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Political Activity
Year elected: C. R. Stasenka, Attorney. 1909--J. C. Brezina, County Surveyor. 1880--Joseph Kilian, Sheriff. 1906--George Wanek, County Treasurer. 1911--Anton Prusa, County Commissioner. 1925--John Kudrna, County Treasurer. 1893--1897--C. V. Svoboda, County Clerk and Reg. of Deeds, Populist. Year elected: 1872--1886--Vaclav Randa, Clerk of District Court and Abstractor. 1925--W. F. Chaloupka, County Surveyor. 1915--J. F. Vrtiska, County Surveyor. 1912--Joseph Hladik, County Surveyor. 1909--C. Skala, County Clerk. 1869--1877--A. V. Herman, County Treasurer. 1915--1916--Frank T. Ripa, County Coroner (Office abolished). 1917--1921--O. J. Kubicek, County Treasurer. 1919--1920--Ed. A. Dvorak, County Assessor. 1919--1921--Thomas J. Dredla, County Attorney. 1919--and still in office--Sidney L. Broz, Registrar of Deeds. 1920--and still in office--Adolph L. Gerner, County Commissioner. 1922--1926--John E. Mekota, County Attorney. 1922--and still in office--Vance F. Jelinek, County Treasurer. 1925--and still in office--Ben V. Kohout, County Judge. These three women county officers are of Czech ancestry. ![]() Captions: Mrs. Clara Sazama Jensen, Howard county clerk. Born on a farm in Box Butte County July 8, 1892, daughter of J.J. Sazama. Eight years in office. 1883--W. C. Kirchman, County Clerk. Re-elected, 1885. 1912--Joseph B. Hines, County Assessor. 1914--William J. Dolezal, Register of Deeds. 1914--A. Z. Donato, County Judge. Re-elected, 1916. 1916--Joseph B. Hines, County Clerk. Re-elected, 1918. 1920--Lottie O. Klotz, Clerk of District Court. Re-elected, 1924. 1920--George F. Bartek, County Treasurer. Re-elected, 1922. 1922--A. S. Dolezal, County Clerk. Re-elected, 1924. Year elected: No County officers. Frank Cilek was precinct assessor for three years and Justice of the Peace for six years. 1892--John Kokes, County Sheriff. Re-elected in 1894. 1892--Cenek Duras, Wilber, Republican (President Harrison). ![]() Joseph J. Langer, while living in Wilber, Nebraska, in 1901, was appointed by President McKinley Consul to Solingen, Germany. He also was lieutenant on Governor Mickey's staff. Mr. Langer was born in 1860 in Roudnice nad Labem, Bohemia, studied there and in Prague. In 1881 he came to Chicago, in 1895 moved to Wilber, and in 1914 returned to Chicago, Illinois, where he died in May, 1927. John L. Bouchal, at present Consul in Port Said, Egypt, was born in Wilber, Nebraska, August 28, 1888. He engaged in teaching in country schools and after saving some money entered the State University. Miss Sarka Hrbkova aided him in obtaining a position as clerk to the Consul in Prague, Bohemia, where he went in July, 1912. On May 24, 1920, he was made Vice-Consul de Carriere and on June 22, 1922 Consul in Prague. On November 22, 1923, he was appointed Consul in Port Said, Egypt. F. J. Jonas was Superintendent of the State Reform School in Kearney, 1893--1897. He was born in 1849 in Chynava, County Unhost, came to Baltimore, Maryland, in 1866, to Colfax County In 1870. He died August 6, 1915, by accident, while at work in the State Fair Grounds, Lincoln, Nebraska. ![]() Frank Wlna of West Point, was Receiver of the U. S. Land Office at Niobrara, 1893--1897. Adam Sloup of Omaha was oil inspector for the eastern district, 1898--1900 and also Game Warden and Superintendent of Hatcheries. He was born in 1868 in Hrichovice, County Plzen, and came to Saunders County in 1872. In 1873 to Omaha, where he has lived since. Vincent J. Stedry of Broken Bow was oil inspector for the western district (No. 5), 1898--1900. His biography appears in the history of Custer County. Dr. Joseph P. Pecival, now of Chicago, was Superintendent of the Norfolk State Hospital for Insane, 1909--1911. Born Aug. 5, 1865, in Sopotnice, Bohemia, came to Chicago, Ill., in 1869, to Omaha in 1887. ![]() Dr. Frederick A. Sedlacek of Omaha was a member of the State Prison Board and Advisory Board of Pardons, 1914--1918. His biography appears in this chapter, in Douglas County. Thomas Zacek, now of Omaha, was Food Inspector, 1919--1923. He was born Jan. 26, 1891, in West Point, Nebr., where he graduated from the High School and later from the State University. He was superintendent of schools in Nebraska towns for seven years. Secretary of the Republican Central Committee of Douglas County, August, 1924, to August, 1926. Anton J. Tusa, Omaha, was Food Inspector. Miss Sarka Hrbkova was Chairman of State Council of Defense, Women's Division, as noted in her biography elsewhere. Louis Berka of Omaha in 1920, was appointed member of the Temporary Board Nebraska-Iowa Boundary Commission, to adjust the Missouri River boundary with neighboring states. Still serving. E. A. Dworak (Dvorak) in 1920 was appointed member of Board of Examiners of Public Accounts. Still serving. Lives in Omaha. Charles J. Vlach, of Omaha, is a member of the State Board of Optometry. |
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