Classified Directory of Farmers for
Paddock Township.
Source: M.A. Brown & Co.’s Gage County Directory for 1886-7.
This book may be found in the Heritage Room at the Beatrice Public Library.
Postoffice - Odell
- Bangs, A.A.
- Bardwell, A.J.
- Barry, Thomas
- Bangman, Cyrus
- Beaver, D.W.
- Bednar, Albert
- Bickett, H.R.
- Bowe, Russell
- Brinton, W.
- Bristor, J.H.
- Brown, J.P.
- Brown, W.S.
- Bures, Frank
- Butler, S.
- Camp. George D.
- Camp, G.D.
- Campbell, J.R.
- Campbell, Sarah
- Casek, J.
- Clark, John
- Colgrove, J.F.
- Cook, R.E.
- Cool, E.W.
- Coomer, Thomas
- Cozine, Julia
- Cozine, J.
- Cutshall, E.
- Cutshall, M.
- Davis, H.F.
- Dysart, E.
- Fehring, H.
- Findley, H.D.
- Fisher, J.C.
- Foster, S.G.
- Gibbs, Joseph
- Gilmore, C.H.
- Goodall, J.C.
- Gould, C.D.
- Hagans, J.S.
- Hageman, James
- Hageman, J.W.
- Hageman, E.L.
- Hand, J.H.
- Hartman, F. Jr.
- Hartman, F.C.
- Hartman, N.D.
- Haskins, W.e.
- Hawthore, M.E.
- Hayek, J.
- Hayes, C.H.
- Hensmann, H.
- Hibel, James
- Hibel, Joseph
- Hinman, L.
- Hinman, P.
- Hinton, J.
- Homersham, Wm.
- Horsky, Frank
- Howe, E.O.
- Howell, Albert
- Husa, Frank
- Hutchinson, C.
- James, C.B.
- James, F.E.
- James, J.C.
- Johnston, J.J.
- Jones, J.W.
- Jones, Owen
- Kirk, M.E.
- Koeneke, George
- Koch, F.
- Koch, mary
- Kohlmyer, H.
- Kriter, B.
- Kriter, George
- Kriter, F.D.
- Lacy, H.
- Latta, R.S.
- Loible, John
- Martin, J.H.
- Masek, Frank
- McCarthy, John
- McClung, A.
- McClung, George
- Menke, Henry
- Merritt, B.W.
- Miller, George
- Miller, J.O.
- Miller, N.E.
- Mitchell, J.C.
- Moncrief, Z.
- Morris, A.M.
- Moseley, Frank
- Moseley, L.A.
- Mowry, C.
- Mowry, J.C.
- Murphy, C.
- Murphy, P.
- Muth, John
- Oliver, Josephus
- Oswald, M.
- Owens, R.
- Payne, L.C.
- Pecka, Joseph
- Poe, T.B.
- Pyle, S.L.
- Rada, Thomas
- Raney, J.F.
- Rathbun, James
- Rathbun, Mary Ann
- Reid, G.D.
- Reid, W.F.
- Rice, A.
- Rice, Henry
- Rice, J.H.
- Richards, G.F.
- Rogers, W.
- Rozell, W.F.
- Russell, G.O.
- Scheideler, John
- Schmidt, Joseph
- Schmidt, M.I.
- shalla, Anna
- Shalla, V.
- Sheesley, M.B.
- Shinn, B.H.
- Sible, J.
- Silkett, P.
- Smith, John
- Smith, M.E.
- Smith, M.J.
- Spencer, M.
- Spier, Laura
- Spitznogle, I.
- Stephenson, Thomas
- Sweagle, T.N.
- Tatman, G.W.
- Taylor, James
- Tedrow, M.W.
- Thrap, H.K.
- Tolman, David
- Triggs, T.N.
- Trump, Levi
- Tye, George
- Valentine, M.J.
- Vreeland, J.G.
- Walker, Wm.
- Weiner, Wm.
- Wereman, T.M.
- Weirman, W.A.
- Willard, E.H.
- Wilson, A.E.
- Wilson, D.H.
- Wilson, Sarah J.
- Wingard, U.
- With, John
- Witmes, Frank
- Wolf, A.
- Wolf, F.J.
- Woodburn, P.L.
- Woodlock, M.
- Woodring, D.C.
- Younkin, A.S.