Link to Gage County, Nebraska

cago, ordained in 1932, scholarship from the University of Chicago Oriental Institute; now research worker and professor of Egyptology at the University of Chicago.
Frederich Kelly, Class of 1898, former president of the University of Idaho; chief of the division of higher education in the Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska and received his doctor's degree at Columbia University. He was appointed U S. Commissioner of Education in Washington, D.C., under the Hoover administrator. Now retired.
Adam McMullen, Class of 1889, received B.A. University of Nebraska 1896, Law Degree from George Washington School of Law in 1899. Served as secretary to Judge Strode, U. S. Congressman. Secretary to U. S. Senator from Nebraska. Practiced law in Wymore for many years, was Mayor of Wymore, served five terms in the State Legislature as representative, two terms as State Senator, two terms as Governor of the State. Now retired.
Harvey Newbranch, Class of 1 892, one of the great editorial writers of the United States; Pulitzer Prize winner in 1919; former editor of the Omaha World Herald. Now retired.
Charles B. Pirie, father of John and Robert Pirie, passed bar examination in June, 1922; made an honorary member of the Wymore Alumni. In 1925, was appointed Chief of the Bureau of Compensation; in 1926 appointed State Purchasing Agent. In 1928 appointed Secretary of Labor and Compensation Commission. In 1932 was vice-president and general manager of Arrow Air Craft and Motors Corp. Now retired.
John Pirie, Class of 1924, Annapolis student, Phi Beta Kappa, Order of the Coif, Rhodes scholar in 1931, graduate of Oxford University with honors in 1934. Now associate general counsel for Pan-American World Airways.
Robert Pirie, Class of 1922, graduate of Annapolis in 1926. A Rear Admiral he is now Commander of the Sixth Carrier Division in the Mediterranean.
Dr. Guy Scott, Class of 1934, Dean of Emporia State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas Robert Hazen Shields, Class of 1922, graduated from Nebraska University in 1926, and from Harvard Law School in 1929. Since 1947 he has been President and General Counsel of the United States Beet Sugar Association, Washington, D.C. Also vice-president of Sugar Information, Inc. and the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc.
In addition to these, there are many, many others who have graduated with honors and gone forth to achieve a place for themselves in various professions. Among our other Alumni we note many doctors, nurses, attorneys, teachers (including colleges and universities), prominent places in the Armed Forces, and in music.

Don's Liquor Store ad

photo of livery stable

Not horseless carriages曜ust carriages without horses This large number of carriages parked in front of the livery stables in early days must have attested to the prosperity of the town. Looking closely at the far left, you can see the East Ward School.


A contracting company that occupied a large spot in the early day history of the Wymore vicinity was known as Elisha P. Reynolds & Company. The firm was composed of brothers, Elisha P. Reynolds, Sr., John H. Reynolds, and Ben Reynolds.

This firm was awarded the contract of building the Burlington railroad from Table Rock to Denver, which work they completed in 1882, and John H. and Ben Reynolds at once took up their residence in Wymore and built good homes here The brothers incorporated the Touzalin Hotel and built and furnished the hotel which later came to be known as the Vendome hotel, at cost of $62,000 for the building and $5,000 for the furniture

Later they incorporated the Wymore-Blue

Beatrice Country Club ad


photo of Wymore young men

Wymore Young Men of 1890様eft to right top: Charles Currie, Ben Reynolds, Edd. Thiesen. Second row: Frank Rainy, Charles Jeffery, Albert Skinner. Third row: Jay Bangs, Bill Pirie.

Springs Street Railway Company, and built and equipped the street railway from the Touzalin hotel to the Black Bros mill in Blue Springs.

The Reynolds brothers firm also purchased and operated the First National Bank of Wymore in a building which then stood on the corner south of the Touzalin hotel, and Elisha P. Reynolds incorporated the first electric light company, known as the Wabaska, which gave the town its first electric light service.

Propane Service Co. ad

photo of Old Hose Cart

The old hose cart beng used in an early day celebration parade. The same cart is being overhauled and will be used in the Jubilee parade.


With the publishing of an ordinance in the Wymorean April 25, 1891, a volunteer fire department was authorized and created in the City of Wymore. On May 1, 1891 a meeting was held at the office of A. D. McCandless, with C. S. Seymour elected chief of the department by a unanimous vote.

In 1931, an issue of the Wymorean listed 50 members as follows: E. L. Purdy, Clayton Lasher, H. A. Fitzgerald, C. B. Edwards, J. L. Brown, Jack Fields, Clyde Casterline, Sam Youds, W. D. Tincher, Frank Russell, L. F. Hohensee, D. Morris, Fred Crawford, Lloyd Heusman, G. F. Slaughter, R. C. Wiar, Joe Chapman, E. A. Brown, E. L. Keller, L. D. Mason, Fred F. Stoll, F. R. Tincher, Glen Lefler, Asa Neuman, Win. Price, Ed Powell, George Bebout, Harry Lattimer, Guy Billings, H M. Curtis, G. A. King, A. J. Harris, Will Retchless; Earl M. Burnham, Clinton Tumblin, Earl Fulton, Charles Eliott, Henry Anderson, Lon Rutherford, Charles Overman, Roy V. Donahue, Jess Brown, Lester Kelley, L. L. Packett, Raymond Fletcher, Owen

photo of old wood fire house

Date of this picture is not established but the wooden firehouse is said to have been located where the Mittan Machine Shop now stands, and later burned to the ground. By that time a ladder wagon had been added, pulled by a team of horses.

photo of modern fire trucks

The new modern fire trucks and ambulance owned by the present fire department. The truck at the right was purchased for the Rural Fire organization and is also used for town fires.

Rutherford; M E. Brewer, Irvin Marquardt. E B. Willis, D S. Marquardt.

The issue also carried a notice by Clayton Lasher, Chief, that persons not active members of the Fire Department were strictly forbidden to ride on fire trucks, or to assist in the fighting of fire, unless expressly called upon in emergencies by authorized persons. This rule has followed down through the years.

Active members of the Fire Department at the present time are George Kleager, chief; Walter Kruger, assistant chief; Arthur Weber, secretary; Herb Brannan, president; Louje Siems, custodian.

Members of Truck Company No. 1 are Jim Andrews, Harold Campbell, Bob Mick, L. R. Heusman, Dale Bryson, Arnold Irvin, Dick Stewart, W. Fralin, Howard Melten, Dwight Maranville, Bill Warren, S. Rhoten and Kenneth Cripe.

Members of Truck Company No. 2 are Harold Smith, Ted McPheron, Ralph Bradbury, Les Gallisath, Don Campbell, Dwaine Pyle, Chas. Darnell, Herb Trent, Raymond Hevelone, Lee Paisley and Ted Wilson.

Wymore Fire Chiefs佑 S Seymour, 1891-1897; V. P. Bacon, 1 897-1 902; H L. Anderson, 1 902-1904; E. L Yost, 1904-1905; C. A Allen, 1905-1909; V. E Holmes, 1909-1912, W. L. Anderson, 1912-1922; J. J. Schock, 1922-1923; G. F. Marquardt, 1923-1924; R B Campbell, 1924-1928; W M. Chambers, 1928-1929; W. L. Anderson, 1929-1930; Clayton Lasher, 1930-1938; C. Z. Brown, 1938-1939; C H Black. 1939-1941; S. Wallace, 1941-1942; P. M Shoff, 1942-1943; L. R. Heusman. 1943-1944; R B. Campbell, 1944~1945, J. W. Christlieb, 1945-1947; P. M. Shoff, 1947-1952; V R Heusman, 1952-1954; W. Kruger, 1954-1955, G. L. Kleager, 1955-1956.

B-Y's Smoke Y-B's Wholesale ad

photo of East Ward school house

The East Ward school house was purchased by the American Legion following WWII It has been remodeled and improved to make comfortable Legion headquarters. Two old cannon, mounted in front of the building. date back to early days in Wymore.


Application for a temporary charter for an American Legion post here was made on July 31, 1919 and the application approved on August 16, 1919. The temporary charter was granted by National Headquarters on August 19, 1919.

Men who signed applicaton for temporary charter were Philip E. Douglas, Roland M. Bash, Raymond Tumblin, Evan Kincade, Henry Ostendorf, Albert E. Jones, John D. Spoon, Edwin Taylor, Leonard Densmore, Ernest C. Patton, Orin A. Cooper, W. H. Triggs, Herbert F. Scheideler, B. Humphrey and C. B. Ellis.

The Legion Post received a big financial boost with the death of Bert Anderson on May 29, 1950. Mr. Anderson had passed away on May 1st of that year and with no survivors, he bequeathed his estate to the Legion Post. It included $3,000 in cash and the house and contents now owned by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Delehoy on South 6th street. This is thought to be the only time a citizen of Wymore has made such a bequeath to a local organization.

Year --- Members --- Commander --- Adjutant
192023W. H. TriggsRaymond Tumblin
192132Herbert F. ScheidelerGordon A. Jones
192221Herbert F. ScheidelerJay W. Hayden
192319Leonard D. DensmoreJay W. Hayden
192438Leonard D. DensmoreJay W. Hayden
192593Cloyde B. EllisHoward B. Campbell
192681Cloyde B. EllisLeonard Densmore
192751Floyd E. CoxE. B. Paterson

E. L. Purdy Sporting Goods


photo of Clifford Anderson

Clifford Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson, was the first Wymore boy to die during World Wor I. He passed away Oct. 29. 1918 at the Presidio, Son Francisco as the result of influenza. When the American Legion was granted a charter, it was named Anderson Post No. 25.

photo of Charles Murdock family

Charles M. Murdock came to Blue Springs in 1874. On May 21, 1881, he filed the plat of the city of Wymore for the Lincoln Land Company and remained as its agent for a number of years. Mr. Murdock moved the Blue Springs Reporter to Wymore and established his residence here June 22, 1881. He was a charter member of Coleman Post, No 11 5, Grand Army of the Republic, at Wymore and was elected its first commander.
He was in continuous service for twenty-two years as Captain of Battery A, Nebraska National Guards. In the earlier days he worked for a number of years for the Burlington and Rock island railways in the right-of-way service.
Mr. Murdock died in 1924 and Mrs. Murdock in 1936.

photo of Mr and Mrs A. D. McCandless

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McCandless came to Wymore in 1882. He had been admitted to the Illinois bar in 1874 and practiced law in Wymore until 1927. He was one of the compilers of the municipal code of the city of Wymore and served as City Attorney for thirteen years and as Park Commissioner many years.
Mr. McCandless and his wife, Gertrude, gave a deed to two blocks of ground in the west part of the city for a park which bears his name. It was due to his efforts in planting trees in those early years that Wymore's parks are as beautiful as they are today.
Mrs. McCandless passed away in 1927, Mr. McCandless in 1934.
192817J. S. NicholsC. B. Ellis
192919Mark C. HargraveC. B. Ellis
193034Clarence L. BakkeC. B. Ellis
193120David SingerC. B. Ellis
193216Frank RussellGeorge D. Schafer
193315No officers reported 
193415No officers reported 
193515Frank RussellGeorge D. Schafer
193622Roger ClossGeorge D. Schafer
193717Roger ClossGeorge D Schafer
193816No officers reported 
193914Frank CrawfordEd Brandt
194022Frank CrawfordEd Brandt
194123Glen CarriganC. L. Peckham
194226Glen CarriganFloyd Lane
19437No officers reported 
19446No officers reported 
194526Orval KendleC. L. Peckham
1946107Phil EversonRoger Closs
194778William C. ShowMaldwyn M. Closs
1948195R. G. TuttleRex Bingham
1949180Glen C. CarriganRoger Closs
1950123Del E. BoughenRoger Closs
1951140Donald E. FultonRoger Closs
1952147Donald E. Fulton, Joe WindleRoger Closs
1953213Larry McNultyRoger Closs
1954150Ed. HermanRoger Closs
1955205Elton JonesRoger Closs
1956230Clyde Hiner, Ted McPheronLarry McNulty

Cornhusker Garage ad

photo of Fred Fulton

Wymore has produced numerous people who have worked their way to the top in their profession, but only one prize-fighter. He was Fred Fulton. a 215 pound, six foot five and one-half inch giant who boasted the longest arm spread in those days of 84ス inches. Fulton began his ring career in 1912 and when he hung up his gloves in 1930 had 197 victories out of 210 bouts. He fought such notables as Jess Willard and Jack Dempsey.

Hendricks Mobil Service ad


photo of Wymore Cemetery

Early day view of the cemetery, the cement block wall being one of the first projects of the newly formed cement block company here. Several years ago it was replaced with a wire netting. Notice the absence of trees at that time.


Early day records of the Wymore Cemetery are unavailable until minutes of a meeting called on May 16, 1905. Attending were 32 freeholders and lot owners in the Overlook Cemetery who asked the City Council to turn over said cemetery to a newly incorporated cemetery association to be known as the Wymore Cemetery Association.

Officers of the new association were Mrs. S. M. Riley, president; Mrs. Alice Clayton, vice-president; Mrs. Martha Hanson, treasurer; Mrs. Martha Stevenson, secretary. Trustees were E. N. Kauffman, Julius Neumann and Mrs. Adam McMullen.

First burial recorded at the cemetery was Aletta B. Sunderlin on August 12, 1882, and the only known foreigner was Lee Sun, a Chinaman, who was buried in 1890.

One of the unusual funerals on record was for Mrs Sophia Calder, mother of Mr. C. E. Calder (deceased) of New York City, who had a spray of orchids at the time of her burial.

H. A. Greenwood, early pioneer here, was born in Feb. 24, 1840 and buried in the cemetery October 19, 1908.

Boettcher's Plumbing, Heating - Eklund Barber & Beauty Shoppe ads

photo of north end of Wymore Cemetery

A present day view of the north part of the cemetery. Perpetual maintenance established a number of years ago has resulted in it being one of the best kept cemeteries in the state.

Conrad Crome - Day Brothers ads


Gage County Officials ad


In years to come, it is felt the following present-day list of Wymore business and professional people will be invaluable. Considerable time has been spent in compiling this information and a sincere effort made to make it complete. We can only hope that no one has been overlooked.

McPheron Dairy佑het McPheron bought out John Loseman Aug. 1st, 1941, and maintained a dairy route here until May 21st, 1956, when he sold out to Beatrice Foods.
Hubert's Market邑alter Mall and George Gallisath, Jr., took over Hubert's IGA Market Dec. 31, 1951, from Art Hubert. There has been a grocery store in that location for many years. Among predecessors of Hubert's were Tony Hirmon and W. L. (Bill) Jones.
P. M. Everson, Attorney猶. M. Everson began the practice of law in Lincoln with the legal firm of Ginsburg in 1936. In 1938 he came to Wymore. City attorney and former Gage county attorney, Everson is a member of the Gage County and Nebraska State Bar Associations.
Kemper Real Estate Agency柚. M. Kemper, a native of the Fairbury area, has been in the real estate business since 1948 when he started in Boise, Ida. Returning to Wymore in the fall of 1950, he began his real estate agency in the spring of 1951. He has been in his present location next to the Firestone Store for three years.
Lacy Mittan Machine and Welding Shop有acy Mittan opened his machine and welding shop on North Seventh on June 17, 1948. Before starting his own business, Mittan was with the Gage county highway department.
Vina Mack's Beauty Shop柚rs. Harold (Vina) Mack has been in beauty work since 1946 and started her own shop Aug. 10, 1947. She moved from her down town location to her residence, 419 N. 9th, in June, 1950. Mrs. Calvin Jones has been her assistant for the past seven years.
Trump Grain Co 由ay Trump has been in the grain elevator business 27 years in Wymore and Beatrice. He bought out the Black Brothers Mill and Elevators here Nov. 6, 1950. The Wymore mill and elevators were built by Black Brothers in 1927 and were operated as a mill until 1947.
Dale Koch Plumbing and Heating優ale Koch started his plumbing, heating and electrical wiring business in Blue Springs in July, 1951, moving to Wymore in June, 1955. He is now erecting a new building for his business next to his house at 213 N. 8th.
Koons Chevrolet誘ntil the business was bought by Vaughn Koons Oct. 13, 1952, the Chevrolet garage was known as the Owl Garage. The corporation was organized in 1920 and erected the garage building, opening for business in 1921. In 1928 the corporation took on the Chevrolet agency. The three original incorporators were Dan Scott, George Currie and George Coffey with the later managing the business. In later years, Jim, P. S. and George Coffey bought out the other shareholders.
Harrelson Nursing Home由uby Harrelson opened the Harrelson Nursing Home at 316 West D Nov 1st, 1955, and is licensed for eight guests. Before

coming here she had been in the nursing profession for a number of years.
Wood's Firestone Store輸lvin Wood began operating the Firestone Store here in 1951 in its present location. In addition to the store, Wood is city clerk. The store occupies part of the building erected by M. L. Rawlings in 1915.
Cadman Hotel裕he Cadman was built in 1917 by Emma Hansen on the location of the Potter House Hotel and a restaurant operated by Leo Holmes. Purchased by the Chamber of Commerce in 1955 for a hospital, it was bought by Herb Mundell who sold it to Alvin Zugmier in April, 1955. Since selling the bowling alley and Elk cafe, Zugmier is concentrating on the hotel.
Standard Service Station裕he old Campbell Livery Stable was torn down to make room for the Standard Service Station back in 1924 or '25. It was first operated by W. J. Kelly who later operated an implement store here. This summer the old station

photo of Standard Service Station

was torn down and a new modern building erected in its place, with addition ground added to the north, purchased from the Fulton Monument Co. Elwood "Woody" Lloyd is leasee of the station which opened for business the latter part of July.
Elk Cafe and Wymore Bowling Lanes輸lvin and Raymond Zugmier started the bowling alley in September of 1947 and the Elk cafe in December, 1947 Alvin bought out Raymond in 1949. The cafe and bowling alleys are located in the Fenton block, at one time a three story building. They are owned by Mr and Mrs. Wilson DeVries with Abe Holloway managing the bowling alley.
Stylist Beauty Salon唯arbara Kesterson opened the Stylist Beauty Salon in the Neumann building in April, 1955. She attended the Beatrice Beauty Acade-

Pansy's Tavern - Smitty's Candy and Pastry Shoppe ads


my and was employed as a beauty operator in Lincoln before coming to Wymore.
Neumann's湧eumann's Store was established in 1882 by Julius Neumann and is now owned and operated by his son, Cecil H. Neumann. First located in the Fenton building (Elk Cafe location), the second location was across the street (Allen's Grocery.) The third location is now the site of the Grand theatre. Next the store occupied the corner where the Ben Franklin store is now located. In 1904 the building where the store is now located was erected by Julius Neumann.
Pike's Drive In柚r. and Mrs. Harold Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dusek opened Pike's Drive In on Highway 77 May 23, 1951. The second year the Pikes bought out the Duseks. Since moving into the new building in 1952 the Drive In has been open every winter.
Wymore Sanitary Garbage Service憂ake Keller took over the Wymore Sanitary Garbage Service from Jerry Lehr Dec. 1, 1955. The Kellers came here from Morrowville, Kans. In addition to the garbage service, Keller does draying.
Fulton Monument Co.友ounders P. M. Enterline, W. M. Fulton, 1876, Dayton, Penn Western branch established at Liberty, Nebr. 1903 by F. F. Fulton, moved and located at Wymore, Nebr. 1904, associates W. M. Fulton and F. F. Fulton. Incorporated 1910 by Wesley M. Fulton, Lucinda Enterline Fulton, Frank F. Fulton. Present owners since 1928 Frank F. and Nellie F. Fulton.
Werner Plumbing and Heating裕here has been a Werner Plumbing and Heating business in Wymore since 1907. Gerald Werner began in the plumbing and heating business when he was twelve, helping his father. He worked for Jones and Zook from 1946 to 1950 and in May, 1950 started his own business at 312 N. 11th.
Grand Theatre祐ince 1939 A. D. St. Clair has operated the Grand Theatre, which had been remodeled by Frank Hollingsworth in 1935. The site had been occupied by the Hargrave Clothing Store. St. Clair took over the Cozy theater in 1940. The Cozy was opened in April, 1937, by Roy Small. The Smalls had been in the theater business in Wymore since 1915, when they opened the Casino theatre in the Fenton building (bowling alley location). Mrs. Small's brother, J. W. Hayden, was associated with them in the Casino. In 1917 Small and Dimmitt took over the Lyrice theatre (post office and Crowley barbershop location). The Markle theatre (Marshall Produce location) was built in 1922 by Robert Markle

Diamond Bar - Wiar's Clothing Store ads

and managed by Mr. Small but when talkies came in the acoustics at the Markle were too poor and the Markle closed. The Lyric was destroyed by fire in November, 1936.
KerI Nursing Home柚r. and Mrs. Ralph KerI, who farmed for many years near Pawnee City, came to Wymore from Woodlawn, Kans. to open the KerI Nursing Home May 5, 1953. They are licensed for nine guests.
Williams Furniture由obert E. Williams bought out Clyde Zook Nov. 1st, 1948, and started with his furniture store in the location next to the post office. He bought out R. C. Markle in November, 1949, and Jan. 1, 1950 moved to the location next to the Grand. He moved to his present location in November, 1954.
Benson Agency憂esse Benson came down from Omaha to take over the E. L. Purdy agency Nov. 1 st, 1948. The agency moved into its new building at the

photo of the Benson Agency

corner of 6th and E Jan. 1st of this year. The agency handles all known kinds of insurance, real estate, loans on city property and farms and rentals.
Allen's Market柚r. and Mrs. Harry Allen and their son, Harold, and wife opened their Hy-KIas Food store in Wymore on Aug. 1, 1955, coming here from Beatrice. Harry started in the grocery business in Steele City in 1921.
Ben Franklin Store柚elvin Andres took over the Ben Franklin store in May of 1952 from Ralph Wolf. At one time the Burch Bank was located on that corner with the Mentgen Bros. Dry Goods store in an L-shape with a front on Main street. After the fire of 1910, the Farmers and Merchants bank occupied the location. Walter Cowell moved the Ben Franklin store there and the building was later remodeled with the north entrance closed.
Andrews Greenhouse裕he J. W. Andrews moved down from Beatrice in January, 1943, to take over the greenhouse. The greenhouse was built in 1929 but had been closed for several years when the Andrews took over. The Andrews started in raising vegetable plants in 1929 and later branched out into the floral business. James F. Andrews is associated in the business.
Don's Radio Service優on Harpster began his radio service in 1932 in the balcony of Pennington's store, in the same building where he is now located. In 1934 he moved to the Maguire building, (107 S. 7th). After a stretch of army service, from 1943 to 1945, he opened up shop in the back of the McClure building and in 1954 bought his present location. With the advent of television, he added it to his radio service and electrical wiring work.
Dick and Hale Service優ick Boerrigter and


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