Classified Directory of Farmers for
Riverside Township.
Source: M.A. Brown & Co.’s Gage County Directory for 1886-7.
This book may be found in the Heritage Room at the Beatrice Public Library.
Postoffice - Beatrice
- Allington, O.B.
- Allinson, M.C.
- Andreas, Wm.
- Barnes, J.L.
- Beals, L.M.
- Bentley, G.E.
- Bentley, M.
- Bentley, U.G.
- Brayton, W.B.
- Bridges, H.C.
- Brown, L.P.
- Charles, Amanda
- Chipperfield, A.H.
- Claussen, Aron
- Coulter,R.
- Day, E.H.
- De Wolf, L.
- Dodge, W.E.
- Dreuter, John
- Eccles, Allie
- Eccles, Mary
- Eccles, S.
- Elerbeck, J.T.
- Elliott, Chas.
- Frederick, Aug.
- Foster, W.E.
- Heikes, S.M.
- Headley, H.
- Jones, T.R.
- Maxwell, P.
- McCanley, C.
- McFarland, Eliz.
- Mead, Mary
- Minehart, s.
- Morse, W.W.
- Murgatroyd, E.
- Rains, Mary
- Ray, Wyatt
- Reed, J.M.
- Reed, Mary J.
- Rickards, F.M.
- Russell, James
- Russell, W.D.
- Shaw, Geo W.
- Shelley, Francis
- Shelley, J.W.
- Stoll, Lousia
- Stoll, Barbara
- Stout, Jane M.
- Stout, J.P.
- Terry, S.d.
- Tichnor & Bozarth
- Tinkham, A.L.
- Yohe, Mary A.
- Vanliew, F.
- Warren, G.S.
- Wheeler, J.S.
- Whitcomb, G.P.
- Whitney, F.
- Wilson, E.
- Wilson, John
- Wilson, Robt.