Richardson County NEGenWeb Project Page ©1998 NKT


Business Directory and Farmer List for 1890-1891


J.M.Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890,

by J.M. Wolfe & Co, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C.


Richardson County Business List



Falls City













Barada, a postoffice in the northeastern part of Richardson County, 11 miles from Falls City, the seat of justice. Population, 75.

Brannon, M., blacksmith

Carpenter, A.B., justice

Cox, W.A., genl mdse.

Moorehead & Allen, genl mdse, hardware, drugs

Schmitt, John, blacksmith

Smith Bros., genl mdse.

Smith W.A., postmaster

Tompkins, I., justice

Williams, I.N., phys Top of Page

Dawson is in the western part of Richardson county, 14 miles northwest of Falls City, the county seat, on the Atchison and Columbus branch of the B & M R.R. The town has a population of 200 and is surrounded by a fine farming country. A good quality of building stone is found near by. A flour mill and a grain elevator promote the markenting of cereals raised in the neighborhood. There is one bank here, the Bank of Dawson, and one hotel, the Commercial. The churches are the Catholic and Evangelical. Top of Page

Acken, Cleon W., sta agt

Albright, Walter B., livery

Albright, Wm., Commercial House

Allen, Charles H., drugs

Barlow, S.C. & Son, genl mdse

Bemis, John W., agl implts

Boyer, Edward M., harness

Burgett, James. E., livery

Buser, E.W., postmaster, stationery

Chittenden, B.S., lumber furniture

Commercial House, W.Albright prop

Dawson Bank, M.B. Ryan pres, M Riley, cashier

Dawson Independent, Arthur Gird prop

Emerson, Thomas H., phys

Gird,Arthur, prop Dawson Independent

Hamilton, Robert, billiards

Herlocker, J.W. , hardware, agl implts

Hughes, John F, painter

Jones, George W, barber

Kentner, Eli K, saloon

Klima, John J, wagonmaker

Libbe, Marshall L., drugs, notary

McSwiney, Morgan, grain elevator

Parchen, Henry W., phys

Reimers Bros., meat market

Riley & Byrne, flouring mill

Riley, Michael, jr, genl mdse

Ryan, Mike B., hardware, agl implts

Ryan, Thomas, shoemaker

Sharshall, Mary Miss, restaurant

Umstead, Samuel L., blacksmith Top of Page

Falls City, the county seat of Richardson county, the most southeastern county in the state. It has a beautiful location at the junction of the M.P. Ry., and the A. & N. division of the B. & M. R.R., 92 miles from Lincoln. The ground surrounding the city is an elevated plateau. Many of the buildings are fine and costly. The courthouse cost $30,000, one of the school houses $20,000, and another $10,000. The works of the Schuyler Manufacturing Co. are an important industry, employing a number of men in the manufacture patent hot air draught working ranges. The banks are the First National and Richardson County Bank. A creamery, a foundry and two newspapers, the Falls City News, and the Falls City Journal, and three hotels are among the business enterprises. The churches are the Methodist, Presbyterian, Christian, German Lutheran, Episcopal, United Brethren and Catholic. Population, 2107. Top of Page

Bartman N, watch repairer

Beaulieu Fred, cigar mfr.

Beaver Elias, nursery.

Bell E.E, drugs and jewelry.

Berkeybile R K, carpenter

Blanford Wm, saloon.

Bode Emil, genl mdse.

Boyer J & Co, dry goods.

Brinnegar G W, prop Union House livery. (See top of page.)

Brown F H, photographer

Buhler Albert, blacksmith.

Burchard A W & Co, harness, carriages and farm machinery

Burchard C T, phys.

Burkart John, meat market.

Carpenter C, tel operator M.P. Ry.

Case Henry, harness and carriages.

Centropolis Hotel, W J Iliff prop.

Clegg Robert, drugs and wall paper

Comstock O M Mrs, dressmaker

Cronkite F P, dentist (See adv.)

Crook W H & Co, hardware.

Curran J W, merchant tailor

Daniels Philip, sta and ex agt.

Darville J C, wagonmaker

Davidson M, drygoods, clothing and millinery.

Davis H C, prop Falls City News.

De Murs & Haller, barbers

Dockhorn Charles, genl mdse.

Edwards J T, veterinary surgeon.

Falloon Edwin, atty.

Falls City Creamery, Wm Waring prop, F P Jones supt.

Falls City Journal Co, F O Edgecombe pres, John J Faulkner mgr.

Falls City News, H C Davis editor, prop

Falsken C H, windmills, pumps, agl implts.

First National Bank, capital and surplus $100,000,

S B Miles pres, P H Jussen cashier

Gantt Amos E, atty.

Gehling Michael, brewery

Gerhart G C, boots, shoes.

Gillespie Clarence, atty.

Gilman J d, atty.

Gists & Greenwald, dry goods.

Goldner Wm, blacksmith.

Halsey Peter M, real estate.

Harris J H, furniture.

Heacock P S, grain

Hendricks J Mrs, dressmaker.

Hentral House, G H Ruegge prop.(correction Central House)

Hessler Paul, harnessmaker.

Hill A E, groceries

Himmelreich T L, millinery

Hinghman J V, phys.

Holdbrook E J, blacksmith.

Horner John, transfer.

Houston I M, phys

Huber Ulrich, saloon, billiards

Iliff W J, prop Centropolis Hotel.

Ingham F W, pumps, windmills.

Keeling W H, genl mdse.

Keim A R, justice of the peace.

Keller A, phys.

Kerr W H, phys.

Kidder O, groceries.

Korner & Co, hardware.

Lange Fred, boots, shoes.

Lee Sing, laundry.

Linn & Easley, lumber.

Long Alice Mrs, millinery.

McNett Charles, meat market.

Maddox & Crum, hardware.

Martin F, atty.

Marvin Frank, prop Union House

Mason t R, sta and ex agt M P Ry.

Maust E A & Son, grain.

Miller F W, surveyor.

Minnick Bros, news depot.

Minnick & Gianini, transfer.

Minnick J W & Co, livery

Musselman M W, ins, real estate, abstracts.

Neal Geo H, phys.

Neal W E, real estate and ins.

Neitzel August, marble and granite works.

Nettleback A, harness maker.

Newcomb Edward, agt Singer Sewing Machine Co.

Nolte F F, cigar mfr.

Noonan J H, notions.

Paxton & Mauger, groceries.

Power A, meat market.

Powers E, tel operator B & M depot.

Ramsey & Parleir, livery.

Randall H L, phys.

Reavis Bros, real estate and loans.

Reavis Isham, atty.

Resterer & Son, furniture.

Resterer W C, bakery and confectionery.

Richardson County Bank, capital $50,000, surplus $21,000,

J L Slocum pres, Geo W Holland cashier.

Ruegge G H, prop Central House.

Ruegge Herman, saloon and billiards

Ryan L A, postmaster.

Schoenheit L, saloon and billiards.

Schuyler Manufacturing Co, I C Schuyler, C W Ladd props.

(see adv. page 161.)

Sedlmayer Charles & Co, mnfrs of soda, ginger ale, birch beer,

champagne cider and bottlers of beer; shipped to any part of the country.

Shelley & Tucker, jewelry, drugs.

Shildneck Wm, tel operator.

Shurtleff Bros, chop house.

Smith C E, seed grower.

Smith Frank, photographer.

Smith Henry C, mortgage, loans and real estate.

Smith J H, seed grower.

Sowles D W, candy mfr.

Spencer T J, dentist

Stock, F W, bakery, groceries.

Sullivan T F, lumber.

Tanner J J & co, agl implts.

Taylor Thomas, foundry.

Thomas E W, atty.

Tolman M E Mrs, millinery.

Tucker E A, county atty.

Union House, Frank Marvin prop.

Union Laundry, Mrs. M G Good prop.

Van Winckle & Kirkpatrick, groceries.

Wachs & Moon, barbers.

Wahl Samuel, clothing.

Wanamaker & Brown, merchant tailors.

Wanner A G, drugs, wall paper.

Watts D M, genl mdse.

Watts W, prop B & M Eating House.

Wherry R A & Co, genl mdse.

White A L, painter.

White W L, sign painter.

Whitten W V, jewelry, musical instruments

Wilhite J R, atty.

Wilson & Dorrington, furniture and undertaker.

Wosika Frank J, merchant tailor.

Wylie Bros, meat market. Top of Page


Humboldt is in the western part of Richardson county on the A. & N. division of the B. & M. R.R. It is one of the oldest places in the county and has a population of 1,500. It is well located. A fine flour mill, an elevator and a carriage factory are located here. The First National Bank is well known and a popular institutution. The city has ample hotel accommodations. The Filson House, Mrs. G.M. Filson, proprietress, is an excellent hostelry, and receives liberal patronage. The city has a fine public library comprising some 1,500 volumes, together with a handsomely furnished reading room. The newspapers, the HumboldtEnterprise and the Humboldt Standard, are the news mediums of this vicinity. The churches are the Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, German Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical and the Christian. The leading societies are all represented here. Top of Page

Acken, Gustave A., station agt.

Allen, L.B.,phys

Central Hotel, R.C. Mulholland, prop.

Cogswell, A.F., dentist

Coleman, Robert W., genl mdse

Collins & Bantz, clothing, shoes

Cooper, O.A., grain, flour mill

Crandall, John H., livery

Crane, Eber L., jewelry

Daigh, Peter P., drugs

Dorland, Edward, blacksmith

Dorland, Liberty P., wagonmaker

Elwell, Edward W., real estate, ins

Enoch House, E. H. Viets, prop

Fellers & Segrist, furniture

Filson, G.M. Mrs., prop Filson House

Filson House, Mrs. G.M. Filson, prop

Firmin, Herman E., barber

First National Bank, F.W. Samuelson, pres, Jas. K. Liggett, cashier

Frank, August, postmaster

Freker, C.E., tinsmith

Friend, Morris, genl mdse

Gandy, James L., phys

Glasser, Joseph, ins, notary

Hays, Peter W., phys

Hnizda Bros., harness

Humboldt Enterprise, E.F. Sharts, prop.

Humboldt Standard, George Monagon, prop.

Hughes, Arthur A., photographer

Ihne, M.C. Miss, millinery

Johnson, John M., agl implts

Jones, Charles M., flour, feed

Kline, Olive S. Mrs., librarian Brunn Memorial

Klossner, John, harness

Krummenacher, Anton, merchant, tailor

Lee, M.C. Mrs.,genl mdse

Linn & Philpot, lumber

Lytle & Hallam, variety store

McClanahan, Perry, veterinary

Marberger, George F., shoemaker

Monagon, George, prop Humboldt Standard

Morris, John J., hardware, agl implts

Morris, J. Russell, phys

Mulholland, R.C., prop Central House

Neeld, James, livery

Neely, Chas, loans and ins

Neher, D.M., carpenter

O'Brien, Mary Miss, dressmaker

Perry, Benjamin F., atty.

Poe, O.M., dentist.

Rosenberger & Smutz, groceries.

Rousek, James W., genl mdse

Schmelzel, E.R., drugs

Schmelzel, Francis C., restaurant.

Schneider & Lung, dry goods, shoes.

Scott, James W., barber.

Scott & Skalak, hardware and agl implts.

Sharts, Ernest F., prop Humboldt Enterprise.

Sparks & Carpenter, groceries.

Speiser, David J., agl implts.

Stearns, H.E. Mrs., dry goods, shoes.

Stearns, Wm H., groceries.

Stevens, James F., doctor, drugs.

Till, Samuel, cigar mfr.

Tinker, Henry D., furniture

Truxaw, Michael W., meat market.

Vance, Jeremiah, blacksmith.

Viets, E.H., prop Enoch House.

Wedner & Mann, meat market.

Weinman, Albert, genl mdse.

Whitcomb, Olney M., carriages.

Whitney, Egbert, carpenter

Wiesner, Winsel, shoemaker.

Williams, Gilbert B., restaurant.

Williams, A. Loyd, phys.

Wittwer & Spring, implts.

Wittwer & Spring, hardware, agl implts.

Wolfe, Jacob, lunch counter

Wyman & Campbell, dressmakers. Top of Page


Middleburgh, a postoffice in the southwestern part of Richardson county, 20 miles from Falls City, the county seat.

Burgett, Chas., blacksmith

Housewill, J.F., justice

Peake, W.J., postmaster

Wells, Dr., phys Top of Page

Preston, a postoffice in the southeastern part of Richardson county, on the Atchison and Columbus branch of the B. & M. R.R., five miles east of Falls City. Top of Page


Rulo is in the extreme southeastern part of Richardson county, on the Missouri river, 10 miles from Falls City, the county seat. It is reached by the main line of the Republican Vlley branch of the B.&M. R.R., which crosses the river here, on a very fine steel bridge. The population of Rulo is 850, mostly of French descent, a colony of that nation having settled here in early days. religious denominations represented here are Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic and M.E. Secret Societies are A.F. & A.M., I.O.O.F., and G.A.R. Top of Page

Bank of Rulo, B.F. Cunningham, cashier

Belpere, C.L., boots and shoes

Boehme, Herman, shoemaker

Boerner, August, brewer

Boudrie, Jake, blacksmith

Davis, J M, restaurant

Dennis, Samuel, blacksmith

Dietsch, G., furniture

Easley & Hinkle, genl mdse

Estehle, E. Mrs., grocery

Frederick, L., carpenter

Gagnon, John, atty.

Graham Bros., props Rulo ferry

Graham, D.H., justice

Horsford & Gagon, genl mdse

Hotel, The Eli, D.H. Graham, prop

Huber, C.J., harnessmaker, postmaster

Hughes, R.J., hardware

Jeffries, M. phys

Jones, W.A. & Bros, genl mdse

Kanely, Robt, saloon

Kerk, George D., notary

Kessick, W.J., sta, tel and ex agt

Koebrich Bros., meat market

LeBlainc, M.J., drugs

Martin, E.O., barber

Plumb, L.E., lumber

Poteet Bros., livery

Shepherd, J.C., phys

Simons, F., confectionery, drugs

Simpson, M.D., restaurant

Taylor, George, livery stable

Winterbottom, J.S., hardware Top of Page

Salem, in Richardson county, is on the B.& M. R.R., at the junction of the A. & N. division of the road, seven miles west of Falls City, the county seat. The north and south forks of the Nemaha river meet here. Good building stone is found in the vicinity; also clay suitable for the manufacture of brick. A flour mill with a capacity of 100 barrels per day is running night and day. A new school building has just been completed at a cost of $4,200. The population is 700. The Salem Index is the local newspaper. The religious organizations are the Presbyterian, Christian, Methodist, First Baptist, Free-will Baptist, and German Baptist. Top of Page

Allen, Minnie Miss, dressmaker

Bank of Salem, S P Gist, pres., W A Greenwald, cashier

Barker, Geo. W, shoemaker

Bayne, Samuel H, harness

Boyle & Graves, brick mfrs.

Brook, John R. Dr., drugs

Chaffin, Shedrick M., meat market

City Hotel, L.F. Todd prop

Claus, Cleaver C, prop Claus House

Claus House, C C Claus prop

Cook, Wm H., barber

Davis, Omer W., prop Salem Index

Duis, Benjamin R., photographer

Easley Bros & Linn, lumber

Felt & Jordan, hardware, agl implts

Felt, Myron H., postmaster

Forbes, J.R., sta, tel and ex agt

Gist, Silas P, grain elevator

Graves, Jefferson M., brick mfr

Heskett, John W., phys

Lincoln., J.C., grain elevator

Lord, Charles A., barber

Lord, Joshua S., drugs

Lord, Wm M., livery

McCool, W.C., agl implts, blacksmith

Malone, Morris, meat market

Mead, Alfred J., billiards

Neeley, George E., carpenter

Perry, Henry, genl mdse

Rantsma, Hiram, restaurant

Russell & Bright, genl mdse

Salem Index, O.W. Davis prop

Shelly, George W., agl implts

Shrimpton, Geo & Son, flouring mill

Spurlock, Wesley w., genl mdse

Sumstine, Charles W., furniture

Tisdel, D.A. & Co, genl mdse

Todd, L. Frank, prop City Hotel

Waltemeyer, John T., phys

Wood, Albert F, wagonmaker Top of Page

Stella is a town with 650 inhabitants on the M.P. Ry., in the northern part of Richardson county, 95 miles from Omaha and 16 miles from Falls City, the county seat. The surrounding country is well wooded, has a rich and deep soil, and is one of the best fruit sections in the state. Small fruits are easily raised and the peach and apple orchards yield abundantly. The town has one bank, the State Bank of Stella, with a capital of $30,000, two grain elevators, a flour mill and two hotels, the leading one being the Mead House. There is one newspaper published here, the Stella Weekly Press, circulation 750. The church organizations are the Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist and Christian. During the past year a number of business and dwelling houses were built, and also a large frame school building which cost $4,000. Top of Page

Andrews, B. Bell, phys

Baldwin, A.J., harnessmaker

Brimble, David, confectionery, restaurant

Brisby, Mattie Mrs., dressmaker

Brisby, T.M., millinery, dress goods

Cain, T.H., dentist

Camblin, & Kyen, meat market

Clark, H.E., wire fence, real estate

Crabtree, Isaac, photographer

Cupp, R.A. Mrs., milliner

Dalbey, J.L., editor The Stella Weekly Press

Fisher, Nicholas, confectionery

Florence Hotel, N.H. Low, prop

Garrington, John, blacksmith

Gates, J.L., sta, tel and ex agt

Goslin, Joseph, blacksmith

Graham, Archie, lumber, coal

Hatchett, Geo., veterinary surgeon

Hayes, M.L., drugs

Henderson, Jackson, livery

Hill, R.J., barber

Hoagland, Samuel, carpenter

Hogrefe & Morris, hardware, furniture

Hogrefe, W.H., genl mdse

Hulburd, O. T., grain elevator

Hull, J.A.W., phys

Jameson Bros., corn meal mills

Kennedy & Leming, carriages and farm machinery

Knox, Henry, shoemaker

Low, N.H. prop Florence Hotel

Malone & Davis, drugs, jewelry, paints, wallpaper

Mann, J.S., harnessmaker

Mead, C.E., prop Mead Hotel

Mead Hotel, C.E. Mead, prop

Rhoades, C., barber

Richardson & Vader, genl mdse

Ritter, S.L., dry goods, groceries

State Bank of Stella, capital $30,000,

J.S. Slocum, pres, J.R.Cain, cashier

Stella Weekly, J.L. Dalby, editor

Timmerman, John, postmaster

Vandeveter & Overman, genl mdse

Watson, J.C., coal

Wheeler & Eckhart, carriages, agl implts, pumps

Wheeler, W.H., furniture, hardware

Wyatt, W.R., dry goods, groceries Top of Page

Verdon has a population of 450, and is situated at the junction of the Nemaha line of the B.& M. R.R. adn the M.P. Ry, near the center of Richardson county, the most southeasterly county in the state, and 10 miles northwest of Falls City, the county seat. It has two good grain elevators and is surrounded by a fine fruit and grain growing county. The Farmers State Bank of Verdon has recently been organized, authorized capital $25,000, Geo. Lum president, T.J. Jones cashier. The Vedette, is the interesting journal of Verdon. there are good schools here, and the churches are the Congregational, Evangelical and Christian. Top of Page

Bowman, P.P. Mrs, confectionery

Bowman, R.E., postmaster

Burk, W.T., prop Verdon House

Cartmal, J.H. , sta agt B & M R. R.

Cox, Walker & Co, genl mdse

DeWald, J L, carpenter

Dockhorn, Charles, genl mdse

Foutch, A.B., furniture

Henderson, W.P., harnessmaker

Howe Bros., grain

Howe, F.D. & Bro., genl mdse

Kennedy & Leming, carriages and agl implts

King, D.M. phys

Kroh, Audrey Miss, dressmaker

Lafler, James R., atty and real estate

Lum, George, lumber

Maust, E.A. & Son, grain

Miles, J.H., livery

Moreau, Joseph F., jeweler

Price, L.L., carpenter

Reimers, P.H., & Son, meat market

Salloway, Earl, sta, tel and ex agt M P Ry.

Sloan, George, barber

Stillians, M.E. Mrs., millinery

Stowell, W.H., prop Verdon Vedette

Stump & Timerman, hardware and agl implts

Tappe Bros., blacksmiths and wagonmakers

Verdon House, W.T. Burk prop

Verdon Vedette,W.H. Stowell, editor and prop.

Wagner, S.L., horse breeder

Wanner, A.G., drugs

Webster, Belle J. Mrs., millinery Top of Page