some later varieties that are much nicer in every way than the ones he showed, but it would seem as though that would be almost an impossibility. (Don’t you love the between paragraph insert?) |
Fremont Weekly Herald 4 Sep 1890 4:6-Scribner News A mule team belonging to J H Fulton became frightened by the train last Friday while making hay, and ran away. Geary Fulton, aged 12 years, who was driving the team, fell off and was dragged some distance but miraculously escaped with slight injuries. Conrad Olthof, a farmer living near town, fell from his wagon Tuesday evening and fractured his leg… NEWS.
After an absence of nearly six weeks, during which time her husband
did not know of her whereabouts, Mrs Lars Olson, wife of the janitor at
the High school in Fremont, has been heard from in Sweden. She has
written a letter to relatives in Fremont in which she says she is visiting
her parents near Stafferhuff. Mrs Olsen’s mysterious disappearance
has puzzled her relatives and the Fremont authorities, who for some time
have been making unsuccessful efforts to locate her.
Mr Olsen says he does not know why Mrs Olsen went to Sweden without telling him, unless she feared there might be some objection to her taking the trip. He says he does not know how she got the money to pay the expenses of her trip. Their family relations have been satisfactory and they have been married for a long period. Noted in the Fremont Tribune 09 Sep 1908 6:2
1900 September Dodge Co Marriages
J J BATTEN to Ella ZEIS on 04 Sep
The 1908 Fremont City Directory reports that the name of Peterson appears seventy times in the new directory and the Peterson family to be the largest in Fremont. The Johnsons with sixty-eight comes second. Smiths, who generally comes first, are crowded down to third with only fifty-six. There are thirty-one Larson and Larsens, and thirty-one Olson and Olsens. The directory furnishes the names of 5,196 persons, which multiplied by two and a half to represent the number of married women and children, gives a total of 12,900 as Fremont’s present population. Fremont Tribune 9 Sep 1908 6:4 |
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