Classified Directory of Farmers for
Nemaha Township.
Source: M.A. Brown & Co.’s Gage County Directory for 1886-7.
This book may be found in the Heritage Room at the Beatrice Public Library.
Postoffice - Firth & Cortland
- Armsdell, Adolphus
- Boyer, A.L.; Cortland
- Braden, G.T.; Firth
- Brownell, Albert; Firth
- Burling, T.R.; Firth
- Clark, D.H.; Cortland
- Click, P.W.; Firth
- Collins, C.F.; Firth
- Damrow, E.; Cortland
- Damrow, F.; Cortland
- Deats, W.F.; Firth
- Deitz, Frederick; Firth
- Deniston, Z.C.; Firth
- Dick, N.; Firth
- Downing, J.A.; Firth
- Ellis, J.; Firth
- Escher, H.; Cortland
- Giddings, Josephine; Firth
- Givens, S.D.; Firth
- Glidhill, R.C.; Cortland
- Groves, H.H.; Firth
- Groves, H.L.; Cortland
- Groves, Jacob; Firth
- Hall, Wm.; Firth
- Hall, W.A.M.; Firth
- Hanna, D.E.; Firth
- Hanson, John; Firth
- Harmes, John J.; Firth
- Henderson, R.F.; Cortland
- Hickox, C.W.; Firth
- Hill, S.M.; Firth
- Hill, W.; Firth
- Hockheine, Henry; Firth
- Holz, B.; Cortland
- Hull, Rolander; Firth
- Jacobs, J.T.; Firth
- Jewell, Wm. H.; Cortland
- Kramer, Wm.; Firth
- Kruger, Gottfried; Firth
- Kruger, Michael; Firth
- Little, S.; Firth
- Lynch, J.H.; Firth
- Maddox, R.H.; Firth
- Martin, Jacob; Firth
- Matthews, W.J.; Cortland
- McCleave, E.E.; Firth
- Meserve, J.M.; Firth
- Miller, J.B.; Cortland
- Miller, W.H.; Firth
- Morningstar, B.; Firth
- Morris, Riley; Firth
- Murphey, James; Cortland
- Murphey, J.J.; Cortland
- Myers, Martin; Firth
- Naylor, Isaac; Cortland
- Olsen, Mary C.; Firth
- petz, August; Cortland
- Petz, Frederick; Cortland
- Powell, J.E.; Firth
- Rambow, Ludwig; Firth
- Remmers, J.E.; Firth
- Ristow, F.; Firth
- Ross, M.L.; Firth
- Sachtteben, Henry; Firth
- Sharp, S.A.; Cortland
- Skinner, A.W.; Cortland
- Skinner, H.D.; Firth
- Smith, L.J.; Firth
- Smith, Wellington; Firth
- Stiehl, Peter; Cortland
- Swarm, F.M.; Firth
- Sykes, Geo.; Firth
- Ulrich, F.; Firth
- Tuttle, Geo.; Cortland
- Tuttle, G.I.; Cortland
- Warner, J.C.; Firth
- Warren, D.; Firth
- Weideman, Henry; Firth
- Wheeler, J.R.; Cortland
- Windle, Joseph; Firth
- Wininger, Fannie E.; Corland
- Wintermute, C.G.; Firth
- Wittsbuck, Cornelia; Firth
- Zook, I.N.; Firth