I am looking for a death date on Daniel and Mary Kinzie who died sometime after 1874. Also a death notice on them. If you can help or have any imformation on them please contact me at:
Seeking information on Benjamin F. Jones, born ca 1858. Married Mary? around 1882. Living in Gage County in 1900, children are George T., Rose, and Harry.
Whitmarsh, Whitemarsh, Reed, Keim, Kiem
Whitmarsh family in Gage Co -- Searching for Elias WHITMARSH and descendants. Sons Emanuel, Delmer, David and wives listed on 1885 census, Gage Co. Another son Nelson E., maybe Robert? Sons lived Beatrice, several buried Holmesville in Church of the Brethren Cemetery. One son married Keim/Kiem, another married Reed. Interested in working with Whitmarsh descendants! Thanks...... Lisa Sheppard,
Daily, Flick
I am seeking indepth information about my g-g-grandfather who died and is buried in Gage county, twp. of Beatrice. I know where he was bured and who he was, but I know there are descendants there somewhere that can tell me more. He was a preacher for many years and spent the last of his life with the American Salvation Army in Beatrice. He ran a mission and a meat market(butcher shop) in that town.
If anyone has info on him from the towns gazzateer or business directory or anything at all I would be so grateful. He died in 1921 and according to his obit was greatly loved by the community of Beatrice.
My great grandfather and mother came from Germany to Gage county Nebraska about 1877-78. Their names were Simon Franz and Anna Marie Knopf. Three of their children were born in Germany; two in Mn. but all the rest including my grandfather Knayles Knopf were born in Beatrice. All children born in Beatrice were John, Charlie, Emma, Knayles, Amanda, Adolf, Matilda, Henry, William, & Hannah Augusta born between the years 1878 and 1894. Two of the children died as infants-John born and died in 1878; Emma born 1883 died 1884/86? Franz was a farmer. Any information with this family I would appreciate..
I am looking for my grandfather--Lewis Samuel Stoll born 20Jan1894 in Wymore,Gage,Ne. This is all I know and I don't know if that is for sure,as I got it off a World War 1 Civilian Draft Registration from White Lake,S.D. where he lived in 1913-1919. He married Gena Josephine Satter and had 3 children, but left home before the last child, my mother, was born. They went by the name STOLL but could have been Stahl. Would truly appreciate any information on this family.
Seeking information on and contact with descendants of Jacob W. MUMFORD and Annie R. NEWTON of Gage County. Annie born 1850, the daughter of John NEWTON and Rebecca WILDE. Jacob's 1876 marriage to Annie was his second, her first; I don't know first wife. Thank you.
Merrily in Iowa
smith, severance, bryant, kiler, neumann, snyder
Hello im looking for info on phila (severance) married a smith. she was born 1854 and she died dec 2,1933 buried evergreen home cemetery in beatrice,gage co nebraska township midland section 36.would love to have any help her mother was elizabeth betsy britton and father b.frank severance,her mother died on isaac kiler's farm in beatrice, gage co nebraska. thanks sheila
I am looking for any information on Eli LYNCH and Rosannah KIVETT (especially their marrigage date which I belive to be abt. 1884 in Liberty, Gage Co., NE). I am also looking for information on their parents - Richmond Pierce KIVETT d.1880 in Liberty + Nancy JOHNSON KIVETT d.1926 in Liberty and John Brice LYNCH + Annie WILLIAMS LYNCH. Both families moved to Gage Co. between 1867-1869. Thanks
Gooseman, Satterlee, cooper, williams
Need help finding any information on my two great aunts or their descendants: Lottie O. "Gonie" Gooseman born 29 Nov 1886, in Arkansas, married a Satterlee. Her mother's 1935 obituary gives her address as Beatrice, Neb. Gonie's sister was Rachel A. Gooseman born 1 May 1875, in Johnson Co., Kan. Her mother's 1935 obituary gives Rachel's address as Beatrice, Neb., and her name as Mrs. Haskell Williams. In 1953, her name was Rachel Cooper. Please help.
Am looking for any information on any Pickrell/Pickerill in Gage Co., Nebraska. The town of Pickrell, Gage Co., Nebraska was named after brothers, William and Watson Pickrell. They ran a sheep farm in Gage County and then left and went to Arizona. Would appreciate any information on them or any family member. Sharon Pickrell
I am trying to locate the burial site of WILLIAM KINZIE, who came to Gage Co. Ne. in 1864, with his son DAVID HALL KINZIE, so he could be near his son JAMES KINZIE and his wife LYDIA HATCH KINZIE, who were early settlers of GRANT TOWNSHIP, in GAGE Co., coming to Ne. Territory in 1861, from Indiana. In an old book published about early settlers of Gage Co., it says James resided on section 8, Grant Township. Andreas's History of Gage Co. says he farmed sections 17&18, Town 5, Range 5, mentioning Claytonia Creek. Does anyone familiar with early cemeteries in Gage Co., know where William could possibly have been buried, in the year of 1869? They were also members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Dewitt, Ne., according to the 1888 book. Does anyone know when that church came into existence, when it closed, and where I could view old church records? James and his wife Lydia are supposedly buried at the Oak Grove Cem., Dewitt, Ne., though there are no markers. Any help would be greatly appreciated in helping me find my ancestors!
I suggest you contact the DeWitt Public Library, 208 E. Fillmore, DeWitt, NE 68341. St. Augustine Episcopal Church is in DeWitt at 108 N. Quince, though they are not necessarily the church that the M.E. merged with. I have seen an instance of a church disbanding and the building being sold to another denomination and the records were left with the building. Ask the librarian about what funeral homes were in DeWitt that early, you might be able to find some there. Rosehill Cem. is the closest Gage Co. cemetery, but chances are Wm. is buried in DeWitt with the others. I couldn't find anything on any Saline Co. newspapers that were published that early. The Blue Valley Record and Beatrice Clarion were published then in Gage Co. You should look into renting or buying those films from NSHS and check for an obit or death notice on Wm.
Thankyou for the swift response to my questions about the Kinzies. I was always led to believe that there were no organized cemeteries in the area back in 1869, but I looked up Oak Grove Cem., under the Saline Co. website, and did find the first burial was in 1859 or 1860. So, that is most likely William's burial site, also. I didn't know that there was still an Episcopal church at Dewitt, either. I looked up the old Methodist Episcopal Church's phone number, and it gave a Fairbury number to call. I haven't been able to get in touch with anyone down there yet. I will see if I can go to Dewitt, this week, and check things out down there. If William is buried at Dewitt, he isn't listed on the inventory, but just maybe old church records will have him. It sounds alot better than having him buried at the old homestead. That seemed to be everyone's idea at Wilber, when I got James Kinzie's probate records. I'm glad we have resources like the NEGENWEB site, and thoughtful people, who will respond & help us out!
Searching for any information on a Samuel Oliver Hackler. Born in Hamburg Ia. and passed away in Gage Co. Ne. about 1930. I do not know if he had any siblings or who his parents were. Have been unable to find any information about him or his family. Any information would be helpful. Believed to be buried in Gage Co, Ne. Tnx.
Worrell, Barton
I am looking for information on Emily Worrell Barton. In a newspaper article dated Dec. 26,1884 Larned, KS., she visited her brother Cpt. James P. Worrell in Larned, KS. She came to KS. from Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska. I would like to find out her husbands first name and any information on her family. She is my Gr. Aunt. Her brother J.P.Worrell is my Gr. Grandfather. Thank you for your help.
Earline McKee
4205 W. Princeton
Spokane, WA. 99205
Jones, McEvoy
Looking for the parents of Harry T. Jones, born 16 August 1881, Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska. He married Gracie Viola McEvoy, 26 December 1911 in Beatrice, Gage County, Neb.
Parker, Kelsey
Thomas C. Parker md Mary Lillian Kelsey in 1874 in Beatrice, Gage County. Looking for descendants.
Looking for information on David BLACKHART / BLACKERT / BLATCHERT and his wife Mary Ann MORRIS who came to Gage County from Henderson County, Illinois about 1874. One known child, William Cyrus BLACKHART, born about 1847 in Illinois.
Looking for descendants of Jacob HILDEBRAND and Eda Elizabeth "Edith" MORRIS who were married in Gage Co. in 1876. Chidren were Mary, James, Nettie, Minnie, Josie, William, Jacob, and Frederick.
Timmerman, Allen, Wertz, Kinnison
Looking for information on the George Clark Timmerman family living in Wymore, Gage County, in 1909 when Paul Edward Timmerman was born. Mrs. Timmerman was Nannie Allen, daughter of William Redmond Allen, and Caroline Kinnison. Thanks for your help. Also their daughter Lenore Timmerman was born in Bethany, NE in 1912
Jan Riess
Calvin, Yoss
Looking for Calvins in Beatrice, Gage County, area. John Wesley Calvin and his wife, Rebecca, probably lived in the area from about 1878 until 1893. Charles Burton was born there in 1884, John Franklin was born in DeWitt, Saline Co, in 1880. They moved back to Iowa in 1893-95.
Thanks for any information.
Jan Riess
I am looking for information on the Vet KASSING family who lived in Gage Co., Nebraska in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Vet's wife, Cordelia WEST, was the sister of my grandfather, Frank WEST. The daughter of Vet and Cordelia was Mary Kassing DAVIS.
Lynda West Hahn
Seeking info. on the W. A. Worden family listed in the 1860 Gage Co. NE. census. William A. Worden, b. abt. 1830 NY.; Mary A. [Unknown], b. abt.1836 NY.or MD.; Ida A. Worden, b. abt 1855, MI.; [m. George Richards 12/1/1872]
Am looking for anyone who may be descended from JAMES KINZIE, who homesteaded on Section 17 & 18, Town 5, Range 5, in Gage Co., about 1861 or there abouts. He is buried at Dewitt, Ne. A story about him can be found under Andrea's History of Ne., under Gage Co. I believe him to be a brother of my great, great, grandfather, David Hall Kinzie, buried at Daykin, Ne.
Higgins, Curtis, Whistler or Wistler
I am not sure what SE NE county my father's family is from. His father, John C. Curtis and mother Alla/Alice? Higgins Curtis were from Gage, Pawnee, or possibly Nemaha County. My father's name was Lester L. Curtis, and siblings were John, Katy, Margaret, and Frank. My grandmother died shortly after my father was born in 1912. Does anyone know this family? Thanks for reading!!
bothwell, niblack, cone, fowler, cone, mcmanus, fowler
i am searching for roots in south central nebraska where i believe many of my ancestors were born, lived and died, particularly in Gage county or fillmore or saline or adams
thank you
I would appreciate a response from anyone who knows anything about Sophia Sonnenborg (12 Nov 1886 - May 1974) who died in Beatrice, Gage County. I am researching the Sonnenborg family in Denmark and this is the only Sonnenborg listed in the SSDI. Thanks.
Mary Ellen Boyd
smith, biggs, bryant, kiler, britton, michie, snyder, neumann, severance, jones
hello im looking for info on phila (severance)smith she married charles smith a painter who lived in beatrice gage co nebraska she is buried in the evergreen home cemetery in midland twp. she was born 1854 and died 1933 buried dec 2,1933 she was my father's great aunt my fathers name lee a bryant born oct 31,1916 died july 6,1985 phila severance's father benjamin f. severance and mother elizabeth betsye britton. her sisters and brother clara severance m. isaac kiler,emily severance m.william smith lucy severance m.t.s.jones,brother edwin w. severance m. clara neumann. thanks would love to hear from anyone. sheila
Hamilton, Miller, Palmer, Bohrer, Bates, Bruer, Shearer, McCormick, Walizer
My grandmother, Estelle Winnona "Peg" Miller is from Liberty, Gage County, Nebraska. She married Marion Theodore Walizer, Sr. from Gage County, Nebraska. Her parents were George Elloit and Mabel Mae Palmer Miller. George Elloit Palmer's parents were Samuel B. and Sarah Bates Palmer. All of these people are from Gage County, Nebraska. Clyde James Miller's parents were Robert J. and Lucinda Hamilton Miller. If anybody has any information on any of these lines, please feel free to contact me.
For what years does NE have census indexes? If one exists for 1900, I am trying to locate my husband's grandmother, Leona Maude CHESNEY, supposedly b. in Gage Co., NE in 1885 -- parents are Emsley J. CHESNEY and Eva BENJAMIN.
Thank you for any help.
Willis, Canter, Clarkson
I am seeking information on John Scott Willis b 8 Aug 1849, Tn. Family History says he had 2 wives. He lived in Gage Co. Ne in 1860's and 1870's maybe longer.
His father was David Franklin Willis (1818 Tn-1888 Ne)
His mother was M. Elizabeth Canter Willis (1818 Tn-1904 Ne)
Sister-Rachael Malinda Willis Tignor Means(1841 Tn-1922-Ne
Sister-Susannah Willis Irby Clarkson (1841 Tn-1884 Ks)
Sister-Rebecca Delana Willis Fishbaugh(1842 Tn-1896 Ks)
Brother-Jacob Willis (1846 Tn- 1862 Mo)
Brother-Henry Martin Clay Willis (1852 Mo-1920 Ne)
Brother-David Franklin Willis (1857 Mo-1917 Ne)
Harmon, Endress, Lehnmann
Seeking information on Kate (Endress) Harmon. Born early 1860's in Pleasant Valley Township, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, to Johannes and Katharine (Lehnmann) Endress. Married Adam Harmon and moved to Beatrice, Gage County, NE, in the late 1800's or early 1900's. She may have had a daughter named Grace.
Seeking information on Jacob Haddens parents and siblings. Jacob was B, April 14, 1838 in Putnam Co., Indiana. Married to Martha Jane Sexson (Sexton) in 1867 and moved to Wymore, Gage Co., Nebraska in 1885. Jacob ( My GGrandfather) D. 1902 and Martha (My GGrandmother) D. 1907. Both are buried in the Wymore Cemetery. Any information will be appreciated. Thank You,
Please see the biography of John Hadden for information on Hadden ancestors.
Schank, Engler
We are looking for Augest Schank and his wife Helen Engler. They had a son born in (Edmond )Beatrice in 1910, There was other children in the family. Augest and Helen were from Germany.
I am looking for info on Jesse S. Newton b.5/12/1877 IL d. Los Angeles 5/27/54. Chidren: William, Hubert and Anita. He moved to CA in the 1920's and later returned to sell a 160 acre farm in Wymore. He married Emma (no maiden name). Any info would be appreciated.
Thanks, Ken Newton
I recently found an old home movie with pictures of the Beatrice, Gage Co. High School Class of 1940. I had it transferred to VHS. Is anyone interested?
Joyce Turner
My great aunt, Carrie Spieler was a principal in Central School in Beatrice from 1932 - 1956. I am wondering if that was the same school you have a video from and if it might show her?
I think the school in the film is Beatrice High. I am not too familiar with Gage Co., and Beatrice but I thought there was only one high school there.
Looking for info on the Knowles, Stellar, Ellison, Hollet Families in Gage County and surrounding areas.
I am looking for any information regarding a Irvin(g) Spafford or his son Harry Spafford. I know that both of them were lister in the 1900 census for Gage county in the town of Beatrice but I don't know if they were still there in 1910. Thanks for any help in advance.
Sisco, Cisco, Francisco, Cave, Petit, Gilbert, Stroebel, Noe
Searching for information on Peter Sisco (Cisco, Francisco) who died 9 Jan 1884 in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE and is buried in Evergreen Home Memorial Park. He was married to Hannah Noe who died 25 Feb 1904 in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE. Their children include: Daniel Sisco, Mary Sisco, Harmon Sisco, Miranda Sisco, Margaret Sisco who married William Jasper Cave. Margaret died 30 March 1947 in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE.; Stephen S. Sisco who married Eliza Jane Petit in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE.; William M. Sisco who married Cynthia A. Gilbert in 1883 in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE.; Electra Sisco, Maxwell Sisco who married Christina Stroebel in 1890 in Gage Co., and George Sisco.
Will appreciate any information and will gladly share information.
Sisco, Wagner, Skidmore, Curtis, Packard, Merrill, Greenwood
I have some information on Peter Sisco who was my great, great, great grandfather's brother. According to my information: my great, great, great-grandfather was William F. Sisco, the oldest of six children born to John F. & Mary Sisco.
I cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of what I have, but I am willing to share what I do have. Sent you a reply to an email. Contact me at
Elwood, Hill
I am looking for someone that is fimilar with Ellis history and people that lived in the area in the late 1800's and early 1900's. People such as Charlotte Elwood, Warren Elwood, Ida May and Roy Elwood, Frederick Morton and Anny Garton Elwood and Bethana Newcomb Hill.
Adams, Casebeer
My grandmother,Leanora Belle Casebeer, was born in Beatrice in 1876 and died in Arkansas in 1941. Her first husband was Dee Evins and her second was William Jefferson Adams. Her brothers were Harry and Jack Casebeer. Does anyone have information on the Casebeer family?
Walker, Bunch
Two children of Stokley Donaldson Walker of Hawkins Co., TN, moved into Gage County after 1880 and then went on to Oklahoma before/around 1900. Porter Crittington Walker (9/25/1860, Hawkins Co., TN - 7/21/1924, Kansas)and his sister, Dorthula Virginia Cornelia Walker (married David Edward Bunch), moved into Gage County, Nebraska in the early 1880's. Records that I have of them are "spotty" after that time (to say the least!). They each had several children born up to the mid 1890's and both wound up in Oklahoma. My question is general: Why did folks come there from as far away as east Tennessee? What pulled them there? What route did they follow? How did they travel? These particular families were in Freeman and Hanover. Beatrice and Pickrell were other towns/communities listed.
Many moved to NE because of the Homestead Act of 1862. The Otoe Indian Reservation took up a fair share of the south end of Gage Co. In the early 1880s, they were moved to Oklahoma, making many more acres available to homesteaders.
Karen Clark (, Lori. [And, that was an interesting article about the Homestead Act.]
Seeking information on Nancey KING who married Jay Steven WILLIAMS about 1877 in Beatrice, Gage Co, NE. They had one son that I can locate. Florello Pomeleo WILLIAMS 26 Apr 1878 in Beatrice.
I would like very much to locate Nancey KING! Family info says she died about 1881 in Beatrice. I have NO other info on her. I don't know who her parents are or where she came from nor where she is buried. I would like to locate her marriage record to Jay WILLIAMS.
Any help you can send my way would truly be of help. Sincerely, Cathy
I am looking for any information on a Frank B Elwood who married a Nellie W. Drake in !883 in Beatrice, NE. His parents were George W. Elwood and a R Davis and her parents were I think William and Mary A. Wilson Drake. I need to know who George W. Elwoods parents are. I have a large history of the Elwoods in NE but no Frank in My files.
I am looking for information on Arnold W.Growt and his wife Sarah (Ramsden) Growt. Arnold died at Odell 10 March 1913. He was a member of the GAR. Are the GAR records available and would they have much information on them. One simple thing I would like to know is what the W. stands for in his name. Sarah died 24 April 1904 or 1905. I have two dates from different sources. If anyone has a death index, I would appreciate knowing the correct year.
I am looking for an obituary or information on Charles Talmon born 6 Feb. 1826 in the township of Sutton, Canada. He was married to Mary Ann (Growt). They moved to Wymore about 1880. They had one son, Charles W.Talmon. I would like to know if Charles had any children and what their names are.
Thanks, Audrey Growt
Searching for information (i.e. obituary or estate papers) on Christian MYERS who died in Gage County (probably the Wymore area), December 12, 1896. He and his wife Catharine probably lived in the Wymore area with either a daughter Emma HOLLINGSWORTH or a son Alva MYERS (b. 23 Nov 1870 in Rose Hill, Mahaska Co., Iowa). Christian was born June 13, 1820 in probably Bedford County, PA, married both wives in Hancock County, Ohio, and then moved to Merrick County, Nebraska where he had property. Christian had 16 children by both wives. Have large database on the MYERS family going back to Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Switzerland. Will exchange data by hard copy or electronically.
Bond, Miller
Wymore,NE (Gage County) My grandmother Laura Ada Bond with sons: Kenneth Basil Bond and Floyd Howard Bond (my father) and her daughter, Verna Irene Bond. Also Laura's half brother Henry Harrison Miller. about 1903-16.
I have school pictures dating about 1910; with pictures of May 20, 1914 and June 7, 1915, signed by their teacher, May Mathews. Did she teach in District 31? Wanting to find info whether they went to school there and whether I have the right District.
Kimes Kemis, Martin, Moses
Seeking information on Lovena Kimes/Kemis, b. about 1850's, md. Henry Martin early 1870's, b. 1851. Resided in Fremont Co., IA and Gage Co., NE. Children: Myrtle F. Martin, b. about 1872, d. Nov 1893, md. WA Moses Nov 1891 in Onawa, IA; Lelia B. Martin, b. 5 Feb 1874, md. Frank Kreuger; Russell Martin b. 1875 (census lists as Charley R.), md. Mable _____. Thanks for any help given.
Zeibig, Gerdes, Stone, Fisher
Seeking family lines Zeibig, the name Gage Co was mentioned by my father John Stone. My mother was Hannah Fisher Stone and lived in many areas, one other place was Lanham KS or NE. Need first names of any Zeibigs or Stones.
In regard to your inquiry for Zeibig in Gage County, Mattie Zeibig married Cornelius Eden, Sr. (my husband's grandfather. Mattie's sister Christina married Henry Gerdes. Ernest and Matilda Zeibig were Mattie & Christina's parents. There were also two brothers, Theodore & Ernest. Have digital photos of all the above graves, will share any info
Fisher, Fritch
Clarence Evert Fisher: born Apr 1901, Gage Co. Ne...died May 16, 1938. Married Maude M. Fritch, died Feb 24, 1946, Red Willow, NE
Would like any info on their parents..
Wieters, William born 23 Aug 1852 Norddrebber, Hanover,Germany. Married Sophia Brockmeyer 21 June 1883 Hanover, WA Co., KS...She was born 23 Jan 1861 in Springside, Pottawatomie Co., Ks...Her parents were Frederick and Friedericke Brockmeyer of Hanover, Wa Co., KS...William and Sophia Wieters children included William Charles Wieters (wife) Hilda Maria Thiele of Hanover, KS. Their three children in Lanham and both died in Lanham, Gage Cco.,NE. William and Sophia are buried in Lanham, Gage Co., Ne. William Wieters parents Henry Wieters and wife Sophia Backhaus Wieters buried in Lanham, Ne. Charles Wieters sibblings were Eleonore Lousie Wieters Sellman, Freda Christiana Wieters, Helen Marie Wieters, Julia Henrietta Wieters, Slocum, Alfred Henry Wieters, and Adelaide Louise Wieters Picken....
Persinger, Cooper, Haye
Looking for anything on my Grandfather Lee Persinger maerried to Emma Cooper. Lee Persinger and Emma Cooper were both from Batrice, In Gage County.
These are all in my family line. I have a lot of information that I am willing to share. If you think I might be able to help e-mail your questions and I will do my best. If you have anthing you think might be of help to me please share.
Happy Hunting
Bob Johnson
I need to find any descendants of JOHN ELLIS WRIGHT b May 7, 1849 in Speedwell, TN. Married Mary "Polly" Ellison and lived in Liberty, NE from 1884 to 1892. Their daughter - SARAH ANN WRIGHT married THOMAS SAMUEL BEGGS who was born in Bloomington, Illinois. They had three children: JOHN, ELSIE & IONA LaVERNE BEGGS born Mar 2, 1897 in Barnes, KS.
Also, JOHN ELLIS WRIGHT & MARY ELLISON had a daughter MARY WRIGHT who married a MR. DUNN and was living in Indianola, NE. at the time of JOhn's death. I would love to find her descendants!
Please contact me if you are related! I would love to share. Thank you, Cary Schooling Campbell
Erickson, Bengtson, Bankson
Looking for information on Peter Erickson and Ella Bengtson (Bankson?), both emigrated from Sweden to Nebraska in the late 1870s, married in Lincoln and spent some time in Gage County. Moved on to Colorado by 1900. Thanks, Rick Rice
looking for information on ALBERT FREDRICK FERNINAND WITTMUSS; B;July 18,1868 ;d; Oct.30, 1958. WAS B;in ISLAND OF RUGEN, GERMANY; MOVED TO WYMORE [ GAGE CO] NE.???? he married LOUSIA SAPPHIA WALKER D; 6, 1893 b; oct. 23, 1870
D; Nov. 13, 1957 both are buried in EV LUTHERAN-BREUNSBACH.CEM.;WHAT IM LOOKING FOR was there any children or other wittmuss families in this area...ANYTHING WOULD BE HELPFUL...... IM NOT SURE BUT I THANK HE WAS MY GREATGRANDFATHER....;thank you katy
VanDyke, McClure
Looking for births in Gage Co NE for
CN VanDyke b 24 Oct 1911 and
Ruth McClure b 9 Jul 1910
Interested in what CN stands for (believe his parents to be Nelson A and Metta Hottenstein VanDyke
I do not know much about his wife Ruth McClure
Thanks Robyn
C.N. Van Dyke stands for Chester Nelson Van Dyke. His middle name was after his father, Nelson A. Van Dyke. His mother's name was Metta Hottenstein. He was born 24 Oct 1911 near Holmesville, Gage, Nebraska, and died 5 Aug 1996 at his home in Schubert, Nebraska. He was married twice; first to Ruth McClure on 17 June 1930 (Ruth died 18 May 1981), second to Edythe Wickham Golglazer on 27 Feb 1983.
The other children of Nelson and Metta Van Dyke were:
(I'm not sure of the correct order)
Glenn, Grace, Chester, Georgia, Walter, Mae, and Helen. Hope this helps!
Looking for info on Marquis (Marcus) Joseph Mosher (b. ca. 1842 in Sharon, Schorarie Co., NY, m. [7/5/1868 in St. Joseph Co., MI] Harriet L. Reemsnyder [b. ca. 1844, Florence, St. Joseph Co., MI]. He is known to have lived in Clatonia Twp., Gage Co., in 1880 when son Hiram Garfield was born. Marquis' sister, Mary E. (Mosher) Stanley and brother Philip Mosher are also known to have lived in nearby Wilber, Saline Co., in 1885. Marquis' father, Hiram (A?) Mosher may also have lived with them. Marquis' other children include Samuel R. Mosher (b. 1876) and Delilah Phoebe (Mosher) Bignel. Hiram Garfield Mosher eventually married (ca. 1902/3) Elnora Dewitt, daughter of Henry Harrison Dewitt and Martha J. (Mosher) Dewitt--who we believe may have been from either Gage Co., Saline Co., or Webster Co. Samuel, Hiram Garfield and Elnora Mosher are all known to have migrated to Eugene, OR ca. 1902/1903. Hiram Garfield and Elnora Mosher eventually (ca. 1908) returned to Nebraska to live in Lincoln, Lancaster Co. where they are buried in Wyuka Cem. Any additional info about these individuals would be greatly appreciated.
I am looking for anyone who is related to, or who might know of Rev. Andrew Howard Law, founder of the Missionary Baptist Church of Wymore (Gage Co.) Nebraska between 1885-1900. He was married to Fannie Quigley and they had a son, Clarence Reginald Law, who was born in Wymore on Feb. 4, 1892. Also, according to an 1885 Gage County census report, he had a mother, Matilda Law listed as residing in his household. Wymore Cemetery records show that he paid for two burial plots for Matilda and a Mary Law (his sister?) If anybody has any information, please contact STEVE LAW at
I am looking fro the family of William Jason THOMAN and Minnie Melinda ROSE. They were the parents of my grandmother Leona Mae FREEMAN nee THOMAN. I know they lived in Blue Springs/ Wymore area in Gage County NE. I have been told that William died in Ainsworth,NE or Cody, NE. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Bob Johnson
Am seeking any information on Etta Pearl Keefover. She married Kenneth Earnest Mason. She was my grandmother but she died before I got to know her. Would like to know anything I can about her. I do know she was born in Holmesville (Gage) Nebr.
Willis Canter
Elizabeth Canter Willis was born in Grainger Co Tenn. and died in Gage County Nebraska (I think). She and her husband David Willis came to Nebraska in 1862. I am trying to locate her Parents. The 1880 Census indicates where the parents of individuals were born. It would help my search if I knew their birth location. Thanks for any help you can give.
Canter, Willis
Phil, In the 1900 Census of Gage Co, Neb Elizabeth Willis parents are listed father born Va mother born Tn
Burger, Winkle
Search for descendants of John Francis Burger and Annie E. Winkle, married 1903, Gage County Nebraska. Annie's mother sister of Great Grandmother Abgail Edwards Huffman. Please email me. Thanks Mary Gonshor
Don't know if this will help or that this is a connection but my husband's family name is Winkle. Family home town is Pickrell NE. in Gage County. Grandfather's name was Clifford C. Winkle. His uncle has been doing genealogy for several years and I will give him a copy of your posting.
Is there an index or other listing of marriages performed and registered in Gage Co. that would include the year 1886?
I am trying to track down where my ggparents were married. his name was Jacob Henry FRANCE (usually went by Henry) and her name was Mary Elizabeth PHILLIPS. Mary Elizabeth's aunt Leila A. POLLOCK lived in Beatrice with Leila's family and mother, Mary LANTZ HENDERSON.
Henry and Elizabeth might have come here from Paxton, Ford Co, IL on their way to Sawyer, Pratt Co, KS. I have searched for records in both places but found nothing.
Thank you.
Bill Boyle
Seeking info on my WILLIAMS line. Caroline Babcock was married to Florello Williams abt 1843 in MI, but it is said she died abt 1913 in Beatrice. But I don't know her last name at the time of death. I am guessing as he died 1859 in MI and she didn't die until 1913 that she remarried. She had 3 young children to care for after Florello's death.
Also seeking information on Jay Steven WIlliams who married abt 1877 in Beatrice to Nancey KING who died 1881 in Beatrice, he remarried abt 1883 to Agnes in Beatrice.
Jay and Nancey had a son Florrelo Pomeleo WILLIAMS 16 apr 1878 in Beatrice.
Florrelo married abt 6 nov 1897 in Beatrice to Laura Folden who was born 1880 in Geneva,NE. It is said she died 1904 in Beatrice, but it is also said they had children in 1904, 1905 and 1912. So I think he remarried.
So I would like to find where they are buried, confirm marriages & births, locate obits, and all that great stuff.
I thank you for your much needed help. Sincerely, Cathy LArkins of Tacoma,WA.
Shanks, Horrum, Stumer
Looking for obits or documentation of death for:
Mary Rita Baldwin-HORRUM d. 18 Feb 1979 in Omaha but buried in Gage Co.
Also Rober Lee SHANKS: d. Aug 1887 in Oxford, buried in Oxford.
Eva Eudora Barhouse-HORRUM d. 13 Sep 1928 in Adams, butied in Adams
William Henry HORRUM d. 5 May 1933 in Adams, buried in Highland Cemetery Cemetery, Adams
Rebecca J. Ennis-STUMMER d. 5 Oct 1876 in Adams, buried in Highland Cemetery, Adams
Ralph Irvin HORRUM d. 18 Aug 1938 in Beatrice, buried in Highland Cemetery, Adams
Griggs, Woodward, Truitt
I am researching this Griggs line in Beatrice NE. My grandfather, Gale Emerson Griggs graduated from HS there in 1922.
Descendants of Unk Griggs
1 Unk Griggs
. +Unknown
........ 2 ?Kirk? Griggs
............ +
................... 3 Kirk Griggs
................... 3 Roger Griggs
................... 3 Marguerite Griggs
....................... +Tom Woodward
................... 3 Gale Emerson Griggs
....................... +Living Truitt
................... 3 Molly Virginia Griggs
........ 2 Clifton Griggs
Please contact me if you have any information at all to share.
Griggs, Winship, Boggs, Baller, Robertson, Tribbett, Henrick, Carpenter, Bukin, Kirk, Gale, Daniels, Ganson, Shearer, Watkins, Columbia, Pyrtle, Hankins, Truitt, Hungate, Woodward, Bowers, Saunders, Alexander, Buckmaster, Hull, Baker
Descendants of Lucian Davison Griggs
1 [1] Lucian Davison Griggs b: September 23, 1811 in Ashford Twp, Windham, Connecticut d: March 22, 1848 in Frankfort, IN
. +Nancy E. Winship d: Bef. 1840
. 2 Thomas Jefferson Griggs b: August 28, 1840 d: February 14, 1914 in Beatrice, Gage Co., NE
..... +Nancy Elizabeth Boggs
..... 3 Lucien Davenport Griggs b: September 22, 1862 in Frankfort, IN d: February 04, 1939 in Eugene, Oregon
......... +Fanny Isabel Baller
........ 4 Cecil Lawrence Griggs b: November 06, 1902 in Dewitt, Nebraska d: July 25, 1988 in Boise, Idaho
............ +Isabel Mary Robertson b: March 20, 1905 d: March 1989
..... 3 Annie Elna (Elizabeth) Griggs b: September 19, 1864 d: January 26, 1918
......... +Charles M. Tribbett
..... 3 John Carruthers Griggs b: December 14, 1866 d: April 08, 1927
..... 3 Thomas Jefferson Griggs, Jr. b: September 12, 1869
......... +Katherine Henrick b: April 18, 1895
........ 4 Leslie Griggs b: June 20, 1900 d: in Died in infancy
..... 3 Elizabeth Griggs b: September 09, 1874
..... 3 Lawrence Monroe Griggs b: September 09, 1876
..... 3 Jesse Leroy Griggs b: February 19, 1879 d: August 30, 1945
......... +Lura Myrtle Carpenter
..... 3 Carrie Epsie Griggs b: February 04, 1882 d: 1896
..... 3 Mary L. Griggs b: February 21, 1885 d: January 19, 1935
......... +// Bukin
*2nd Wife of [1] Lucian Davison Griggs:
. +Mary Townsend Kirk b: March 07, 1822 in Plainsville, Ohio d: January 29, 1904
. 2 Lewis Theodore Griggs b: April 17, 1842 in Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana d: November 11, 1908
..... +Caroline Emily "Carrie" Gale b: September 17, 1842 in Connecticut d: June 11, 1885
..... 3 Mollie Edith Griggs b: June 29, 1870 in Beatrice, Gage, Nebraska
......... +Fred Wilbur Daniels b: September 03, 1867 in New Marlboro, Mass
..... 3 George Lewis Griggs b: February 15, 1872 in Beatrice, Gage, Nebraska
......... +Ida "May" Ganson b: September 10, 1873 in Chicago, Illinois
........ 4 Carolyn Emma Griggs b: July 28, 1896 in Omaha, NE
........ 4 Mildred May Griggs b: October 16, 1899 in Galena, South Dakota
........ 4 George Lewis Griggs b: December 02, 1900 in Galena, South Dakota
..... 3 Charles Clifton Griggs b: May 03, 1875 in Beatrice, Gage, Nebraska d: April 1965 in Pennsylvania
......... +Virginia Shearer Watkins b: February 25, 1877 in Battle Mountain, NV d: Aft. 1933
........ 4 Virginia Adele Griggs b: July 01, 1900 in Tuscarora, NV
............ +Curtis Fields Columbia b: June 17, 1888 in New York City, NY
..... 3 Arthur "Kirk" Griggs b: January 08, 1878 in Beatrice, Gage, Nebraska
......... +Mabel Pyrtle b: December 03, 1878 in Riverton, Ia
........ 4 Theodore Kirk Griggs b: August 18, 1902
............ +Lois Elma Hankins b: October 25, 1900 in Osborn, MO
........ 4 Roger Morris Griggs b: August 02, 1903 d: January 1958
........ 4 Jessie "Marguerite" Griggs b: April 17, 1906 d: October 1984 in Abeline, TX 79605
............ +Thomas Woodward b: in last known Abilene, TX in 1973
........ 4 Gale Emerson Griggs b: November 06, 1904 in Orleans, Nebraska d: November 1973 in Washington, DC
............ +Eloene Theodora Truitt b: January 28, 1906 in California
........ 4 Mary "Molly" Virginia Griggs b: August 08, 1919 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Nebraska
............ +Frank Porter Hungate b: June 06, 1918 in Cheney, Spokane, Washington
..... 3 Burt Griggs b: August 18, 1880
......... +Emily K. Bowers b: October 10, 1881 in Wilmington, DE
........ 4 Emily Griggs b: July 20, 1907 d: 1931 in Unknown, died unmarried
........ 4 Helen Griggs b: December 20, 1908 d: 1931 in Unknown, died unmarried
........ 4 Margaret Louise Griggs b: May 19, 1920
. 2 Nathan Kirk Griggs b: October 25, 1844 in Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana d: September 04, 1910 in Alliance, NE found dead on train
..... +Emily Essie Saunders b: October 14, 1844 in Rochester, NY d: May 24, 1926
..... 3 Nelly King Griggs b: October 11, 1875
......... +Hartley Burr Alexander b: September 09, 1873 in Lincoln, NE
........ 4 Herbert Griggs Alexander b: September 09, 1909 in Lincoln, NE
........ 4 Beatrice Kirk Alexander b: March 15, 1912 in Lincoln, NE/Lincoln, Lancaster Co., NE d: July 04, 1913
..... 3 Dorothy Griggs b: June 03, 1882 in Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany
......... +Bertrand Eugene Buckmaster b: January 23, 1874 in York, NE
........ 4 Barbara Epsie Buckmaster b: October 17, 1903
............ +Warren Yeaw Hull
........ 4 Kirk Griggs Buckmaster b: September 17, 1905 in Tacoma, WA d: March 30, 1925
........ 4 Margaret Bowles Buckmaster b: March 27, 1907
..... 3 Eva Griggs b: January 01, 1877 in Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany d: January 05, 1916 in Unknown, died unmarried
. 2 Anna Lisa Griggs b: Abt. 1845 d: in Died Unmarried
. 2 Mary Lucien Griggs b: July 19, 1847 in Jefferson, IN d: June 19, 1922
..... +John Quincy Baker b: July 16, 1847 in Jefferson, IN d: June 10, 1902 in Frankfort, IN
..... 3 Ellsworth Elmer Baker b: November 30, 1869 d: Aft. 1933
..... 3 Kirk Lewis Baker b: July 23, 1874 d: Aft. 1935
..... 3 Mary Baker b: October 26, 1886
I am seeking any information at all on my GG-Grandfather Nelson O Brown. I have been told that when My GG-Grandmother died and was buried in MI. N.O took his 2 sons Carl and Albert B. and moved on. Im not sure where the boys were left or if they traveled with him. But I do know that between the years of 1869-1874 he first tried railroading for awhile not sure if he did this in Beatrice NB. or Steele co.N.D but I do know that during this same time frame he went from rairoading to Driving a stage coach for 2 yrs from Steele co.N.D. to Beatrice NB. can anyone please help me find out if there is any documentation to back this up. thank you.
Howard, Snook, Kildow, Talmon
I am looking for the final resting place for my great grand parents Isaac Howard and Rebecca Wilson Howard. They might have lived in Wymore around the turn of the century. Rebecca died jan 25, 1918. I am also looking for information on Elisha Snook and his wives Emma Isabelle or Annabelle Kildow, and Rose Talmon. Elisha and Annabelle had a daughter named Bessie who was born Aug 30, 1878 probably in or near Wymore. She married John M. Howard Feb 15, 1898 and lived in Chester. We beleive Bessie had Half sisters born to Elisha and Rose but can't find any record of them. Elisha And family might be buried near Wymore.
Any information would be appreciated.
Wymore Cemetery records:
Elisha Snook, b. Oct 1850 in Fairfield, Iowa, d. Dec 12, 1923 in Lincoln, NE
Spouse: Annabelle Kildor, married in Plattsmouth, NE
#2: Rosetta Talmon
cause: cancer
Obituary published: Dec 20, 1923 Weekly Wymorean
Anna Bell Snook, dau of Elisha and Rosa
D: Jul 11, 1891 - age 11 mo. 10 days - cause: summer complaint
Many Snooks are buried at Wymore Cemetery, however, records do not indicate their relationship to the others. Of those listed on the Gage County site, the following are buried in lots belonging to Elisha or Eli Snook:
Anna - Elisha
Elisha - Elisha
infant - Elisha
Lavina - Eli
Margaret - Eli
Mariah - Eli
Nora - Eli
Peter - Eli
Rosa - Elisha
looking for descendents of Henry B. Snook of Wymore Co. Nebraska. He was my great, great grandfather. He was married 3 times. His first wife was Nancy Doty with whom he had 3 children. His second wife and my g-g-grandmother was Lovina Talmon Snook, with whom he had 2 more children. His 3rd wife was Zilla Hollett and they had no children together. I have copies of the family Bible pages with dates and info.
Elisha Snook was Henrys brother, who married Lovinas sister, Rosie.
Olds Lasley
Am searching for information on anyone with the surname Olds in Gage Co. during the period from 1868 and beyond.
Avery Olds
I have in my records a Fred Olds, tried for murder-Gage Co. Neb.My family comes from Steven Allen Olds son of Charles Olds son of John Olds son of maybe another John Olds son James Ould,Old, Olds.Fred Olds is the son of Daniel Olds 9/10/1830-10/17/1901, who is the son of Avery Olds and Evaline.
Researching my GreatGrandparents on my mothers side, they lived at Filley Nebraska, his name was OLE JENSEN, his wifes name was IDA SCHWARZ, it is unknown where they were married, Ole came from Denmark and Ida came from Germany, their first born was my Grandmother, Ingabord Elizabeth JENSEN, b. Sep. 15th, 1891, at Filley, Gage, County, Nebraska, Ingabord was married to Clarence Delisle GRAF at Beatrice, Nebraska, Clarence was the son of David GRAF, Ole was born approx. 1850 Denmark, Ida was born approx. 1859 in Germany. Any Help will be greatly appreciated.
Looking for information on the Phelan family living in Beatrice about 1935.
McElroy, Lamb
Need obituary, death certificates for Issac and Isabella (McElroy) Lamb. Isabella died May 31, 1905 in Gage County. Her husband, Isaac, died between 1894 and 1905 but, may not have been in Gage County. They owned property near St. Francis, Cheyenne County, Kansas.
Any help very greatly appreciated!
Would your Issac be any relation to Patrick Lamb??
I have copies of the Gage County Nebraska petition by WJ Lamb to be administrator for Issac Lamb. These papers are dated May 29, 1906
Hager, Potter
Seeking any info regarding the Charles John HAGER family of Beatrice, 1880 til @1910. Charles or "John" HAGER (b. @ 1848) was married to Carrie POTTER of IL (b. @ 1853) and they had 8 children:
Lettie A b. 1873 in NE; Wallace Ross, b. 1876 IA, William L. b.1878 NE, Eddie b. 1879 NE, Harry b. 1885 NE, Bert b. 1886 NE, Edith b. 1888 NE and Edna b. 1891. They appear on both the 1880 and 1900 census for Beatrice, Gage, NE
Thanks for your help!
White, Deeter
I know that "Lou" White married Alpha C. Deeter in Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska before 1886 (date of birth for one of their children in Marshalltown, Iowa.) Am seeking any information about "Lou" White including her complete name, her parents, ancestors, etc.
Kelly, McGuire, White, Snyder
Read your query with interest as I am looking for info on James White / Samantha was the dau of John McGuire and Jemima [Kelly]Snyder. James and Samantha were married in Gage Co. and had seven children. Would you be of any relation to the John McGuire lineage shown above ??
I'd like to find the date of the death of John Klostermann. He arrived in Gage Co. in 1881 and died in 1994. His Wife, Anna Marie (Niermeyer) Klostermann then married John Dietz in Jan. of 1885. They were Lutheran and I have no record of land bought by either. Any information on either of these is appreciated. Any funeral homes existing at that time still existing? Thanks, Luci
Luci, Lori Laird sent me you message, as I have been looking for info on John Dietz also, but have no info on the Klosterman name. I do know that this John Dietz sure got around, as he married again in 1912, to a Nettie Hoffman, and in 1917 to a Foss. My information is coming from William Wever, who has really been a big help to me. He originally came from the same area as this John Dietz. I would suggest you try Johnson Co. Nebraska, and you will find Mr. Wever listed as the county co-ordinator.
Thanks for the suggestion. I wonder if it is the same Dietz but it sure is worth looking into. Anna Klostermann Dietz died 2/11/11 in missouri. According to his reputation he may have married again! Luci
Luci, this John Dietz must be the same one, as he died in a fire in Missouri. If I remember correctly it was in the late 40's. At the time he had changed his name to John Dietz Foss, and was a guardian for a Stephen Foss. I have no clue what this man was hiding from, but he was quite a chameleon.
Does anyone have access to the 1880 Gage Co Census? I am trying to locate the parents/siblings of a Bert W KIRKMAN, born 20 Sep 1879 in Beatrice, Gage Co, NE.
Thanks so much in advance!
Regards, Cheryl Zelek, Lewis Co, TN USGenWeb County Coordinator
Huls, Ackerman, Aden, Luchen, Schuster, Lubinus
Looking for any info on any of these names in Beatrice or Filley areas!
Mont Sylvester Thornburg born Beatrice NE March 12 1873
Any information would be helpful. He left with his mother and her parents in 1875 or 1876. They settled in Osborne County KS..
Hardin, Kingsbury, Moore
I am seeking information on the descendants of Aurilla Kingsbury, daughter of David and Harriet Moore Kingsbury of Gage County. Aurilla was born 4 Feb. 1874 in Johnson Co., NE and died 2 August 1948. She is buried in the Blue Springs Cemetery. Her husband, Robert Hardin, was born 23 Feb. 1867 and died 22 May 1946, also buried in the Blue Springs Cemetery.
Burival, Polak, Meyer, Sobotka, Fanta
I am looking for information on the following people.
Burival, Polak, Meyer, Sobotka, Fanta
My wifes mothers family is from Beatrice and ODell area and I am tring to find info on these families
Kevin Schmitt
Does anyone have access to the 1885 Nebraska State Census? Is it indexed? Is it published in a book?
I am looking for my great grandfather and grandmother, Jesse Smith and Mary"Polly"B. Smith, originally from Greene Co Tennessee. They are in the city directory for 1900/Beatrice living with their son Franklin.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Seeking information on HENRY WEIS, who I think lived in Beatrice, NB ca 1940-50. HENRY WEIS married my paternal grandmother, AMELIA NETTLEBECK POPE ca 1915-19 after death of Amelia's first husband (Sylvester Pope). Amelia lived Fayette Co., IL prior to marrying Henry Weis, but I find no marriage record for Henry and Amelia in IL. I believe Henry and Amelia lived S. Sioux City, NB for a few years and after her death, ca. 1938, he lived in Beatrice, NE. Would like to know ancestry of Henry Weis; previous spouse (if any); dates and places of his birth and death. Would appreciate any assistance. Thank you.
Myrtle ("Mertie") SCOTT, b. 8 Mar 1878 Saline Co, NE; dau. of Robert Allan (25 Mar 1831-6 Feb 1913) and Elizabeth Jane Bowers Scott (16 Mar 1838-1 Apr 1907); m. 1st Arthur J. HELVEY (b. 3 Mar 1874); later m. Oscar JACKSON.
I have a copy of a letter she wrote 2 Feb 1902, return address: Mrs. Myrtle Jackson, Box 495, Beatrice, Nebr, Gage Co.
I have reason to believe she died about 1905.
Does anyone know how I can find information about Mertie Scott and Oscar Jackson? When married? Where? Children? When did Mertie die? Where buried? Her parents lived in Nemaha Co, Saline Co and Jefferson Co before moving to Gove Co, KS, in 1900.
Looking for mer info on lives of GEORGE W. GASTON and wife REBECCA. Listed as a farmer in Grant districe og Gage County in 1870. Had a son Marian who resided in Gage C. all of his life.
Seeking information on HENRY AND MARY AVERY. Came from Iowa and resided in Beatrice, Gage County from 1868 to about 1880. May have died there. Daughter, Mary, married Ambrose Reimund.
Wolff, Breitler
Looking for any information on William Henry Wolff and family in Beatrice. Especially for Sophia Wolff who is the daughter. She was born in Wisconsin about 1869. She was recorded as witness to her sister, Mary who married George Breitler but then just disappears.
Breitler, Brietler
Does anyone know of Francis xaveir Brietler.He was born in Switzerland aprox 1890 he died in New Zealand 1945.He had many half brothers and sisters.He also changed the spelling of his name from breitler to brietler.
Iam interested in info on Archibald T. OVERSTREET, b. 1843 in Macoupin Co. IL, son of Leroy and Caroline. He was married to Ellen W. SMALL on 12 Dec. 1865 in Macoupin County, ILL. His brother Joseph's obituary placed Archibald in Beatrice in 1911.
Searching for descendants of Leonidas Pethould and Lovica Brenton, married 11 Nov. 1891, in Beatrice, NB. Lovica Brenton was living in Beatrice, NB as of May 1923. I have information on Lovica Brenton Pethoud's Brenton ancestors back to ca 1610.
Thompson, Pethoud
Just found out this week that my 4great grandfather, James THOMPSON Sr. of Scioto Co., OH had a daughter, Mary "Polly" THOMPSON who m. John PETHOUD in that county in 1822. Maybe old news to you but a lost link for us Thompson researchers.
Fortunate to have found some good Internet info on John and Mary PETHOUD. If you are interested in THOMPSON info let me know.
An looking for information on the family of my GGrandfather, Randolph Robb. He and his second wife lived in Blue Springs. Her name was Mary M. Colegrove. Mary's sister Emma P. married Isacc Richards. Mary's bother James Franklin Colegrove lived along time in and around Wymore. I would appreciate any information you would want to share. Thanks, Judi
I am trying to find any information about my g-g-grandfather James Gettys ROBB (1846-1897). His wife was Harriet N. Hartong. He might have lived in Liberty in the late 1800's (about 1885). I know of one son for sure, Walker Talmage ROBB (1886-1969) who was born in Liberty, and possibly another son with the initials H.W. ROBB. Walker ROBB married Stella L. Martin and lived near Pawnee City, Pawnee Co., NE.
Sorry that person is not in my line that I am aware of, however, I'm trying to remeber where else I've seen it. I'm sure it is on another message board somewhere. Maybe I'll remember late, must be a "Senoir" moment I'm having...
I am looking for desendants of Abram and Anne OWENS. Or their son Robert OWENS. They lived in Gage Co. NE and came from Wales.
My mother, Eleanor Jane Owens, was the daughter of Robert and Annie (Parry) Owens of Wymore, Gage County, NE. My grandfather, Robert, immigrated to America from Wales when he was a small child with his parents, Abram and Anne (Evans) Owens. Who are you?
I am the gggranddaughter of CHARLES and LOUISA(McKAY)FIELDER; the ggranddaughter of WILLIAM and ANGELINA(HONTS)FIELDER;and the granddaughter of CHARLES STANTON and MARY CARMINA "MINA"(LePAGE)FIELDER; and the daughter of BURT ARTHUR and ALDA DARLENE(FIELDER)WILCOX. Burt was the son of BURT ALBERT and DAISY ELLEN CARRIE(WILSEE)WILCOX. The other names listed are the names of families that the Charles Stanton Fielder children married into: BRINTON;GISLER;HECKATHORN;ESSEX;SNYDER;also grandmother LePage's maiden name was CASSELL.
Beaver, Reeves, Foutch, Chaney, Scot, Mumma, Bashford, Cline
John David Beaver b 8/3/1858 d 5/2/1927 md. Ruth Scot on 9/24/1882. 2nd wife: Mary Lydia Mumma md. 11/22/1900.
Children of John and Ruth: John Robert, Laura, Jessie May, Charles Willis, Benjamin Harrison, Alvin, James. Children of John and Mary Lydia: Kathyrine Ann, Jeremiah Titus, Everett Jasper, Elsie Nancy. I am looking for family of Jessie who lived in Beatrice, Ne and md Charles Jules Chaney. Jessie was raised by a brother of John David,
William Sherman Beaver md to Lodiska Foutch. Other sister and brothers of John David were Thomas Wesley, Barbara md to Nemiah Foutch, Matthew, Mary Elsie md to Ed Reeves, Martha Ellen md to Charley Reeves. (the last three were triplets) Several of this family lived in around Beatrice, I have more info, pictures, and orphan pictures I wish I knew who they were. My father is the Everett Jasper Beaver and I remember him receiving letters and visiting Beatrice once. Willing to share with family. Geneva Beaver Voth e-mail
I'm not sure if we have any family connection but I also have ancestors from Beatrice, NE and Gage County, NE. I noticed a couple of given names in your history and I wondered if there might be a connection. My Great, great grandfather was Wesley Beaver b:1/26/1826-1829 from Tazewell County, Illinois and he married Susanna Fisher. At some point they moved to Beatrice. (My info says they are buried in Beatrice, NE. Wesley died 8/25/1884 in Beatrice as did Susanna on 2/29/1896). They had 2 children: Mary Beaver who married Peter Wirges and Jesse Franklin Beaver b:10/21/1849 in Beatrice and d:3/24/1933 in Beatrice. Jesse married Florence Jackson and they had 4 children: Flora, Ida (died as a child, Elsie and Glen (my grandfather). Glen Wesley Beaver was born in Beatrice on 7/25/1886 and d:6/21/1970 in Lodi, CA. He married Alfrieda Overgard in Beatrice and they had one son (my father) Howard Wesley Beaver born in Fairbury, NE. He married Lyda Mae Livingston of Nashville, TN in Alliance, NE. They had 2 children me (pamela Gaye Beaver) and my brother (James Wesley Beaver). My brother has 1 daughter sarah. I have 2 children: Stacey Lynn Keck and Steven William Wesley Keck. Let me know if you think we might have any connection. The names "Jessie" and "Jesse", "Wesley" and "mary" could indicate something. I do not know which cemetery my relatives are buried in. I was in Beatrice when I was a child. I remember my dad and my grandfather migrated back there for reunions that the high school had every 5 years. I wasn't interested in family history at that time, of course. My parents and grandparents are all dead now so it is difficult to gather any info at this time. I do have one piece of info that mentions that Wesley's parents names were :John" and either "Sabra" or "maria". I think the info might be a little suspect though because I don't have any definite leads on them. Hope this helps. Please respond.
I'm looking for ELLIOTTs in the Gage, Jefferson, Thayer, Clay, Fillmore county area. My grandfather was Charles P. ELLIOTT, son of John R.and Mary (Mower).
Also looking for Joseph BEGGS family members. He came from Ireland in 1810 and ended up in this area also. His daughter (or grand daughter) Sarah, married George WILLIAMS and had Sarah Emmmeline who married Charles ELLIOTT. I can't find anything on the WILLIAMS family but have some on the BEGGS.
Sue Kleinschmidt
BEGGS, Wright
My Great Great grandfather was Thomas Samuel Beggs. He was born in Bloomington, Illinois (According to family) He married Sarah Ann Wright. I'm not sure where, but her parents lived in Liberty, NE. fron 1884 to 1892, then moved on to Greenleaf, NE. and settled in Flagler, CO. Thomas Samuel Beggs and Sarah Ann Wright had three children, John Beggs, Elsei Beggs and Iona LaVerne Beggs who was born March 2, 1897 in Barnes, KS. Can you help me. I have no other information on my Thomas Beggs or his ancestors. ???
Hi. I seen your query and wanted to let you know that if you go to the following URL and enter the name you are researching; i.e. Thomas Samuel Beggs you should get results. I just entered BEGGS, and I seen a couple queries referring to Thomas Samuel Beggs. Following is the URL:
If you think I can help please don't hesitate to email me and ask. I will gladly let you know what I have on my branch of the BEGGS family.
William BEGGS (No other info)
Joseph BEGGS b. ABT APR/MAY 1860 (give or take a few years) in "Eng Canada" he wed Clara(h)GREEN b. 21JAN1883 in Newaygo Co., Holton, Michigan. They were wed on 31AUG1904
Joe & Clara had four children:
Francis "Frank" Leon BEGGS b. 02NOV1904 d. 18MAY1993 at home in Oceana Co., Hart, Michigan.
Archibald "Archie" McClean BEGGS b. 25DEC1906 died 01NOV1992 at home in Oceana Co., Mears, Michigan
Thelma BEGGS Clark b. 1909
Madeline "Midge" BEGGS Flanery Frederickson b. 01JAN1911.
All of Joe's children were born in Colfax Twp. Oceana Co., Walkerville, Michigan.
Thats all I have except for the now generations.
Thank you
Brenda Beggs Salazar
Looking for information on William Orr b 1830 died 15 Jan 1915. Mary Orr born 1832 died 1 May 1906. Both are buried in Stark Cemetery in Gage County.
William and Mary arrived in Gage County before 1890 when he was listed on Veterans Census.
Any information on my GGGrandparents will be appreciated.
Any connection to Mable G. Orr b. July 4,1880 in Rochester, Minnesota d. June 25,1946 in Calif.? She was married to William Solomon Boyles b. March 4,1869 d. Dec.30,1926. Then she married a Lucas.
William and Mable G. Boyles had a number of children born in Gage Co., Nebraska. Ralph 1898, Charles L.1899, Jesper 1901, Elmer 1903, Ida Mae 1906, Martha Mylindia 1908, Mary Ethel Boyles b. April 15,1910 Liberty, Gage Co., Ne. died Feb.16,1995 in Hanford, California. Mary Ethel Boyles married in 1931 to William Freidrick Hotz b. Aug. 22,1903 IL.. If any one has a connection please E-Mail me.
Sorry, this Orr family arrived in Nebraska from Iowa, Missouri and West Virginia. I've checked all my names and can't find a connection.
Orr, Boyles, Hotz, Wakefield, Lucas, Sherwood
I want to thank Nadine for putting me in contact with June the neice to Mary Ethel Boyles, Hotz of Gage Co., Ne. I received a lot of missing pieces as well as old family pictures thanks to June.
Researching kin in Gage County,NE. The ISLEY's married WARREN'S and WARREN'S married WILLIAMS. WILLIAMS married MATTHEWS.
Mostly I want to find my WARREN'S. Harrison Alexander WARREN married Iva May ISLEY. Harrison was born abt 1881 in Liberty, Gage Co,NE and Iva was born abt 1882 in Wynore,Gage Co,NE. They had seven children: Frank, Fred,Harrison Jr,Marie, James born 1902 in Wymore,Albert Isley born 1917 in Wymore (my grandfather) and Lyle born 1927 in Wymore. I believe all but Albert died in Gage Co,NE.
We know nothing abt Harrison or Iva's families. The Warren's may have come from MO.
Albert Isley Warren married Jorette June Williams born Dec 4, 1920 in Cortland,Gage Co, NE. They married nov 10, 1939 in Wymore.They had seven children 4 of which were born in NE.
I thank you for your time. Cathy
My gr-gr-uncle, SIDNEY MATTHEWS was in Gage County, NE, in the 1870 Census, with his son WILLIAM R. MATTHEWS. I cannot find them after that. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much, and I hope you can help.
P. O. Box 1217
Bartlesville, OK 74005
Searching John, Silas, Helen, Clara, Barbara Morris; Claude Anderson m. Clara Morris; Neal Laubach (Franklin and Superior) m. Barbara Morris.
Gunderson, Darnold
I have a Clara Anderson who is my g-grandmother, still living, in Gage County. She was born Clara Tollman, married Archie Aniel Anderson of Steele City. If this rings a bell, I can tell you more. She is 93, and has extensive family histories on the Andersons.
On my father's side, the Clarks, Bowhays, and Carpenters, and possibly others, all settled in and around Liberty. Leander J. Carpenter married Permelia Howe in 1856 (I am not sure where); their children were Lorinda Parthenia (my great-grandmother), Lorenzo, Loretta, Lucian, and Laura. Lorinda married Peter Bowhay. On my mother's side, her paternal great-grandfathers were Jacob Hershey, who married Ruth Brubaker, and David Swiler, who married Katherine Hale. Her maternal great-grandfathers were Michael Burke, who married Mary Ann Wingerd, and John Brewbaker, who married Matila Leiter. Her grandparents were Samuel B. Hershey, who married Barbara Swiler, and Isaac Hershey, who married Martha Elizabeth Brubaker. I would like to get in touch with anyone who might have ancestors in common.
Bowhay, Friend
Descendants of William Bowhay
I. William BOWHAY. b. circa 1783.
* m. Mary MCMULLIN on 2 Jan 1806 at Philadelphia, PA.
A. John N. BOWHAY. b. on 24 Oct 1823 at Fulton, PA.
* m. Mary Ann PECK.
1. Mary Tanzen BOWHAY. b. on 14 Apr 1849 at Fulton Co., PA.
* m. William Penn FRIEND on 31 Aug 1869 at Knoxville, Knox Co., IL.
* d. on 17 Jul 1922 at Sanger, Fresno County, California, at age 73.
* bur. at Parlier, California.
2. Jennie BOWHAY. b. circa 1850.
3. Newton BOWHAY.
* m. Mollie ( ). b. circa 1850.
4. Peter BOWHAY. b. in Mar 1856 at PA.
* m. Lucinda ( ).
5. Elmer BOWHAY. b. circa 1850.
B. Joseph BOWHAY. b. on 12 Mar 1825.
C. Richard BOWHAY. b. on 27 Oct 1808.
Dear Cousin,
On my mother's side, my great grandmother was Mary Tanzen Bowhay, the sister of your great grandfather Peter Bowhay. My aunt provided me with the source data. It seems that our information that Peter's wife was Lucinda was incorrect, and as you suggest, the name must be Lorinda (Lorinda Parthenia Carpenter).
I remember that my aunt said that Bowhays in Nebraska were in the undertaking trade. Do you know if this is true?
One of the Bowhay brothers settled in the southern part of the San Jouquin Valley in California.
Mary Tanzen Bowhay and her husband William Penn Friend had an active pioneer life and a large family. After the Mussel Slough Tragedy on May 11, 1880 over railroad right-of-way conflicts, the family went to Sinaloa, Mexico for three years in a disappointing utopian communal enterprise. In 1898 William and a son went to the Alaskan Gold Rush.
Since Bowhay is a rather rare name, I keep on the lookout for possible relatives.
Best regards,
Burt McHaley in Chimayo, NM
A biography of Newton Bowhay (Jasper Newton Bowhay) who resided in Tulare Co., CA, indicates that his grandfather was William P. Bowhay from Cornwall. William was christened at Stoke Dameral, Devon, England. Devon is adjacent to Cornwall. Papers from the Bedford Co., PA courthouse indicates that he became a naturalized citizen of the United States on Jan. 31, 1833.
Amanda Josephine BENDER's father Ivan Coons (Ivy) is listed in Blue Springs, Gage Co., in 1870. She married Henry B. Shook prob about 1880 but I haven't been able to find any info on this marriage. I'm hoping it might have been in Gage County. Any help would be appreciated.
James Emory Doyle born 22 Nov 1829 in Zanesville, Ohio. Married to Sarah Bender, where & when.
James died 23 Nov 1615 Beatrice, Gage, NE. Date of Burial?
Buried in Evergreen Cem, Beatrice, Gage., NE.
Had at least one child, William Eli b 22 Nov 1871. Were there more children other descentants? More on Doyle Family.
Thank you
Vonasek, Wonasek
Looking for any turn-of-the-century and prior information about the VONASEK family from the Odell, Nebraska area. Have reason to believe that ancestral origin was Austria. Odell cemetary contains two individuals with spelling of last name as Wonasek with expire dates in late 1800's.
Are the 2 graves marked Wonasek, Odell Cemetary USA, James and Mary? They were your great grandfather Joseph's parents, but I don't know if they ever came to the USA.
My mother and I are trying to trace her genealogy. We know that we are decendants of the Kiler's who changed there name to Kyler.
kiler, bryant, severance, smith, neumann, snyder, argo, biggs, snyder, pettigrew, steffens, haschenburger, wilber, craig, smith, carr, lyons, michie
hello I have issac kiler in my family tree he lived in gage co nebraska he married elizabeth betsy severance
her father benjamin f.severance and elizabeth britton my email is hoping to hear from ya soon
Soper, Phelps, Farrens
I am searching for some kind of death record for Orin Lucius Phelps, who died in Claytonia, NE I believe his death occured before 1890. Orin Phelps is the brother of Lucy Ann Soper of DeWitt, NE and Mary Ellen Farrens, also of DeWitt, NE. When looking at the entry of death in the family bible, the date is missing all other family members dates of death seem to be so precise. Thank you in advance for any help on this. Terri
I have a Lucy Ann Soper in the family tree. She was born about 1844, does this fit?
I am seeking information on the descendants of John Busboom & Tida Duitsman m. 3/10/1882 in Golden, Illinois. They moved to Gage County, Nebraska. Willing to share information. Thank you Cheri Busboom
John Busboom, Tida Busboom
John and Tida Busboom are my Greatgrandparents
Died Beatrice, NE in early 1900's. Thank you for any possible information. Welling, Lydia. Unknown whether her name was Headings or Wellings. One of the names may be a married name, other maiden name. Thank you.
Gensel, Blankenbilder, Beck, Bilger, and many others
Your inquiry re: Lydia Headings/Welling probably refers to Lydia Ella Headings, dau. of Mary Jane Grill and Jacob Headings. She appears in the Nebraska State Census for 1885.
I am looking for information on my gg-grandparents, Robert Breese b 1825 IN and Mary Montgomery b 1831/33 ILL. They lived in Beatrice, Gage County NE 1860 and 1870.
robert & mary breese are listed in the 1860 census in gage county.children were meranda(8yrs.)john(7)lorenzo(2)george(1mth).Would you happen to have come across a Rueben Russell Breese or an Eva Breese? Hope I was of some help.Linda
I am wondering if anyone has any information on a Rose Breese. I know she relocated to Beatrice, Nebraska in the 1920's or 30's.
Michele Witzki
Looking for grandfather named Reed Thomas Newton born on May 9,1884 in Beatrice, Gage County, NE. Any information on family would be appreciated. Thank you.
Just a few more details on Reed Thomas Newton born in Beatrice Nebraska on 09 May, 1884. His parents were Thomas and Emma Jane Newton. This family is found in the Nebraska 1900 US Census. Head of house hold is Thomas Newton age 47, wife, Emma J age 43, son, Charlie age 22,and son, Reed T age 16. Thomas, Emma, and Charlie are all listed as being born in New York, while Reed T was listed as being born in Beatrice, Nebraska. I know that by 1904 Reed Thomas Newton was living in Louisiana (near Lake Charles). Reed married Mary O'Quinn of Louisiana (date unknown) and their first child was born in 1904.
Any information that you may have on this family would greatly be appreciated!
Seeking info on Sophia Dorothea Hoffman B 4 January 1853, Eixen, Mechlenburg, Germany, M John Nevermann, 16 April 1871 Mount Vernon, New York. Sophia died 18 Sept 1930 in Odell, Gage county, NE. Sophia was of Lutheran faith, was buried in Kansas. She had been living with her daughter in Odell, a Mrs. A Wassermann. I believe that Mrs. Wassermann had eight children. Any data appreciated.
Nevermann, Wasserman
Just found your e-mail...My g grandmother was Dorothea Nevermann, and her daughter Elizabeth was my grandmother.
Please reply on the information you are seeking and I will try and help you..
Sharon Skelton
I am looking for information on the William W. Barnhouse family who resided in Adams (farm) in the 1870s and 1880s. Possibly even before. I am also looking for the family of Orsemus Ebenezer Annable (called Simon and I do not blame him). He married Margaret Elizabeth Barnhouse (daughter of William W.) in Adams, Gage Cty in 1876. They raised a family there and I understand they moved in 1900 to Ravenna NE. I also know a John Barnhouse lived in Pickerall and died there on Nov. 11, 1887. His wife's name was Elizabeth J. and I am wondering if he could be William's father as he came from Penn. also. I have also found a D. H. Annable farming near Adams in 1886-7 but do not know his first name--he is bound to be a relative. I would appreciate any information you might have.
Barnhouse, Moore, Bryson, Brocks
My grandmother was Cora Barnhouse born in 1870. I only learned from a cousin over this past weekend she was the daughter of William W Barnhouse of Gage, County Nebraska. According to Cora's family Bible William was born July 16, 1836. His first wife was Cora's mother Sarah Ellen Brocks. She was born 5/13/1840 and died 5/31/1884. After her death he married Lucretia Bryson in 1885. I have not seen the Bible from which he took information. He lives in New Mexico. We had no information on siblings or how many. Looks like Margaret Elizabeth would be younger sister of Cora. Cora married Frank V Moore. They moved to Holton Ks in 1908 where they resided until their deaths in 1950.
You mentioned Cora married Frank V. Moore in Gage County, Nebraska. Do you have any information on who Frank Moore's parent were and possibly who were his siblings?
Moore, Elam
Would your Frank V. Moore be the son of Nathaniel Moore and Ellenor Blaylock?Was he born 1854 in Appanoose County,Iowa?Was he married to an Margaret Ann Elam also of Appanoose County?If so;They had a son named Earnest Faye Moore born June,1885 in Wymore,GageCounty,Nebraska.Franklin's siblings were;Amanda-Joel B.-James-Edward- and Mary.PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF WE CONNECT.
Moore, Barnhouse
Frank V. Moore's parents were Benjamin F. Moore and Aremozett McCord. Frank was born in 1869 in NE and died in KS. He married Cora Barnhouse on Nov. 10, 1891 in Adams, Gage Cty, NE.