NEGenWeb Project - Civil WarG.A.R. Reunions
1891 NE-KS Interstate GAR Reunion
from the Red Cloud Chief, 18 Sept 1891
from the Red Cloud Chief, 25 Sept 1891Roster of attendence from the McCook Times, 23 Oct 1891
Thanks to NSGS Ancestree, Angela Fitzgibbons and Bob Ray.
3D ANNUAL REUNION A Glorious Time and a Big Crowd Present.
1891 NE-KS Interstate GAR Reunion
from the Red Cloud Chief, 25 Sept 1891
Inter-State Reunion. It will not be over-stating the matter in the least to say that the inter-state reunion held in Red Cloud last week was a success. Good will and harmony prevailed throughout, and a general good time and a hearty and endearing fellowship obtained among the veterans and their friends, with nothing to break their felicity of intercourse nor mar the success of the varied and entertaining program. The reunion committee to whom the success of the encampment is largely due, is deserving of great credit, and commander J. L. Miller and adjutant Chas. Wiener deserve special mention for the efficiency with which their respective duties were peformed (sic). It was the verdict of many soldiers that Camp Phil Sheridan was the best appointed camp for a reunion they had ever visited. Certainly with its four or five hundred tents, immense pavillion pleasure hall, booths and other conveniences, electric lights, and street railway, and a level virgin sod for a floor, and its nearness to the business center of the city, with furnished fuel and feed, and with the weather cut and dried for the occasion, it presented attractions that elicited favorble comments from the thousands in attendance.
As the realities of the war are gradually receeding (sic) in the vista of the past and victorious ranks of the boys in blue are being daily thinned by the ravages of time, these gatherings are gaining a standing and character commensurate with the memories they revive, and the deeds they eulogize. It will be impossible for us to give even a synopsis of the various programs or the names of the many who participated therein, but must confine our report to salient features only. The principal speakers were Senator A. S. Paddock, Congressman W. A. McKeighan, Paul Vandervcort and Capt. C. E. Adams, of Superior. Among the participatns and camp fire orators from abroad were Gen. A. H. Bowen and Gen. Dilworth of Hastings, Colonel Gage of Franklin, who presided so acceptabley over all meetings in the pavillion. Dept . Com. Jos. Teeter, Col. O. H. Couter of Topeka, and Capt. Church, of Kansas, Sen. Vice-Com, of this reunion. The parts undertaken by the Women's Relief Corps of this city were material to the success of the reunion. "The Tennessee Scout" produced four evenings in the opera hall, was under the auspices of the S. of V. and lead by Capt. Dobbs of Garnet, Kansas, supported by an able corps of home actors. The music for the occasion was furnished principally by the Superior cornet band, the Daisy Stoddard band, Bottom's martial band, and Cozad's Red Cloud drum Corps, each of which will be more fully noticed in connections with the band contest. Vocal music was furnished by the Josie Igou club and individual singers from home and abroad. The Gangbin band of Cowles, consisting of father and five sons, the youngest being only ten years of age, enlivened many an interim of waiting with their lively strains. The grand parade, Thurdays was participated in by all the dignitaries and organizations of the reunion and the city, including the Red Cloud fire department in uniform, and citizens in teams and a foot.
The Program for Friday afaternoon was ably carried out by the officers and members of the W. R. C.
The livelist (sic) entertainment, however, was furnished by the band contests Friday morning. First came the Daisy Stoddard Band of Republican City, consisting of eight memebers, three girls and five boys. One-half the members belonging to the Stoddard family, two girls Mirtie and Daisy, and two boys Bode and Ralph. Ethel and Budd Gillespie, Fred Hunt, Tuba & C. H. Dorty, bass drummer, comprise the list.
Their first selection was the "Dream of Peace" by Ripley, and their second alternating with the Superior Cornet Band, was "Facination" Baritone solo by Barnhouse, the solo being carried by the leader. Both selections were rendered in faultless time and with beautiful expression, and with the ease and vigor and confidence characteristic of this band.
The Superior cornet band followed. This band consists of twelve members in uniform, with F. A. Scherinzer leaders, and Harry Graves, Henry Vollbehr, C. Stevenson, H. C. Volts, C. B. Edenfield, John Hopper, Chas. Pasons, Walt Eastman, Walter Stevenson, Will Foster and R. G. Wright members. Their first selection was the "Helena Waltzes," by Pettee and the second the "Kanawah Overture," by Barnhouse. The Superior boys presented a fine appearance and were expert in marching. Their first formation, an ellipse, made against the ...? by placing part of their number with backs to the audience. By crowding the platform, their second formation was semicircular and perfect.
The Daisy Band received the heartiest applause and finally the award of first prize from the judges. Next came the Martial Band Contest, each band to render three selections in succession.
First came Bottom's martial band of Ruskin, consisting of five members in uniform with John Bottom leader and his two brothers and nephew F. N. Bottom, R. C. Bottom, N. E. Bottom and L. E. Speace members. The father Mr. J. C. Bottom is their color bearer. Their selections were the "Whipporwill," "Pretty Maid," and "British Quickstep" rendered in artistic style and all parts in perfect harmony, the fifeing being exceptionally fine.
Lastly came the Red Cloud drum corps of eight members, with L. A. Haskins leader, and six brothers and a nephew members as follows: William, Harry, David, Charley, Simeon and Arthur Cozad and Henry Cozad Jr. Their selections were, "The Picnic," "Our Girls are Larsie (?) Yet" and "Yankee Doodle" with change of time. Their playing was fine throughout and their drumming was superlatively so, and in the last selection so much enthusiasm and skill were displayed that the audience was carried by storm. However a few points were scored against them by the judges, out side of the music proper and Bottom's Martial Band was awarded the first pirze (sic). Bottom's Band also took the first prize in this reunion held in Superior, last year. Henry Cozad Sr., the father of the Cozad boys, took first premium as Tenor drummer in Chicago in 1861. After short exercises Friday evening the encampment broke up and thus ended the third annual reunion.
------------------------------------------------ From a clipping from a Denver paper, we learn that Albert Robinson, a brother of C. D. Robinson cashier of the Blue Hill bank, was shot and killed while playing a social game of cards at Denver this week. He was a married man, 29 years old, but has no children. His father and mother live in Hastings, Nebraska, and a brother, C. D. Robinson, is cashier of a bank at Blue Hill, Neb. A coroner's inquest will be held at 10 o'clock this morning and the funeral will probably occur Wednesday. Howells, Bowles and Hayden were taken into custody, but were released on bond of $300 each.
---------------- In our last issue we omitted to state that the citizens committee of the reunion did their work well. We also stated that "there was a faint suspicion in the minds of some, that the committee had placed names on the program of parties who were not expected to be present" this was an unintended thrust, as all who had been advertised promised to be present. If the statement should go uncorrected it would be a manifest injustice to the committee who worked diligently for the success of the reunion.
---------------- The Webster county fair promises to be the best ever held in Webster county. President Alyea, informs us that the prospect is good for a rousing good time. Every indication points to a large diplay of home grown products, while the stock department it is said will be replete with many fine herds. The speed program will be worth your time to come and see. Do your level best and show your loyalty to your country, by supporting and aiding the fair.
---------------- On last Sabbath afternoon, Mr. Harry Conover was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Mary Earner, a very estimable young lady of this city. Quite a large number of friends were present at the cermony (sic). And at 6 p.m. the happy young couple departed for McCook, their future home. THE CHIEF extend its congratulations.
---------------- Mr. John Gilbert arrived Tuesday, with his household goods and stock. He has a car of very fine horses. He has purchased 80 acres of the Burtis farm and will make Red Cloud his future home. He comes from Saline county. THE CHIEF welcomes him to this county.
---------------- Mrs. A. G. Willis and Mrs. G. W. Lindsey have arrived home from Hot Springs, Dakota, where they have been visiting for a few weeks.
---------------- Frank P. Hadley has accepted a position on the B. & M. Frank is a number one young man and a hard worker.
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