Link to Gage County, Nebraska

Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


in Nebraska

Petroleum Products; 1926 ent road construction bus, has done much of this work in Neb & Kas; 1932- owner Diamond T truck direct factory agcy; pres Gage Co Whol & Retail Oil Dlrs Assn; secy Gage Co Petroleum Industries Com; C of C; past master AF&AM; Scot Rite; Ballat Abyad Shrine; FOE; Country Club; during World War in U S army, OTC Camp Austin, Tex; hobby, baseball; off 503 S 6th; res 421 S 6th, Beatrice.

   DELEHANT, JOHN W: Attorney; b Goodland, Kas Sept 3, 1890; s of Daniel Delehant-Hattie B Snyder; ed Wymore HS; Creighton U, BA 1910, LLB 1913; Gamma Eta Gamma; m Dr Loretta White June 2, 1917 Omaha; s John W Jr, Maurice M; d Sister M Dunstan Order St Benedicts, Mt Scholastics Convent, Atchison, Kas; 1913 adm to Neb bar, ent law office of Rinaker & Kidd of Beatrice, 1916 mbr of firm, 1919 firm renamed Rinaker, Kidd & Delehant; 1928 firm Rinaker & Delehant; 1938- firm Rinaker, Delehant & Hevelone; during World War in U S army mbr OTS Camp Pike, Ark; Amer Leg; Gage Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; BPOE 619; Rotary; past grand knight, KC; Knights of St Gregory; St Joseph's Parish, Cath Ch; off First Natl Bank Bldg; res 1323 Jefferson, Beatrice.

   DEMPSTER, CLYDE BLAINE: VicePresident Manufacturing Co; b Beatrice, Neb Nov 23, 1893; s of Charles Brackett Dempster-Robena Crichton; ed Beatrice HS; U of N, BSc in ME 1917; Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Tau; m Anna Irene Schroeder Dec 6, 1917 Lincoln; s Richard Crichton; d Phoebe Ann; parents came to Beatrice 1878; reared in father's bus, Dempster Mill Mfg Co; during World War enl 1917 in U S army, commd 2nd lt ordnance dept, disch, July 8, 1918 major field arty reserve; Jan 15, 1919 retd & assoc with father's bus, later becoming VP and factory mgr; mbr sch & lib bds; mbr YMCA bd; past pres Neb Mfrs Assn; past dir C of C; Amer Leg; past pres Neb dept ROA; mbr BPOE 619; Presby Ch; hobbies, home & army activities; off 711 S 6th, res 1420 S 3rd, Beatrice.

   DEMPSTER, HARRY LEE: President & General Manager Manufacturing Co; b Beatrice, Neb May 23, 1882; s of Charles B Dempster-Robena Crichton; ed Beatrice HS; St John's Mil Acad, Delafield, Wis 1902; m Blythe Johnston Apr 26, 1905 Omaha; d Loraine (Mrs Jack Thomsen), Gretchen, Marion (Mrs C R York); reared in father's bus, Dempster Mill Mfg Co; 1903 ent firm worked as sales mgr & in various capacities; pres & general mgr of firm since father's death; heads largest industrial & mfg bus in Beatrice, distributes products over U S & many foreign countries; 13 years bd mbr Neb St Savings & Loan Assn; advisory bd of Lbrmen's Mutual Casualty Co, Chicago; dir Omaha branch Fed Res Bank of Kansas City, Mo; mbr exec com Farm Equipment Institute; mbr exec com & VP Natl Assn Domestic & Farm Pumping Equipment & Allied Products Mfrs; C of C; YMCA bd mbr 25 years, chmn finance com & mbr state bd many years; Country Club; past vestryman Christ Episc Ch; hobby, golf; off 711 S 6th; res 711 N 8th, Beatrice.

   DICKENMAN, CHARLES: Area Commercial Manager; b Talmage, Neb Oct 19, 1891; s of August Dickenman-Sophia Wenn; ed Talmage HS; U of N; m Edith Felthauser June 25, 1919 Neb City; s Robert C, Richard Lee; 1911-16 with Neb City Tele Co as mgr of Talmage off, since 1912 part of Lincoln Tele & Teleg Co; 1916-19 mgr Syracuse branch of Lincoln Tele Co, 1919-23 mgr Tecumseh branch off, 1923-26 mgr Fairbury branch, 1926 off mgr in Beatrice, 1934- comml mgr of Beatrice area; past mbr city coun of Tecumseh; C of C; past bd mbr & past VP Kiwanis; AF&AM: 3 years mbr bd of trustees First Presby Ch, secy 2 years; hobbies, fishing, travel; off 212 N 6th; res 1007 N 11th, Beatrice.

   DOUTHITT, JUSTIN CLAY: Postmaster; b Newton Co, Mo Sept 14, 1880; s of James Franklin Douthitt-Mary Elliott; ed Ritchey Mo; m Anna Maude Forrester Apr 7, 1907 Superior; d Mary Margaret (Mrs Alfred C Boatsman); 1900-05 with Jones & Beavens Lbr Co, Pierce City Mo; 1906-07 traveling representative Antrim Lbr Co of Kansas City MO; 1908-14 yard mgr for L Bridenthal Lbr Co of Wymore & Tidball Lbr Co, Wymore & Tecumseh; 1914-16 with Loomis Lbr Co; 1917-19 with Cornbelt Lbr Co, Denton; 1919-32 with John H Von Steen Whol & Retail Lbr Co, Beatrice; 1932-36 city clk; 1936- PM, Beatrice; C of C; Neb ch Natl Assn of PMs; IOOF; ch mbr, past secy Kiwanis; UCT; during World War mbr coun of defense, Loomis; deacon, past clk, past secy, past trustee Presby Ch; off P 0 Bldg; res 1317 High, Beatrice.

   DRAKE, HELEN M: Clubwoman; b Cuba N Y; d of James S Bradley-Elizabeth Anglim; ed Friendship N Y Acad; Geneseo N Y St Normal; m Ellet Grant Drake June 11, 1884 Friendship N Y (dec May 10, 1936); s Ellet Bradley; d Helen (Mrs D Prouty), Elizabeth D (Mrs Edwards Goodrich); mbr Beatrice sch bd 6 years, pres 3 years; OES, ch mbr Vesper Ch; parliamentarian & past pres Beatrice Woman's Club many years; patroness Cosgrove Club; helped org & was one of first bd mbrs YWCA; state pres PEO 1911-12, supreme org 1913-15, supreme pres 1915-17; Neb St Hist Soc; S & D of the Pilgrims; state regent DAR 1917-19, VP gen 1923-26, 1938 elec honorary life VP gen; during World War represented DAR on Neb Coun of Defense & had chg all DAR war work; ARC; Meth Ch, assoc mbr Federal Coun of Churches in Amer; mbr Neb Rep Com of 100 in 1920, active in party affairs; hobby, music. Mr Drake estab E G Drake & Co 1890, branches in Omaha & Kansas City, dealt in farm loans for Bankers Life Ins Co, also granted private loans, was dir Beatrice Natl Bank; mbr AF&AM 32o, awarded 50 year service medal; res 601 N 6th, Beatrice.

   EDGAR, ADRIAN J: Clergyman; b Albion, Neb Jan 17, 1899; s of Thompson M Edgar-Addie J Hardell; ed Albion HS; U of N, 1928, org & secy of the World Forum 1922; continued in work several years; mbr of U of N YMCA cabinet; pres Phi Tau Theta; Meth Conf Sch of Theology Neb Wes; m Gladys E Kaffenberger June 30, 1928 Lincoln; s Harold Stanley, Adrian George; d Phyllis Delaine; Sept 1918-20 auditor Monroe Indep Tele Co, Albion; 1920 tsfrd to auditing dept, Lincoln Tele Co; 1921 in industrial dept YMCA; 1922 became mbr Neb conf of Meth Chs as minister; 1921-22 while in U of N preached at Hickman; 1922-25 preached at Filley; 1925-28 pastor Lincoln Heights Meth Ch; Sept 1928-33 pastor First Meth Ch, Arlington, built new church; 1933-35 pastor First Meth Ch, Syracuse; 1935- pastor First Meth Ch, Wymore; 1930-33 dean of Omaha dist summer inst; 1935-36 dean of Lincoln summer inst; dir Neb Epworth Assembly; past pres Lions; scoutmaster BSA troop 300, in 1933 took Syracuse troop in home made trailer to Chicago Worlds Fair & stayed 10 days, built Boy Scout Camp on 5 A; past dir Comml Club; chmn Wymore recreational coun, helped obtain WPA recreational center; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; Rep; hobby, woodwork, coin collecting; off & res 1155 S 10th, Wymore.

   EDWARDS, CLAUDE BLAINE: Merchant; b Wymore, Neb Feb 15, 1908; s of John F Edwards-Mary L Hadden; ed Wymore; m Zelda Mae Mason Aug 29, 1929 Elk Point S D; s Cloyde Dean; 1923-30 with Lipscomb Motor Co, sales & service dept; 1930-31 in tire & battery bus; 1931-32 with E J Miller Furn Store, sales dept; 1932 with assocs org & oprd Johnson Memorial Markers Co, mfrs; 1933 with N & B Recreation Parlor; 1934- auto sales work, EdwardsRiggs Co; 1935 added electrical appliances; 1927-35 mbr vol fire dept, past secy & treas, past pres; 1932-39 city clk; 1938- city coun mbr; Comml Club, mbr entertainment com; Wymore Dem com; hobby, workshop; res Wymore.

   ELLIOTT, JOHN STEWART: Accountant; b Dallas. Tex Aug 17, 1888; s of John F Elliott-Ada Stewart; ed Dallas Tex; Beatrice HS; U of N 1910; Chi Phi; Innocents; m Martha Cobbey June 18, 1913 Beatrice; s Robert F, J Stewart Jr; came to Beatrice 1901; 1910- acct for Kilpatrick Bros Co, emp in bus during vacations while in sch & coll; C of C; secy & pres lib bd; dir SA; ch mbr Rotary, past secy & past. pres; chmn of coun BSA; secy & bd pres YMCA; trustee of AF&AM. With Mrs Elliott donor of home for Neb St PEO, Beatrice; secy & vestryman Episc Ch; hobbies, reading, young people's work; father founded Tex Press Assn; off 414 Ella; res 420 N 4th, Beatrice.

   ELLIS, CLOYD B: District Judge; b Wymore, Neb May 18, 1896; s of Charles C Ellis-Minnie M Campbell; ed Wymore HS; U of N, LLB 1923; Alpha Theta Chi, later named Chi Phi; Phi Delta Phi; m Marguerite Parrish Sept 5, 1927 Wymore; s Charles K; d Patricia M; 1914-17 clk in off of supvr of mechanics & operations depts CB&Q RR, Wymore; during World War enl June 1917 assigned to 42nd inf of the US army Fort Douglas Utah, Camp Dodge Ia, Camp Gordon, Ga, Camp Pike Ark, commd 2nd lt June 1918, 1st lt Sept 1918, disch & commd capt of reserve



Who's Who

corps Jan 1919; retd to Wymore, with CB&Q RR until Sept 1919; 1923 estab law prac in Wymore; Aug 1937- dist judge; past comm Amer Leg, past judge advocate of Neb; Gage. Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Amer Judicature Soc; Wymore city atty several terms; past pres Wymore C of C; Beatrice C of C; Wymore bd of edn, past pres; AF&AM; York Rite; IOOF; BPOE; FOE; Meth Ch; hobby, mechanics & woodwork; off Courthouse; res 1123 S 9th, Beatrice.

   ESSAM, HARVEY ROY: Farmer; b Beatrice, Neb Feb 20, 1883; s of James Essam-Susan Fitz; ed Gage Co; Northwestern Bus Coll, Beatrice 1900-02; m May Higgins Feb 16, 1910 Beatrice; s Robert Elroy, Calvin Dean; Harvey pur farm home from family est; 1921-29 in Neb house of representatives, re-elec 4 times; chmn of finance com 3 terms; Farmers Union; bd mbr Centenary Meth Ch; hobby, travel; father came to Beatrice 1880, farmed; res RFD 3, Beatrice.

   ESSAM, JOHN 0: County Supervisor; b Schuyler Co, Ill May 24, 1875; s of James Essam-Susanna Fitz; ed Gage Co: Lordsburg, Cal Coll; m Leona Miller, Beatrice; s Donald Gene; with S P RR In Los Angeles after leaving coll; 1913 retd to Beatrice; 1914-21 Gage Co supvr; 1917-35 highway commr; 1937-co supvr; hobby, travel. Parents came to Neb 1880; off Courthouse; res 1002 N 13th, Beatrice.

   EVERSON, PHILIP METZGER JR: Attorney; b Alma, Neb June 14, 1914; s of Philip Metzger Everson-Mabel Mitchell; ed Alma HS; U of N, LLB 1937; Phi Alpha Delta; editor Neb Law Bulletin; m Maxine E McCoy Mar 10, 1933 Franklin; s Philip Metzger III; d Cheryl; 1937 adm Neb bar; 1936-37 with legal firm of Ginsburg, Lincoln; 1938- prac in Wymore; city atty of Wymore & Blue Springs; legal counsel for Wymore B & L Assn, Wymore Natl Bank, Farmers Lbr Co; Gage Co & Neb St Bar Assns; secy & treas Comml Club; VP Lions; mbr ofcl bd Meth Ch; keynoter 1938 Gage Dem Central Com conv; hobbles, tennis, fishing; off Dawson bldg; res 506 N 9th, Wymore.

   EYTH, ARVID WORSHAM: Farm Manager; b St Louis, Mo Mar 23, 1902; s of Robert Grover Eyth-Blanche Hopkins; ed Lincoln & Beatrice HS; U of N 1923; Phi Kappa Psi; m Abbie Elizabeth Wolfe Jan 28, 1925 Beatrice; s William Arvid, Robert Hopkins; d Gracia Wolfe: registered pharm, St of Neb; 1923-26 asst mgr & pharm with father in Owl Pharm, Beatrice; 1926- with Mrs Grace H Wolfe in management of her farms; owner & opr hundreds of acres of farming properties in 10 Cos of Neb & Kas: Gage Co Agrl Soc; ch mbr & first secy Jr C of C; First Presby Ch, past trustee; hobbies, farm management; off 104 1/2 N 6th; res 404 Washington, Beatrice.

   FALL, CLIFFORD PERVINES: Physician; b Boone Co, Ind Feb 9, 1863; s of David Fall-Annie Kernodle; ed Sugar Plain Quaker HS, Thorntown Ind; Tchrs Inst, Danville Ind; Coll of Phys & Surgs, Chicago Ill, MD 1888; m Anna Kemper June 22, 1885 Aurora (dec Apr 11, 1938); s Frederick Kemper; d Hazel (Mrs Carl Shaffer); as boy of 17 came to Neb. located at Aurora; 1880-81 tchr Furey's Grove sch near Aurora; 1881-82 tchr McCartha sch near Aurora; 1882-83 tchr Walsh sch near Aurora; 1888- priv prac of med, Beatrice; 1901 estab & constructed the Beatrice Sanitarium; has ext land holdings; during Sp-Amer War served in govt hosp, Chickamauga, near Nashville Tenn; during World War mbr Gage Co examining bd; past pres Gage Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; C of C; AF&AM, Scot Rite 32o, holder of 50 year award; KT; Sesostris Shrine; ch mbr & past exalted ruler BPOE; ch mbr & first pres Kiwanis; mbr Neb St bd of med examiners 4 years; 1896 chmn Gage Co Dem Central Com; mbr Neb St Dem Central Com; hobby, welfare work among underprivileged & crippled children; off 112 1/2 N 6th; res 701 N 9th, Beatrice.

   FAULDER, IRA M: Machinist-, b Washington Co, Md July 1, 1869; s of David S Faulder-Elizabeth Snyder; ed Gage Co; m Susanna L Voortman July 20, 1898 Beatrice; d Irene, Helen; came to Ill 1874; 4 years later settled N E of Beatrice; father stock breeder & farmer; 1893-95 wheat farmer in N W Kas; 1897- with A H Voortman & Co, Beatrice; 1911 acquired half int in firm; C of C, Kiwanis; Fedn of Neb Retailers; Country Club; Chris Ch; hobbles, hunting, golf; off 521 Court; res 401 N 13th, Beatrice.

   FELTER, HARRY E: Assistant Master Mechanic; b Pawnee City Neb, Nov 14, 1888; s of Herbert Felter-Lydia, Perkins; ed Pawnee City; Wymore HS 1905; m Margaret Currie Nov 2, 1909 Wymore; s Devere, Jack; d Carnnene; 1905-09 learned machinist's trade in CB&QRR shops Wymore, worked on SP, UP & C&NW, MoP RRs; 1916 retd to CB&Q, Lincoln as machinist, 6 mos later promoted to foreman at Ravenna; gen foreman Alliance 8 years; 1926-29 gen foreman Creston Ia 11/2 years; 7 years asst master mechanic at Sheridan Wyo; 1936- asst master mechanic, Wymore; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; Meth Ch; hobby, motoring; off Burlington Shops; res 410 N 11th, Wymore.

   FERGUSON, JOHN: Retired; b Hardin Co, 0 Dec 1860; s of George Clinton Ferguson-Catherine Willman; ed rural sch; m Sarah Wymore, 1889 Beatrice; s Henry, Charles, Oscar; d Effie (Mrs Lewis Spitsnogle), Hattie (Mrs Bert Spitsnogle), Flora (Mrs Tom Craven), Myrtle (Mrs Lester Barnts); asstd father in sawmill later farmed; so far as known his oldest sister, Mrs Ward Dalrymple of Odell (dec), was first white child born in Neb. Res Odell.

   FERGUSON, LEWIS WILLIAM: Retired; b Hardin Co, 0 July 5, 1853; s of George Clinton Ferguson- Catherine Willman; ed rural schs; m Frances Savage Dec 22, 1876 Hanover Kas (dec Feb 12, 1937); s George Clinton (dec), Arthur James (dec); d Mary (Mrs Lewis Sheldon), Eliza (Mrs Lafayette Melvin), Susie (Mrs Willard 0 Wood), Lydia (Mrs James Sinclair); 1881-1900 farmed near Narka Kas; 1884-90 farmed near Hanover Kas; 1890-97 elevator opr Lanham; came to Brownville 1855 with parents, father built grist mill & sawmill, moved to Washington Co Kas 1860 & was opr Hollenberg sawmill on Cedar Creek; emp in father's sawmills until 1881; came to Gage Co 1877 & located at Charleston, formerly near Odell, opr sawmill until 1892; res Odell.

   FISHBACH, MRS HENRY: Clubwoman; b Suthpens Mills Kas; d of John El Peck-Mary B Meek: ed McPherson Kas; Coll of the Brethren, McPherson Kas; m Henry Fishbach Mar 6, 1898 Manvel, Tex dec Nov 22, 1933); d Agnes I, Bertha J (Mrs H W Cooper), E Priscilla (Mrs G D Lessley): step a Ralph Lehman, Oscar Harold; step d Eulala C, Ethel Grace (Mrs J W Myers). Is active mbr of many clubs & ch orgs; Woman's Club; Fortnightly Club, mbr 25 years; many years on bd YWCA; bd of edn mbr 12 years during period modern schs were being built; WCTU; many years on ofcl bd Chris Ch, deaconess many years, past pres missionary soc; for several years was state pres missionary bd, now at VP; 30 years SS tchr; hobbies, travel & WCTU work. Mr Fishbach was founder of Beatrice Cold Storage Co, civic leader & pres of Rotary. Res 813 N 8th, Beatrice.

   FISHER, J ED C: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Isle of Wight, England Jan 8, 1873; s of Rev William Frederick Fisher-Agatha A Derry; ed Neuchatel Switzerland; Malvern Coll, Worcestershire England; m M Corinne Salisbury June 1, 1901 Beatrice; s John Salisbury, Edgar Derry; d Lillian LaSalle (Mrs John C Sharpe), MaryEllen (Mrs John R Moritz); 1895 came to Beatrice to manage Scully estate; 1926- farm management & Ins agt; 1934-37 dir Gage Co relief program; 1937- mbr Fisher Bancroft Co, real est, farm management & ins; mbr sch bd 8 years; mbr lib bd 3 years; during World War enl May 1917 commd 1st lt Inf 34th div Camp Cody N M, went O/S Dec 1917, disch Mar 1919 now lt-col S S reserve; Amer Leg, state comm 1922; ORC; 1930-33 secy C of C; AF&AM; BPOE; Rotary; hobbies, languages, study of word derivations; Episc Ch; off 103 S 5th; res 601 N 5th, Beatrice.

   FOSTER, HARRY E: Grain & ImpIement Dealer; b Knox Co, Ill Aug 19, 1873; s of John J Foster-Rachel Bell; ed Northwestern Bus Coll, Beatrice 1893; m May D Clements Slavens Aug 3, 1903 Hutchinson Kas; s Donald R, Paul A; d Meredith L (Mrs William Holden); step d Gladys Slavens (Mrs M L Petty); with parents settled near Marshalltown Ia 1877; father farmed; 1884 settled in Beatrice; asstd grandfather William E Foster on farm near Beatrice; 1893-97 Gage Co rural sch tchr; 1897-1901 with Charles Councilman Co of Chicago & Kansas City, mgr & buyer Harbine Elevator; 1901-06 with Neb Elevator Co of Ellis; 1906-27 with Wright-Leet Grain Co; 1927- in grain elevator & impl bus at Ellis; 35 years mgr farm lands for non-resIdents; during World War was food administrator & dir of Liberty Loan drives, Ellis; town & sch bd mbr; many years Meth Ch; pct committee


in Nebraska


man, Rep; hobbles, botany & geology. Mrs Foster is recognized as authority on birds & butterflies, active in church work. Res Ellis.

   FOUTS, RALPH BUTLER: Clergyman; b Canton, Ill Nov 6, 1889; s of Charles Francis Fouts-Susan Ida Negley; ed Canton HS; Eureka Coll, BA 1917; m Mary May Lingenfelter Dec 28, 1910 Canton Ill; s James Ralph; d Helen Louise (Mrs John F Pletz), Dorothy Marie; rural sch tchr, Canton Ill until 1910; 1910-12 farmed; 1917-20 pastor Chris Ch, Virden Ill; 1918-19 prin east ward sch, Virden; 1920 pastor First Chris Ch, Carthage Ill; 1924 pastor First Chris Ch. Macomb Ill; 1931- pastor First Chris Ch Beatrice, church destroyed by fire Apr 25, 1931; present church dedicated 1932; past pres Beatrice Ministerial Assn; past pres NCMS; past pres Ill Chris Missionary Soc; Rotary; Kiwanis; AF&AM; IOOF; Country Club; Rep; hobbies, golf & cabinet making; off First Chris Ch; res 706 Elk, Beatrice.

   FRAME, WALTER OGLE: Assistant Railway Superintendent; b Medora Ia Oct 27, 1889; s of James B Frame-Eliza Ogle; ed Osceola Ia; m Helen Hartwell Oct 14, 1927 Herrin Ill; s James; 1905-10 in railway service, track dept of CB&Q RR at Osceola Ia, section laborer, section foreman, asst extra gang foreman & extra gang foreman; 1910-12 gen foreman in chg of construction, Kansas City Terminal RR; 1912-14 extra gang foreman CRI&P RR; 1914-16 extra gang foreman CB&Q RR; 1916-18 roadmaster; 1918-21 roadmaster & asst trainmaster on Aurora div; 1921-22 gen inspector of maintenance of way, lines east of Mo river; 1922-27 road & trainmaster, Beardstown div; 1927-36 engineer maintenance of way, central dist; 1936- asst supt Wymore div; mbr Dawn to Dusk Club, one of few to make dawn to dusk non-stop record run Denver to Chicago on CB&Q RR Zephyr; past pres Roadmasters Assn of North Amer; dir Comml Club; Ames Assn of RR Supts; Presby Ch; off CB&Q RR; res 508 N 9th, Wymore.

   FRANCIS, ELIAS: Physician; b Wakefield, Kas June 17, 1882; s of Henry A Francis-Emma V Younkin; ed Clay Center Kas HS; U of Kas, MD 1900; grad work Johns Hopkins U; m Olive Elizabeth Todd Mar 22, 1911 Wathena Kas; s Dr Houghton F, Winfield Todd, Henry A; d Olive Elizabeth; 1910 prac St George Kas; 1911- prac in Wymore; city phys; past pres sch bd; past Pres Gage Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; past pres Kiwanis; past mbr ofcl bd Meth Ch; hobbies, floriculture & photography; off & res 521 N 9th Ave, Wymore.

   FREEMAN, GEORGE FRANKLIN: Retired; b Beatrice, Neb Mar 30, 1879; s of Daniel Freeman-Agnes Suiter; ed Gage Co; Beatrice Tchrs Prep Coll 1897; m Goldie Benjamin Jan 10, 1898 Beatrice; s Daniel (dec 1930), Edward L; d Lila Frances (Mrs Ben Angus), Dorothy (Mrs __ Smith), Maxine Mrs Martin Quinowski), Georgia E (Mrs Lee Rutter); managed farm until 1923 after leaving sch; 1923-25 & 1931-35 inspector Neb St dept of agr; 1925-27 traveling representative Harding Creamery Co of Omaha; 1927-31 buyer for Wilson Packing Co, Topeka Kas; 1935- mgr of farm ints; during World War headed war works com in Blakely twp, Gage Co; UCT; POE: KP; IOOF; past mbr Gage Co Dem Central Com; hobby, politics; father homesteaded N W of Beatrice, first in U S to file under homestead act; claim 1 was granted 12:05 AM Jan 1, 1863; res 1010 N 14th, Beatrice.

   GAFFORD, CHARLES C: Retired Physician & Surgeon; b Des Moines Ia Apr 23, 1857; s of Joseph Gafford- Dorcas Sherwood; ed Kas; Coll of Phys & Surg, Keokuk, Ia MD 1881; ten grad courses; NY Polyclinic & Chicago post grad sch; m Mary Fenton Oct 18, 1887 Randolph NY (dec Oct 26, 1938); d Grace Mrs Dudley C Scott); came to Wymore June 9, 1881 ent private prac & shortly afterward apptd surg of Wymore div CB&Q RR; surg for CB&Q RR until retirement 1933; dean of Gage Co medical men, has prac for longer period of time than any other phys in Gage Co; Gage Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Amer Assn of Rwy Surgs; AF&AM; hobby, travels extensively; res Wymore.

   GARRETT, HARRY MEAD: High School Teacher; b Galveston, Ind May 18, 1874; s of Henry M Garrett-Elizabeth Mead; ed Pawnee City HS; U of N, BA 1902; mbr N Club; m Ethel Kinney Johnson Dec 27, 1903 Denver, Colo; d Lucille Marie (Mrs Charles Haatanen), Lillian Alice (Mrs Paul Eggleston); 1902 tchr, Roca; 1903 science instr 4 years Beatrice HS, 1906-08 prin; 1908-11 supt of schs, Ashland; 1912 city clk, Beatrice, inaugurated bkkpg system used by the commission form of govt estab at that time; 1917-20 secy of Beatrice YMCA & was in chg of YMCA war activities; 1920 retd to HS to head science dept & coach athletics; 1931- secy bd of edn & Instr in HS; past secy & past pres Neb HS Athletic Assn; pres Kiwanis; AF&AM; past trustee & past deacon Bapt Ch; Rep; hobbles, athletics & photography; off Beatrice HS; res 1123 Grant, Beatrice.

   GOBLE, BENJAMIN ALBIN: Sheriff; b near Ames, Ia Dec 17, 1879; s of Jesse Goble-Viola Churchill; ed Beatrice; m Corrinne Jackson July 6, 1912 Omaha; s Gene, Robert, Benjamin A Jr; d Marcellene, Louise (Mrs William Knowles); came to Beatrice as child 1882; 1918-22 mbr Gage Co bd of supvrs; 1922-38 whol & retail meat dlr; 1939- sheriff of Gage Co; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; POE; Chris Ch; hobbies, fishing hunting; father engaged in whol & retail meat bus, Beatrice; res 612 Lincoln, Beatrice.

   GRAF, ALPHA DAVID: Farmer; b Beatrice, Neb Nov 9. 1877; s of David Graf-Adeline Hazemann; ed Beatrice HS; Northwestern Bus Coll, Beatrice; m Lillian Hazemann May 1, 1918 Leland Ill; d Lucille Harriette; 1875 came with parents to Gage Co; with brother John G owns & oprs 600 A farm land near Beatrice, shipments of livestock average 300 to 400 cattle per year; present home on site of old Samuel Jones place, once stage coach stop between Brownville & Denver, part of the materials from old structure were used in this home; past mbr Gage Co Fair bd & Agrl Assn; dir & treas Gage Co Ins Co; past pres Sanitary Dairy; dir Central Co-op Creamery Co; an org & dir 22 years of Beatrice State Bank; past assessor Midland twp & past mbr twp bd; past mbr sch bd; during World War mbr exec bd Gage Co war activities com, chmn Midland twp bd war activities com; ofcl bd mbr 21 years Meth Ch; hobbies, home, travel, livestock; res RFD 4, Beatrice.

   GRAMANN, HENRY: Banker; b Hanover, Germany July 19, 1884; s of Henry Gramann-Christine Pieper; ed Realschule of Hanover Germany; m Mary Hennies Nov 12, 1912 Lincoln; s Henry; d Mary, Rosie; 1900-06 appr private banking firm of A Berlepsch-Bankgeschaft Hanover, Germany later asst cash; 1906-11 with Continental Tire & Rubber Co of Hanover, Germany finance dept & later mgr of unit at Milan, Italy; 1911-12 in whole technical rubber goods bus at Hanover; 1912 came to Gage Co, married & went to Germany to liquidate affairs, retd to Adams 1913; 1913 with First Natl Bank of Adams; 1913-14 with Neb Echo, German language newspaper, Lincoln; 1914 with City Natl Bank of Lincoln; 1914-18 cash Farmers State Bank, Adams; 1918 org & cash Adams State Bank, opr since; 1925 absorbed Farmers State Bank of Adams; owner & opr 3 farms near Adams. also bus property in Adams; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; FDIC; Presby Ch; hobby, travel; off Adams State Bank; res Adams.

   GRIESER, MRS KATE: Pioneer; b Carlinville, Ill Apr 7, 1859; d of John D Kerr-Elizabeth Hooper: ed Ill; m Leonard Grieser Oct 28, 1874 Pana, Ill (dec 1920); s Albert Frederick, Oscar Julian, Ernest Edward, Harry Walker, Ralph Clarence, Frank Edgar; early Gage Co pioneer, known as Grandma Grieser; Oct 1878 came with husband by covered wagon to what is now Cortland; farmed near Cortland & when town was estab she and husband gave 10 A of their farm to townsite. Mrs. Grieser often helped husband in the fields. Congl Ch; res Cortland.

   HANNAFORD, J MAURICE: Store Manager; b Auburn, Neb Nov 3. 1900; s of James M Hannaford-Lillie Cranmer; ed Auburn HS; U of N, BSc in bus administration 1926; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Delta Sigma Pi, Beta Gamma Sigma; m Harriet Wilson June 20, 1925 Lincoln; s Jack Maurice; d Janice Ann; 1918-12 with several dept stores, Omaha, also western & southeastern Neb: 1922-26 while in U of N emp by several Lincoln dept, stores; prac pub accounting 2 years with Martin & Cole, Lincoln; 1926-29 with J C Penney Co, Bakersfield Cal, later asst store mgr; 1929-32 asst mgr J C Penney Store at Compton Cal, 1932- store mgr, Beatrice; dir C of C; dir Beatrice Retail Assn; past mbr bd & mbr various coms of Kiwanis; mbr advisory bd SA; mbr YMCA; town coun mbr; BSA; AF&AM; BPOE; bd mbr Centenary Meth Ch; off 517 Court; res 821 N 7th, Beatrice.

   HARMAN, CHARLES HERBERT: Funeral Director; b Tecumseh, Neb Feb 26, 1886; s of John S Harman-Sarah Gardner; ed Tecumseh HS; Mosher-Lampman Comml Coll, Omaha; m Jennie Tombrinck June 26, 1912 Omaha; s John S; d Sarah Elizabeth; 1906-07 with CB&Q RR



Who's Who

St Marys 0 Machine Co; 1904-08 with Toledo 0 Machine & Tool Co; 1908-11 farmed, Dundy Co; 1911-21 homefreight dept, Omaha; 1908-11 with E L Dodder Funeral Home, Omaha; 1911-25 with W W Scott Funeral Home; 1926- with Raymond S Johnson estab Harman-Johnson Funeral Home; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Natl Funeral Dirs Assn; pres C of C; one of orgs, ch mbr & served as first VP & later pres Kiwanis; past master AF&AM 26; past high priest RAM; past illustrious master R&SM; KT, past comm; past patron OES; ch mbr Beatrice Country Club, hobbies, hunting, golf; trustee First Presby Ch; off 623 Elk; res 715 N 6th, Beatrice.

   HARPER, HARRY LE ROY: Pharmacy Manager; b EarIlville, Ia Nov 29, 1869; s of George W Harper-Amelia Box; ed Knox Co; m Jane Harbison June 2, 1904 Chicago; s Richard E; came to Neb 1882 located at Bazile Mills, Knox Co, father in hotel bus; 1889 clk 0 W Beckwith Drug Store, Beatrice; 1890-96 clk M E Schultz Drug Co; 1896-99 city clk; 1900-19 oprd drug bus, burned out in Paddock Hotel fire; 1920-22 re-estab drug bus; 1922-26 traveling representative McPike Drug Co of Kansas City Mo; 1926- in drug bus in Beatrice; city coun, past mbr; past chief vol fire dept; past, pres Neb Pharm Assn, past mbr Neb St bd of pharm examiners; ch mbr past exalted ruler BPOE; UCT; off 420 Court: res 500 N 5th, Beatrice.

   HARTE, PATRICK A: Clergyman; b Co Longford, Ireland Mar 19, 1899; s of Patrick A Harte-Mary Gromley; ed Ireland; St Mels Coll, Co Longford & St Peter's Seminary Wexford 1923; ordained May 6, 1923 by Bishop Codd at St Peter's Seminary, Chapel, sang first Mass May 7, Parish Ch, Gortletteragh, Ireland; Sept 1923 came to Amer, assigned temporarily to Blessed Sacrament Cath Ch of Lincoln as relief pastor; 1924 relief pastor St Mary's Ch, at Dawson; May 1924 asst pastor St Peter & Paul's Ch, Falls City; Feb 1925 pastor St Mary's Ch, Alexandria; 1928-31 pastor St Francis Ch, Center; 1931- 36 pastor St Patrick's Ch, Manley; June 15, 1936- pastor of St Joseph's Ch, Beatrice; chaplain Beatrice K C; Young Ladies Sodality, Holy Name Soc; chaplain & mbr of com, troop 222 BSA; Beatrice Country Club; hobbies, golf, fishing; off & res 612 High, Beatrice.

   HENDERSON, LEWIS ELLIOTT: High School Principal; b Richmond, Kas Nov 24, 1890; s of William Edward Henderson-Louisa Elliott; ed Richmond Kas HS; Coll of Emporia, BA 1916; Chicago U 1923; Columbia U special diploma for HS Prins, MA 1931; m Esther Holmes June 4, 1918 Cottonwood Falls Kas; d Lou Esther, Katherine; 1916-17 prin Richmond Kas HS; 1919-23 prin St John Kas HS; 1922- 21 prin Concordia Kas HS; 1931- prin Beatrice Sh HS; during World War, phys dir YMCA, Fort Sill Okla 18 mos 1917-19; Kas Schoolmasters Club; Neb Schoolmasters Club; past pres of dist 1 NSTA; ofcl del to NEA conv 1933 Chicago, 1933 New York; Kiwanis; AF&AM; Country Club; elder Presby Ch, conducts forum for men; hobbies; fishing, golf, travel, gardening; off Beatrice Sh HS; res 718 N 7th, Beatrice.

   HEPPERLEN, HARRY MICHAEL: Physician & Surgeon; b Beatrice, Neb Aug 9, 1905; s of Harry M Hepperlen-Rosa B Warner; ed Beatrice HS; U of N, BSc 1927, MD 1929; grad work in Vienna, Austria; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Rho Sigma; m Minna Harms Sept 30, 1933 Sterling; s Harry Michael III; d Mary Lou; 1929 interne Swedish Hosp, Seattle Wash; 1929- prac medd, Beatrice; capt med res corps, U S army; Gage Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Jr C of C, past pres; bd mbr Sr C of C; 1939-40 pres Rotary; past chmn bd of trustees Presby Ch; first vice-chmn Gage Co Rep Central Com; hobbies, military work & orchid culture; off Arcade Bldg; res 1200 Washington, Beatrice.

   HEVELONE, ELMER LORENZO: Savings & Loan Executive; b Bellevue, 0 May 12, 1874; s of Sylvester Hevelone-Cynthia C Wonder; ed Northwestern Bus Coll, Beatrice 1891; m Anna Marie McVey Feb 23, 1898 Blue Springs; s Maurice Sylvester; came with parents to Neb in Nov 1880, reared on farm S E of Beatrice; 1897-1901 & 1903-05 teleg opr & agt CB&Q RR; 1906-09 Gage Co dep treas; 1910-15 Gage Co treas; 1914-16 pres Farmers & Mchts Bank of Wymore; 1914 elec dir State S & L Assn of Beatrice, 1917 elec secy & treas, 1936- pres & treas; during World War 1917-18 chmn ARC & allied war activities, 4-min man, general chmn Liberty Loan drives in Gage, Saline, Jefferson, Pawnee & Johnson Cos; ARC, 1937-38 Gage Co Johnson Cos; 1937-38 Gage Co ARC chmn, disaster relief com chmn 1921-39; past pres Neb League of Savings & Loan Assn; U S B & L League Seminary; past pres C of C; ch mbr & 1st pres Rotary; AF&AM; OES; BPOE; Chris Ch: Rep; hobby, travel; off 201 N 6th; res 822 N 8th, Beatrice.

   HEVELONE, MAURICE SYLVESTER: Attorney; b Blue Springs, Neb Oct 23, 1905; s of E L Hevelone-Anna M McVey; ed Beatrice HS; U of N, LLB 1928; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Delta Phi; m Dorothy M Greevy Aug 26, 1933 Omaha; adm to Neb bar 1928; 1928-36 with firm of Rinaker & Delehant, Beatrice; 1937- mbr of firm Rinaker, Delehant & Hevelone; Gage Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; past pres, 8 years bd mbr Jr C of C; Sr C of C; past chmn Gage Co Rep Central Com; past pres Gage Co Y R Club; past chmn ARC roll call; First Chris Ch; off First Natl Bank Bldg; res 707 N 8th, Beatrice.

   HINMAN, RUSSELL JAMES: Dentist; b Tracy, Minn Jan 27, 1896; s of Claude W Hinman-Mary Anderson; ed Redfield SD HS 1914; U of N, DDS 1919; Xi Psl Phi; m Alice Lacy June 5, 1920 Wymore; d Mary Helen; 1919- priv prac Wymore; during World War, enl in US army, disch, ent med reserve corps U of N; secy sch bd 6 years; Gage Co Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; Wymore Comml Club; Lions; Dental Reserve Corps; Beatrice Country Club; mbr choir First Meth Ch; hobbies, golf, fishing, woodwork; res Wymore.

   HOLMES, LEO J: Grocer; b Beatrice, Neb July 17, 1889; s of John Holmes-Rosa Zeman; ed Wymore; m Helen Martin Feb 2, 1912 Wymore; s Leo Eugene, Kenneth L; 1891 came to Wymore with parents; after father died, assumed family responsibilities; 1903 emp by C W Robertson & Co, gen store, Wymore as delivery boy & later clk; 1909 CB&Q RR brakeman Wymore div; 1906-09 restaurant opr, Wymore; 1909 estab Holmes Grocery & Bakery, one of oldest in Wymore; owner & opr farm near Wymore; org first comml milk route in Wymore; past 10 yrs raiser of Poland China hogs; 3 years has raised Shropshire sheep; during World War served as 4 min man on 3 Liberty Loan drives; Comml Club; AF&AM 104; past high priest RAM; mbr R&SM; Wymore bd of edn, past mbr & chmn; Neb, Master Bakers Assn; Meth Ch; hobbies, collecting old coins, photos, newspapers; res Wymore.

   HUBKA, ERNEST A: Attorney; b Virginia, Neb Aug 13, 1897; s of Joseph S Hubka-Frances Vavruska; ed Virginia & Beatrice HS; U of N, BA 1921; LLB 1928; N Club; mbr football, basketball, baseball, track teams; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; m Thelma Marie Underwood July 17, 1929 Blair; d Mary Frances, Sara Henriette; 1922-29 instr York HS; adm Neb bar 1928; 1928- prac with brother Ladd J, firm Hubka & Hubka, Beatrice: 1931-39 Gage Co atty; pres Gage Co, Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; AF&AM; BPOE 619; Kiwanis; Beatrice Country Club; YMCA; mbr bd SA; POE; Meth Ch; hobbies, sports & reading; off 218 Arcade Bldg; res 514 N 12th, Beatrice.

   HUBKA, LADD J: Attorney; b Virginia, Neb Sept 29, 1899; s of Joseph S Hubka-Frances Vavruska: ed Virginia HS; York Coll 1921; U of N, LLB 1926; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; Theta Nu Epsilon: N Club; mbr baseball & football teams; m Vivian Jewell Feb 17, 1938 Falls City; d Julie Ann: 1926 adm to Neb bar; 1926-28 prac with John L Riddell, York, was also head athletic dir & coach of York Coll; 1928- prac with brother Ernest A, Beatrice; past pres Jr C of C; 1928-29 dir Sr C of C; Past secy Gage Co, Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; AF&AM; BPOE; Beatrice Country Club; dir & secy YMCA bd; past jr pres Rep Founder's Day com, Beatrice; vice-chmn Gage Co Rep Central Com; hobby, sports; off 218 Arcade Bldg: res 601 Grable Ave, Beatrice.

   HUNKLE, GEORGE: Petroleum Distributor; b N Y June 1, 1876; reared in orphanage; ed Gage Co: m Lucy Fanny Lemmel Sept 12, 1912 Beatrice; s Donald George, Robert Henry; 1897-98 farmed in Gage Co, studied telegraphy; 1900 in CRI&P RR storehouse at Horton Kas 9 mos then came to Ellis & ent grain bus; 1902 mgr Neb Elevator Co, Holmesville 23 years; 1924 estab Hunkle Oil Co, whol & retail distributors of petroleum products in Beatrice; Neb Petroleum Marketers Assn; off 503 W Court; res 820 W Court, Beatrice.

   HUNTINGTON, HARRY F: Clergyman; b Lycoming Co, Penn Apr 20, 1878; s of William Huntington-Jane Truckenmiller; ed York; Stratton: Aurora HS 1897; Neb Wes, BSc 1903, MA 1913, DD 1920; grad work U of N; Phi Kappa Phi; m Bessie Mae Chillson Sept 28, 1904 El Reno Okla; s William Chillson; d Beatrice Elizabeth (Mrs Harold Amoss); 1919-27 Meth student pastor U of N, dir


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Wesley Foundation, Lincoln; 1935-39 Meth pastor, Fairbury; Sept 1939- dist supt Meth Ch, Beatrice; former Meth pastor in Crete, Pawnee City, Columbus & Scottsbluff; past mbr Rotary, Crete; past mbr Kiwanis, Fairbury; toured Europe summer of 1922; hobby, travel; off & res Beatrice.

   HUTTENMAIER, JOHN R: Real Estate Agent; b Filley, Neb Sept 19, 1887; s of John Huttenmaier-Caroline Eberley; ed Filley; m Myrtle E Hauser Mar 1, 1911 Beatrice; s Elmore John, Ronald Robert; d Eleanor Edith, Mildred Myrtle; carp & farmer; 1919 with Hauser Bros estab Beatrice Ice Co, 1934 pur co ints & operated plant; Jan 1939 sold bus, has been real est agt since; C of C; Meth Ch, mbr bldg com & trustee many years; hobbies, carpentry, woodwork; res 1520 High, Beatrice.

   INGHAM, EZRA NATHANIEL: Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon; b Washington Co, Ia Oct 25, 1886; s of John Wesley Ingham-Sarah Ann Brinton; ed Washington Ia Acad 1906; Kirksville Mo Coll of Osteopathy & Surgery, DO 1915; Stillonians; m Eunice Lipscomb Aug 11, 1910 Stratford Tex; s Thomas Richard; Franklin Brinton; d Lola Alta; 1915 estab priv prac in Wymore; past mbr Neb Sh bd of osteopathic phys & surgs examiners; Wymore park bd; mbr legislative com Neb Osteopathic Assn; Amer Osteopathic Assn; membership representative Eastern Neb Dist Osteopathic Assn, past pres; AF&AM 104; RAM; KT; OES; Wymore Comml Club; Meth Ch; hobbies, trapshooting, swimming; res Wymore.

   JACK, FULTON: Attorney; b Kent, Penn June 17, 1869; s of James McCombs Jack-Elizabeth Fulton; ed Indiana Co Penn; Elders Ridge Acad; Washington & Jefferson Coll, BA 1892; Northwestern Indiana Law Sch 1893-94; m Angie Pollock Aug 20, 1896 Beatrice; s Fulton Jr; d Elizabeth Ann (Mrs Procter Sawyer), Mary Josephine; 1894 adm to Neb bar, emp by Alfred Hazlett; July 1, 1895-1920 firm Hazlett & Jack; firm became Hazlett, Jack & Laughlin Jan 1921; Jack, Laughlin & Vette Jan 1928; July 1929 Jack & Vette; Jan 1937 Jack, Vette & Lovewell: considerable practice has been in RR construction work & water right litigation, much time has been spent in construction camps on the UP & Central Pacific RRs; 1899- legal representative Kilpatrick Bros & Collins; C of C; AF&AM; BPOE; elder First Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, foreign languages; great grandfather, Patrick Jack, was a capt in Revolutionary War; off Beatrice Natl Bank Bldg; res 405 N 5th, Beatrice.

   JACKSON, HERBERT SEITZ: Dentist; b Odell, Neb Apr 3, 1911; s of Herbert Nelson Jackson-Agnes Seitz; ed Beatrice HS; U of N, DDS 1934; Delta Sigma Delta; Omicron Kappa Upsilon; m Harriet Thelma Skinner Aug 27, 1934 Falls City; d Janet Kay; Aug 1, 1934 estab prac in Beatrice; Gage Co Dental Soc, past pres, now secy; Neb St & ADA; dir Jr C of C; secy & treas Beatrice municipal bandd; YMCA; first It ORC, U S army; bd of jr deacons Chris Ch; hobby, music; off 112 1/2 S 6th; res 800 Grant, Beatrice.

   JOHNSON, RAYMOND SAMUEL: Funeral Director; b Firth, Neb Oct 22, 1893; s of George C Johnson-Sarah Jane Hull; ed Crab Orchard HS; Wilson Kas; Kas Wes, Salina; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha; Worsham Sch of Embalming, Chicago; m Opal M High June 14, 1922 Beatrice; 1921-24 with Scott-Harman Mortuary of Beatrice; 1924-26 with Henry Gass Funeral Home, Columbus; 1926 with Charles H Harman estab funeral home; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, VP Eastern Neb dist; Natl Funeral Dirs Assn; dir C of C; past master AF & AM; past worthy patron Vesper ch OES; past exalted ruled BPOE; chmn bd of dirs troop 221 BSA; 6 years chmn advisory coun Order of DeMolay; Beatrice Country Club; former scoutmaster of Meth troop BSA at Columbus; mbr ofcl bd Centenary Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, travel & golf, has visited east & west coasts; off 623 Elk; res 601 N 5th, Beatrice.

   JONES, MERLE GRANT: Vice-President Manufacturing Firm; b Trenton, Neb Aug 6, 1909; s of John J Jones-Emma Gertrude Leighton; ed Trenton HS, valedictorian; Doane Coll 1929; Tau Sigma Zeta; Pi Kappa Delta; m Jennie Elizabeth Noyce Sept 20, 1931 Goodland Kas; d Mary Jane, Barbara Louise; 1929- with Store Kraft Mfg Co of Beatrice, designers & mfrs of store equipment, later traffic mgr, off mgr, purchasing agt, credit mgr, asst gen mgr, VP & asst gen mgr; mbr com on scientific research Natl Assn of Mfrs; U S C of C; traffic com Beatrice C of C, VP Lincoln Assn of Credit Men; Natl Assn of Credit Men; past pres of Kiwanis, dist chmn of edn com Neb-Ia dist; AF &AM; elder First Presby Ch; commr gen assembly Presby Ch in Cleveland 1939; hobbies, gardening, growing trees; off 6th and Irving; res 421 N 16th, Beatrice.

   JONES, ROBERT S: Implement Dealer; b Wymore, Neb Nov 7, 1882; s of John S Jones-Anna Lloyd; ed Wymore; m Ella A Jones Sept 6, 1906 Barrett Kas; s Kenneth Robert, Willard Everette; d Gertrude Anna (Mrs Terry Townsend), Elizabeth Corinne, Margaret Phyllis; reared on farm, later farmed home place 35 years; 1931- opr livestock sales barn, Wymore; 1936- in impl bus, Jones & Jones, Wymore; past mbr sch bd; has farming ints Gage & Jefferson Cos; Neb Impl Dlrs Assn; Farm Bur; Comml Club; AF&AM; past patron OES; Meth Ch, past mbr ofcl bd; res Wymore.

   JONES, THOMAS CHARLES: Farmer; b Wymore, Neb July 31, 1890; s of John W Jones-Mary Humphreys; ed Wymore HS; m Mary R Jones June 11, 1913 Wymore; s Eugene Thomas, Elton Oliver, Bernard Warren; d Mary Eleanor (Mrs Leonard Allosbrooks), Lucille (dec), Velma Lois (Mrs Lawrence Pry), Betty June; 20 years feeder of cattle, 1933- ptr in Wymore, Auction Co, handling weekly livestock sales & buying; 2 years ptr Jones & Jones Farm Equipment Co; past dir 21 years Blue Valley sch dist; road overseer Barneston twp; Comml Club, chmn agrI com; elder & trustee Bethel Welsh Ch ; Rep, hobby, sponsoriing (sic) Wymore softball team; res RFD 1, Wymore.

   JONES, WILLIAM LLOYD: Grocer; b Wymore, Neb Nov 19, 1886; s of Morris Jones-Annie Jones; ed Wymore; m Maude Ella Mitchell June 3, 1914 Wymore; d Evelyn Rhea, Betty Marie; emp in farm work until 1912; 1912-14 with C W Robertson Groc, Wymore; May 23, 1914-Dec 16, 1916 ptr John W Smith in Smith & Jones grocery bus; 1916-23 opr groc & meat market; 1923-30 whol & retail oil dlr; 1930- groc & meat dlr; past mbr city coun; mbr sch bd, past chmn during construction of sch bldg; 1931 mbr Neb legislature, mbr finance com; VP 20 years Wymore B & L Assn; past mbr Fedn of Neb Retailers; past master AF&AM 104: past high priest RAM 28; OES: IOOF; Comml Club; Lions; Meth Ch; hobby, travel; res Wymore.

   KAUB, LOUIS HARRISON: Clergyman; b Ottawa, Kas Apr 11, 1891; s of Jacob Kaub-Ellenora Ford; ed Baker Acad, Baldwin Kas 1912; Baker U, BA 1916; Boston U Sch of Theology, STB 1921; Edinburgh U, Scotland 1928-29; Neb Wes, DD 1933; Alpha Delta Sigma; m Minnie Marie Weide Aug 2, 1916 Yates Center Kas; d Frances Marie; 1921-24 pastor Meth Ch, Big Spring; 1924-28 pastor Meth Ch, Sidney; 1928-29 spent Sabbatical year in Edinburgh toured Holy Land & Near East; 1929-31 pastor Federated Ch at Bayard, there wrote Passion Play of the Prairies "The Gift of God," presented at Chimney Rock; 1931-33 exec secy Neb Wes; 1983-37 pastor of Meth Ch, Lexington; Sept 1937- pastor Centenary Meth Ch, Beatrice; 1937 spent summer in Europe; C of C; Kiwanis; hon mbr Trafalgar lodge 223 AF&AM, Leith Scotland; del to general conf at Columbus 0 & chmn of Neb delegation to unifying conf of Meth Churches, June 1939 Kansas City, Mo; hobby, photography of wild, game, outdoor dramatics; off 600 Elk; res 614 Elk, Beatrice.

   KEES, DANIEL: General Manager Manufacturing Firm; b Beatrice, Neb May 20, 1890; s of Frederick Daniel Kees-Emma Zimmerer; ed Beatrice HS; St John's Mil Acad, Delafield Wis 1910; Pratt Inst Brooklyn NY 1911-13; m Miriam Barbara Fogg June 6, 1915 Toledo 0; s Thomas Daniel; b Barbara Josephine; m Rosa Campbell Mar 6, 1934 Lincoln; 1911-12 adding to training in various mfg plants in Indianapolis; 1914- ofcl in F D Kees Mfg Co, mfrs hdw specialties with nationwide distribution & export; C of C; BPOE; Uni Club, Lincoln; off 24 High; res Palisade Apts, Beatrice.

   KEES, JOHN A: President Manufacturing Co.; b, Beatrice, Neb Mar 10, 1881; s of Frederick Daniel Kees-Emma Zimmerer; ed Blakes Private Sch, Beatrice; Beatrice HS; U of N, 1904; Sigma Chi; m Sarah Green Sept 29, 1929 Newfane N Y; s Weldon; 1904 ent mfg bus of father F D Kees, mfg hdw specialties; 1914 elec secy when bus Incorporated, 1927- pres; past dir several terms C of C; past dir Assoc Industries of Neb; past dir lib bd; Presby Ch; hobby, reading. travel; office 24 High; res 421 N 5th, Beatrice.

   KEMPF, JOHN: Merchant; b Marysville, Kas Oct 29, 1882; s of John Kempf-Tilda Sieghagen; ed Beatrice; m Rossetta Cooper



Who's Who

May 24, 1909 Beatrice; 1888 came to Neb with parents: 1895-1911 with Kees Mfg Co of Beatrice in various positions, later foreman mechanical & mfg depts; 1911- owner & opr Kempf's Sporting Goods Store; BPOE 619; Beatrice Country Club Meth Ch; hobbles, fishing, hunting: golf; off 204 N 5th; res 1918 Ella, Beatrice.

   KENAGY, IRA WALDO: Manager Flour Mills; b East Lynne, Mo July 24, 1874; s of David P Kenagy-Catherine Kinsinger; ed Crete HS; Doane Coll, BA 1896; m Gertrude H Black May 2, 1905 Beatrice; s Wyman Black; came to Neb in 1886, family settled at Crete; 1896-1906 minister to Meth Ch, Bennet, later Hebron; 1906 with Black Bros Flour Mills in various positions, later pur int, active in management since 1935; products distributed over middlewest & west; during World War aided in Liberty Loan & ARC drives; mill oprd under govt control; Neb Millers Assn; Amer Millers Assn; C of C; Wymore Comml dub; past master Blue Springs AF&AM; Mt Hermon Comm, KT, Beatrice; RAM, Wymore; York Rite; Sesostris Shrine; ofcl bd mbr Meth Ch, 30 years head of music dept, formerly active in SS work; hobby, golf; off Black Bros Flour Mills, Wymore; res 722 Grant, Beatrice.

   KENAGY, WYMAN BLACK: Sales Manager Flour Mills; b Beatrice, Neb Aug 30, 1906; s of Ira Waldo Kenagy-Gertrude H Black; ed Beatrice HS; Wentworth Mil Acad, Lexington Mo, AA 1926; U of N, BA 1929; Phi Gamma Delta; m Sylvia Adams Sept 14, 1933 Waverly; s Wyman Black Jr; 1926-29 during vacations with Hull House, Chicago in chg of boys work; past mbr Bowen Country Club, Waukegan Ill; 1929-32 with Black Bros Flour Mills in traffic dept, 1932 emp in sales dept as asst, 1936- sales mgr; past chaplain AF&AM; BPOE 619; First Meth Ch, past supt senior dept; hobby, all sports; off Black Bros Flour Mills, Wymore; res 902 N 8th, Beatrice.

   KILLEN, SAMUEL D: Attorney; b near Ripon, Wis Apr 25, 1861: s of William D Killen-Nancy J McFarland; ed Beatrice HS; U of N, MA 1887; U of Mich, ML 1889; m Anna B Moody Sept 1891 Beatrice; d Ethel A; ch tchr before attending coll; 1889 prac with Griggs & Rinaker 2 years, Beatrice; later estab priv prac; 1905-06 Gage Co atty; Gage Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Rep; off 502 1/2 Court; res RFD, Beatrice.

   KILPATRICK, JOSEPH M: President Kilpatrick Brothers Co; b Gage Co, Neb Sept 7, 1867; s of Samuel Kilpatrick-Rachel Thompson; ed Jefferson & Gage Cos; m Augusta Wilhelmina Meitz Sept 21, 1892 Brownville; s John J, Clarence F; d Augusta Rachel (Mrs C Graff); father settled in Gage Co 1859, one of first 3 to file under homestead act, allotted claim No 2; int in farming & stock raising since boyhood; the company has constantly added to holdings & owns farm and ranch properties in Gage, Jefferson, Box Butte, Chase, Sioux, Keith & Lincoln Cos; ints in Idaho: dir & VP Union Stockyards Co; dir Beatrice National Bank; AF&AM 26; KT; RAM; BPOE; Christ Episc Ch;, hobbies, farming, ranching, livestock; off 414 Ella; res 1100 Jackson, Beatrice.

   KILPATRICK, WILLIAM HAMILTON, JR: Secretary-Treasurer Construction Firm; b Newcastle, Wyo Apr 5, 1891; s of William Hamilton Kilpatrick-Margaret Nisely; ed Denver Colo; Beatrice; U of Mich 1912; Phi Delta Theta; m Fern Seibert Sept 12, 1920 Beaver City; s William Hamilton III; George Seibert; father William Hamilton Sr pioneer RR contractor of Amer with Kilpatrick Brothers; on completing education joined firm engaged in construction, coal mining, farming, ranching & stock raising; during World War enl in U S army Oct 3, 1917 at Fort D A Russell Cheyenne Wyo QRC; arrived Brest France Apr 14, 1918, commd 2nd lt July 9, 1919, 17 mos O/S, disch Camp Dodge Ia, Aug 7, 1919; C of C; Bitting-Norman post Amer Leg; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; First Chris Ch; off 414 Ella; res 920 N 8th, Beatrice.

   KILPATRICK, WILLIAM HAMILTON: Vice President Construction Firm; b Jasper Co, Mo Feb 6, 1853; s of Samuel Kilpatrick-Rachel Thompson; ed Gage Co; m Margaret Nisely June 4, 1890 Roseville, Ill; s William Hamilton Jr; d Rachel E (Mrs Leonard Nicholas Purdy); 1857 came as a child with parents to Benton Co Ia; 1859 family settled in Gage Co Neb, homesteaded 10 mi W of Beatrice, given claim No. 2; as young man asstd father in improving homestead & farmed until 1879; with UP RR bldg road Marysville Kas to Beatrice; Kilpatrick Bros contracted with RR for grading roadbed, bldg bridges & laying tracks; completed road & reached Beatrice Dec 31, 1879 at midnight, last day allowed by contract; other construction; 1880-81 MoP RR to Fort Worth Tex; 1881-82 CB&Q McCook to Denver; 1882-83 OSL Granger Wyo to Portland Ore; 1883 C&S Dillon Colo to Leadville Colo; 1884 BCR&N Pipestone Minn to Watertown S D; 1884 engaged in logging in Wis; 1885 construction CB&Q RR Norton Kas to Oberlin Kas; 1885-86 CB&Q Oregon Ill to Minn; 1886 CB&Q Grand Island to Black Hills; 1886-87 CB&Q Curtis to Cheyenne Wyo; 1888 UP Plainville Kas to Colby Kas; 1888 CRI&P Sabetha Kas to Beatrice; 1888 CRI&P Fairbury Neb to Belleville Kas; 1888 developed coal mines Cambria Wyo; 1888-89 construction CB&Q Alliance to Cambria Wyo also CB&Q construction Newcastle Wyo to Billings Mont; CB&Q Englewood S D to Spearfish S D; CB&Q other shortlines & spurs into mining camps; 1899 awarded contract by UP for 3 important line changes to rectify grades, track alignment, preparing for double track; in contract work of this type for UP until about 1917; during this period some of most notable & heaviest work was done including line changes Buford Wyo to Laramie, Wyo, also Dale Creek Wyo fill requiring half million cubic yards (this yardage being equal to yardage in 50 mi of other line changes on CB&Q west of Bridgeport); other notable projects were Sherman Hill tunnel; 1882 started grading OSL, in Idaho; Kilpatrick Co made all major line changes between Omaha & Ogden for UP; completed task in 1917; Summitt to Lane fill W of Omaha 1905 required 3,874,000 cubic yards; 1903-04 made many heavy line changes for SP between Reno Nevada & Ogden Utah; 1911 on construction Prewitt Reservoir, St Merino Colo for Great Western Sugar Co; Kilpatrick Bros have taken part in construction of approximately 5,000 mi of RR in U S for various lines including UP, CB&Q, OSL, AT&SF, CRI&P, C&S, C&NW, MoP, SP, WP, D&RG & others. Since 1917 has farmed & raised beef animals in western Neb & Idaho. C of C; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; BPOE; Redlands Cal Kiwanis; Chris Ch; Rep, presidential elector from Wyo during residence there; hobbies, farming, raising livestock; off 414 Ella; res 920 N 8th, Beatrice.

   KIRSCHNER, HAROLD H: Dentist; b Steele City, Neb Mar 8, 1892; s of Herman Kirschner-May Harpster; ed Liberty HS; U of N, DDS 1915; Xi Psi Phi; m Maude Slaughter Sept 21, 1915 Endicott; s Don; d Jean, Martha May; 1915-23 prac Humboldt; 1925 prac Plymouth; 1927- prac in Beatrice; past pres Gage Co & S E Neb Dental Socs: Neb St & ADA; C of C; Kiwanis; AF&AM; bd mbr First Chris Ch; hobbies, gardening, fishing; off 515 1/2 Court; res 612 N 11th, Beatrice.

   KOCH, ALBERT WILLIAM: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b near Barneston, Neb Feb 25, 1886; s of Henry H Koch-Wilhelmina Eden; ed Gage Co; m Ada Kitchen Feb 1904 Odell (dec Aug 1926); s Harold; d Laura (Mrs Paul Regnier), Mildred; m Theresa Krueger May 22, 1928 Wakeeney Kas; 1911 with Odell Vinegar Factory; 1912-13 clk in general store, Hitt & Son; 1914- ins & real est agt; 1917-19 asst PM; 1932-38 mayor; past mbr twp bd; Odell Picnic Com 14 years; hobby, fishing; res Odell.

   KOHLMEYER, IVAN DIEDRICH: Owner Produce Firm: b Greenleaf, Kas May 9, 1909; s of William Kohlmeyer-Mary Nuttleman; ed Greenleaf Kas HS; Kas St Coll, Manhattan;; Dr Salsbury's Sch of Poultry Diseases, Charles City Ia; m Ada Leiszler June 25, 1934 Clifton Kas; assisted father & brother in poultry bus at Clyde Kas; 1932-37 mgr of Wymore branch of hatchery, Wymore; 1937- ownerr (sic) of hatchery & produce bus; mbr city coun; Neb Poultry Assn; Comml Club; St Peters Luth Ch, elder; hobby, motor boating; res Wymore.

   KOONS, KARL CARLETON: Retired; b Knoxville, Ill Sept 27, 1869; s of Isaac P Koons-Mathilda Carson ed Knoxville Ill HS; St Albans Coll, Knoxville 1886; 1886 with father in drygoods store; 1889 moved bus to Burchard, then moved to Drexel Mo 1893; 1895 sold store & moved to Beatrice; 1897 emp in Omaha & Beatrice retail stores, during period adjusted fire losses for ins cos; 1900- owner & opr jewelry store; Gage Co Fair & Agrl Assn, past secy; built & financed fair bldgs: ch mbr & past exalted ruler BPOE; Presby Ch; hobby, raising fancy pigeons & flowers; off 121 N 6th; res 1023 Grant, Beatrice.

   KRAUSE, JOHN: Farmer; b Adams, Neb Nov 28, 1882; s of William Krause-Fredericka Kuhfuss, ed Gage Co; m Mary Finker Aug 28, 1907 Adams; s Earl W, Herbert E, Warren J; in boyhood aided father on farm, later indep mbr Farm Bur; past


in Nebraska


mbr sch bd; past mbr twp coun; mbr ofcl ch bd, SS tchr Meth Ch; hobby, reading; father was Civil War veteran, came to Adams 1866 on foot from Wis; res Adams.

   KRIM, JOHN GEORGE: Dentist; b Hanover, Kas Feb 14, 1900; s of John N Krim-Emma V Schenk; ed St John's Parochial Sch of Hanover Kas 1919; Hanover Kas HS; Creighton U Dental Coll, DDS 1923; Psi Omega, ch mbr & 2nd pres: m Margaret G Rock May 25, 1926 Woodbine Ia; d Margaret Jean; 1923-prac in Beatrice; 1938 apptd by Gov R L Cochran to Neb St bd of examiners in dentistry; lic in Kas; helped org, is ch mbr, past secy & past pres Gage Co Dental Soc; past secy & past pres S E Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St Dental Assn, served on various legislative coms on dental care in state institutions; ADA; past exalted ruler BPOE, now mbr social com, crippled children's com; past dir Jr C of C; Sr C of C; Rotary; past grand knight KC, past state treas; St Joseph's Cath Ch; hobbies, stamp collecting, fishing & hunting; off 513 1/2 Court; res 1009 N 11th, Beatrice.

   KROTZ, JOSEPH: Farmer& Livestock Breeder; b Pilzn, Czechoslovakia Mar 21, 1863; s of Wencel Krotz-Katherine Kumbera; ed Gage Co; m Carrie Bednar May 21, 1894 Wymore; s Marcellus J, Laird; d Evelyn; 1867 came to Amer with parents, lived in Washington Co Ia until 1878; 1878 moved to Charleston, owns land where town was located; opr 1000 A farm & pasture land, specializing in Aberdeen Angus cattle, estab herd 1911 & among first to be recognized for outstanding herd in middlewest; supplies breeding stock for west, middlewest & central states also Canada; past mbr town bd; 18 years mbr sch bd; 31 years mbr IOOF, past noble grand, past treas 15 years; Neb Aberdeen Angus Breeders Assn; Amer Aberdeen Angus Breeders Assn; hobby, travel; res Odell.

   KROTZ, MARCELLUS J: Farmer & Stockbreeder; b Odell, Neb Jan 16, 1898; s of Joseph Krotz-Carrie Bednar; ed Odell HS; U of N, BSc 1922; on completing edn joined father in raising purebred livestock; AF&AM; Amer Aberdeen Angus Breeders Assn; secy 17 years Neb Aberdeen Angus Breeders Assn; IOOF; serving 2nd term on bd of edn; hobbies, hunting, travel, past 2 years has visited Mexico City, Quebec,& Montreal Canada; res Odell.

   LENTZ, FREDERICK W: Auto Dealer; b Burlington, Ia Oct 10, 1897; s of Ludwig C Lentz-Elsie Schick; ed Gothenburg HS; U of N, 1919; m Marcia Renner Nov 9, 1921 Fairbury; s Donald; d Norma, Shirley Ann; 1919-28 in automobile bus at Deshler; 1928- with Lentz Motors in Beatrice; during World War in SATC, U of N 1918; dir C of C; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; pres Rotary; Luth Ch; hobby, travel; off 206 S 6th; res 1215 Grant, Beatrice

   LESSENHOP, GEORGE AUGUST: District Insurance Agent; b Moberly, Mo Feb 4, 1896; s of George F Lessenhop-Susanna Wagner; ed Lincoln HS 1917; Neb Wes, conservatory of music 1918, grad voice recital 1917; 1916-17 mbr Neb Wes male quartet; while in coll was tenor soloist, Second Presby Ch of Lincoln, White Memorial Meth Ch & Holy Trinity Episc Ch, Lincoln; m Martha E Gorham June 14, 1922 Omaha; 1919-24 with father G F Lessenhop & Sons, dairy & ice cream mfrs supplies, Lincoln; 1924 opr Norfolk Floral Co; 1925- dist agt Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co, Beatrice; during World War in U S army Feb 1918 base hosp Fort Sill Okla in chg of x-ray lab, disch as priv 1st class Apr 1919; past mbr exec com Amer Leg; Dist Agts Assn; ch mbr & past bd mbr Jr C of C; Sr C of C; song leader Beatrice Rotary many years; former mbr Beatrice Kiwanis Glee Club; past exalted ruler, & dir home talent musicale 1932, BPOE; sr steward AF&AM; mbr bd SA; vestryman Christ Episc Ch; hobbies, stamp collecting, raising tropical fish, garden flowers; off & res 717 N 9th, Beatrice.

   LINCOLN, ROSS: Store Manager; b Champion, Neb Dec 4, 1892; s of Daniel B Lincoln-Della Shelp; ed Geneva HS; m Irene Hill Dec 31, 1919 Geneva; s John Ross; d Shirley June; 1910-22 emp in Baileys Groc Store, Geneva; 1922 stockman Hested Store, Beatrice, 1924 mgr of store at Geneva; 1926-28 mgr of Hested store, Fairbury; 1928- mgr Hested Store, Beatrice; 1938 chmn civic planning com to build new auditorium & reservoir; during World War enl Dec 17, 1917 assigned to Newport News commissary dept, disch with rank of corp Camp Dodge Ia Apr 1919; 1938 pres C of C, dir; Beatrice Retail Assn, secy 1938; Rotary; Amer Leg; Meth Ch; hobby, gardening; off 510 Court; res 400 Lincoln, Beatrice.

   LINN, DON W: Auto Dealer; b Tecumseh, Neb July 16, 1899; s of C M Linn-Ora W Wittwer; ed Humboldt HS; U of N, 1919; Beta Theta Pi; m Esther Brinkman Jan 29, 1926 St Paul Minn; 1917-20 in auto bus at Auburn; 1920-23 tire dlr Auburn & Nebraska City; 1923 Chevrolet dlr Tecumseh short time; Oct 1923- opr Don Linn Co, Chevrolet Sales & Service, Beatrice; during World War 1918 enl U S army SATC, U of N; Amer Leg; Jr C of C, first pres; C of C; Rotary; BPOE 619; Prot; hobby, fishing; off 808 Court; res 1008 N 9th, Beatrice.

   LOCK, DONALD DEAN: Dentist; b Beatrice, Neb Aug 14, 1904; s of Ira D Lock-Myrtle Eichorn; ed Beatrice HS; Chicago Coll of Dental Surgery, DDS 1926; Psi Omega; Omicron Kappa Upsilon; m Mildred Helen Pothast Oct 1, 1927 Pickrell; d Patricia Jo, Lyndene Lou; 1926-29 prac with Dr E W Fellers; 1929-34 with Dr 0 L Beeson & Hepperlen Clinic; 1934- prac indep; ROA: commd st lt U S reserve army 1926; advisory bd BSA troop 223; BPOE; Beatrice Boat Club, dir & past pres; Gage Co Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; Centenary Meth Ch, mbr finance bd; hobbies, flower gardening; off Union State Bank Bldg; res 1222 Lincoln Blvd, Beatrice.

   LOVEWELL, EDNA M: Attorney; b Lovewell, Kas Aug 23, 1900; d of Stephen R Lovewell-Villa V Van Meter; ed Lovewell Kas HS 1918; Grand Island Bus Coll, 1918-19 & 1920-21; Doane Coll 1927; U of N, BA 1932; Psi Chi; 1919-20 tchr near Norton Kas; July 4, 1921-31 steno in law firm of Hazlett, Jack & Laughlin; also studied law, adm to Neb bar Nov 1936; Jan 1, 1937 became mbr law firm Jack, Vette & Lovewell; secy Gage Co Bar Assn-, Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading & music; off National Bank Bldg; res 321 N 8th, Beatrice.

   LUEKER, ALVIN M: Machinist; b Marshall Co, Kas Sept 3, 1900: s of Louis Lueker-Katherine Hohman; ed Odell; m Ann Siebolts Sept 27, 1936 Odell; 1919 emp by Beza Merc Co of Odell, 1923 firm became Graingers Store, continued with firm until 1924; 1925 with Johnson's Store in Axtell Kas until fall; Oct 1, 1925 opened Lueker's Store, Odell, first as groc store, now gen merc; elder & secy Our Saviour Luth Ch; hobby, golf; res Odell.

   McCLURE, ALBERT EDWARD: Merchant; b Lakewood, 0 Oct 1, 1902; s of Albert Edward McClure-Ethel Hall; ed Lakewood 0; Staunton Va Mil Acad; Culver Ind Mil Acad; m Mary Eleanor Bridenthal June 7, 1926 Cleveland 0; s Albert Edward; d Joan; 1919-28 in oil bus, Lakewood 0; 1928-31 Oldsmobile Sales & Service, Wymore & Beatrice; 1931-37 mgr of farm ints in Gage Co; 1937- opr McClure's Clothing Store, men's furnishings, Wymore; Comml Club; Lions; Episc Ch; hobby, travel; res Wymore.

   McGINLEY, HARRY: Mayor; b Hebron, Ind Nov 11, 1868; s of William McGinley-Jane M Porter; ed Reynolds; m Josephine Kostal Sept 15, 1897 Beatrice; s Harry J, Robert J, George C (dec June 3, 1934), d Frances (Mrs Roy Wilson), Emma (Mrs R M Kinard), Abbie, Josephine, Anna (Mrs Ivan Drasky), Octavia; 1879 came with parents to Neb, settled at Reynolds; 1890 section man CB&Q RR, 1893-1937 section foreman; Dec 1, 1937 ret; 1938- mayor of Odell also past mayor; during World War took part in Liberty Loan & ARC drives, one son in AS; past noble grand IOOF; hobbies, athletics, sports, hunting. Mrs McGinley's family also Gage Co pioneers, came by covered wagon & settled 4 mi S of, Odell 1880; res Odell.

   McGIRR, JOHN IRWIN: Physician & Surgeon; b Reddick, Ill Mar 23, 1873; s of Francis M McGirr-Judith Barkey; ed Pickrell HS; Bus Coll, Beatrice 1892; Western Normal, Lincoln 1893; Omaha Med Coll, MD 1897; 1900-01 grad work in eye, ear, nose & throat NY Sch of Med; 1901 grad work Vienna Austria; m Myrtle Everlyn Gue June 22, 1915 Denver (dec Oct 18, 1923); s John Irwin Jr, Frederick Hayes; d Marguerite; 1897-1900 prac at Ellis; 1901- specialist in eye, ear, nose & throat treatments Beatrice; Gage Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; BPOE; IOOF; Dem; off Beatrice Natl Bank Bldg; res 122 N 8th, Beatrice.

   McKISSICK, WILLIAM A: Machinist; b Shelby, Neb Mar 26, 1896; s of John W McKissick-Della Swan; ed Beatrice HS; Northwestern Bus Coll, 1916; m Gertrude L Gallman Oct 31, 1922 Lincoln; 1916-30 clk in Bernstein Shoe Store, Beatrice; 1930 in chg of shoe dept Fair Store; 1934 org Nelson & McKissick Booterie; 1936- opr branch in Fairbury; 1918 during World War assigned to 19th



Who's Who

div & att OTC Camp Grant until Nov 1918; dir C of C; 1939-40 pres Beatrice Retail Assn; dir Country Club; VP Neb St Golfing Assn; St Paul's Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; off 509 Court; res 1717 Lincoln, Beatrice.

   McMULLEN, ADAM: Retired; b Wellsville, N Y June 12, 1875; s of John H McMullen-Mary Harbison; ed Wymore HS; U of N, BA 1896; George Washington U, LLB 1899; Delta Tau Delta; m Cordella Greenwood June 5, 1901 Alexandria Va; adm to Neb bar 1902; 1902-14 priv prac, Wymore; 1905-09 mbr Neb house of representatives; 1917 mbr Neb sen; 1925-29 gov of Neb; while in legislature & later as gov effected reforms including two cent fare, primary law, good roads, city mgr laws, anti-pass law; reduced & controlled express & freight rates. 1932-36 PM, Beatrice; 1928 & 1932 del Rep natl convs; past mayor of Wymore; past pres Wymore sch bd; owner & opr farms in Gage Co & Neb, likewise Okla oil properties; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o, Albert Pike Lodge of Washington D C; KT; Sesostris Shrine; IOOF; Episc Ch; off & res 1112 N 11th, Beatrice.

   MAJORS, ARTHUR R: Superintendent of Schools; b Salem, Neb May 20, 1904; s of T A Majors-Ina Mead; ed Endicott HS; PSTC, BA 1926; candidate for MA, U of N; m Estella Yarbrough Mar 5, 1937 Alliance; s Arthur Lee, Alan, Rodger; d Carol; 1924-25 tchr at Endicott; 1926 tchr, athletic coach, Mitchell; 1927 prin Valparaiso HS; 1928- supt of schs, Odell; NSTA; NEA; Fairbury AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, athletics & gardening; res Odell.

   MANGUS, JERRY THOMAS: Farmer; b Macoupin Co, Ill Oct 19, 1867; s of William Mangus-Catherine Garst; ed Christian Co Ill & Gage Co; m Elvina Reed Dec 1894 at Filley (dec Mar 1927); s Orville D. Oscar E, John Thurston; d Wilda, Lenore (Mrs W E Combs); m Mrs Myrtle Martin Thornburg June 20, 1928 Council Bluffs Ia; step s Elroy, Dale & Frank Thornburg; came to Gage Co with parents in covered wagon 1881, family farmed near Virginia; past mbr election bd; past mbr sch bd; AF&AM; Meth Ch; res 2301 Lincoln, Beatrice.

   MARKLE, ROB: Machinist; b Corona, Ind Oct 3, 1870; s of Murray Markle-Marissa Conger; ed Auburn, Hudson & Angola Ind; m Ida Davis at Wymore; d Marjorie (Mrs Charley Shumake), Roberta Iris; 1890 came to Neb; 1890-93 located at Chadron, brakeman with old Fremont, Elkhorn & Mo Valley RR, now part of C&NWRR; 1893 came to Wymore; 1893-96 brakeman CB&QRR Wymore div; 1897 barber, Wymore; 1897-1902 in groc bus, Wymore; 1902-10 ptr in Markle & Houston furn bus; opr CB&Q RR lunch room many years, also in show bus, first in old Markle Theater, renamed Lyric Theater which burned about Dec 1936; 1937- in furn bus, as far as known this is oldest bus house in Wymore; past mbr BPOE; KP; IOOF; Comml Club; res Wymore.

   MARSH, EMERY CHARLES: Superintendent Gas Compressor Station; b Hornell NY June 8, 1892; s of Charles E Marsh-Cora M Dimmick; ed Hornell NY; Pueblo Colo; Independence Kas; U of Kas extn work; ICS; m Stella M Jackson Nov 18, 1913 Independence Kas; d Erma Louise; 1908-12 apprentice ice cream maker; 1913 with Wichita Natural Gas Co, compressor station near Bartlesville Okla, later became part of Cities Service Co, 1931 stationed at various units & branches in oil fields of Okla & Kas; 1931 traveling representative in chg of station test crew Natural Gas Pipeline Co of Amer on pipeline from Tex fields to Joliet Ill; in chg Great Bend Kas compressor station until 1934; refused JP apptmt Great Bend Kas; 1934- supt of compressor station, Beatrice; Bartlesville Okla Engineering Club; AF&AM; Doherty Men's Frat; American Gas Assn; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing & golf; off Natural Gas Pipeline Co of Amer; address PO Box 503, Beatrice.

   MARSHALL, VIRGIL RALPH: Produce Dealer; b Rulo, Neb Oct 1, 1908; s of Virgil R Marshall-Jeanie Warriner; ed Wymore HS; m Laverne Vrooman Jan 25, 1931 Wymore; s Virgil R; Albert Paul; d Dorothy; 1926-31 emp by James Poultry Co, Oct 1931 became part owner; 1935- owner Marshall Produce Co; Lions; First Chris Ch, elder; hobby, radio; off 317-21 S 7th; res 503 N 11th, Wymore.

   MARTIN, MRS ALMA MAE: Publisher; b Adams, Neb; d of Edmund William Varner-Myrtle Francis; ed Adams HS 1929; m Kenneth Marion Martin Aug 22, 1931 Tecumseh; d Marilyn; while in HS opr of linotype & mechanical devices in the newspaper plant; with father in publication of Adams Globe until marriage; May 1935- again with father publishing Globe; NPA; Presby Ch; hobbies, fishing, camping. Grandfather was a newspaper man; husband emp by Neb st highway dept; res Adams.

   MARVIN, EARL MORTON: Publisher; b Beatrice, Neb Jan 17, 1884; s of George P Marvin-Ann R May; ed Beatrice HS 1901; U of N, BA 1906; Delta Tau Delta; m Gertrude Sabin Oct 10, 1910 Beatrice; s Robert S, George P; d Jeanne; 1906- with Beatrice Daily Sun, 1908 succeeded father as publisher; 1908-09 mbr city coun; 1919-20 mbr Neb constitutional conv; 1928 del to Dem natl conv, Houston Tex; 1924 acquired Beatrice Daily Express & merged with Daily Sun; NPA; Inland Daily Press Assn; AF&AM; BPOE; past pres Rotary; pres YMCA; father came to Beatrice 1879, estab Gage Co Democrat, had formerly published paper in Falls City, was pres NPA 1890; off Beatrice Daily Sun; res 901 N 8th, Beatrice.

   MARVIN, PAUL DWIGHT: Manager of Power District; b Beatrice, Neb July 9, 1885; s of George P Marvin-Anna Rebecca May, ed Beatrice HS; U of N, engineering dept; U of Ill, architecture 1910; Delta Tau Delta; m Marion Salisbury Oct 10, 1911 Beatrice (dec May 1937); d Pauline; 1911 with Beatrice Daily Sun; 1912-15 priv prac architecture, Edmonton Alberta Canada; 1915-17 priv prac of architecture, Beatrice; 1920-25 buss mgr Hastings Coll; 1925-32 bus secy & assoc gen secy Honolulu T H YMCA; 1932- mgr S E Neb Pub Power Dist, dir; 1917-19 during World War YMCA secy, Camp Cody; C of C; AF&AM: mbr glee club, Kiwanis; YMCA; Country Club; past elder Presby Ch; hobbies, golf, singing; off 119 N 6th; res 901 N 7th, Beatrice.

   MARVIN, ROBERT SABIN: Editor; b Beatrice, Neb June 30, 1913; s of Earl Morton Marvin-Gertrude Sabin; ed Beatrice HS; Doane Coll; Dartmouth U, BA 1936; Phi Kappa Psi; 3rd generation of Neb newspaper publishers; 1936- with father on Beatrice Daily Sun; past secy Jr C of C; NPA; BPOE; Beatrice Country Club; YMCA; Chris Ch; off Beatrice Daily Sun; res 901 N 8th, Beatrice.

   MASSEY, SAMUEL OLIVER: Salvation Army Officer; b Oakland, Miss Mar 30, 1904; s of Samuel MacIntosh Massey-Elizabeth Josephine Tholerus; ed Oakland Miss HS 1921: S A Training Coll, Chicago 1935-36; m Gertrude Margaret Morawska Dec 24, 1925 Chicago Ill (dec Oct 8, 1930); s Ronald Arthur; m Lillian Margaret Blix Mar 31, 1934 Chicago; 1922 farmed with Tom Martin at Dell Ark, contracted loading of cottonseed from gins into RR cars; 1922-23 yard clk & bkkpr John Haynes Sawmill Oakland Miss; 1923-25 shipping & mailing clk harness dept, Sears Roebuck & Co, Chicago; 1925-26 chauffeur for cab co, Chicago; 1926-32 factory sales representative, Chicago hdqrs Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co; 1932-35 salesman & later sales mgr west side & suburbs of Chicago, Hoyt Brothers Chemical Products Co; 1936 probationary capt in command S Broadway corps, SA, St Louis Mo, also probationary capt corps 1, Sioux City Ia; 1987 probationary capt, June 15, 1938 capt, Beatrice; Jan 1, 1936 apptd Gage Co probation ofcr, 1937- special truant ofcr, Beatrice pub schs; vol worker with juvenile court of Gage Co; consultant in youth activities Kiwanis, past chmn of reception com; mbr program com Jr C of C; hobbies, fishing, hunting, travel; off 5th & Bell; res 811 N 12th, Beatrice.

   MATTOON, HAROLD FRANK: Attorney; b Blue Springs, Neb Sept 11, 1894; s of Frank W Mattoon-Irene E Plank; ed Beatrice HS; U of Kas, BA 1915, LLB 1917; Phi Alpha Delta, Delta Sigma Rho; Phi Beta Kappa; m Annette Fugate June 30, 1921 Lawrence Kas; s Frank Joseph; d Mary Annette; adm to Kas bar 1917, adm to Neb bar 1919; 1919-22 prac in firm of Rinaker, Kidd & Delehant, Beatrice; 1926-ptr in firm Vasey & Mattoon; during World War in U S army, ent first OTC May 12, 1917 commd 2nd lt 356th inf Aug 15, 1917, 816th Pioneer inf O/S Oct 12, 1918-July 9, 1919; major inf res corps ORC; past comm Bitting-Norman post Amer Leg, chmn com which sponsored construction of Veterans Memorial Drive, Beatrice & chmn boys work com in chg of local squadron of Sons of Amer Leg, mbr boys com of Neb dept, dir Boys' State, Lincoln; 1922-30 Gage Co atty; 1934- city atty; past pres legal section League of Neb Municipalities, chmn legislative com; past pres Gage Co Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; past master AF&AM lodge 26;