Classified Directory of Farmers for
Blakely Township.
Source: M.A. Brown & Co.’s Gage County Directory for 1886-7.
This book may be found in the Heritage Room at the Beatrice Public Library.
Postoffice, Beatrice
- Bartels, Christ
- Bartlett, Edward
- Bartholomew, Emily
- Bindernagle, Phillip
- Blakely, Wm.
- Bostedor, James
- Bute, Lucy A.
- Camp, Daniel
- Carpenter, E.L.
- Carre, Daniel
- Collett, John. Jr.
- Culbertson, Kittie A.
- Dibble, Richard
- Dickman, Henry
- Dolen, benjamin
- Dolen, Edward
- Dolen, Nancy
- Dolen, Prather
- Elwood, E.Y.
- Epp, Abraham
- Fairbanks, E.A.
- Francis, A.R.
- Frederick, August
- Freeman, Agnes S.
- Franz, John
- Glass, Richard
- Goosen, Abraham
- Graff, Joseph
- Hafling, Adam
- Hahn, Henry
- Kilpatrick, Samuel
- Klages, Johann
- Koenig, Theodore
- Lamb, Isaac
- Langworth, W.O.
- Leigh, N.J.
- Leigh, Wallace
- Leonard, Francis
- Mahlock, Wm.
- Meyer, Joseph
- Mertz, Mathias
- Neermier, Frederick
- Neermier, Henry
- Odell, H.S.
- Pittinger, B.F.
- Pfingston, Chris
- Poole, Samuel
- Plucknett, Wm.
- Reiley, Patrick
- Reimer, Abraham
- Reimer, B.
- Reimer, Peter
- Reimund, Henry
- Rogers, Ann E.
- Rogers, W.L.
- Rossiter, Richard
- Scheve, John
- Schlake, Henry
- Tatge, Wm.
- Thimm, John
- Thompson, Asa
- Thompson, Jesse
- Turk, Maria
- VanRiesen, John
- Veneck, Benjamin
- Vogt, Henry
- Wagner, Henry
- Wallenberg, Wm.
- Wickham, H.M.
- Wheeler, Charles
- Whittemore, G.P.
- Whittemore, F.
- Whittemore, D.G.
- Zimmerman, J.H.