Gage County, Nebraska

Gage County Biographies

Lewis Theodore Griggs

Submitted by Michelle Ross

1. Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska, Gage County
L. T.(Lewis Theodore) GRIGGS, dealer in farm machinery, was born in Indianapolis, Ind., in 1843; soon after his parents emigrated to Clinton County, Ind., remaining there the most of the times until 1862, when he enlisted in the Eleventh Indiana Cavalry, as private, Company A, and was discharged in 1865, with a Lieutenant's commission. In 1865, he settled in Pawnee County, Neb., taking a homestead in Section 31, Town 5, Range 5, remaining four years on his place, when he located in Beatrice, and was engaged in farming; then went into the law office with his brother, remaining three years. In 1875, he commenced handling farm machinery, which he is now engaged in. Was married in 1869, in Gage County, to Miss Carrie E. Gale. They have five children--Mollie, George, Clifton, Kirk and Burt. Was City Marshal in 1876. Is a member of the Rollins Post, G. A. R., of Beatrice, and is a member of Beatrice Lodge, No. 26, A., F. & A. M., Chapter No. 7, and of the Commandery, No. 7. Is a member of the I. O. O. F., and of K. of H., No. 4, and I. O. G. T.

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