Lindblad, Brandt
Searching for family info on August Isaac LINDBLAD and wife Christine, widow of Richard BRANDT. They were married in Beatrice in 1922 and had several children. Would like to correspond with anyone having information. Fran Zedney, 2100 W. 3900 S, Roy UT 84067.
Please let me know what information you are looking for on August Isaac Lindblad and Christine Brandt Lindblad. I think I could help you.
well im so lost i have no info on any of my family my name is jack lindblad son of david lindblad and betty joann lindblad which both died with my half-sis grandmom and great grand mom and grand father which lives me so stuck so help if you can
muller, huttenmaier
I am searching for any information on John Muller who immigrated to Gage county & married Lena Huttenmaier, whose family immigrated to Gage county from Germany. Thanks for any information.
I am interested in contacting anyone researching the family of George Philder WHITCOMB b. 17 Mar 1824 Pike Co. Pa. d. 22 Jun 1882 in Beatrice m.3 Jul 1846 in Pike Co. Pa Christiana KINTNER b. 21 Apr 1826 Pike Co. Pa. d. 22 Nov 1901 in Beatrice. There son Charles Fredrick WHITCOMB b. 22 May 1862 in Sugar Grove, Ill. d. 1 May 1930 in Hastings, Ne. m. 27 Nov 1884 in Beatrice, Ne. Dora May BELL b. 21 Jul 1869 in Dixon, Il. d. 5 Nov 1932 in Hastings, Ne. Marsha Pettijohn
I am looking for any information on my ODEN family. My grandmother was Nora B. ODEN. She married Allen Bryan ELLIS between 1921 & 1923, and died around 1929. Her father's name was either Preston Marshall ODEN or Marshall Preston ODEN. My uncle Marshall ELLIS has told me both ways. My middle name is Marshall also. Marshall tells me that the all the ODENS where born at home in his grandfathers bedroom. They lived at 1606 Market Street in Beatrice. Marshall also mentioned an aunt Ollie and a cousin Charlie (Ollie's son).
Spellmeier, Heller
I have a little Heller family information to share and a lot of Spellmeier family information to share.
Heller, Goff, Bennett
I am looking for Conrad Heller. He married Babeth Goff. They had a daughter named Freida. I know they came from Switzerland to America. Can you help?....Kariann
Searching for info on HARVEY MOSS HOWARD, b 11 Jan 1874 in NE, who married GRACE AGNES CLINE, b Mar 1872 in IL, on 26 Mar 1893 in Rockford Township, Gage Co., NE. Grace was the dau of ALBERT E. CLINE and SARAH M. RICHARDS who lived at Virginia, Gage Co., NE in 1890. Grace died 8 Jul 1908 at Connell, WA and Harvey died 26 Jan 1910 at Sunnyside, WA. Any info welcome. Thank you.
Looking for my grandfather Jesse Smith originally from TN. He moved to Beatrice area late 1800's with his wife Mary "Polly" B. They are buried in the Evergreen Home Cemetary. His death date according to tombstone is 14 Jan 1902. Hers is 08 April 1902. I am desprately looking for an obit or death cert for each of them. Can anyone out there help me locate one? Thanks so much for any help...
Hicks, Routh
Researching George and Mary (Routh) Hicks and their descendants. George Hicks born 1843 in Owen County, Indiana. Mary Routh born 1852 in Iowa. George and Mary were married 25 December 1870 in Marion County, Iowa.
Beeler, Pierce, Lynch
I am searching for information about my great great grandparents and great grandparents. James Asbury Beeler was married to Esther Lynch. Their son John Brice Beeler was born in Wymore. He is my great grandfather. He married Rebecca Agnes Tennessee Pierce and they lived in Liberty, where my grandmother Alice was born. Rebecca's parents are Jacob Pierce and Nancy Jane Tucker. I assume they lived in Liberty. Anyone with information regarding these families or relatives, please contact me.
The Elizabeth Beeler listed in the online burial records for Liberty Cemetery was the wife of J. A. Beeler. I don't know if this is the same person as James A., but thought you would like to know.
Nancy Gutherie Pierce is buried in Liberty Cemetery also. Cemetery records say she was born in Saral Co. KY and died of Brights disease. I have never heard of Saral Co., so I don't know if it is a former county, a bad pronunciation or what. There is no information on Jacob being buried in the cemetery. The space next to Nancy is occupied by Ralph James Pierce, son of J A Pierce. Ralph was married to Elsie Elnora Doyle on Apr. 3, 1918. Ralph was born in Liberty and died in Lanham, KS. This information on Ralph came from his obituary which was published in the Odell Oracle on Feb. 18, 1926.
Don't have any information to help you out but am looking for some of the same people you are. My Grandmother was the daughter of George Thomas Pierce and Anna Johanna (Schram) Pierce. Have very little information on them as my grandmother(Frances Ida (Pierce) Pothast Hinze was raised by Henry Pothast. Would appreciate any information you could share on the Pierce family.
Beeler, Lynch
James Asbury Beeler and Esther Lynch were both born in Claiborne County, Tenn. Both of them died in Columbia County, Oregon. Their 6 children were all born in Liberty, Nebr. For more info, please contact me directly.
Dan R.
Have records for St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Beatrice, been published? Perhaps as part of a church anniversary or centennial book? Would appreciate knowing what is available. Thanks!
Searching my family name Hroch. Karel Hroch
Pierce, Pothast
I'm looking for information on my grandmothers family. Frances Ida Pothast was born 10 Sept 1911 to George Thomas Pierce and Anna Johanna Schram Pierce, in Liberty. Frances was raised by Henry and Elizabeth Pothast and has several siblings of whom I know nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dennis L
1114 1/2 W 9th
Yankton SD 57078
I am a descendent of Jacob PIERCE and Nancy J. (GUTHRIE) PIERCE who settled in Liberty, NE. They had approximately eleven children. I have very little information on most of these children. There was a George PIERCE who was married several times. In my notes taken when listening to a relatives conversation, one of those marriages was to a woman whose last name was SCHRAM. I also had noted they had a daughter named Agnes. Are you interested in any information on the PIERCE family??
I am looking for anyone who might have information on Alice Langley 1889-? I know she lived for a time in Beatrice NE. She had four sons, all of who served in WW2 and two daughters. My grandmother's sister. Please contact me..
I am looking for any information relating to Tabitha C. BIRD b. 1 Apr 1833 Hardin Co, KY d. 3 Mar 1913 Blue Springs, Gage, NE [parents: John BIRD III 1792-1869 & Margaret 'Peggy' HAYS 1793-1871]m. 5 Jan 1854 [Peoria Co, IL] Samuel Shannon WILSON b. 1828 Peoria Co, IL. d. 21 Aug 1890 Blue Springs, Gage, NE. [parents: William WILSON 1799-1863 & Ellen CHENOWETH 1800-1873] Living in Trivoli, Peoria, IL in 1860. They had issue 7 children, 4 living per 1900 Census. Samuel S. WILSON listed in Blue Springs Twp Farmers Directory, 1887. Buried Wymore Cemetery, Gage, NE. Some of their children were:
1. Emily C. b. abt 1857 Trivoli Twp, Peoria, IL m. _?_ LEON
2. Marietta Francis b. abt 1860 Trivoli Twp, Peoria, IL
3. Edgar B. b. 14 Aug 1870 Trivoli Twp, Peoria, IL d. 1 Jul 1947 NE. Living in Blue Springs Twp, Gage, NE with his mother, Tabitha WILSON in 1900. Buried Blue Springs Cemetery, Gage, NE
4. WILSON, Martha m. __?__ WALKER. A Martha WALKER b. 13 Feb 1865 d. 28 Feb 1943 and buried Blue Springs Cemetery, Gage, NE may have married abt 1887 [NE]George WALKER b. 28 Apr 1846 d. 9 Jan 1930.
Appreciate any help with these families and their descendants.
The Martha S. Walker you referenced from the Blue Springs Cemetery was married to Elmer D. Walker. They were the parents of Clarence, Lester and Lewis. Lewis is not buried in Blue Springs Cem, but the rest are. The George Walker you referenced was married to Mary and both were from Pennsylvania. I am sending you an email attachment regarding Tabitha and Samuel.
I am looking for anyone whose family name was Elwood or married an Elwood. I am trying to find family members in Beatrice that are related to Ray Elwood. Ray Elwood's father was willet Elwood and his father was Warren Elwood. This line goes back to Edward Young Elwood. My grandfather was Clarence Elwood who was the brother to Warren.
My mom was Ray Elwood Sr. brother. Willet Elwood married my grandmother Mirt. I am also researching the Elwood family. I would be interested in finding out more information...Please contact me....thank you..... Charla Carter
My gggrandfather was Frederick Elwood of Plymouth and Beatrice. His bro was an Edward Elwood of Jefferson Co. their father was Benjaman of New York. M.W.
Hi Mary...
So you are a decendent of Frederick Morton Elwood. I am a decendent of his brother Warren Grant Elwood. I would like to hear from you.
Thanks much...
Dear Charla, I did not know Frederick had another brother. I only knew of Edward who lived by him in Gage County. I would love to share info. My Fred left NY with a sister and her husband about 184?. This was right after their mother died. (Alice Amelia). He lived in Illinois a while, married my gggrandmother in Iowa, Benton County while still in the civil war and they moved to NE and edward followed thereafter. I have more info I could send you. Sincerely Yours, Mary
Hi Mary...
Frederick Morton Elwood had the following siblings:
Jane Eliza Elwood Aug 14, 1827
Bethana Newcomb Elwood Jun 28, 1829
Survana West Elwood Jun 28, 1829
Benjamin Franklin Elwood Jun 13, 1831
Walter Stuart Elwood Sep 28, 1833
Edward Young Elwood Aug 25, 1835
Frederick Morton Elwood Sep 10, 1838
Albert Henry Elwood Dec 14, 1839
Alice Amelia Elwood Feb 10, 1842
Alot of Children....I will email you directly. It's great finding another link.
Take care
charla carter
Hi Mary
I forgot to tell you...I'm from Edward Young Elwood's decendents (Frederick Morton's brother). Edward Young Elwood named one of his son's Frederick Morton also.
Nice tie of the two families.
take care
I am looking for anyone with information on a minster by the name of Andrew Howard Law who served in Wymore NE during 1885-1900. He was married to Fannie Quigley and they had a son, Clarence, who was born on 4 Feb. 1892. If any one knows anything or knows how to access birth/death records for Gage County, please contact Steve Law at
According to History of Gage County, Nebraska, by Hugh Dobbs, pub. 1918 by Western Publishing and Engraving Co.
p. 266-267
"The first church organized in Wymore was the Missionary Baptist church. The organization took place September 14, 1881. Services were maintained at various places in the city until 1886, when the congregation built a frame church building, under the pastorate of Rev. A. H. Law. This building was afterward sold, and the Baptists acquired by purchase their present church, from the Congregationalists.
Since its organization a good Sunday school has been maintained and the regular services of the church have gone constantly forward. The membership of this church is quite strong and it is an influencial factor in the life of the city."
I am searching for William Jackson. According to family records he lived in Glenwood township, Odell postoffice in Gage County in 1886. He is listed as being a farmer.I am looking for any info on this person or family group. Thanks Jeanie T
I've found that two of my grandfather's cousins were committed to the Home for Feeble Minded in Beatrice before 1930. A brother of these two women was also committed to Lincoln State Hospital before 1930. I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any records available for either of these institutions regarding the residents and what became of them.
I am searching for relations of Albert Bohlen Wiese, my gg grandfather. Two of his brothers Gerd Bohlen Wiese and Behrend Bohlen Wiese lived in Gage County, NE.
In November 1889, my ggggmother Mary HENDERSON nee LANTZ died at the home of her daughter, Leila Ada (Mrs. John) POLLOCK nee HENDERSON in Beatrice, NE. She was taken to Princeton, Bureau Co, IL for burial. I would like to find out if death certificates are available for this time frame and how to obtain one. The family were Presbyterian. Leila A's brother, Robert F. Henderson was a farmer in Gage Co. Interested in info on him too if available.
Thank you. Bill Boyle
It is not likely you will find a death certificate that early. Statewide registration started in 1905.
Looking for information on the family of Olive Perry Liston b.10/4/1854 and Lizzie Jane Killie b.1/20/1860. Oliver was the son of Andrew Liston and Louisianna Black. Lizzie as the daughter of Henry Killie and Mary Mark. Children of Oliver and Lizzie : Flora, Cora and May. Last known to have resided near Beatrice, Gage Co. Nebraska.
Am trying to locate a death certificate for a Mark Callely that died in 1897 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska
He was born in 1850 in County Monaghan, Ireland.
It is not likely that you will find a death certificate that early. You might want to try locating probate records through the county court.
Searching for inforation on Hiram HAUVER who mar. Elizzabeth DOUGLAS 28 Dec 1849 in Stanbridge Twp., Missisquoi, Quebec and brought children- Jennie/Jane E. (mar. Weston W. WYMAN), William HARUM (mar Mitilda LANGE), Douglas Robert (mar Lucy Sophia "Kat" OUTHET), Martha E. (mar Paul LAROCHELLE), Edidth (mar Charles RINEHARD) to homestead in Gage Co., Ne in the 1870's. Lucy Sophia "Kat" OUTHET parents- Garbit OUTHET and Mitilda Elizabeth PORTER.
Goodmorning LYNNDA! I just read your post of 12 Sep and see that you have a RINEHARD listed in your database, Did any of them marry to a NELSON or DEVOTIE families? Thanks Joe
Hi! I am Victoria A. Smith, descended from Martha A. Nelson. If any of you are descended from Lafayette Nelson or his son Edgar (b. about 1874)who were living in Gage CO Nebraska in the 1900 census, you may be interested in some early Nelson "ruts" that I and Cliff Neilson have been digging up.
Hi Victoria! Sorry to be so long about answering your post but I don't get to this list as often as I should. As far as I know I don't have any connection to Lafayette Nelson or his son Edgar. As far as I can be sure of my Nelsons were in Tenn. and possibly born in NC. However I do have a Nelson/Smith connection in Texas. Any possibilities there? Joe
Sorry you don't seem to link up with my Nelson/Nielsons. I was inquiring because Cliff Nielson is putting together a book on the descendency from John Nielson of PA/WV (a Rev War vet). There are three main branches, of which the Joseph Nielson/Nelson d. 1819 in OH is the junior. My branch (and that of Lafayette/Lafe Nelson, his son Edgar, and his grandson Everrt (so spelled on the 1920 census of Gage CO Nebraska) descends from Joseph Sr.'s son Joseph Nelson Jr., who went to Nodaway CO MO while most of the rest remained in OH. However, from the lack of inquiries it seems that Lafayette's descendants moved from Gage CO to elsewhere. Oh, well...
The second main branch (the James Nielson branch, ancestry of Cliff Nielson) eventually migrated down the Missisippi to Louisiana. However, I doubt there is a link there to the Nelsons of Texas that you mentioned. My Smiths were Scots that immigrated up via New Orleans to Peoria IL in the mid-1840s. No match to the Texas lot either, as far as I know. Time to go pull on some more revealing ruts and offshoots...
Victoria A. Smith
Nelson, Smith
Hello Victoria! Thanks for your answer. I just had to ask!!!!! Joe
Davis, Marshall
Information about Tom Davis s/o John J. Davis (c.1816-1883) and Catharine Marshall (1829-1907). His parents died in Champaign Co. IL. Tom Davis was living in Beatrice when his brother John J. Davis died in Frankfort IN in early 1930s.
*John Frederick KLOEPPER and *Margaretha WEGMAN
Searching Gage Co, Nebraska for descendants, ancestors and allied surnames of:
*John Frederick KLOEPPER b. 11 November 1879 Clatonia, Gage Co, Nebraska d.28 march 1959 Chehalis, Lewis Co, Washington married 17 December 1903 Lancaster Co, Nebraska
*Margaretha WEGMAN b. 19 March 1882 Martel, Lancaster Co, Nebraska d. 13 February 1963 Chehalis, Lewis Co, Washington both buried Greenwood Memorial Cemetery Centralia, Washington.
1. Clara Melinda KLOEPPER;
2. Martha Elizabeth KLOEPPER;
3. Marie Katherine KLOEPPER;
4.*Dorothea Blanche KLOEPPER b.17 January 1909 Beatrice, Gage Co, Nebraska d. 4 February 1986 Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co, New Mexico married 8 August 1929 Curry Co, New Mexico *Ralph Burns BARGER both buried Sandia Memorial Gardens;
5. Frederick Henry KLOEPPER married in TX #1 Edna NEWBY married in Washington #2 Bertha (?__);
6. Lillian Alvina KLOEPPER married 1935 in California Oscar NEWBY;
7. Herman John KLOEPPER m#1 Barbara THOMAS m#2 Maxine GLADON;
Thank you for your time.
*Charles Henry KLOEPPER,(son of *William Henry KLOEPPER & *Mary Alvina RELLER) and *Dorothy Elizabeth BACCKE,(daughter of *Karl BACCKE & *Dora Elizabeth (?__)).
Searching Gage Co, Nebraska for descendants, ancestors and allied surnames of;
*Charles Henry KLOEPPER b.1 October 1848 Scioto Co, Ohio d. 31 December 1930 O'Neill, Holt Co, Nebraska married 15 January 1873 Lancaster Co, Nebraska *Dorothy Elizabeth BACCKE b. 11 August 1854 Prussia d.27 November 1935 O'Neill, Holt Co, Nebraska both buried O'Neill Cemetery.
Children born Gage Co, Nebraska:
1. Sophia Matilda KLOEPPER;
2. Martha Alvina KLOEPPER m. in NE Henry WAYMAN;
3.*John Frederick KLOEPPER b.11 November 1879 Clatonia, Gage Co, Nebraska d.28 March 1959 Chehalis, Lewis Co, Washington married 17 December 1903 Lancaster Co, Nebraska
*Margaretha WEGMAN both buried Greenwood Memorial Cemetery Centralia, Lewis Co, Washington;
4. Alfred KLOEPPER;
5. Walter Gilbert KLOEPPER NE Rose GRUNKE;
6. Herbert Elmer Alvin KLOEPPER married Rose Marie DEVALL;
Thank you for your time.
*William Henry KLOEPPER and *Mary Alvina RELLER
Searching Gage Co, Nebraska for descendants, ancestors and allied surnames of:
*William Henry KLOEPPER b.abt 1821 Hanover or Prussia d.abt 1895 Clatonia, Gage Co, Nebraska married abt 1844 Scioto Co, Ohio *Mary Alvina RELLER b. abt 1825 Hanover d. 1901 Clatonia, Gage Co, Nebraska.
1. *Charles Henry KLOEPPR b. 1 Oct 1848 Scioto Co, Ohio d. 31 December 1930 O'Neill, Holt Co, Nebraska married 15 January 1873 Lancaster Co, Nebraska Dorothy Elizabeth BACCKE
both buried O'Neill Cemetery;
3. William KLOEPPER;
4. Herman KLOEPPER;
5. Louis KLOEPPER Nebraska Carrie MENKE;
6. Lena KLOEPER;
7. Frank KLOEPPER;
8. Anna KLOEPPER m. in NE William GUTZMYER;
Thank you for your time.
Looking for info on Nimrod FETTY. Born 9-1-1830 in Ohio. Died 2-15-1908 in Blue Springs Ne.
All buried in Blue Springs Cemetery:
Fetty, Nimrod
b. Sept. 1, 1830 in Waterloo Ohio
d. Feb. 15, 1908 in Prospect Ohio
m. Feb. 27, 1850 to Harriet A. Kemp
Harriet A. Kemp Fetty
b. Feb. 17, 1830 in Maryland
d. Sept. 22, 1903, 3 1/2 miles east of Blue Springs
m. 1851 in Ohio
Buried in same lot as Nimrod & Harriet:
Mary E. Fetty Lewis
b. Apr. 18, 1855
d. Nov. 25, 1933
m. Jacob Lewis
Also there is a small stone in center of lot "Maude"
I can not explain the discrepancy for the marriage date.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the information. The Prospect Ohio location of Nimrod FETTY"S death is the connection I was looking for.
Foss, Folkner
I am looking for information on my sisters or brothers. I see on my birth certificate, I had 2, but I never knew anything of them. I have been led to believe there was some sort of terrible accident, and they were killed. If anyone has any information, I would appreciate hearing from them.
Pagels, Schlake
I am looking for any relatives of John R. PAGELS and Charlotte SCHLAKE. Both were from Germany. John raised his first wife's son, Charles PAGELS, after she died. I would like to know her name. Charles PAGELS had a son Harold C. PAGELS who was born 6 Sept. 1889 in Beatrice. Any info on these families would be greatly appreciated.
Joyce Turner
Searching for information on George KRITER (b. Oct 31, 1825, France{?} d. Jul 16, 1887 Gage Co, Nebraska) and Barbara ERB (d. Feb 6, 1887 or 1889). George and Barbara were married Sep 18, 1857 and lived in Washington DC, Minnesota, and Missouri before settling in Gage Co, Nebraska between 1875 and 1881. Their children were Anna Barbara, Frederic Daniel, Emma Dorothea, George Lincoln, Charles Henry, Maria Catherina, Edith, and Magdalena. Emma married Aaron HORN (see archived HORN query on this board). George was a Civil War Veteran, having enlisted in Co H, 1st Reg, Minnesota Inf. in 1861 and was discharged in 1864. I have his pension records and will share information. I believe that there are Kriters still in Gage Co. but have not been able to make contact.
Bill, The Kriters are buried in Wymore Cemetery. View the records online.
I am looking for information on Ira SHARROCK, s/o Stephen SHARROCK of Bollinger Co., MO. Ira was listed as a resident of Beatrice, Gage Co., NE in 1928. Can you help? If so, please email me. Thanks
I found a Jack A. SHARROCK on the WWII list, and don't know who his parents are, do any of you??? Could he be related to Ira Sharrock?????
Trying to find information on the Woman relief corps Of G.A. R.Beatrice Neb. late 1800's to 1900's.Mattie Walker was a member.Thank you
Barbara Wilford
Jordan, Kempkes, Cox
Seeking information on the family of Margaret Kempkes and (first name unknow, possibly Walter) Jordan. Margaret and (?) Jordan had a daughter named Margaret Jordan, born in Iowa about 1915-16. The 1920 Nebraska Census, Gage county, list Margaret Jordan as the grand daughter of Alex W. Jordan. No mention of parents. Margaret Jordan later married Mel Cox, date and place unknown. In 1958, Mel and Margaret lived in Dodge City, Kansas. Margaret Kempkes is the sister to my grandmother, Elizabeth Ida Kempkes.
Trying to find information on a Claude Walker mother's name Mattie or Martha Walker, father Henry Walker. 1920's
My Grandfather was Rev. Charles Henry Sudbrock, minister of Methodist Church in Cortland, NE. early 1900's, wife Meta Anna Sudbrock had a child born and died in 1906. Looking for any information about child and time that Charles was minister in Cortland. Thank You.
Raymond E. Paschall (Grandson)
1200 N.E. Parvin Rd. Apt. 302
Kansas City, Mo. 64116
Emil Fred FIEDLER b 8 Jul 1890 Derne, Germany d 8 Apr 1961 Beatrice, NE m 7 May 1919 DeWitt, NE to Augusta Wilhemine SCHMOHR b 7 Sept 1893 Hoag, NE d 17 Dec 1974 Beatrice, NE.
Anyone researching this family please contact me.
I would like to know the birth and death dates for Willie E. Mudge and where and when he farmed in Gage County.
The Standard Atlas of Gage County, pub. 1922, shows Willie E. Mudge owning the SE quarter of section 10. He is across the road from E. B. Mudge who owns the NE quarter of section 15. Other Mudges in the area are G. T. Mudge, Charles H. Mudge, William E. Mudge, W. F. Ray Mudge.
Dear Lori: Thank you for your prompt reply to my inquiry.
Moore, Elam
I am looking for any information on my ggrandfather;Franklin Moore and his wife Margaret Ann Elam.They were evidentally in Wymore,Gage County, June of 1855 as my grandfather Earnest Faye Moore was born at that time.I believe that Earnest's brother William was also born there too.Any and all help is appreciated.Thank You,Alex
DIERKING, Henry died and buried in Lanham Cemetary in Lanham, Gage Co., Ne. Could someone look up the date he died. His wife Hannah DIERKING is also there. Thank you.
I am looking for the descendants of William Lewis Colvin s/o Daniel Colvin and Margaret Aulick. William Lewis Colvin was born 3-18-1839 at Phillips Creek, Campbell Co., KY died 8-12-1906. He married on 1-27-1867 to Julia Ann Harlan born
1-15-1847 died 4-27-1905.
William and Julia were supposed to have had 9 children according to the 1900 Census but I only have the following children from their marriage:
(1) Alice Bell Colvin born 11-27-1867 Campbell Co., KY. died 3-12-1955 Houston, TX. md. Absolom Beagle. Only know one child: Bessie.
(2) George Colvin born 7-27-1869 Wapello Co., IA. died 11-20-1950 Winterset, IA.
(3) Charlotte Colvin born 10-16-1871 Wapello Co., IA. died 9-25-1959 Spokane, WA. md Hansen Camp. I have one son for them James Camp born abt Oct, 1890.
(4) Harvey Colvin born 10-24-1873 Wapello Co., IA. died 11-1-1954 Lancaster Co., NE.
(5) Frederick Daniel Colvin born 4-13-1882 Gage Co., NE died 8-26-1957 LaCrosse, WI. Do not know who he married but had a daughter Lugardia Colvin.
William Lewis Colvin is the brother to my g-g-great grandmother Hannah Frances Colvin who married John Harris Smith.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am also willing to share what information I have so far on the family.
I am looking for the family of Henry Weideman who married Helena Roche and the followin children: Jacob, Minnie,Elizabeth,Joseph and Marie.This was around 1880.
I am looking for any & all info possible on my GG-grandparents Andrew Jackson Culp & Sciota Belle Maddux. They lived in Cortland,Nebraska in Gage County circa 1850s or later.Their daughter Nell was my maternal G-grandmother who married Armond Miller Clark of Firth,Nebraska in Lancaster county.The children ,besides my G-grandma Nell were William, Florence,Opal & Pearl. There may have been others. I really need help with this family.Thanks for any help given!
Looking for Information on the family genealogy of Waylon Jonathan Miller. Born 1874 near Louisville ,Ky and died in Beatrice, NE March 27, 1943. Especially looking for His mothers maiden name.
Minnie F. Thorp was my grandmother. Her father was Charles F. Thorp, married to Ann Trowbridge.
Richards, Thorp, Dobbs
I'm the grandaughter of W.H. and Minnie F. Richards, the attorney spoken about in the book of biographies for Gage county on page 333. Minnie's maiden name was Thorp, and her dad was Charles F. Thorp. I had an Aunt Clara Richards..who married into Dobbs family. Any info is helpful..thanks.
Can someone tell me where the Kirkpatrick Cemetary is located. I have several Elwood ancesters buried there. This cemetary was not on the Cemetary list on this site.
Perhaps you are looking for the Kilpatrick Cemetery in Jefferson County? It is one mile into Jefferson County on Hwy 4, then one mile south. According to Angela Vrtiska, the Kilpatrick family was re-interred in the Evergreen Home Cemetery in Beatrice.
Mooney, Hiskett, Morrassey
Looking for MOONEY and HISKETT in Wymore around 1890 to about 1905 to 1909. The Mooney's came from Canada and the Hiskett's from IL.
Hardin, Millen, Wigginton
Looking for information on William C. Hardin born Apr. 12, 1847 in Mason Co. Illinois. Married Alice Wigginton Dec. 29, 1872. Daughter Nellie V. Hardin born Apr. 23, 1874 who married Theodore Eaton Millen
re: Theodore Eaton Millen - - Do you have any information on his background? My ties are to John Millen (1808 - 1888) and Jane Foster (1814 - 1854), from Hothfield Parish, Kent County, England. Came to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada on June 4th, 1849, and from there family eventually came to the U.S.
Does any of this "fit" with Theodore?
Any information will be appreciated. Thanks!
Looking for any information on Ulysses Grant MARTIN and his parents or on Nellie WILSON his wife or any relative of theirs. Please e-mail me if you have any information.
Gearhart, Bracelin, Glick
I am researching the George A. GEARHART family of Marshall County, Kansas. George was born 01 October 1871, in Jones County, Iowa. He married Rosa C. BRACELIN (BRESLIN) in Marysville, Kansas, in 1891. They had seven children: Charlie, Rosie Pearl,(born in Beatrice, George, Grace, Elsie, Irene, and James. In 1914 George moved his family to a ranch south of Yuma, Colorado. I would also like some information on George's mother, Eve GLICK, born 15 September 1852. I am also working on the family line of BRACELIN (BRESLIN)and in particular James BRACELIN, born April 22, 1842. He married Catherine GALLAGHER. James' family came to this country from County Donnegal, Ireland.
Any information would be appreciated. I am willing to share the information I have.
Alfred Perkins lived in Blue Springs,NE in the 1870's His biography is in Andres History of Nebraska. Looking for information on his Lodge-Tyre Lodge, No. 85,A.,F.&A.M.., Blue Springs,NE. Also any information on G.M. (Goveniuier) Perkins. Any historians in Blue Springs,NE would be a help.
Alfred perkins was a member of Tyer Lodge #85 where He was
Senior Deacon(1881) and Senior warden (1882). He was a member of the Lodge until his death June 2, 1915 in Sunset, CO.
My great-great grandparents, Thomas & Christiania Callister are buried in the Highland Cemetery east of Clatonia. I would appreciate any information about where they lived and their occupation.
Dobbs, Stark, Coffee, Dunn, Wright, Shellenbarger, Dixon, Happy
Would like to hear from anyone related to Fidillo Hunter Dobbs and his wife Mary Jane Shellenbarger (spelled many ways). Am sure some of the Wright and Dobbs family still live in Gage county.
Dobbs, Richards
I know that my great aunt Clara Richards married into the Dobbs family there in Gage Co. I don't have her husbands name, still searching.
Ford, Joshua Helmick and Martha Ann BELVEAL, looking for any of their family or information on them, I am trying to compile as much of the whole family as I can,
Children they had were: Simeon Benoni FORD, married Ettie HANEY; Granderson Helmick FORD, married Mary HAGEMAN; William Elmer FORD; Martha Melissa FORD, married Jesse N. HADLEY; Martin Ulyssis FORD(my line)married Jennie MILLER; Mahala Elizabeth FORD married Elmer Greer/George MOONEY (I have most of this family); Mariann Anna FORD, married Carl ROBISON; Sarah Jane FORD; Junetta Leatta FORD; John Henry FORD.
I would love to hear from any family members of their children. Thanks.
Does anyone know if the book "Busboom Branches" is available for purchase and the cost? It was published in 1988 by LaVonne Busboom Krick and Sharon L.T. Busboom. Thanks!
Ritchey, Keill
Interested in information on James C. Ritchey, born about 1874 in Beatrice, married to Martha E. Keill in 1911 for genealogical purposes
Loomis, Brown
I am researching the Loomis-Brown families who were apparently in Gage County in the late 1850s to the 1870s. Looking for the information reported on the 1870 census for Gilbert T. Loomis, wife Lydia H., children________. Would appreciate getting this information.
Thank you
Mary Houser
Morris, Loomis, Warner
Mary Houser, I tried to email you but it would not go through. My grandfather's middle name was Loomis. He was from OHIO. Would you have connections to the Morris family?
Mary Mills
I don't see the surname Morris anywhere is my Loomis-Brown family. sorry
Need info on the name of the cemetery in Filley, Ne, where
Radford H. Pate and Evelyn C. (Cain) Pate are buried.
Radford died in 1915 and Evelyn died in 1903,
I have Aunts and Uncles Born in Wymore between the years 1884, 1891 Born to Flint,Edward Cook and Flint, Laura Ellen Snuffin. my grand mother told me of several trips to Wymore,Gage Co. Nebraska in a covered wagon to visit relatives. If you have any information please E-Mail me.
Briggs, Waldron, Tripp
Isaac Briggs son of Peter Briggs of Briggsville,Nescopic PA married Barbara Waldron in Beatrice Nebraska in 1872. Daughter Minnie Lula was born July 29 1874 and son Charles born abt 1874. Isaac remarried to Rhoda Tripp in 1876.
I know Minnie Lula Briggs descendents, would like to learn more of the Tripp and Waldron families and if any more children were born to Isaac and Rhoda.
I have Isaacs ancestory back to Wm Briggs of 1690 in Bucks Co PA.
Barbara Waldron appears to be the daughter of James Briggs born Aug 1812 in NY and died Dec 3 1879 in Beatrice NB.
I would like to know of Charles' marriage and family.
Bressler, Wolff, Galster
Searching for information on the family of George Bressler or Brietler (two different obits have different spellings of his wife's parents). He was married to a Wolff from Falls City, NE and was living in Beatrice at the time of 1908 obit and 1917 obit. I have considerable amount of information on the maternal wife.
All the above lived in Filley and Beatrice 1870-1940's.
Searching for anyone by the name of HOSIER or THIR in Gage Co. or in the McCook area.
I made a post to this board several months ago and received some info from a lady with an Antje something in her line, I believe it was Antje Otlman, but I have misplaced the response. I may have a connection to this Antje now, so please get back to me again - I believe that you lived in Oklahoma.
Claude Dean OAKMAN m. 21 Jun 1940 in Beatrice to Clara Lavina ALLEN. Looking for info on Clara's parents - Milo ALLEN and Anna LOCK and her siblings. Any assistance appreciated.
Ross, Brown
Need any information on VIOLA N. BROWN born March 1880 in ILL., married WALTER ROSS on 16 Oct 1899 in Jefferson Co., NE. WALTER ROSS was the son of SIMON ROSS and MARY PUGH of GAGE CO., NE. VIOLA BROWN was the daughter of JOHN W. BROWN and LORETTA PROCTOR of Jefferson Co., NE. Thank you. Cary Schooling Campbell. Yakima, WA.
Need any and all information available concerning Fred or Robert Mead Shumway. Robert Mead killed someone there in Adams, was convicted and excuted at Lincoln, was returned home to Macoupin county, Ill. for burial. His brother Fred continued to live at Adams, Nebraska. Parents were Henry and Laura Shumway of Modesto, Ill. I need to take his parents line back at least one more generation. Need to plot all children to correct parent.
Thank You,
I am looking for information on my great-grandfather, Allen W. SOVEREIGN. Allen was born in 1866 in Ontario, Canada. His family moved to LaPorte Co., IN; then to Daviess Co., MO; then to Pawnee Co., NE. In 1893 he married my great-grandmother, Josephine Amelia BOYLE, in Pawnee Co. They had 2 children: Bessie and Clayton. Josephine was granted a divorce from Allen in 1899.
According to the 1910 census, Allen was then living in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE and was married to a woman named Minnie. Allen died in 1940 in a hospital in Beatrice and was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetary in Pawnee County.
I would appreciate getting any information on Allen SOVEREIGN'S second marriage and his life in Gage County.
Thanks very much.
Ellen Sneed
seek death date/place and burial location of George T. LONG. He was a member of the 23rd Iowa Infantry in the Civil War. He moved to Gage Co. NE and was a member of GAR Post #37 at Blue Springs.
I am looking for Jacob KELSO family.
Jacob Kelso married Eliza Anna Lichty in Pa. moved to Gage Co Neb. abt 1870 or before. Their daughter Amanda married Penrod. Son Lewis married Rebecca Penrod. Daughter Eldora married William Horner (my Grandparents) William Horner is son of John and Nancy (IRWIN) Horner
Thank You
Bill Horner
Gierhart, Blocher
Looking for relatives of Eberly (Ebery) Lonzo Gierhart. He was born May 30, 1856 in Carroll Co., OH and died April 22, 1944 in Holmesville, Gage Co., NE. He is my great-great grandfather.
Shaver, Hill
Searching for info on when Henry Shaver came to Gage Co., NE. and Saline Co.NE. Son Wallace born Rockford, Ill., 1849, lived on NE4 Sec35 Friend twnship, NE.,in 1874. This land was in his mother's name, Louisa Pollard. Henry had town lots in Pleasanthill in 1874 and may have had land in Gage Co.
Researching the family of Judge Ellis Evan ELLIS who lived in Blue Springs, Wymore, and in Beatrice from 1896 to his death in 1925.
Searching for information on Mary Chism, thought to be in Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska in 1890. She was possibly a daughter of Franklin and Elizabeth Geiger Chism of Fairfield County, Ohio. Franklin died in February, 1890. Mary Chism is listed as living in Beatrice, Nebraska. If she was their daughter, she would have been between the ages of 30-50 years in 1890. Any information greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Robison, Ford
I am interested in obtaining information on my great grandparents. I am told that they were married in Beatrice Nebraska around 1901. Her maiden name was Maryann (Annie Ford) and his was Carl Arila Robison. They had 7 Children and from the information given me, they were in that area until 1928. I would appreciate any information that anyone has available.
I am a ROBISON by birth. I live in Nebraska. I know that my line goes back to the late 1890's and early 1900's coming to Nebraska. My grandpa had 7 bothers and sisters. If you would like email me for more information, I can give you more information. If we don't match names and you need leg work done just let me know and I will try to find some information for you.
It has taken longer than I thought to get back to you. I know that my great grandmother was a Ford - Mariann Anna Ford, she married Carl Robison. They had 7 children. My great grandmother died in 1969, in Washinton State. If any of this sounds like a match let me know.
Do any of the following match with you? Jesse Robison; John C. Robison; Mylus Carson Robison; Mylus Gay Robison; William carson Robison; Albert Leander Robison; Douglas Robison; Milus Cornelius Robison; Arvin Allen Robison; Carrie Adeline Robison; Lillian Cornelia Robison; William Emory Robison; Oliver Courtney Robison; Lettie Maggie Robison' Eliza Ellen Robison; Carson J. Robison; David Pinckney Robison; Franklin Robison; George A. Robison; Hiram Robison; JohnCarson Robison; Adelina Robison
I just posted a message and noticed your query. I belong to the FORD family that I think you are looking for
Mariann Anna FORD born May 6, 1878 in Tipton, Mitchell Co., KS. She married Carl ROBISON August 7, 1892 probably in Gage Co., She died in 1969. Please e-mail me if you do belong, I would love to fill in the missing pieces of her family and will look to see if I have any other information.
yes this is my family - they are my great grandparents. Their youngest daugther was Maxine and she was my grandmother. Would love to hear more from you. Are you somehow related or are you just researching?
Yes I am related to you. My great-grandfather and your great-grandmother were brother and sister.
Ira Knowlton, Pearl Kirkman
I am looking for information on Ira Knowlton who was living in Beatrice around 1907. He married a Pearl Kirkman marriage date unknown. Pearl died in 1916. Ira and Pearl had a daughter whose name I do not know. Does anyone know anything about these people? Please let me know.
I am looking for information on the LUNBECK family. Stewart Lorenzo LUNBECK, b. March 28, 1855, d. 1910 married Hattie PETTIGREW, b. ?, d. 1951. Both are buried in Beatrice, GAGE Co. They had four known children: (1) Nell, mar. 1- ? HOLIDAY and 2- Bob WYLIE, they had a daughter, Ethel, who married Byron TROUT (?) (2)Clarence, married a woman named Helen and had two sons, Lawrence and Robert. They moved from Neb. to Ventura, CA abt. 1929 (3) Della Edith, b. Sept. 11, 1883, married William Ogden HOWARD and (4) Ray, married a woman named Belulah, but divorced w/o children. Not known if he remarried. Any information, both forward and back on this line will be appreciated.
I am interested in finding information concerning my dad's uncle, James Alexander Beal. His older brother, Orvill was my grandfather. They lived in Gage and Johnson Counties until after 1910. Their parents, father John Beal and mother, Maria Lovitt retired in Beatrice and are buried at Crab Orchard. His birth date would be around 1870.
Blunt, Conover
Robert Conover and his wife Millie Blunt were at Liberty, NE., c1880. I am descended from their son, Virgil M. Relatives of Millie were also in the area. I'd like to correspond with any of the Blunt or Neville descendants. Thanks. Bev Ellison Nelson;
Looking for information about James FISHER b.Mar1,1857 in Bohemia. Married Anna BROZ. Lived in Gage Co. Ne. Also
Frank HUBKA b. Bohemia married Mary HABRICH. Lived in Nebraska. Either Gage Co. or Pawnee Co. or possibly both.
Watts, Campbell, Jolly, VanCleave
Would like to find information on William Parker Watts, my GF, who married my GM, Melinda Percy Jolly, dau. of Mathilda H.A. Van Cleave Jolly, in 1870 in Jefferson or Gage Counties. Records state Wm. ran a drugstore in Wymore. Left NE @ 1890 & moved to OK. Wm's parents were Samuel Watts, son of Joseph & Lydia
_____________ Watts of OH, and Charlotte Campbell, dau of __________ & __________. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Bick, Humes, Wayham
My g.grandfather was Frank Henry Humes, Postmaster of Ellis in 1890 and owner of a dry goods store in that area. Any info on him, his family, or the store greatly appreciated. Also researching John William Bick family in Beatrice and Wayham family in Beatrice c. 1900.
I seek any available information re my following ancestors.
ELIZABETH E. BEACHAM and MENTOR ALSWORTH BROWN were married in Beatrice on 18 May 1873 at the home of their good friend, State Senator NATHAN KIRK GRIGGS. Minister S.P. Watson officiated the service that was witness by Griggs, OLIVER M. ENTROS, ANNIE GRIGGS, and H.P. WEBB. Mentor and Elizabeth subsequently had three children while living in Beatrice: MABEL LOUISA, OLIVE, and THEODORE JAMES.
Elizabeth was the daughter of JAMES S. and HANNAH (nee Brown) BEACHAM, who had a Nuckolls Co. farm at Beachamville, named for the family.
Mentor arrived in Beatrice via a stage from Council Bluffs, IA, on 19 Jul 1871 and immediately went to work as a typesetter at the weekly Beatrice Express newspaper. He was promoted to production foreman in 1873 and, the following year (1 Jan 1874), he became a junior partner in the paper. In 1877, he bought the newspaper from Colonel Colby, started publishing daily, and renamed the newspaper the Beatrice Daily Express.
In 1880, however, he and Elizabeth divorced. Three years later, he remarried, this time to SOPHIA T. SCHMIDT, daughter of local grocer C.J. SCHMIDT.
Jones, Lloyd
My Great Aunt Mary Humphreys, born 3rd of Aug 1857, married John W Jones on the 10th Nov 1885, emigrated to America and arrived in Wymore on Dec 21 1885. There were four children, John, Robert, Thomas, and Jennie(born 25th May 1892). Jennie wrote to my mother so I know that she married a Lloyd and lived at 315 N 11th St and that she had three sons, Elmo Lloyd, Elwood Lloyd and Gordon Lloyd. Any information would be welcome.
I have forwarded your email address to Gordon Lloyd. He is very interested in contacting you.
Poole, Jones
I am looking for information on Samuel J. Poole born 1 Feb 1879 in Gage, Nebraska. He is the son of James A. Poole and Martha M. Jones. James was born in Nebraska in 1844. Martha was born in Nebraska in 1848.
I'm trying to find someone who has knowledge about William POOL/POOLE b.8 Mar 1805 Ky d. 17 Aug 1871 Beatrice, Gage Neb . Married 16 Mar 1825 to Delilah BROWN b.15 Feb 1807 Ky. d. 28 Mar 1883 Canyonville Or.
1. John Poole b. aft 1825
-2. William b. 1826
-3. Elizabeth Jane b. 1830 IL. d.--?-- Holt Co, MO m. Jeremiah Vardeman Garrett
-4. Martha Melinda Poole B. 3 Aug 1835 Schuyler Co. Il m. James Swift Picket. ( the distance between dates here would indicate that there probably were other children born between Martha and William )
-5. Napoleon Bonapart Poole b. 7 Mar 1838 Schuyler Co. , Il d. 20 Aug 1918 Canyonville , Or. m. 22 Jan 1857 to Saraphine Cardwell b. 29 Oct 1844 White Co, TN. d. 10 Sep 1916 Days Creek, Or.
-6. Mary? Polly Poole b. ?? d. ??
-7. James Allen Poole b. 1848 ?? m. Mary Jane Jones
-8. Charlotte Temple Poole b. ?
-9. Nellie ? Poole b. ??
I think this is the same James A. as your guy, Judy, and I'm wondering if he Married Mary Jane Jones and something happened to her and he maybe married her sister, Martha M. Jones. Anyone wanting to share information on any of the above mentioned people, please let me hear from you.
STOUT, PINKERTON, FORBES, VAN HORN, McINTYRE Looking for descendants of JOHN PINKERTON STOUT who was born 27 July 1819 in Mount Rose, Mercer Co, NJ. He died 6 Sep 1907 in Beatrice, Gage Co,
NE. His marriage was to JANE M. McINTYRE 9 Nov 1864 in Carrollton, Green Co, IL. She was born 16 Feb 1830 in
Burlington, Chittendon Co, VT. They had the following children:
1.OSCAR VAN PELT STOUT born 14 Nov 1865 in Jerseyville, Jersey Co, IL and died 4 Aug 1935 in Denver, Denver Co, CO. He married EDITH S. FORBES 23 Oct 1890 in Beatrice, Gage Co, NE.
2. CHARLES CULLIMORE STOUT born 29 Oct 1867 in Jerseyville, Jersey Co, IL and who married MINNIE B. VAN HORN, 25 May 1892 in Nokomis, Montgomery Co, IL.
3. JENNIE McINTYRE STOUT born 2 Mar 1869 in Jerseyville, Jersey Co, IL and died 29 Mar 1899 in Jacksonville, Morgan Co, IL.
4. NEPPIE VAN PRINCISS STOUT born 29 July 1872, Jerseyville, Jersey Co, IL and died 2 Nov 1880 in Beatrice, Gare Co, NE.
OSCAR VAN PELT and EDITH S. (FORBES) STOUT had the following children:
1. RICHARD FORBES STOUT born 15 Apr 1895 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE, and died in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE at the age of 47.
2. DONALD JOHN STOUT born 4 Aug 1895 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE
3. OSCAR CHARLES STOUT born 1 Apr 1897 in Lincoln, Lancster Co, NE
4. MARIAN EDITH STOUT Stout born 6 Jun 1901 in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE.
CHARLES CULLIMORE and MINNIE B.(VAN HORN) STOUT had the following children:
1. HAROLD VAN HORN STOUT born 16 Apr 1893 in Kearney, Buffalo Co, NE.
2. EDITH MAE STOUT born 13 May 1895 in Beatrice, Gage Co, NE.
All of the above information came from the JOHN PINKERTON STOUT Family Bible.
In addition, more information that has been gathered indicated that OSCAR VAN PELT STOUT was a civil engineer all his life. He graduated from the University of Nebraska and for a number of years was associated with the University as professor of civil engineering and became dean of the College of Emgineering until 1923, and subsequently moved to Oakland, CA where he worked with irrigation and drainage experiments for the State of California and the Federal Government. During World War I, he served as a major of engineers. His son RICHARD F.STOUT became an Attorney and was associated with Judge M.B. REESE in the lawfirm of Reese & Stout. He served in the Legislature of Nebraska. He was married to Ethel Cornell, daughter of WILTON G. and ALICE J. (BEERUP) CORNELL. The RICHARD F. STOUT family lived in Lincoln, Lancaster Co, NE.
Was JOHN PINKERTON STOUT a son or grandson of ANDREW STOUT, born 10 Oct 1777 and wife HANNAH PINKERTON?
I am most anxious to locate any possible descendants in any of these STOUT lines, but especially that of OSCAR VAN PELT STOUT.
Ron Moore
(Please reply to my e-mail address)
Seeking news of my g-grandfathers family, the James (Wenzel, Vaclav??) SKUBALs. James SKUBAL, b. 1859 Dolnek, Bohemia, moved to Virginia, Gage Co., Nebraska from Wisconsin, and married Matilda BRABEC, b. 1862 Bohemia, in 1884 in Virginia. The family lived in Virginia, Gage Co., Nebraska from 1884 - 1906. Their children were Rudolph (b. 1885), Helen Rose PRACHEJL (b. 1886), Matilda PETRASEK (b. 1888), Albina (b. 1889 - died in early teens), and Vencil (Wenzel, Vaclav??, b. 1893). Any information will be appreciated.
I'm seeking information on Isaac NAYLOR believed to have died in Cortland about 1898. Jacob Butler NAYLOR died in June 1905 in Cortland, NE, married to Martha Ellen Nighbert who died in Dec 28, 1888 in Cortland, NE
Also seeking information about the NIGHBERT & NAILOR hardware business that was listed in the Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory for 1890-1891.