NEGenWeb Project - Civil War

G.A.R. Reunions

Independent Tribune
Hastings, Nebraska
Friday, August 23, 1895

Everything is in Readiness for the
Nebraska G. A. R. Reunion and the
Kansas-Nebraska Interstate Reunion.

   Next week the city of Hastings will have the honor of entertaining the members of the Department of Nebraska G. A. R. in their seventeenth annual reunion, and everything now points to this being one of the largest and most notable gatherings ever held in the state. Camp Sherman is now receiving the finishing touches and by tomorrow night will be complete in every detail and ready to turn over to Commander Adams and his veterans Monday morning. The camp is situated on a slightly undulating stretch of prairie north of the city and only about three-quarters of a mile from the business center and the railway depots. It is one of the finest sites that could possibly have been selected. By the side of the Nebraska veterans will be camped their comrades from Kansas, members of the inter-state association, together with a half a dozen companies of the K. N. G., and close by will be the quarters of the Nebraska Band Union. A little more than a quarter of a mile north of Camp Sherman will be Camp Logan, where the first and second regiments, N. N. G., infantry, cavalry and artillery, will be located and between the two camps will be the parade and drill ground, where all the maneuvering of the troops will take place in front of the big amphitheatre. The Hamilton cadets, a company of well drilled young ladies from Lexingtos [sic], will give daily drills here, and, in the evenings the fireworks displays will be made from the drill ground, affording an excellent view from every part of the camp.
   Twelve large arc lamps will illuminate the camp at night, and an unlimited supply of the purest, cold, clear water will be carried throughout the camp through mains direct from the city water works. All of the straw for bedding, wood for fuel and hay for horse feed that can possibly be needed is on the ground and will be furnished free.

   During the reunion week special meetings will be held in the Salvation Army hall, conducted by Staff Capt. J. W. Cousins, Adjt. McAbee, late of California, and Capt. Bone, late of London, England. Other officers and soldiers will assist. Music, war songs, solos, war memories, camp fire tales, etc. Something new every night. Come drunk or sober at 8 p. m. Free.

   Company D has been ordered to attend the annual encampment at Hastings August 26 to 31. The company has been drilling regularly and will make a good showing. No member of the N. N. G. will be excused from attending the encampment except upon a surgeon's certificate of disability or sickness in the immediate family of said member. -- Fairbury Gazette.


   As The Tribune goes to press about the close of the reunion next week, we wish to welcome the G. A. R. and W. R. C. and their friends to Hastings at this time. We know the board of managers have done their best to make the reunion a success, and one that will please the visitors. We trust that all will have a good time and be happy. No one is more entitled to a good time than the old soldier and the members of the W. R. C., in fact they ought to have the earth, of which they are the salt. To them the world owes more than it can ever pay. The soldiers saved the country and the W. R. C., you see, save the soldiers from being old bachelors.
   The city in yours. Take it and all that it has that you may need to make you happy all next week. Have all the, fun you can take in. One week of rest and good cheer will do you good. Tell all the tall stories you can think of. Eat all the chicken you can get hold of. Stay in camp or come down town as suits your taste. There is no guard house near and no sentries on their beats to beat you out of your fun. Your heads may be gray and even bald but that is no reason why you should not be happy. In the days of war you were young and brave. When the fife and drum beat you hurried to the front, put on the blue and went down south to look after the flag. In sunshine and in rain, in winter and summer, you toiled for the nation. In camp and on the march you were doing the world a great good. You gave time and talents for freedom. You offered your lives on the altar of liberty. You fought in all the bloody battles from Bull Run to Bellmont to Atlanta and Appomattox. Some of you were with Grant at Shiloh, Corinth, Iuka, and the great battles about Vicksburg, others were assistants in stamping out rebellion in the farther west. Many were on the bloody field of Chickamagua (sic). Some went with Sherman to the sea. Others were at Gettysburg, in the Wilderness and all those terrible battles in the east. You were everywhere that called for blood and bullets. The arduous greatness of your accomplishments astonished the world, put down the Rebellion, saved the popular government from annihilation and set four million slaves free. You fought an enemy that was as brave and self sacrificing as ever drew the sword in a bad cause. You won in a series of conflicts that for fighting, long marches, brilliant movements and brave deeds has no equal in the history of the world. You were young then but are old now. It is thirty years ago or more that your valor was shown so greatly all over that sunny southland. Possibly more than half that grand army have gone to their last long sleep. Twenty years hence only here and there will one be seen. Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Sherridan (sic), Mead, M'Clelland, Hancock, Thomas, M'Pherson, nearly all the great leaders have passed over. These are things you will talk about during the reunion. You'll get together and have camp fires and go over all that great war. You used to build camp fires of pine knots and logs and sit about them and talk of home, of mother, father and sister; some times you'd whisper about some one else's sister and tears stole into your eyes and uneasiness into your minds. You read your letters to comrades and you wondered if those at home were thinking of you. You chatted of battles fought and those to come, and now let us say the nation honors you. Everybody loves the flag you saved. Ever since the war you have been true to the nation. You believe in one country and one flag, and so do all loyal people. The button you wear commands the respect of mankind. It means love for each other, help for those who need assistance and continued love and devotion to the flag. What you accomplished is forever secure. The people now are brave and loyal. The flag is almost an emblem of idolatry. There is scarce a cloud in the nation's sky, unless we except Hoke Smith.
   Again we say welcome! Be as cheerful as you were once brave. Make Camp Sherman sing with your old war songs. Though you may be in the twilight of life, it is brilliant with the glory which shines from the past. If there is anything you want and don't see send or come down town after it.

See the Kaleidoscope

   There is dancing, and then there are other kinds of dancing: the Spanish sword dance, wing and buck dancing, hoedown, jig and skirt dancing, waltzing, walk arounds and dance duventre, but there is but one kaleidoscope dance and Miss Cecil Spooner, who plays here during the entire week of reunion, is the girl who makes a ten thousand dollar challenge for its equal. It is a blaze of color; it is a poem of motion; an academy of artistic design; it is an aggregation of all descriptions of Cinderella's costume worn at the ball of the prince. In fact it cannot be described and must be seen to be appreciated. Her whole company is an excellent one and no one will regret seeing them. They play at the Kerr the whole of reunion week.

Attention G. A. R. State Reunion, Hast-
tings, Nebraska, August 26-31st.

   A rate of one fair via St. Joseph and Grand Island, R. R. from all points in Nebraska. Tickets on sale August 21 to 28th inclusive and from points within 100 miles of Hastings on August 29th and 30th, also. Limit for return Sept. 1.

National Guards Encampment, G. A. R.
Reunion. Band Union Reunion,
Hastings, August 26-31.

   One fair for round trip via St. Joseph and Grand Island R. R. from all Nebraska points. Tickets on sale August 24 to 28th inclusive and from points within 100 miles of Hastings on August 28 and 30 also.

   There will be a big bicycle tournament held here during reunion week Aug. 27 to 30. The North Side Athletic association have just completed one of the finest, if not the best, quarter mile bicycle tracks in the state. There will be $1,500 given away in prizes and an immense crowd of riders is expected to be here and participate in the races. It will be a great meet for class "A" riders as all are invited. The association have made arrangements to have the grounds lit up at night by arc lights and a series of night races will be run which will be quite interesting. The association have secured some elegant prizes to be given away and it is predicted that they will be hotly contested for. Remember all class "A." riders are invited to participate. Entries close at 6:30 p. m. August 23.

   It is said that the citizens of Juniata have hired extra police to guard their city next week while the people of the place come to the reunion and camp out.

   Chas. Wahlquist left this morning for Harper, Kansas, where he goes to accompany his mother to her home in this city, after a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Zacherias.

   Mrs. Phillips, who has been visiting in the city for the past eight months the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, left yesterday for Terre Haute and other eastern cities.

   B. F. Barr, of Prosser, is a republican candidate for the office of county clerk. Mr. Barr has a clean record as a business man and no doubt would be elected if he received the nomination.

   Mr. Jay Burns, state superintendent of the Good Citizenship C. E. Union, will speak next Sunday morning in the presbyterian church. The Congregational church will unite in this service. All are welcome.

   Miss Julia Phelps, who has been visiting in the city, was called to her home in Kansas City by the death of her nephew.

   Mrs. Frank Dean and Mrs. C. V. Pope, of Holdrege, will be the guest of friends in this city until after the reunion.

   Judge Longnecker, of Chicago, is in the city. He was the prosecuting attorney in the celebrated Cronin case.

   Ralph Jorgenson returned Monday from Des Moines, Iowa, where he spent his three week's vacation.

   Miss Maud Jorgenson will return home next week from her three months' .... (end of copy).

Independent Tribune
Hastings, Nebraska
Friday, August 30, 1895
The Seventeenth Annual G. A. R. Reunion,
the Kansas-Nebraska Inter-State
Reunion and the Nebraska Band Union
Reunion In Session.

Prominent Speakers Address Large and
Enthusiastic Audiences - Fire Works,
Balloon Ascensions, Bicycle Races
Base Ball, and other Amuse-
ments Make it Lively.

   The reunion is with us. Welcome all. Every business house and almost every private residence in the city is decorated with flags and bunting and gives one that patriotic feeling which swells their bosoms, and makes them feel deep down in their hearts that America is the home of the free and the brave. Thousands and thousands of old soldiers are here shaking hands with old comrades and sitting around the Camp fires they tell stories of war times that makes the blood run cold in the veins of some of the younger listeners.
   The city is in the hands of tile. G. A. R., the Sons of Veterans, the National Guards, the militiamen, the Woman's Relief Corps, the Ladies of the G. A. R., and all their friends. We feel sure that when they return it it will be in better condition than before they came. Again we say welcome to all.


   Commanders Adams and Shuler, of the department; Generals Colby and Barry; of the N. N. G. and President Henry of the Nebraska Band Union and Sailors of the Nebraska department, and also of the Kansas-Nebraska interstate department Grand Army of the Republic: The annual reunion for the year 1895 was undertaken by our citizens at a time that long will be remembered as the most critical in the history of our state. Two years of drouth had sorely afflicted our state and the beginning of 1895 was anything but encouraging. It began to look as if there would not be enough soldiers and sailors left in the state to raise the flag staff, but the old soldiers are stayers as has been demonstrated on previous occasions and the long-looked-for rain came down and the roasting ears and the chickens were saved.
   Then the old boys began making application for quarters. Their first was six - more rain and roasting ears assured - then came the order "make our six tents twelve;" more rain, allotment twenty-four, and then the climax. A single post made application for quarters for 1200 people.
   The Nebraska Band Union thought they would like a little visit with the boys in blue and they are all here in force to listen to old war songs and help to enliven the occasion with their music.
   The Nebraska National guards were prevailed upon and not in vain. The old veterans of the future are here with us in their bright new uniforms and as our roasting ears and chickens have all been spoken for and we have nothing left for the National Guard but our girls. Boys, they are good looking and all who are not married don't want to be slow to take them.
   Gentlemen, to the best of our judgment and ability, we have met all requirements, and Camps Sherman and Logan are yours.


   Captain Adams replied as commandant of Camp Sherman assuring the committee that their hospitality is appreciated. Reviewing the program he complimented them on the brilliant list of speakers and unexcelled arrangement of the camp. He called the attention of the people of Hastings to the distinguished character of their guests, both famous and unknown. Each man has a page in the history of our country and their names are on the rolls of patriots. They come from every seat in life, from the workshops with marks of toil upon their hands, and from the counting house, bench and pulpit. Again thanking the people of Hastings for their generous hospitality he made formal acceptance of Camp Sherman.
   General Colby replied in his characteristic manner on behalf of the National Guard, Col. Thomas Shuler spoke for the Kansas-Nebraska veterans and Adjutant General Barry, of the governor's staff, added a few well chosen remarks.
   Tuesday people began to pour in by train loads and wagon loads and by noon the camp was almost crowded.


   In the morning Commander Adams introduced Governor Holcomb to a large sized audience in and about the amphitheatre. The governor touched upon the divergence of sentiment between the people of the north and south dating from the beginning of our history. But he was glad to see that the feeling of patriotism and fraternal love was stronger than ever. He spoke long on the slavery question and about the many hard battles fought. He finished by saying: "I pray that our glorious flag may ever be the emblem of human liberty. A grand and glorious future is opening up. If every citizen does his duty as a member of a grand government, preferring patriotism to partisanship, just so long will the ship of state sail on. At the close he received a most warm applause.


   Captain Henry was introduced by Commander Adams. The captain is a capital joker and soon had all the crowd in a good humor. He then drifted touchingly to the dead comrades and called the Grand Army the grandest school of patriotism ever organized.


   A. V. Cole introduced Congressman Hainer, who delivered a logical and inspiring address. Mr. Hainer spoke for over an hour and finished on the pension question, and exposed the way the present administration has balked old soldiers in their rights. He said if the bureau would be taken out of politics, as he hoped it might be, then reorganize it.


   Congressman McKeighan was introduced just as it began to rain so he cut his speech short. He thought the country not ungrateful to veterans and so pointed to costly monuments as proof of the love of the country bears for them.


   Owing to the rain Wednesday Camp Sherman was in fine shape Thursday and the complete program was properly carried out.
   Senator John M. Thurston was the speaker of the day and the crowd which turned out overflowed the grand stand and surrounded the speakers stand he opposed tile argument that reunions of the Grand Army kept alive a spirit of sectionalism. Blue and grey lie side by side in eternal slumber. Heroes they fell side by side to expiate a countries' sin. But through mingled tears that fall alike on graves of north and south are eyes full of hope for the nation's future. Teach the lessons of patriotism to your children and we need not fear for the countries prosperity. He appealed to the soldier for strong Americanism, which is an essential, and favored a restriction of emigration. Turning to the pension question he criticised the administration and promised his support in congress for a reformation of the pension administration.
   Yesterday was the biggest, brightest and best day of the week. There was about 40,000 people in the city and everything went along with a whoop. In the afternoon all the old soldiers, Sons of Veterans, National guards, artillery, battery, malitia (sic) and brass bands fell in line at Camp Sherman and marched down in town and paraded the streets.
   The Hamilton Cadets, a company of sixteen handsome young ladies from Lexington, gave a fine exhibition drill on Second street which was finely executed and greatly appreciated.
   A balloon ascension also took place at the corner of Fourth street and Lincoln avenue.
   The following is the program that will be carried out today and tomorrow:
   Friday: Sunrise gun; breakfast call, 6:30. 10 a. m. addresses by General John C. Cowin and Governor E. N. Morrill of Kansas. 2 p. m. sham battle, under command of Generals Thayer and Dilworth. 5 p. m. balloon ascension; dress parade and camp fire in the evening. 9 p. m. special set piece of General Sherman and magnificent display of fireworks.
   Saturday: Sunrise gun; breakfast call, 6:30. 9 a. m. band contest, two cash prizes; first, $75; second, $50; free for all. Breaking camp. Gatling gun practice by the Omaha Guards, artillery and cavalry drill.


   The state headquarters are ranged as follows, beginning at the north: Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, A. V. Cole, president; S. L.Brass, secretary; Indiana, R. P. McCutchin, president; W. A. Porter, secretary; L. V. Willoughby, treasurer; Minnesota, Martin Inness, Grand Island, president; J. F. Early, Wilber, secretary, New England, Church Howe president; C. H. Sargeant, secretary; New York, George F. Ryan, president; S. C. Evans, secretary; Wisconsin, O. E. Stearns, president; H. Bowerman, secretary; Pennsylvania, West Virginia, L. Williams, Elba, secretary; Maryland, Samuel Wright, Kansas, secretary.


   The first day's races of the class A Tournament were run this afternoon before a large crowd on the new athletic grounds. The track was in elegant shape, but a small shower fell all during the races, which caused slow time to be made. The first race was a one-mile open. C. W. Jacobs of this city was the winner and Joe L. Sullivan second. In the quarter open J. A. Bally, of Lincoln, was first, H. E. Fredrickson, of Omaha second.
   The half-mile boys' race was won by Charley Jacobson of this city. Harvey Cloyd of this city was second and E. E. Kletzing third.
   In the half-mile open McBride of Lincoln won, Hayman of Grand Island second, Baily of Lincoln third and Fredrickson of Omaha fourth.
   The county championship was won by Charley Jacobs, with Henry Jacobson a close second.
   The two-mile open, first prize a $35 gun, was the race of the day and was won by Hayman, with Fredrickson second, Boweles of McCook third and Patterson of Plattsmouth fourth. Banks and Adkinson of Lincoln had a bad mashup after the finish of the race. They ran into each other when they were almost at their highest speed. The riders were both quite badly hurt. The machines were completely wrecked.
   Thursday's races were largely attended and there were no accidents to mar the program. The races resulted as follows:
   One mile, 2:40 class: J. A. Bailey, jr., of Lincoln, first; J. A. Benson, of Lincoln, second; C. W. Jacobs, third.
   The quarter mile open was a hot race. J. A. Bailey, of Lincoln, came in first; H. E. Frederickson, of Omaha, second; and O. M. McKelvey, of Fairfield, third.
   Will Chapman of this city won the slow race, he being the only man to cross the scratch.
   The three miles lap race was the most exciting race of the day. A. W. McBride, of Lincoln, was the winner, with S. W. Bowles, of McCook, second; and Christensen, of Grand Island, third.
   The racing program of the day was finished with a special race for a few Hastings boys. Eck came in first, Bennet second, and Heartwell, third.
   There were some very interesting races run last night, the grounds being illuminated with arc lights for the occasion.

Local Jots

   Mrs. John Hartigan, of Fairbury, came up to take in the runion and visit a week with her parents.

   Bedford Brown returned Saturday from a most enjoyable five weeks' visit with relatives in Illinois.

   Hastings Y. M. C. A. base ball boys won the first game with Tecumseh and also both games from Arapahoe.

   The Thurston Rifles, of Omaha, refused point blank to participate in the prize drill. They say that they will never enter a prize drill under the present administration.

   Mr. & mrs. W. E. Dorrington, of Falls City, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Will Wigton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeves, of Falls City, are also spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Wigton.

   The populist state convention met in Lincoln, August 29, with a small attendance. Hon. Samuel Maxwell was nominated for judge of the supreme court and Mrs. W. Peattie and Jas. H. Bayston for university regents.

   Gen Dilworth and wife, of Lincoln, are in the city.

   Chas. Wahlradt took a run down to Lincoln Monday.

   Sargeant Major Clark, of Lincoln, is on the grounds.

   Chas. Dietrich returned Sunday from his western trip.

   Robert Kelly, of Lincoln, is the guest of H. W. B. Norris.

   The band concert, last Friday night was quite a success.

   Wm. Falk returned Friday evening from his New York trip.

   Miss Mills, of Omaha, is in the city visiting with Miss Mary Pickens.

   Miss Addie Morrill, of Lincoln, is visiting her parents in this city.

   Miss Nickolls, of Council Bluffs, is visiting her brother, H. J. Nickolls.

   Major E. G. Fetchet, of Lincoln, has been in the city ever since Saturday.

   Lawrence Packard, of Kearney, is hitting the ball hard with the Hastings team.

   Miss Marie Pearson, of Fairbury, is spending a week in the city with Miss Nellie Kirby.

   Miss Josie Cleary and Kathleen Mathews, of Grand Island, are visiting the misses Kynes.

   Jake Gettman has been released from the Peoria base ball club and is once more playing with the Y. M. C.A. team.

   Mr. Borley and daughter, of Chicago, arrived in the city Sunday evening and will remain two weeks the guest of his brother, Harry.

   Mrs. Will Cline and family left Wednesday evening for Denver where they will join Mr. Cline. They intend to locate there.

   Elmer Robinson and family, formerly of Curtis, have located in the Queen City. Mr. Robinson will clerk in the dry goods and shoe sotre of R. A. Barton.

   The post office at Juniata was entered by burglars last Friday night and the safe blown open. About $40, the books, money orders and some watches belonging to Angell, the jeweler, was taken.

   Miss Edith Carson arrived in the city Tuesday evening from Cripple Creek, Colorado. She comes here for the purpose of attending the convent and visiting her brother, Dr. Carson.

   Gen. Johnson, of St. Paul, who commanded a division at Chickamauga, and Col. Hatry, of Pittsburg, vividly picture the battle of Chickamauga in the Midland's September War Sketches.

   Mr. Schultz, president of the Kansas-Nebraska inter-state association, remarked at the G. A. R. post last Friday night that Camp Sherman was the handsomest camp he had ever seen.

   Chas. Rosewater, son of Ed. Rosewater, is in the city writing up Camps Sherman and Logan for the Omaha Daily Bee. Mr. Rosewater is quite a brilliant young man and has made many friends, both for himself and paper, during his short stay in the city.

   $20.70 the round trip via the F., E. & M. V. R. R. Hastings to Louisville National encampment G. A. R. Tickets sold Sept. 8, 9, 10; ticket very liberal as to descriptive feature and endorsement. No red tape. Call on the agent for further particulars.

   Judge Cessna and wife have returned from Illinois.

   J. G. Tate, of Lincoln, has been in the city all week.

   E. V. White goes east next Monday for fall dry goods.

   Harry Dodd, of Aurora, was taking in the reunion this week.

   Miss M. Beilange, of Kearney, is visiting Miss Flora Fisher this week.

   Mr. Rickel, of the Juniata Herald, camped on the ground all week.

   Ben McLucas, of Fairbury, cam up to see the three big shows in one.

   Johnny Beardsley has returned from a three weeks' stay at Hot Springs, S. D.

   Miss Bell Goodrich, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Morin.

   Tot Hartigan, of Lincoln, is in the city visiting his parents and seeing the sights.

   Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cline, of Fairbury, are in the city taking in the reunion.

   Mrs. Ellen Bailey, of Montrose, Penn., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan.

   Miss Florence Letson returned Saturday from a pleasant two months' stay in Iowa.

   R. A. Barton and family, of Curtis, are now duly installed as residents of this city.

   Miss Gertrude Hansen and Miss Cora Cropsey, both of Fairbury, are visiting in this city.

   Mrs. J. G. Tate and sister, Miss Mills, of Lincoln, came up to see the reunion and visit with friends.

   John M. Ragan was at Lincoln Monday and said it was hotter in Lincoln than it ever was in Hastings.

   Miss Dodo Fullerton, of Fullerton, Neb., is visiting her relatives in this city, Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan.

   Wm. Dutton is entitled to the thanks of everybody for the talent and energy he put into the work for the reunion.

   Miss Florence Spangler, of Omaha, returned home Sunday after a three weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. W. S. Willard.

   Services at the Episcopal church next Sunday, September 1, morning and evening, Rev. E. D. Irvine, the new rector, officiating. Everybody cordially invited.

   On the Red Cloud line there will be a morning special to arrive here on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. These specials will leave here in the evening. These are all in addition to the regular train service.

   Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Stanley, of Swan Creek, Ills., are visiting in the city the guests of Mrs. J. A. Casto and sister, Miss Ratekin, and attending the reunion which is a great success, the rain having come just in the right time to make it pleasant. They are very much pleased with the city and the beautiful decorations and many conveniences that have been provided for the comfort of all.


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