Photos submitted by Freida Rose
Bailey, Dorothy I.
Bailey, Elsie B.
Bailey, Infant Daughter
Bailey, J. L.
Bailey, Kenneth W.
Barackman, Thomas A.
Barnason, L. lot
Beetem, (Mr. J. D.)
Beetem, (Mrs. J. D.)
Bertz, Florence
Bertz, Jeanett M.
Bertz, Linas H.
Bintz, Benjamin F.
Boesiger, Alyce A.
Boesiger, Donald F.
Boesiger, Fred J.
Boesiger, Maude E.
Bohlman, Anna
Bohlman, Christian
Bonebright, Barbara
Bonebright, Carl P. military
Bonebright, Henry C.
Bonebright, Ida H.
Bonebright, Ida Louise
Bonebright, Infant Dau. of Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Bonebright, Infant Son of Ira & Ida
Bonebright, Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. J.A.
Bonebright, Ira D.
Bonebright, John A.
Bonebright, John Paul
Bonebright, Joseph
Bonebright, Martha E.
Bonebright, Raleigh
Bonebright, Viola
Boyd, Anna J. mother
Boyd, Ellen J. (of Jno C. & Ann J.)
Boyd, John C. father footstone
Brakey, Charlotte O.
Brakey, Matthew M.
Brown, Dorothy (Pfeiffer)
Brust, Leasettie
Brust, Margaret J.
Brust, Philip
Brust, W. F.
Burling, Earl / Earl R. father
Burling, Harry H.
Burling, Mary W. father
Burling, Thomas R. father
Burlling, Worthy / Gilbert W. father
Cade, George I.
Cade, Marilyn M.
Carnes, S. Laura mother
Wagner, Ethel Carns daughter
Carnes, Jennie E. (of J.L. & S.L.) 2nd stone
Carns, Jesse L. father
Carsten, Arthur F.
Carsten, J. Edward
Carsten, Lettie
Chism, Donald J.
Clark, Alice M.
Compton, Charlotte E. family
Compton, Dorothy family
Compton, Lucius H. family
Compton, Susan R. Long family
Compton, William A. Sr. family
Condon, Sophia A.
Condon, Thomas I.
Connor, John M.
Connor, Sarah Ann
Cooper, William F. family headstone
Cremer, Ruth Augusta
Cyriacks, Tyson J.
Cyriacks, Wilmer B.
Danaher, Theresa E.
Denton, N.
DeVries, Donald I.
DeVries, Rev. Gretchen Lucille
Doolittle, H. Maxine
Douglass, Clyde W.
Douglass, David Paul
Douglass, Edward T.
Douglass, Elizabeth C.
Douglass, Vera R.
Douglass, Viola P.
Ebeler baby
Harrison, Emma
Eyer, Benj. F.
Eyer, Hattie S.
Fischer, Ernestine Reckling
French, Edna C.
Frerichs, Alice
Frerichs, Folke C.
Frerichs, Grace
Frerichs, William W.
Frerichs, Wm. Willie
Gardner (Mother) family
Gardner, Caroline family
Gardner, Charles A. family
Gardner, Fay Marie family
Gardner, Harry Lewis family
Gardner, Samuel family
Gardner, Ward Edward family
Gellinger, Mary A.
Gerritsen, Johanna
Gerritsen, Pieter W.
Glessner, Edna
Glessner, Elmer Byron
Glessner, Glenman G.
Glessner, Ira H.
Glessner, Lizzie
Gletty, Albert J. family
Gletty, Martha A. family
Grensemann, Cornelius Jacob family
Grensemann, Mrs. family
Grotjan, Edward A.
Grotjan, Louisa M.
Haeffner, Infant Son of Mr. & Mrs. C.E.
Haeffner, Sherry Lynn
Harer, Caroline
Harer, Michael
Harer, Rose B.
Hartzell, Anna M.
Hartzell, S. Jay
Haupt, Arthur P. H.
Haupt, Harlan Lamar
Haupt, Pearl R.
Henderson, Artie M. head
Henderson, Robert F. head
Hendrickson, infant head
Hoffman, Flora M. family
Hoffman, Hilda A. family
Hoffman, Oscar A. family
Johnson, Wm. Nordell
Johnston, Ettie
Johnston, J. Leslie (of J.A. & E.B.)
Johnston, John A.
Jungmeyer, Alvan C.
Jungmeyer, Una U.
Knapp, Etta C.
Knapp, George D.
Krapp, Charles F. family
Krapp, Sadie E. family
Krauter, Earl E.
Krauter, Ellen L.
Krauter, Lizzie B.
Krauter, William
Krauter, William W. military
Kurtz, Anna M.
Kurtz, Ella A.
Kurtz, Freddie G.
Kurtz, George E.
Kurtz, Infant Grandson
Kurtz, Luther C.
Kurtz, Mollie M.
LaSalle, Robert (of F.G. & H.B.)
Latshaw, Madalyne M.
Lauck, Georgie L. (of P.H. & C.)
Lawrence, Larry L.
Leber, Della L.
Leber, Louis E.
Lloyd, Bessie E.
Lutes, Byron
Lutes, Elijah
Maiwald, E. Merlyn
Maiwald, Fred A.
Maiwald, Lenora A.
Masters, Erm Darrel
McClanahan, Rosina Haupt
McPherson, Harold Edmond family
McPherson, James T. family
McPherson, Lena Pfeiffer family
McPherson, Mabel V. family
McPherson, Mary A. family
McPherson, Virgil I. family
Meserve, Amanda A.
Meserve, William C. “Billy"
Meserve, Flora G.
Meserve, Frank G.
Meserve, Irene Claybaugh
Meserve, J. M.
Meserve, Wm. H. H.
Meserve, Charles S.
Meyers, Frederick
Meyers, Henrietta
Miller, Donald E.
Miltenberger, Elizabeth V.
Miltenberger, Frank
Miltenberger, Herman Edwin
Miltenberger, Lena
Miltenberger, Vienna
Moormeier Fred
Moormeier, Ella L.
Moormeier, Gilbert
Moormeier, Leslie R.
Myers, Alfred M.
Myers, Elizabeth
Nippert, David L. back
Nippert, Joyce A. back
Oltman, Anton back
Oltman, Anton Jr.
Oltman, Ethel G.
Oltman, Everett S.
Oltman, F. R.
Oltman, Florence E.
Oltman, Jacob
Oltman, Kea back
Oltman, Myron Jacob
Oltman, Rose E.
Oltman, Theresa M.
O'Rourke, James J.
Ouderkirk, Estella E.
Ouderkirk, Horace E.
Packard, George A. head
Packard, Jane head
Packard, Leslie J. head
Peick, Andrew
Peick, Gretie head
Peick, Herman head
Pfeiffer, C. H.
Pfeiffer, Dora
Pfeiffer, Helena
Pfieffer, Paul
Potts, Calvin P. family
Potts, Charles E. family
Potts, Ella M. family
Potts, Harry E. family
Potts, Infant Daughter of Harry & Ella family
Potts, Mable A. family
Potts, Nettie W. family
Price, Infant Son of J.R. & E.N.
Price, R. Jean back
Rambow, Magdalene side
Rambow, Wilhelm side
Reckling, Ella
Reier, Caroline
Reiswig, Dale E.
Rhykert, Deborah A.
Rhykert, E. W.
Robinson, R. B.
Roelfs, Fred E. head
Roelfs, Mary E. head
Roff, Ella Mae
Sargent, Charles E.
Sargent, Earl (of T. & M.E.)
Sargent, Emma
Sargent, Thomas
Sausman, Jacob R.
Sausman, Vilettia
Schell, Diana
Schell, Maurine
Schell, Raymond R.
Schell, Robert Lee
Schell, Vilas T.
Schmidt, Ina P.
Schmidt, William F.
Schramm, Alberta Carrie
Schramm, August
Schramm, Carrie M.
Schramm, Margaret
Schramm, Raymond A.
Schramm, Velma
Schramm, Warren W.
Schultz, Anna M. family
Schultz, Paul H. family
Sherman, Edwin A.
Sherman, Henry W.
Sherman, Katie H.
Sherman, Marie
Sherman, Walter
Sherman, William
Sherwood, Edna L.
Sherwood, Josephine K.
Sherwood, Walter O.
Slot, Agnes
Slot, Henry
Slot, Klaas
Slot, Mary
Slot, Merle
Slote, Dean
Slote, Jean
Smith, Artie head
Smith, Chester W.
Smith, Edward head
Smith, Esther (of E.D. & A.D.)
Smith, Genevieve (of E.D. & A.D.)
Smith, Marla Fay
Smith, Verna B.
Smith, Walter (of E.D. & A.D.)
Smith, Wilfred Alvin
Spidell, Charles C. military
Spidell, Douglas Lynn
Stejskal, Barbara J. (Shell)
Swaney, Vivian
Thomsen, Lorene M.
Turnbull, Howard Gordon
Turnbull, Lois Kathryn
VanCamp, Shirley Ann back
Walker, Frank L.
Walker, Lorna M.
Walker, Ruthie Ellen (of F.T.)
Warner, Anna M.
Warner, Eveline (of J.C. Warner)
Warner, Joshua C.
Warner, V. Della
White, John R.
White, Norma C.
Wise, Bessie Anne
Wise, Ellen Clara
Wise, Joseph
Wise, Margaret A.
Wise, Mary Rillie R.
Woidneck, Oswald G.
Woidneck, Sarah
Wolfe, Christopher C.
Wolfe, Minnie Ruhl
Yarnall, Eva M. head
Yarnall, John B. head
Yarnall, Lois Luella head
Yarnall, Martha Logan
Yarnall, Muriel head
Yarnall, Z. S.